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Lisa's Little Lie: A Hotwife Novel

Page 6

by Lexi Archer

  That very heavily implied that this had been nothing more than a one night stand for him. And even though I very much wanted it to only be a one night stand that still left me feel indignant. I thought he was different. I thought he was the shy guy who took a chance hitting on a hot girl he saw. That this would be a special occasion for him. That I was going to have to let him down easy, let him know I had a boyfriend and I didn't ever intend for things to go as far as they had, no matter how fucking hot it had been once they started going farther than I'd ever intended.

  All of those illusions were shattered though as he continued pulling his clothes on. As I stared with my mouth open.

  And even though I wanted nothing more than to get him out of my room, I was so indignant, so pissed off, that I couldn't help but be just a little upset. It was irrational, but it upset me that I was upset when that wasn't how I should be feeling at all.

  This just seemed to be a week for all sorts of fucked up and convoluted emotions confusing me.

  "You're leaving?" I asked.

  He looked up and smiled that cocky smile. There was none of the hesitation I'd seen in the library. And I found myself seriously wondering if I'd been played. It was all falling into place how absolutely right Matt had been.

  Did I regret the experience? In a way yes, I didn't like that I'd cheated on my boyfriend, I definitely didn't like the idea that I'd maybe been played by a master player, but at the same time I couldn't deny how hot it was. I couldn't deny that this was an experience that was going to go into the permanent schlick bank even if it wasn't something that I had any intention of repeating!

  Or ever telling anyone about, for that matter.

  "Let's not pretend this is something that it wasn't Lisa," he said. "You were in a bad place, I provided some comfort. We helped each other out tonight."

  Yeah, it seemed that everything was exactly as Matt had told me it would be. More than feeling taken advantage of I just felt stupid. Stupid for having played right into this guy's plan. Stupid for stepping out on my boyfriend. And so I sat there and stared as he left the room. As I felt his seed moving up inside me.

  So I'd had a college one night stand, just like that guy I'd been watching last month as his relationship fell apart because of one night of weakness. Suddenly I felt a little more sympathy for him and his situation. I could understand how easy it was to be seduced by the college lifestyle and the anything goes atmosphere that seemed to pervade campus, at least campus freshmen, during the first month or so of a semester when you were meeting new people in rapid fire succession and being encouraged to try new things, some of them more dangerous than others.

  I couldn't think of anything better to do, so I collapsed back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I tried to think of how this was going to work with Matt. I tried to think of anything but how incredible Jared's cock head felt inside me. How even though I felt insulted that he was a love'em and leave'em kind of guy, the one thing that I wanted more than anything was for him to come back so we could have round two.

  Yeah, he'd really put the zap on me if all I could think about was getting with him again. I squashed that thought down. It wasn't happening again. I wasn't ever going to text him again. As far as I was concerned this was all in the past and I was going to do my best to forget about it.

  It didn't help that at that very moment when I was wallowing in my guilt my phone started to buzz. I picked it up and saw that it was a call from Matt. I sighed. I felt horrible for even feeling this way, but Matt was the last thing I wanted to deal with right now. So with a sigh I reached out and thumbed the end button. It would go straight to voicemail.

  Only no sooner had I hit the end button than it started buzzing again. Damn it. So I flipped off the ringer and shoved my phone under my pillow where I wouldn't be tempted to look at it and see if Matt was calling. I desperately wanted to talk to him, but I knew that in my current state desperately wanting to talk to him could quite easily lead to desperately spilling all of the beans about what had happened tonight and that was the last thing I needed to do if I wanted our relationship to have a chance.

  That wasn't helping the burning guilt that settled into the pit of my stomach, but hopefully with time that would go away too. For the moment I was just a confusing jumble of conflicting emotions.

  I didn't get much sleep that night.

  9: Together Forever

  For the second time in as many days I found myself standing in front of Lisa's dorm room wondering what was going to happen. I'd tried calling her all night last night and I'd never gotten an answer.

  That had set off my imagination in a major way. In a way that I could have really done without. Thoughts of her rolling around on her bed with some strange guy plunging his cock in and out of my girlfriend's body as her perfect tits bounced up and down, as he took her in a way that even I'd never been able to considering that she was a waiting for marriage kind of girl, filled my head.

  I knew those thoughts were ridiculous. I knew it was just my erotic imagination and this new obsession taking over, but they were strangely compelling thoughts. They were irritatingly intrusive thoughts.

  Hell, as I stood here in front of her door my cock was rock hard once again. Probably from a combination of no attention from my girlfriend for the better part of a week and just how crazy this obsession was.

  I didn't have any flowers this time. It's not like they did all that much for me last time anyways.

  I was stalling though. I took a deep breath and knocked, praying once more that I wouldn't run into her roommate. Praying that Lisa was actually in there. Praying that something hadn't happened to her that would cause her to not answer her phone all night long. I'd been so worried that I almost call campus security, but at the last minute I'd stopped myself. Did I really want them walking in on her doing what I thought she might be doing with some strange guy?

  No, that obsession needed to shut the hell up. That is not what my girlfriend was doing in her dorm last night. She was probably just pissed off at me. Probably so upset that she decided she didn't want to talk to me. Yeah, that was far more likely than the ridiculous fantasies running through my head on repeat.

  I knocked. I waited. I waited some more. I started to wonder if maybe she was out after all. I thought about calling her, but after last night I didn't think that would actually work.

  I was about to turn and make my way back down the stairs. I was on borrowed time anyways. I'd had to go through the trouble of sneaking up here considering her RA didn't like people without a key card to this floor getting in. Every moment I was standing out here in the hall was a moment that I was risking getting yelled at for being here without an escort.

  Only as I was turning from her door I heard a click and it opened. I saw Lisa standing there before me. She was still in her pajamas, but oddly enough it was a different pair than what she'd been wearing last night. I didn't get much chance to think about her wardrobe, though, because she immediately jumped in my arms and wrapped her legs around me. Her mouth descended on mine and then she was kissing all over my face.

  Well that wasn't the reaction I was expecting when she opened her door, but I'd take it.

  Of course I also didn't want to get caught making out in the hallway. That would be a little awkward if her RA, or anyone else for that matter, happened to walk by. Particularly the ball busting RA though. She disapproved of public displays of affection in the hallway almost as much as she disapproved of men coming onto this floor without an escort. So I walked Lisa into her bedroom and kicked the door shut behind me as I moved over to her bed.

  I noticed something as I pulled away from that kiss and looked down trying to find the best spot to drop her on the bed. It looked like her sheets were really messed up. Usually she was so neat and tidy. Even when she'd slept in them it almost looked like the bed was still made when she woke up. Of course that probably just meant she had a restless night. I also thought I saw a small stain that hadn't been there before, bu
t before I could think about it Lisa was disentangling herself from me and sitting down on her bed. She was undoing the belt and button and zipper on my pants and pulling them down. Now there was one hell of a surprise!

  "Damn Lisa!" I said. "What the hell got into you?"

  She looked up at me and there was a flash of something in her eyes. Regret? It was hard to tell. But her next words made my cock twitch as she fished it out and it was bouncing right in front of her face. My breath was picking up. This hardly ever happened! Only on special occasions, only this wasn't a special occasion as far as I knew. What was up?

  "I just wanted to apologize to you baby," she said.

  Well I suppose that made sense. We'd had a pretty intense argument after all. If she wanted to apologize for being in the wrong in that argument then that was perfectly fine with me! Particularly if she decided that the best way to apologize was to have my cock dangling right in front of her face like that, hopefully in preparation for a blowjob.

  I held my breath as I looked at my pretty petite girlfriend sitting on her bed in front of me with my cock right in front of her face. Seeing her so close had my pulse racing. It had my cock twitching.

  I let out a quiet contented sigh as she leaned forward, as her mouth opened, and then the head of my cock was disappearing in between those lips. It was moving into the damp tight warmth of her mouth. She moved down about halfway before she gagged and pulled back, looking up at me with a tear streaming down from the corner of her eye. She didn't do this often and it always gave her trouble, but she was going at it with more enthusiasm today than usual.

  "Damn baby," I said. "You must be feeling really sorry!"

  There was that flash again. Guilt? Regret? She was definitely upset about something. Yet I had trouble believing it was the argument she was upset about. To have her go from the burning anger I'd seen on display last week and this week to regret so quickly was definitely one hell of a surprise. A welcome surprise if it resulted in her putting her mouth on my cock which happened so rarely, but a surprise nonetheless.

  I felt like there was something I was missing here, but I didn't know what. And then she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around my cock again and I didn't care about trying to figure out what this big mystery was. If there even was a mystery in the first place.

  No, all I cared about was the feeling of her mouth wrapped around my cock. Was the delicious wet sensation of her tongue swirling around the underside of my cock. Was the sight of my girlfriend in front of me with her lips moving back and forth along my shaft. She wasn't exactly deep throating me, but her mouth was on my cock which was more than fine with me.

  I moved a hand down and ran it through her hair. Grabbed some of it and started guiding her ever so slightly. I'd heard that girls hated it when a guy tried to really take control during a blowjob, so I always kept it light, but at the same time I couldn't help myself. It was so good. So incredible. So much better than the fucking hand jobs I usually got!

  And the whole time in my imagination it wasn't me getting a blowjob from my girlfriend. No, I was imagining her down on her bed in front of some strange guy. Her mouth working up and down on his cock. Her lips were passing along the shaft of some stranger she just met. I don't know why it turned me on so much imagining my girlfriend being a complete and total slut, especially when I was so sure that she'd been nothing but faithful to me throughout the course of our relationship, but there it was.

  I didn't understand the fantasy. I just went along with it.

  I threw my head back and opened my mouth. Only I wasn't opening my mouth groan or anything like that. No, almost I found myself telling her about my fantasy. Almost I found myself confessing how hot I thought it was that she'd given that guy her phone number. Almost I considered confessing that the reason I'd been acting like an asshole the night before was as much because I was so confused and trying to process this fantasy as I was angry at her for giving that guy her number.

  Yeah, I opened my mouth and almost all of that came spilling out, but it didn't. I was terrified of telling her about that fantasy. Terrified of how she'd react. Would she be pissed off that I was letting a stupid fantasy like that dictate an argument? Would she be pissed off that I was getting turned on at the idea of her with other guys? Would she think it was weird? Would she dump me right on the spot?

  No, this fantasy was too weird. It was too out there. No, it was too far. Too much. And so I resolved in that moment that it was a fantasy that I would never share with Lisa.

  Of course that didn't mean that I couldn't enjoy the fantasy in between my ears even if I had no intention of ever telling my girlfriend about that fantasy. And so I looked down and imagined that wasn't my cock in her mouth. I imagined it was another man thrusting in and out of her. Moving in and out of her lips. Fucking her face and filling her mouth.

  And I realized that fantasy was pushing me over the edge.

  "Fuck I'm close baby!" I said.

  She reacted by moving her lips down about halfway and looking up locking eyes with me. It was so fucking hot looking at her down there, seeing her tight body, seeing her lips wrapped around my cock, and knowing that my cock was inside her. Sure it was just inside her mouth, not her pussy, but I'd take it! And so with a final groan, with my hands tightening on her hair one final time, I pushed myself and I felt an incredible tingle exploding out from my cock into her mouth. Over and over my cock twitched, over and over I blew my come inside her mouth, and as I looked down she started to swallow.


  This was so fucking intense. I felt as though I had a fever. I felt as though my body was on fire. I felt as though I was nothing but the feeling in between my legs where my cock was emptying itself inside her delicious mouth. Inside her body. Blowing a load in her mouth was always so much more intense than a hand job.

  Finally that feeling started to leave me. I felt drained. I felt exhausted. My entire body was still on fire, and it was all I could do to keep from falling over and losing consciousness. Fuck that had been so fucking incredible!

  I looked down to Lisa who looked so sexy, particularly with just a bit of my come dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. I blinked and shook my head to clear the lightheadedness that was threatening to overtake me. I felt as though I'd been running for miles. I felt as though I'd just had one of the most intense fucking workouts of my life, which in a way I suppose was true!

  I decided not to fight it anymore. So I collapsed on the bed sitting next to Lisa. I fell back and looked up, though it was made slightly uncomfortable since the bed wasn't nearly wide enough to hold my entire body. I looked over at her and she stared down at me with what I would describe as a sad smile. That was odd. Why would she be sad? Was she sad that she'd just given me a blowjob?

  Whatever. I told myself I wasn't going to ask questions. Only I couldn't help myself.

  "What brought that on babe?"

  "I just realized that you're the one I want to be with," she said.

  I felt a chill run through me at her words. I suppose most guys would probably freak out if a girl started talking to them like that. TV and society told me I was supposed to freak out talking about forever, but it felt right. Lisa was the girl I wanted to be with as well. Of course I wasn't going to do anything silly like get down on one knee and pop the question right now. Not right after an argument. But it was still nice to hear her say something like that.

  "You're the only girl for me too honey," I said.

  As I said that I figured she would smile. I figured she would look happy. Only instead she was staring off into the distance for a moment. I wondered what she was seeing, but I wasn't going to press. I didn't want to do anything that could potentially reignite the argument we were apparently finally getting out of. Finally she shook her head and looked at me and the smile I was expecting appeared.

  "I love you too honey," she said. "And I'm glad to hear you say that, because there's a whole hell of a lot more fun we're going to have today!"<
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  Color me intrigued. Color me hopeful as she started pushing me back on the bed. As my cock started stirring as she climbed over me. As I imagined that she was climbing over another guy, but I was never going to tell her about that. No sir.

  That was my little secret.

  Part Two

  Lakeside Confessions

  Ten years later...

  10: Watching Them Watching Her

  I watched Lisa giggling and running down the beach. I wasn't the only one who was watching either. I saw a couple of my friends look up for a just a moment, and then they looked away just as quickly.

  I smiled. Probably a good thing. Their wives wouldn't appreciate them looking at Lisa like that. Hell, they probably thought I wouldn't appreciate them looking at my wife like that, though that couldn't be farther from the truth.

  Only now the obsession was quiet. It was routine. It was something that was always in the back of my head, and it was still something that I'd never told my beautiful wife about even now that we'd been married for a good five years. The idea of telling her about my fantasy still terrified me to my very core, and so I'd kept my fucking mouth shut.

  "She always did have that effect on the guys," Kate said.

  I turned to Lisa's old roommate from college. They'd ended up living together from their freshman through senior year, and the only thing that had eventually separated them was Lisa moving in with me after school. Still, I considered her a damn good friend, one of my closest female friends other than my wife, and I clinked my beer bottle with her.

  "What can I say? My wife is a hottie!"

  "You've got that right!" Kate said, taking a pull from her beer.

  I looked around at the friends who were gathered around us. Some of them we'd been going to school with since we were little kids. Some of them we'd only known since college like Kate, but that didn't make her any less an integral part of our core group of friends. Then I looked back to the huge lake house behind us.


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