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Lisa's Little Lie: A Hotwife Novel

Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  Kate inspected her beer for a moment. We were sitting on a deck overlooking the lake. Matt was in town getting something for another barbecue we were holding tonight. It seemed like we held a cookout almost every night when we were up here, which was just fine with me. I enjoyed the friends, and more than anything I was glad to have some time alone with Kate to process everything that had happened the night before.

  "Well that certainly explains a few things," Kate said.

  I cocked an eyebrow. "Like what?"

  "Well it explains why he was staring so intently when you were playing beach volleyball with all the guys."

  "He was really staring like that?"

  Kate looked at me and raised both eyebrows. "Let's put it this way. For a minute there I figured he was either really obsessed with you or he was secretly bi or gay or something. This makes a hell of a lot more sense."

  I looked down at my drink. I started peeling at the label. A nervous tic I'd developed when we were finally able to go to the bars on campus. Not that the bars had proven to be the land of fun I'd expected them to be. It turned out house parties with people we knew were a hell of a lot more interesting.

  "I don't know… I can't help but think that maybe he's fishing…"

  "Fishing? For what?"

  I thought back to my dalliance with Jared so many years ago. It was the one time I'd ever strayed from my husband, and yet the guilt was still eating at me all these years later. And now hearing that Matt was turned on the by the idea of guys watching me, well that opened up possibilities that were racing through my head, and only some of them were good.

  "You're thinking about that guy again, aren't you?"

  "Matt always suspected something was going on back then," I said. "He's even asked about it a couple of times over the years, but I've always said it was nothing. If he suspected the truth…"

  Kate rolled her eyes. "The two of you have been together for twelve years. You're married! You really should just tell him."

  I sighed. It was so easy for her to say that from her point of view. She wasn't the one who was looking at her entire world crashing down around her if the truth got out. And the world that was going to come crashing down around me just got more and more entrenched with every passing year. The magnitude of everything I could potentially lose if our marriage fell apart just grew greater and greater with every passing year. There were still no kids to worry about, though we were thinking of trying. There was so much at stake, so much more now than there had been when we first started dating. I thought about those first years of college as when we first started dating even though we'd already been together for close to two years at that point.

  As the years stretched on what seemed like an eternity back then seemed like the blink of an eye now, and even with all that time the idea of telling him absolutely terrified me.

  "He just said he's interested in other guys watching you," Kate said. "If that doesn't sound like one hell of an opening for you to finally admit to this and stop living with all the guilt that's been consuming you for so long and then I don't know what would be the perfect time."

  "I just don't know," I said.

  "Matt just gave you the clearest signal anyone could ever ask for. Does he need to get out a spotlight and put up a sign that says "admit your infidelity?"

  "That's just it! What if there's more to this? What if he's gotten tired of asking me outright and he's getting more crafty?"

  I looked up from my beer bottle. Fixed eyes with Kate. And the expression on her face was decidedly nonplussed. In fact I would almost go so far as to say it went beyond nonplussed to disbelief.

  "So let me get this straight," Kate said. "You're afraid to take this golden opportunity that your husband has handed to you on a silver platter because you think it's all part of some crazy scheme for him to get you to finally admit to cheating on him ten years ago even though he's never once suspected in all that time that you actually did it?"

  I let out a groan. "But he has suspected! How many times do I have to tell you that before it will get across?"

  Kate looked down. "I don't think he really suspected. I think you'd be surprised, and I think this is your opportunity to tell him."

  "But how do I know? What if I'm right and it destroys us?"

  Kate shrugged. "You'll just have to figure out a way to figure out whether or not he's serious, won't you?"

  I snorted and rolled my eyes again. "Right. Because I totally need to go ahead and push this and see if he's interested in the idea of me with another guy. What kind of crazy guy is interested in watching his girl with another man?"

  "The kind of guy who gets turned on by watching other guys checking out his girl? But that's none of my business really." Kate said.

  I fought back the urge to reach out and smack her, and not the playful kind of smack I gave her earlier today when she was sitting with my husband.

  "How would I test that anyways? If I go and start hanging all over some guy where he can see and it turns out he's not into it then that's the end of our relationship just as surely as telling him about my little indiscretion back when we started college!

  "So do something that's not quite so high stakes," Kate said. "You're a smart girl. I'm sure you could think of a way to show yourself off without actually getting busy with some other guy."

  I tapped a finger against my lips. Kate did have a point there. It was a crazy point, but it was a point. And so I found my mind racing. I found myself thinking of possible ways I could test this new fantasy that Matt had admitted to me without pushing the boundaries too far. Without scaring him away.

  And suddenly an idea occurred to me. An idea that was crazy, but it just might work. I fixed Kate with a smile.

  "I think I know what I'm going to do," I said.

  "Spill!" Kate said.

  And so I spilled my plan. At first Kate nodded, but as I went on a huge grin split her face. It really was the perfect plan. Matt was in for one hell of a surprise tonight, assuming he was serious about this fantasy of watching other men watching me.

  And if he wasn't serious about it, well at least I would find out in a major way whether or not that was the case!

  12: My Wife the Camgirl

  I was exhausted despite being on a vacation. There was just something about running to the store and trying to get everything for the cookout, actually cooking all the food, trying to herd everyone around, and doing it while the sun was beating down on me in nothing but my swim trunks that really took it out of me.

  It also didn't help that I'd gotten one hell of a workout with Lisa the night before. I smiled as I thought back to that and I could feel my cock stirring. Twice in one night. That hadn't happened in quite a while.

  Of course at the same time I found myself gripped with disbelief as I thought back to what I'd admitted to my wife. I still couldn't believe I'd told her I was turned on by other guys watching her. I still couldn't believe she'd actually reacted as positively as she had. I almost thought the whole night, two times and her reacting to that small sliver of my fantasies so positively, was all just a dream. I'd been afraid to bring it up today for fear it would turn out to be me my mind making things up. I'd been afraid to bring it up today for fear that she'd start asking me about more of my fantasies.

  For now though I was sitting back and enjoying another beer. Kate was sitting beside me in her own chair and we were watching another impromptu beach volleyball game going down. Once again Lisa was the only girl who was out there, and she was bouncing around in a most distracting and hypnotic way.

  All of that bouncing was attracting all sorts of attention from the gentlemen who'd joined her in the beach volleyball game. I noticed it was mostly the same men. There was Jim with his beer gut that was bouncing almost as much as my wife's tits. There was Ron who was still in pretty good shape. I even thought I saw Lisa casting glances over to him from time to time. Though whether that was reality or my fantasy talking was anyone's guess. I tended to see
a lot of things that may or may not be there. Hell, even yesterday when I'd seen the guys staring at Lisa like that I'd been unsure whether or not I was seeing things until Kate had confirmed what I was seeing.

  It was weird having a fantasy that made it so I couldn't trust what I saw with my own two eyes, let me tell you!

  Lisa squealed and shouted something to one of the guys, and then they broke up. I had no idea who actually won the game. To be perfectly honest they probably had no idea who won the game either. It didn't seem like the kind of game where they kept track of points.

  Of course for most of those guys I imagined most of the fun came from watching my wife bounce as she hit the ball around and not from actually hitting the ball around. I shook my head. I needed to get those thoughts out of my mind, damn it. They were so very dangerous. And all the more so after the conversation last night.

  Lisa was still smiling and giggling as she came over to us. Tonight she was wearing a sparkling number that went from turquoise to purple in spots and reflected bright pinpricks of sunlight as she moved. In short she looked absolutely amazing. Of course a lot of that had more to do with the body inside the swimsuit and less to do with the actual material, but still. The whole package made for one hell of an impressive display.

  "Why don't the two of you ever come over and enjoy a game of volleyball?" Lisa asked.

  "You know I hate sports," Kate said.

  "And I enjoy watching you play volleyball far more than I'd enjoyed playing volleyball myself," I said.

  "You mean you enjoy watching the guys watch me play volleyball more than you'd enjoy actually playing the game?" Lisa asked with a wink.

  I very nearly choked on the beer I'd just taken a swig of. Kate burst into laughter and I looked between the two of them. I knew there wasn't much that didn't pass between the two of them. There weren't many secrets between them. That was one thing about Kate that had driven me absolutely nuts back in the old days when I first met her, and one of the first things I'd gotten over when I realized that I needed to really work on that whole angry streak that was starting to develop when we got to college and culminated with all that phone business.

  Still, there was one hell of a big difference between being at peace with the fact that my wife was going to gossip with her old roommate whether I liked it or not and taking it sitting down when I saw an example of the two of them acting like that. And so I stared between the two of them giving them one hell of a stink eye.

  "You told her, didn't you?" I asked.

  Lisa looked down at me with a stupid grin on her face. "You know I don't hide anything from Kate."

  I rolled my eyes. "Boy do I know it!"

  Not that I cared for her telling Kate everything. Particularly in this instance. It was one thing to share this fantasy with my wife. She was the one who would be taking part in it after all. It was another thing entirely to know that a friend we'd both known since we started college was in on it as well. Plus Kate had a habit of blabbing. A habit I didn't particularly care for even if we were really good friends.

  And so I was less than comfortable knowing she was in on this. Of course it's not like there was anything I could do about it anyways. And so I sighed and took another drink.

  "Speaking of enjoying guys watching your innocent wife…"

  Lisa walked past me, giving me an incredible view of her ass in those bottoms. Come to think of it, I seem to recall her saying that particular suit was so skimpy that she would only consider wearing it when just the two of us were together. She'd specifically mentioned never wearing it out in front of other people. So why was she wearing it now?


  She walked about five feet from where I was lounging in my chair and then turned to smile at me. "Was that invitation not obvious enough?" she asked. "Because I'm not going to be any more forward than this…"

  I looked at her and then I looked to Kate who was grinning at me. "Go get her Tiger."

  Okay, something was definitely going on here. Something I wasn't sure of, but when my wife walked past like that showing off her incredible ass giving me that come hither stare I'd be an idiot to not follow her! So I scrambled out of my chair and followed her into the house.

  "So what's up Lisa?" I asked as we made our way up the stairs.

  She turned and gave me that sexy come hither smile again. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

  I licked my lips, my mouth suddenly feeling dry. What was she up to? What had I gotten myself into with revealing that fantasy to her? And why was my cock so damn hard?

  "I'd very much like to know," I said.

  "Well then here you go babe," she said.

  Lisa opened the door to our bedroom revealing… Nothing. I glanced around to be sure but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. There was the king-size bed on one end with a view of the lake through giant picture windows on the other side. My laptop sat turned on at my desk. I liked to get a little work done sometimes even when I was on vacation. One of the drawbacks of making the big bucks was that I was never truly away from work even if I was blessed enough to be able to take some time off whenever I wanted which was more than most people could say.

  Everything else seemed normal. The television was off. The computer was on…

  I looked back to the laptop. It was on. The thing was never on unless I had work to do.

  I turned to look at Lisa. I cocked an eyebrow. "My laptop?"

  She clapped and grinned. "Very perceptive!"

  "What are you planning on doing with my laptop Lisa?"

  "You'll see," she said.

  She crawled onto the bed on all fours and moved back so she was sitting against the headboard. I realized there was something else out of the ordinary going on over there. She'd set up some pillows so she had something to lean back against in a sitting position where she'd still be comfortable. What was going on here?

  "Are you ready to see your surprise baby?" she asked.

  "You bet your hot ass I am!"

  "Then go fetch your laptop and bring it over to me. And then sit down beside me, but not too close."

  I wasn't sure what her game was but I was more than willing to play along for the moment. So I went and grabbed my laptop. As I looked at the screen I blinked and realized I could see myself staring back. She'd turned the webcam on and it was open on some video chat site, but it didn't look like the cam was broadcasting. It looked like one of those sites where you hit a button to switch through random chat windows with strangers.

  I turned around to look at her, the question obvious on my face, but she just motioned for me to get over to the bed. She had an impatient look on her face, as though she was getting annoyed that I was taking so long.

  The last thing I wanted was for her to be annoyed when she was in a sexy mood, or to annoy her into not doing whatever sexy surprise she had planned, so I followed her instructions. I took the laptop over and then sat down next to her. I leaned over so to get a look at the screen, but as soon as my face came into view on screen she pushed me back.

  "I told you," she said. "You need to be off to the side just a little ways."

  What was she up to? I didn't know and I needed to find out. So I followed her instructions once more. It seemed like for the moment Lisa was the one in charge. Then again wasn't she always, in a way? I cocked an eyebrow at her but she held a finger up to her lips and smiled. She reached down and hit a button on screen which turned from red to green indicating the camera was broadcasting.

  I blinked as I looked at that little window on the laptop monitor. She placed the laptop on her thighs and positioned the monitor and cam to show her from the neck and down and her stomach up. Her toned body was obvious, and her tits were proudly displayed encased in that reflective bikini on screen. What was she doing? And then she hit a button to connect with somebody.

  I looked at the monitor and blinked. There was a cock on the screen! Some guy was sitting there stroking his cock back and forth idly, only when he saw my wife
's tits encased by that impressive bikini his stroking started picking up speed. Hell, my own cock started to twitch as I realized what her game was. What her deliciously devious and oh so sexy game was!

  I told her I was interested in seeing her show off to other guys, and so she was showing off to other guys in one hell of a major way. Using an online chat website to connect with random guys and show off the goods in an otherwise anonymous setting where she was safely separated from her admirers. And from the look on screen that guy was definitely enjoying what he was seeing, even though to our eyes he was nothing more than a disembodied cock and a blurred hand stroking furiously.

  I was actually a little disappointed when she hit the button to move to the next person. Seeing that guy's reaction was really hot. I didn't mind so much when I saw the next chat partner, a pretty hot girl dressed in skimpy lingerie. When she saw my wife she smiled and waved. Lisa looked over to me before looking back to the screen and doing a little wave of her own. I thought we might be getting some interesting girl on girl action going, but once more to my disappointment my wife hit the button that sent her to the next person in the random queue.

  "Do you think that first guy liked me honey?" she asked.

  "What are you talking about?" The sound drifted up from the window. It was a guy, and he was leaning forward and staring at his screen. Staring at my wife. My cock rock hard as I watched him watching her.

  "Shut up," she said. "I'm not talking to you."

  "Hey bitch! How about you shut up and show me those tits!"

  Lisa turned to me again. "Should I let this guy talk to me like that?"

  I looked between her and the screen, still in disbelief. And then she moved her hand up to the straps on her bikini. She pulled up and her tits were exposed for a moment. The angry look on the guy's face was replaced with one of surprise, and then he was clapping.

  "Yeah bitch! That's what I'm talking about!"

  Meanwhile all I could do was stare in fascination at the show my wife was putting on. That guy had talked to her like she was some common whore and instead of telling him to fuck off she'd showed him her tits! Why was that turning me on so much?


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