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Hungry Mountain Man

Page 11

by Charlize Starr

  “Grandma took me to the movies to see the pretty lady sing,” she told me, her bright blue eyes moving with excitement. “We got ice cream, too. It was so yummy!”

  I locked the door of the car with the keys that I’d grabbed and carried her to the front door. Mom closed the door behind us with a gentle smile and followed us to the kitchen where cookies were cooling. “Ice cream and cookies?” I asked with a sharp look at Mom.

  “She loves to help me bake, Max. You know that. It’s not like I let her eat all of them. I have your father for that.” Her blue eyes twinkled as Riley wiggled out of my arms and ran over to get two cookies. She gave one to me with a sweet smile and I felt my heart turn to mush inside of my chest.

  “Thanks, Ri-Ri,” I said as Mom walked over to plate the cookies and added some more to the oven.

  “I’ll send you home with a bag,” Mom told me as she smiled at me, shaking her head.

  We ended up staying for dinner and I told my parents that there was a new neighbor in Mrs. Hastings house. Unfortunately, the moment that Mom found out it was a young woman, she urged me to ask her out. Riley frowned at me. I shot Mom a dark look and Dad smirked at me as he took another bite of his steak.

  I wasn’t about to tell Mom my plan to get engaged to Lucinda and possibly marry her to keep Riley. She’d have to be surprised like the rest of the world. The only person that could know about it was my lawyer. I needed to go about this the right way.

  We made plans for the following week since Mom was my primary sitter during the day. I worked out of a private office that I leased with some fellow doctors instead of working in a hospital where I’d have less time with Riley. I did help the patients with delivery if necessary, but I specialized in gynecology. It kept things simple.

  I took Riley home and gave her a bath as we talked all about her two days with Grandma. She adored both of my parents, but it was Mom that took her everywhere and spoiled her rotten. She was a great female figure in Riley’s life and, since I was an only child, Riley was all that she had right now. That might be changing soon.

  I got her into clean pajamas and we went into my room to watch a movie. I did a lot of work on patient files at night while she fell asleep next to me, and tonight was no different. As soon as “The Princess and The Frog” ended, I looked over to see her sleeping soundly on the other pillow. I smiled, thinking that she was much better than any other girl I’d had in my bed.

  I blinked and ran a hand through my hair as I lifted my eyes to switch the television to one of the late-night shows. I imagined Lucinda in my bed, sleeping beside me while Riley was safe in her own bed. I imagined movie nights with the three of us in here, laughing and eating popcorn.

  Where did that come from?

  I set my Mac Book down on the nightstand and glanced towards my window, hoping for a glimpse of Lucinda. Her blinds were closed tonight, but I could still make out the warm glow of whatever the lamp was. I didn’t even think to look around yesterday, but she made sure that I was in and out of the house very quickly. I assumed that it was because she was still settling in. I thought further about my plan and played back her reactions to me in my mind. Lucinda was attracted to me and I knew just what to do with that. If I couldn’t romance her, I knew that she needed money and we could work out a deal.

  I wouldn’t introduce Riley to anyone that I thought would set a bad example to her, which was exactly why I was going to keep her from Blake. Lucinda would be the woman that she needed her to be and I’d win custody before I broke the news that we were splitting up. It would hurt, but hopefully it would all be short lived enough that she wouldn’t dwell on it too long.

  Maybe it would work out for our future. I never saw myself as the marrying type ever since splitting with Blake, but I’d have to end up with someone eventually. Lucinda seemed good and was unlike any other woman I’d met, though she did remind me of someone I knew when I was younger.

  I was going to get to know her over the next few weeks and sweet talk her into dating me. I knew how to work a woman. I’d convince her that I was the man for her. I preferred to do this with as much reality as needed so it would look good to the courts. I didn’t want her to fall apart with the lie at the last minute and let me lose Riley. Lucinda didn’t seem like the lying type to me, but rather was one to give the man she was falling for everything.

  I moved my daughter to her bedroom and dropped back against the pillows with a yawn. All of this was getting to me and I needed to know that my baby was going to be safe with me and not left to a mother that had only her own interests at heart. I was already paying her plenty of money to get by thanks to the judge. She wasn’t going to get Riley too.

  Chapter Five – Max

  I started playing the part of the friendly neighbor whenever I saw Lucinda outside. She’d smile politely but always resisted the opportunity to talk to me in depth, running to the apartment or her car as fast as she could. That happened for a few days until she saw her landlady sitting with Riley having cookies on the porch while I mowed the lawns of both houses. I was rolling the lawnmower over to my yard when Lucinda glanced at me.

  “Lucinda. There you are. This is Riley. She lives next door. I don’t think that you’ve met,” Violet told her as Lucinda stopped and looked down at my daughter. I started the motor but I couldn’t miss the beautiful smile that Riley gave her before she offered her a cookie. It was as if she was working from my script. I saw Lucinda take the cookie and drop to the steps slowly as Violet said something to her with a smile, making Riley laugh. The lawn was on the small side, so I finished quickly before walking into my house for a cold beer.

  I made my way back to the porch where the women sat, wearing the same damp shirt. I looked Lucinda over. “You’ve met, haven’t you?” Violet asked as Lucinda shot me a nervous look.

  “Yeah, he helped me with a box when I first moved in. How are you?” Her smile was bright, but I could see something in her eyes as she bit into the cookie that Riley gave her.

  “Doing well,” I replied, looking around the group. “You met my angel?” Lucinda met my gaze as she nodded. I could see that Riley had already charmed her. I smiled as I leaned over, getting my daughter’s attention. “Is there a cookie for me, Ri-Ri?”

  “Of course there is, Daddy. There’s always a cookie for you.” Riley beamed at me as she handed me two of the chocolate chip cookies that Violet made for us. I took them and winked at her as she giggled. “You get four since you helped with the grass. You must be so hungry, Daddy.” That was Riley, always looking out for me. I grinned and thanked her before biting into one, looking at Lucinda as she shot me a curious glance.

  Violet invited us in for dinner and Riley jumped up to run inside. This was a regular thing. Lucinda stood and looked at me with a small smile. “She’s so cute, Max. One of the sweetest little girls that I’ve ever met.”

  “That she is,” I agreed as I leaned against the patio with a grateful smile. “Are you going to join us for dinner?”

  “It’s hard to resist her cooking,” Lucinda admitted with a small shrug. “I have a small kitchen, but I’m not all that good with a stove.” She met my eyes. “Not like you, it seems.”

  “I do just fine. You should join us for dinner sometime,” I told her as she looked into the house.

  “Where’s her mom?” Lucinda asked softly. I let a sad look cross my face.

  “We’re divorced. There’s a custody battle going right now, but I won’t let anyone take my daughter away. She means the world to me,” I explained in a soft voice, not faking my emotions. “I don’t think that her mother is good for her.”

  Sympathy crossed Lucinda’s face as she formed a small O with her mouth. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m going to fight,” I assured her. I heard Riley call my name. “Let’s go.”

  I brought Riley home for a bath after the dinner of fried chicken and mashed potatoes. She hugged both women good night. My daughter was already attached to our neighbour. She spent mo
st of the time with Lucinda talking about dolls and her favorite shows. I had to drag her away – I saw the longing look in Lucinda’s eyes as she watched us leave.

  I got Riley bathed and dressed before we watched a movie as I worked. It was the usual routine, but I found myself looking towards Lucinda’s window every so often, noticing the blinds were open. She wasn’t there, though.

  I invited Lucinda to breakfast the following morning as I stepped out to get the paper. She was just coming home from a run, all sweaty and sexy, blushing. She told me that she was busy. I watched her run around to the entrance of her apartment, admiring her ass in her tight pants. I went back in and fixed some pancakes before running Riley over to Mom’s so I could see some patients.

  Riley ran over to say hello to Violet when we got home that night. I noticed Lucinda in the kitchen, working on something. “Lucinda is making a roast for dinner if you’d like to join us. It’s plenty big enough for all of us,” Violet offered. I smiled down at her.

  “You’re going to spoil us,” I teased her as I looked inside the house. Lucinda had said that she wasn’t a great cook, but it smelled delicious from out here.

  “I taught her how to make it. I think the girl needs a little encouragement. She’s a bit… skittish,” Violet confided, looking down as Riley played with a doll at the corner of the porch.

  I’d noticed the same thing. She was a striking and beautiful woman but seemed to withdraw from anyone if they got too close. I knew that there was passion for life in there somewhere, but I just didn’t know how to bring it out. “Yeah. I can see that.”

  “I think Riley makes her drop her walls a bit. Kids have a way of doing that. Stay for dinner and let Lucinda relax a little bit. I promise it will be good.” I nodded and we went inside. Riley hugged Lucinda and helped to set the table.

  Violet and Lucinda plated the roast and scooped the vegetables into a large bowl. I decided that Lucinda wasn’t lying about not cooking a lot: she hesitated with a lot of the steps. She blushed as she came to the table.

  I complimented Lucinda on the meal, as did Riley, telling her how good the food she made tasted. That earned us a smile from Lucinda. We enjoyed the meal – she sipped a glass of wine and seemed to relax. Violet carried the conversation, asking Riley all about her day with Grandma and making Lucinda smile a few times.

  We finished up, so I offered to help with the dishes. Violet told me that she’d do them and to get that pretty baby to bed. I nodded and thanked them both for a lovely night before walking home with Riley.

  The night was normal as far as appearances go, but my mind kept wandering to Lucinda. She wasn’t giving in to me as easily as other women had and, even with Riley at my side, she seemed to pull away from me. I needed something to get this ball rolling: a dinner where I could break her down. Something away from my daughter. I wanted her to see me as an option for something romantic. Someone who would sweep her off her feet.

  I knew that there was more to Lucinda than just her gorgeous body. I knew she had secrets that she was hiding and that they scared her away from living life to the fullest. I’d never know them if we didn’t get to know one another on our own. I needed to form a bond with her.

  I knew that I could want more than just an act with her. I wanted to know what Lucinda feared and be the one to make her feel safe again. I wanted her to want me like I wanted her, acknowledging the fact that I hadn’t slept with anyone since meeting her. Granted, I had Riley every night, but I wasn’t sure if I would sleep with someone else even if I hadn’t.

  I tucked her into her own bed that night and stared blankly at the sports scores on the TV from my bed. I knew that Riley was staying with my aunt and her ten-year-old daughter tomorrow night. I’d get to Lucinda then. I’d make her dinner and get her to open up to me.

  I looked over to see her window open tonight – that damn light filling her room. I wanted to see her soon on my own terms… where I could touch her and break down her walls. I knew that if I kissed her and we made it to my bed, Lucinda would be mine. Few women wanted to leave once they found themselves there, but I was going to offer her more to help both of us.

  I sensed that Lucinda needed someone close to her since she kept herself so guarded. I could be that person. Riley could get further into her heart. I closed my eyes and thought about Lucinda the past few times I’d seen her, knowing that she felt something for me as well. I just needed to get past the fear in her eyes.

  Chapter Six – Lucy

  It was Friday night and I was getting home in the evening from a long day at my temporary lab. I knew that they didn’t need me there, so I was appreciative that I was given my own workspace. I just wanted to rebuild my own lab where I could work freely and not feel like I was in the way.

  Nothing felt like it was working as I parked and walked up to the house. It looked like Mrs. Hastings was gone. I planned to just go upstairs and open some wine for dinner.

  Yeah, that was healthy.

  I glanced over at Max’s house without moving my head and saw the lights on in the living room. I was just walking around to my door when I heard his voice. “Lucinda?”

  I winced and knew that I’d been seen. “Hi, Max. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I just dropped Riley off at a sleepover with her cousin for the night, so I have the evening to myself,” he said. Wicked thoughts raced through my mind.

  “Are you going to go out? Isn’t that what single parents do whenever they get the chance?” I asked, dreading another porno set next door. I was just going to drink and feel sorry for myself behind closed blinds.

  “Not tonight. I already had dinner out, so I’m making tri-tip with fresh veggies on the grill. It’s still nice out. Want to join me?” he asked. I nibbled on my lip and thought about all the reasons why that was a bad idea. “I have some great wine. We can toast to the weekend.”

  I didn’t see a lot to toast to, but the wine won me over. Why drink alone when you can drink with someone else? My only problem was that my someone else was an old crush that was hot as hell. I needed to try to stay away from him, but Max had the same pull that he did back then… except with an added weapon.

  Riley. She was sweet, beautiful, and innocent. Max loved her, and that made me forget about his playboy ways for a moment. I let out a breath. He was a caring man and I knew that spending the evening with him would make me fall even further.

  “I’m going to change into some real clothes and I’ll come over. Should I bring anything?” I asked. I saw his smile in the light from his sprawling porch.

  “Just yourself. I had some free time today and went a little crazy in the kitchen with Ri,” he said with laughter in his voice. I raised an eyebrow. “I’ll see you soon.”

  I headed upstairs and changed into some yoga pants and a t-shirt with flip flops. I pulled my hair down and fussed with it, making the craziness of the curls work before I freshened up my makeup. Sweet Jesus, this wasn’t a date. I’d never compare to the kinds of women that he preferred. I needed to get over this. It was just dinner and wine with a neighbor – perhaps a friend.

  Nothing more.

  I left my appearance alone and locked my door before heading over to Max’s. He had left the porch light on for me. I tapped on the door softly, looking over the quiet street. This was a great place to raise Riley in such a big, crazy place like New York. The door opened and I looked up to see Max standing there in the most perfectly worn jeans I’d ever seen and a half-buttoned shirt, a towel hanging over his shoulder. “Lucinda,” he said softly. I longed to hear him call me Lucy again. “Come in.”

  I followed him inside through the open living room to the kitchen where he reached into the fridge. He retrieved a bottle of wine and poured me a big glass before giving me one of his sexy smiles. “I’m grilling out back. Join me?”

  I hadn’t seen the backyard, so I nodded and followed him. The grill was on an expansive deck and overlooked a perfect yard. It wasn’t huge, but Max did a great job with it.
It had a small garden as well as a swing set and pool for Riley. There was plenty of room for a little girl to get lost in her imagination out there and just be a kid. I sat down near the grill and watched as he lifted the lid and checked the coals. I could tell that Max was comfortable cooking and taking care of his home. I sipped the wine, imagining that he grew up to be just what I expected. “Were you at the lab tonight?” he asked me as he placed the meat on one side of the BBQ. I listened to it sizzle.

  “I was. I was there all day, but it isn’t the same when you’re using someone else’s stuff. I feel like I’m an inconvenience.” I shrugged and tried to push the day behind me. “What do you do?” I knew that Max was headed to medical school before, but I never learned what he decided on.

  He gave me a long look before grinning. “I’m in gynecology.” I wrinkled my nose and he laughed, holding up one hand. “It isn’t like that. I swear. I had an aunt that died from ovarian cancer and I wanted to help women survive. It isn’t the sexy job that some people think, but I am making a difference.” That made sense. I mulled it over as he spread a lot of vegetables over the other side of the grill.

  We ate outside, sharing the bottle of wine. Max reminded me of how easy he was to get along with and truly like, making it hard for me to keep myself from bringing up our past. I’d been lying this long and it would look bad to do that now, so I decided to just keep playing the part of Lucinda.

  We took the dishes inside, washing them side-by-side at the sink. I was feeling the wine now and laughed at all of his jokes. I felt the weight on my shoulders fading. This was fun and familiar. I placed the last fork in the rack before looking at him.

  Max was staring intently at me as I swallowed the lump in my throat. He stepped closer, cupping my face with his hands before his lips claimed mine. It was familiar and intense – I felt like I belonged there. I wasn’t the teenager that I was the last time, but I also couldn’t admit who I was to Max.


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