Hungry Mountain Man

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Hungry Mountain Man Page 31

by Charlize Starr

  “So, do you ride horses all day?” I heard a voice behind me. When I turned, I found one of the blonds standing there, swirling a glass of wine in her hand. She bit down on her bottom lip suggestively and I noticed how her blue eyes were sparkling. The suggestion was very clear and I smiled at her.

  “Sometimes I feed them and brush them as well,” I replied and the girl walked up closer to me.

  “I’d like to go for a ride too,” she said and grazed her arm with mine. I looked up at the people around the room and took in a deep breath, and then looked back at the girl. Ah, fuck this shit.


  She said her name was Margaret, but all her friends called her Maisie.

  I’d led her up to my old room, the one at the end of the corridor on the second floor of the house.

  “I’ve heard so much about you, Connor,” she whispered in the dark as I walked over to the king-sized bed in the middle of the room. I didn’t want to switch on the lights for two reasons – because I wasn’t particularly interested in this girl’s face, and also because I didn’t want to look at my old room and be reminded of the old life I had so gladly left behind. No way was I going to allow Alfie to grow up in a place like this.

  “Oh, yeah?” I said and plonked myself on the bed, folding my arms behind my head.

  Maisie nodded her head enthusiastically, her sequined cocktail dress shimmering in the pale moonlight streaming into the room.

  “My older sister said she used to have a huge crush on you and that you kissed her once at a house party, but then you took a different girl home. She talks about that night like it was her biggest regret,” Maisie was pulling down the straps of her dress without me even asking.

  I stretched my legs out on the bed, watching her breasts pop out of the dress. Perfect, milky white tits and pale pink nipples. I could feel my cock moving in my pants.

  “So, are you planning on telling your sister about tonight?” I asked her as the dress slid down to her ankles. She wasn’t wearing panties. This girl wasn’t shy about her nakedness. She rejoiced in the fact that I was looking at her pussy and her tits.

  “Definitely. She’s married now, has two kids, and she’s really bloated up. If she hears I slept with you, she’ll be really jealous,” Maisie giggled and then walked around to my side of the bed.

  I undid my belt and pulled out my cock. It was hard and throbbing already and I stroked it. Maisie’s eyes fell on it and I heard her gasp.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked, in a soft, husky voice as I stroked my cock harder. At least there was going to be one good thing to remember from this night. Life on the ranch, surrounded by a group of male ranch hands, could get pretty boring. The Hamptons, on the other hand, were never empty of totally fuck-able pussy.

  Instead of replying to her, I grabbed Maisie by her waist and pulled her up on the bed. She giggled in the air and I sat her down on my legs, just inches away from my engorged throbbing cock. She reached up to play with her nipples, tugging and pulling them while moving her hips seductively.

  “You want me to ride you? You want me to ride you like a horse?” she said, forcing me to watch her tease her pebbled nipples. I wasn’t sure how to respond to that . . . Sure?

  I pulled her up again. This talking business was proving to be useless. All I was interested in was that pussy and somewhere to deposit my cum.

  Maisie giggled again, her voice annoying me a little. I settled her down on my cock. At least her pussy was tight. I thrust my cock into her and she moaned.

  I reached for her tits, grabbing them with both hands and squeezing as she moved her hips. I started thrusting in quick deep bursts, and Maisie’s body bounced on top of me. She was holding my chest for support, moaning and squealing in a shrill, low voice as she rode me. I felt the milky softness of her tits in my hands as I watched her bounce.

  “Oh my God, Connor! You’re so big!” she squealed as she pleasured herself on my cock. I didn’t stop thrusting. Deeper and deeper, I pushed myself within her folds till I heard her scream a loud whistling scream, her face was turning red. She was coming hard. She clutched my shirt in both fists as she came, her juices gushing out of her in full force. I kept ploughing into her. When she was done, I pushed her off of me.

  She crashed to my side with another giggle as I burst, my cum jetting out of me in spurts and dribbling down my belly. Maisie rolled around on the bed beside me, messing up the covers, writhing and smirking as she watched me come.

  When I was done, the relief of a much needed release washing over me, I finally looked at Maisie. She was stretched out on the bed beside me.

  “I don’t want to go downstairs just yet,” she said as I reached for the box of tissues on the bedside table.

  How was I going to put this as delicately as possible? That I didn’t exactly want to spend any more time with her than absolutely essential for the purposes of a sexual encounter? That she was a silly young girl and was boring me to death?

  “Stay here for as long as you like. Have a nap if you want!” I exclaimed, wiping my cum off my belly. Maisie giggled as I sat up in bed, swinging my legs off the edge.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, her voice changing its tone when she saw me walking towards the window in my room.

  “Making a smooth exit,” I said, looking at her over my shoulder with a smirk.

  “You’re leaving through the window?” she asked in a shrill voice as I slid the glass pane up and stuck my leg out, feeling for the drain pipe I always relied on.

  “Always have, always will. Thanks Maisie. You’re a doll,” I said before hauling myself out of the window in one smooth motion.

  Chapter 2 - Connor

  Nothing had changed at all. It had been five years since I had left town, yet Paddy’s Pub looked exactly the same. Even the same regulars sat around the small circular tables in the place just like they used to when I had come before.

  Paddy was behind the bar serving drinks and polishing glasses. He greeted me with a bear hug and a free beer. I sat down in front of him on a stool and chugged the beer down thirstily.

  “What’s up with you, man? Someone said you left town for good?” Paddy asked, grabbing the damp rag off his shoulder to give his glasses a wipe.

  “Moved to Texas. Bought a ranch,” I replied and grabbed myself another beer from the crate.

  “And you’re just visiting now? Your mother threw another one of her posh parties?” Paddy laughed and I laughed along with him. This guy knew me from when it wasn’t even legal for me to be drinking. He’d seen me through bad times and could very well be the only positive presence for me in the Hamptons.

  “Just like the good ol’ days,” I said and lifted my beer up in the air for a would-be toast.

  I heard the door of the bar open and turned partially in my seat to have a look. I could only hope that it was Lewis, Jack, or one of the other guys walking in. As far as I knew, they were still in town and it would have been great to catch up with them. Instead, a woman had walked in. I nearly choked on my beer.

  When was the last time a woman had that effect on me? But this one was perfect. Big breasts stretching the material of her thin cotton t-shirt, a slim curvaceous waist, and dark jeans hanging low, revealing a flat strip of belly. My gaze travelled up towards her face and, for a moment, she looked familiar. Luscious dark hair fell down in waves around her shoulders and framed a slender heart-shaped face. Her deep green eyes surveyed the bar – presumably for an empty table. When she saw one, she walked towards it, a hand clutching the strap of her purse on her shoulder.

  She weaved around the tables in the bar, and I saw heads turn. A sudden feeling of jealousy coursed through my veins. How dare they look at her? I’d seen her first!

  “Paddy, the usual!” she called out from her table by the window, and I whipped around to him, my brows furrowing with curiosity.

  “Who is that?” I asked while he prepared a gin and tonic.

  “You don’t recognize her? Lesl
ey Evans, man!” Paddy said, and then, with a grin on his face, he walked around the bar to carry the drink to the girl’s table.

  For a few moments, I didn’t think I’d heard him right. Lesley Evans? The neighbor’s kid I used to babysit? The family whose money I . . .

  I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts. Paddy was walking back towards the bar, and I chanced a look at her again. I tried calculating how old she could be now . . . She was at least ten years younger than me . . . So, twenty-four?

  “That’s Lesley Evans?” I asked Paddy again, trying to sound as calm and natural as possible. He smirked as he polished some more glasses.

  “Didn’t you, like, babysit her or something? I thought you guys were friends,” he said casually while I gulped down some more of the beer. Even though I wasn’t looking at her now, the sight of those breasts, the curves of her hips, her arched plump lips . . . It was all fresh in my mind. I shouldn’t have been thinking about her like that. She was like a sister to me when we were growing up.

  “Yeah, kinda . . . Not really friends. Her family lived next to us. That’s all,” I told him. Paddy clucked his tongue and shook his head as he worked.

  “It’s a shame what happened to them, though,” he said and I felt my throat run dry. I had a pretty good idea what happened to them, but I needed confirmation.

  “What happened to them?”

  “They lost all their money. Bad investments or something. They had to sell the house and move into a small, cramped apartment. The poor girl had to give up her college fund to sustain the family,” Paddy continued. I couldn’t stop tapping my feet on the floor.

  “College fund?”

  “Yeah, she was preparing for law school. Got into one of those Ivy League ones, too, but they couldn’t afford it. Now she works mornings at some diner on the Highway and at a gas station at night,” Paddy said. I ran a hand through my hair.

  Nobody knew anything about what those bad investments were. I could have bet a million dollars that Lesley’s dad hadn’t told his family about the scheme I devised for him. It would have been too shameful to admit to being duped by a twenty-eight-year-old guy. A neighbor whom he trusted and relied upon. I thought I was having fun. I thought I was taking risks and being a big guy. When the Evans family went bankrupt, I didn’t bat an eyelid. I had my own shit to worry about . . . Natalia and Alfie . . . Now, hearing about what Lesley was going through made me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

  I was responsible for everything.

  “Shit happens to good people, doesn’t it?” Paddy’s voice cut through my thoughts and I quickly emptied the bottle of beer down my throat.

  Why did Lesley Evans have to grow up and look like this? Now my brain and cock were at war with each other, and I wasn’t sure whose side to take.

  Chapter 3 - Lesley

  I sat with my legs crossed at my usual table at Paddy’s Pub. I tried to keep my chin up as I sipped at my gin and tonic. Another hour to go before my shift began at the gas station, and I knew I’d need a drink before I got there . . . to help me get through the night.

  My days were the usual. It was the same routine over and over again – no change. Diner, lunch, Paddy’s Pub, gas station, and then driving dejectedly back to our tiny apartment in the wee hours of the morning, hoping I didn’t wake mom and dad as they tried to catch up on sleep. Hoping to get a few winks in myself, so that I wasn’t yawning the whole time at the diner. The meager tips I collected paid for gas and my daily drink at the pub. My paychecks all went towards rent and putting food on the table. We were struggling to stay alive.

  I’d been sitting at the table for no more than a few minutes with my drink when I heard a voice at my side.

  “Heard you’re looking for work,” the voice was deep and familiar. I jerked my head around to see a man standing over me. When our eyes met, I knew instantly who it was. Connor Marshall. I didn’t even know he was back! My eyebrows furrowed as we stared at each other. There was no hint of friendliness on his face. Instead, he looked like he was about to burst a vein. He’d always looked rebellious, like he hated his life, even though he had so much to be thankful for.

  “Who told you that?” I said and took a sip of my drink. Who did he think he was, just turning up five years later and not even greeting me with a hello? But, damn, those eyes! I realized that my teenage erotic fantasies about him had not exactly disappeared.

  He had the same glacial blue eyes that gave away nothing. The same chiseled features, strong jaw, and sophisticated pointy nose. However, there was something distinctly different about him now as well. He was more muscular. I could see his shirt stretching over his expansive chest, his biceps bulging . . . His neck was wide and strong. Even his skin looked tanned. Like he’d been out in the sun all day for a while now!

  “You’re saying you don’t need a job?” he asked, his voice sharply jerking me out of my gushing admiration of his body. Even Connor’s hair was longer now; it reached his shoulders but was the same dirty blond as before. He had developed a certain roughness about – like he didn’t live in the lap of luxury anymore.

  “I already have a job,” I said and he took in a deep breath. Connor’s wide shoulders shook and my mind instantly went to what he was hiding under his pants.

  I might have been a kid when Connor was in the prime of his Casanova days, but his legend had lived on. Girls I knew spoke about Connor’s cock like it was a thing to be worshipped. Apparently, he was known to make a girl come just with one measured stroke of his cock. I shifted in my seat.

  “You work at a diner and a gas station. Those aren’t jobs – they’re slavery,” he said, keeping his lips rigidly firm. I felt a sudden urge to jump off my seat and slap him straight across the face. Who was he to judge my means of living? What did he know about earning a livelihood? Heir to the Marshall business legacy!

  “Excuse me?” I said instead, feeling my hands shaking a little as I gripped my glass of gin. All those years, when we were neighbors, I’d admired him from a distance. Watching him climbing down the window of his bedroom, bringing home girl after girl every night. My parents told me that he used to babysit me when I was five or so, but I didn’t remember. All I remembered was Connor Marshall’s dangerous blue eyes and his rough large hands and that voice . . .

  “You know what I’m talking about. You’re free to continue working those shit jobs if you want, or you could come work for me,” I heard him say and I gritted my teeth at him. All those years of fantasizing about this guy, and now he was throwing me a job offer like it was pocket change. I despised his arrogance, but what more should I have expected from him?

  Connor’s gaze travelled over my face, down my neck, to my breasts, and I suddenly felt naked. Like he could see right through me. I was aware of the way men looked at me, but nobody had undressed me with their eyes the way Connor was doing right now. And I was surprised to realize that I liked it. I liked being watched by him.

  “I’m leaving you my card. It has the address of my ranch in Texas. If you’re willing to take a risk and move, you can come work for me at the ranch,” he said and gave me one quick once over. Connor had turned and walked straight out of the bar.

  I stared after him, my lips hanging open in utter surprise. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. That he’d actually offered me a job, no questions asked and no details provided. Did he really expect me to leave everything and follow him to Texas?

  Did he really think I was that desperate?

  I tried not to think about how desperate I actually was. That a few minutes ago, before he had walked up to me, I would have given my right arm to get away from this town in search of a new life. But how could I accept his offer now? I knew exactly the kind of man Connor Marshall was. I knew the effect he had on my body.

  Chapter 4 - Connor

  “Where were you last night?” Mother sat at one corner of the breakfast table, buttering her toast. I had just walked in, feeling a dull ache throbbing at the back of my head.
After I left Paddy’s Pub the previous night, I’d bought a six pack from a convenience store and sat in my car and drank them all.

  I sat down at the other end of the table while Mother’s housekeepers fussed around me with their danishes and pots of coffee.

  “I went for a stroll,” I said to her and met her eyes. She liked to sit on the same chair that she sat in while father was still alive. Nobody was allowed to sit at the head of the table anymore. Even though there was no romance or love in my parents’ marriage, I had to hand it to my mother for her feeling of deference towards him even when he was dead.

  A sound like a snort escaped mother’s lips and she shook her head.

  “Thirty-four years old and you’re still sneaking out of your bedroom window and going to the bar,” she said while I munched on an almond croissant. Back at the ranch, I ate toast and beans every morning for breakfast. It was comforting, hardy and exactly the kind of food I needed to sustain me for my work on the ranch.

  “What do you want from me, Mother? I came here, I mingled with your guests, and then I left,” I replied and glanced at the stack of newspapers that somebody had politely placed beside me.

  Mother drew in a deep, annoyed breath and shook her head some more.

  “Why didn’t you bring Alfie with you? I haven’t seen my grandson in months!” Mother exclaimed and I bit my tongue to stop myself from telling her the truth. That I was shielding my son from the coldness of this house and his grandmother’s ways.

  “He has school,” I said instead and mother clucked her tongue.

  “And you left him in a house full of country men?” she asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “He’s seven, Mother. He needs someone to watch him,” I said, even though I knew exactly where this conversation was going.

  “Which is why you need a wife. Alfie needs the presence of a nurturing woman in the house. He should be rightfully pampered and brought up with manners,” Mother continued and I gritted my teeth so that I didn’t burst out in fury. She had no idea about what she was talking about. I had seen firsthand what the nurturing qualities of a mother like Natalia could do. Even though she lived in the same house as Alfie, she could go days without actually seeing her son. I had never seen them hug. When she eventually left, to move to New York with the lover I always knew she had, Alfie didn’t even realize that his mother was gone.


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