Hungry Mountain Man

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Hungry Mountain Man Page 32

by Charlize Starr

  “I don’t need a wife,” I snapped at Mother eventually. She looked up at me sharply. She was upset that I had spoken to her that way, but what choice did I have? I needed her to shut up. I didn’t need any more advice on how to bring up my own son.

  “Yes, you do. And any of those girls from last night would have been a perfect choice!” mother continued and I clenched my jaws as I stared at the front page of the newspaper. I wasn’t really reading. I was thinking about the girls from last night. Not Maisie or any of the other blond haired, shrill-voiced ones . . . My mind had wandered to Lesley. I’d sat in my car thinking about her all night, too.

  “Alfie needs a womanly influence. Someone to teach him how to use cutlery in the correct order . . . ” Mother’s voice continued in the background. No, what Alfie needed was someone to help him with his homework, to read him a bedtime story, to make sure that he took his baths in time. Someone he could share inside jokes with. I didn’t know how to be a father to him without being reminded of Natalia.

  “And you need a woman to knock some sense into you. Someone you’d be proud to have on your arm. Someone you can return to the Hamptons with. That house of yours is lying empty now. You need a wife to help you redecorate,” Mother went on. I jerked my head up to look at her. I had enough.

  “I don’t need a wife and Alfie doesn’t need a mother. What we need is a nanny!” I barked at her and then stood up from my chair and left the dining room.

  Lesley’s face was whirling around in my mind. I couldn’t help but wonder how soft her skin was, what her lips tasted like . . . If those breasts would fit in the palms of my hands. I’d offered her a job on a whim. I knew I shouldn’t have. It wasn’t her capacity to work for me that I wanted. It was her body that I was after.

  My cell phone beeped in the pocket of my pants and I drew it out. It was a text message from an unknown number.

  Okay. I’ll go to Texas and work for you. I’ll be there in two days. Thanks – Lesley

  I had to read the text five times before the words actually sunk in. I hadn’t expected her to accept the offer. This was going to be a huge mistake. She was the last person I wanted to come work for us as a nanny because it would mean I’d have a perpetual hard-on – every day, all the fucking time!

  I should have just kept my mouth shut and walked away from the bar without saying anything to her. But instead, I’d gone and dug my own grave.

  Chapter 5 - Lesley

  I arrived at the ranch, following the directions that Connor had scribbled down at the back of his business card. Besides that, he had also replied to the text that I had sent him with a curt but informative response. I wasn’t exactly expecting him to be a great communicator.

  I’ll expect you at the ranch on the sixteenth by midday - Connor

  Given that he was expecting me now, I assumed he or at least someone would be present at the gates to greet me. Instead, I carried my own bags down the dirt path which also served as the driveway. Everywhere I looked about me there were open fields. I couldn’t quite believe it. Connor Marshall lived in this place? It had to be some sort of a joke. I could hear the sound of horse hooves at the back of the ranch house. I expected one to just appear out of nowhere any moment.

  The decision to take Connor up on his offer had been simple yet difficult in so many ways. I knew I needed a job, a job that wasn’t working part time at a diner where my ass got groped on a daily basis or working at the gas station at night, fending off the advances of drunks and fearing for my life every time someone walked in who I didn’t recognize. It was only now, when I really thought about it, that I realized I was living in constant fear.

  Fear of not being able to provide for my family and fear of something going wrong at my jobs. When Connor offered me a job at the ranch, my first instinct had been flight. But when I thought about it, how could any job on a ranch in Texas be any worse than the kind of work I was already doing? I needed to try something different. I needed an adventure. I needed to get away from our matchbox-sized apartment.

  And, of course, there was the matter of my crush on him. Even though I tried to tell myself was a silly teenage infatuation, I couldn’t help reliving it now that I had seen him again.

  I was curious and thirsty for change, so I left the only home I knew and came here.

  Now, no human soul came to greet me at the ranch until I walked up the steps of the porch and knocked on the mesh screen door.

  Even the air our here smelled fresh. The sky was clear and, despite the dust clouds in the distance, everything looked clean and serene. This was the last place on earth I would have expected Connor to build a house in, considering the lifestyle he led in the Hamptons.

  What kind of work could I possibly do here?

  “Who are you?” I heard a small voice and looked down, startled. A blue-eyed blond kid was standing in front of me with his hands on his hips and staring up at me with his small brows crossed.

  “Hi, I’m Lesley. I’m here to meet Connor Marshall,” I said, speaking to the boy like he was an adult. He had taken me by surprise. I noticed that he had the same icy cold stare as Connor’s. The realization struck me like a slap across my face. He was Connor’s son. I’d forgotten all about the fact that Connor was a father now.

  I’d seen his wife, Natalia Jeeves, around town before. She was one of the typical crew, destined to marry a guy like Connor. When news of their wedding broke out in the neighborhood, all the girls were dying with jealousy. Neither I nor my family had much to do with their circle, so I couldn’t keep up with their news. All I knew was that Connor and Natalia had gone through a bitter divorce soon after their wedding but not before having a son together.

  “Daddy is busy. He’s working. I don’t know who you are,” the boy said while I stared at him in awe. Now that I looked closer, there was no denying that he was his father’s son. They had the same eyes, the same hair, and definitely the same attitude.

  “Well, can I come in? I’m sure he’s expecting me,” I said in a cooing voice, but the boy wasn’t about to move from his position blocking the door.

  “No, you can’t come in, Lesley,” he said like he was spitting my name out. His behavior surprised me. How could there be so much rage in a small boy like him?

  “Alfie, be nice to the lady,” Connor’s voice made me snap around in shock. He had crept up on us, and now that I saw him standing there, at the bottom of the steps, I felt like I’d been struck by lightning.

  Connor was shirtless. He wasn’t wearing a shirt!

  I squeezed my thighs together as I stared at him. He took two steps at a time to reach my side. His chiseled torso moved stealthily. His abs were like those cut out of marble on a Greek God’s statue. His skin was rough and tanned and a thin film of perspiration covered his torso. By my side, the musky masculine scent of him filled my nostrils, and I realized that I’d lost my words.

  “I apologize for my son. He’s not very good with strangers,” Connor said, ruffling his son’s blond hair while I gaped at the two of them. My bags still dangled heavily from both my shoulders, and Connor hadn’t offered me a hand. His dirty blond hair grazed his shoulders and a stubble was beginning to take shape on his cheeks. He looked rugged and masculine and dripping with sexuality. I had to be dreaming this up!

  “It’s okay . . . No problem,” I mumbled under my breath, making him arch his eyebrows. It was like he was enjoying watching me squirm and being uncomfortable.

  “Who is this, dad?” Alfie looked up at his father, and I saw the admiration in the boy’s cool blue eyes.

  “This is Lesley Evans. She’s going to be your nanny.” Connor was speaking directly to Alfie, but this was news to me too. He wanted me to be his son’s nanny? He hadn’t said anything about being a nanny! I opened my mouth to speak, but he had already cut me off.

  “Have one of the guys show you around the ranch. You’ll find someone at the back. They know you’re coming,” Connor said and I clamped my mouth shut. Everything was happenin
g too fast, and he wasn’t allowing me the chance to ask questions. What guys? Who was he talking about?

  “We eat dinner at six here. After working all day on the ranch, we boys tend to get hungry pretty early,” Connor said and then looked down at Alfie to exchange knowing smiles with him. I licked my lips, preparing to ask him some question that might enlighten me a little. I was still reeling from the word. Nanny!

  He looked at his wristwatch and interrupted me again.

  “So, you still have a couple of hours to go before serving. Alfie will show you to your room,” he said and, before I could say anything, Connor was bounding down the steps again.

  I watched him go in silence. The muscles on his back were sharply cut and pronounced, just like his bulging biceps. His waist was narrow and a dusty pair of frayed jeans clung to his thighs. He didn’t just walk. Connor strode like he was nearing wild prey. He didn’t even turn to look at me once.

  “Are you coming or not?” Alfie’s voice brought me back to earth and I turned to find him already inside the house. I had no other choice but to follow him inside.

  Chapter 6 - Connor

  It was very obvious to me that Lesley didn’t like being here. I’d seen it in those deep green eyes of hers. I didn’t know what she had expected from this job, but clearly, living with me and taking care of my son was not one of them.

  I was hacking down a tree with force. I could feel my muscles aching, sweat dripping down my back, but I didn’t want to stop. For some reason, I was filled with rage. I was angry at myself and at the world. I knew I had done nothing but behave like an asshole to Lesley ever since I met her that day at Paddy’s Pub.

  She was gorgeous and kind and trying hard to make a living, and now she was stuck here with me and the ranch. Once again, I had managed to ruin her life.

  Wiping my sweat off my forehead, I packed up for the day and carried my tools back to the house. When I stepped through the door, the smell of a roast chicken wafted through the air. I nearly stumbled from surprise. When was the last time we had sat down and had a proper meal? None of us – Tony, Alex, Chris or myself – knew how to cook, so it was usually a pasta dinner or a ready-to-eat meal that Alfie ate every day.

  I followed the scent of dinner into the kitchen and found that the table was set. Alfie was sitting on one side, looking curiously at a piece of steamed broccoli in his hand.

  “She wants me to eat this. It smells disgusting!” Alfie complained immediately, and my gaze drifted to Lesley who was washing some plates at the sink.

  She had changed into a thin floral dress and I couldn’t help but stare at her ass as she moved. I felt my throat run dry. How was I supposed to concentrate on my life with an ass like that traipsing around?

  “Eat your vegetables, Alfie!” I scolded him and, finally, Lesley turned to look at me. Her face was flushed, her cheeks a bright red. Her eyes were shining. She was expecting me to say something – I could see it in her gaze. “Looks good,” was all I managed and I sat down at the head of the table, where she had set a plate for me. I started carving the chicken and serving it on Alfie’s plate while, silently, Lesley poured icy cold water into three glasses.

  “The guys said they’ll eat outside. They’re in the backyard,” I finally heard her voice.

  “So, you’ve met them?” I asked and she sat down across from me. I noticed that Lesley was refusing to meet my eyes.

  Those breasts again. Her dress revealed her deep cleavage, and I felt my mouth water at the sight. How badly did I want to suck on her nipples? My cock was a testament to that. I could feel a hard-on in my jeans and I shifted in my seat.

  Lesley served herself and kept her head down.

  “Yes. They showed me around the ranch and Alfie showed me my room,” she replied while my son ate noisily beside us. I glanced at Lesley as she pushed the food around on her plate. She wasn’t in the mood to eat and I didn’t blame her.

  “How long is she staying?” Alfie spoke up and I shot him a look. Lesley hadn’t looked at him despite how rude he was being. It was obvious to me that Alfie had been as rude to her the whole day.

  “She is staying as long as she wants to. Do you understand, son? You need to be polite to Lesley and do as she asks!” I scolded Alfie this time in a firmer voice, which seemed to quiet him – at least for now. Maybe Mother was right after all: he needed someone around to teach him his manners. I loved my son to death, but I hated the way he was acting toward Lesley.

  She hadn’t looked at me at all the whole evening, so we ate our meal in silence. The fact that she was so close to me made it impossible for me to concentrate on my food. The way her dark hair fell in locks over her face as she chewed made my cock throb. I wanted her mouth on me, on my cock . . . I wanted to part her legs and . . .

  “I’m done!” Alfie pushed his plate away from him and sat back in his chair with his arms folded.

  “Lesley will tuck you into bed tonight,” I said and glanced at her. She had already started getting up from her chair.

  “You don’t have to go now, you can finish your meal,” I said to her, while she cleared the plates into the sink.

  “I’m done!” she snapped at me. I saw a streak of fire in her green eyes when she looked in my direction. Then her face was turned away from me again.

  “Will you read me a story?” Alfie asked. This was the first time I saw him addressing Lesley directly. It seemed to have shocked her, too. She stopped what she was doing to stare at my son in awe. Lesley’s cheeks flushed again and she nodded her head quickly.

  “Of course. Let’s go have a look at your books,” she said with a smile. Her smile affected me in a way that nothing else had before. It made me weak in my knees, and I had to grip my fork and knife harder to keep a hold of myself.


  In the dark, I walked towards the patch of trees at the back of the ranch. It was where I usually went to think – to find some peace and quiet away from the hustle of the day. Tonight, the sky was clear and I looked up to see it dotted with bright stars. I breathed in a lungful of air and exhaled gently.

  The trees shielded me from view as I stood there staring at the house – at the life I had built for myself away from the Hamptons. Lesley was up there in Alfie’s room now, presumably reading him a story, and I closed my eyes to imagine her again.

  Lesley with her long flowing hair, the breasts that stretched against her dress, her deep cleavage, and that perfect smile . . . My cock hardened in my jeans, and in the privacy of the night surrounded by the trees, I touched myself.

  My cock throbbed and ached as I stroked myself through my jeans. I had known her as a kid – as a teenager. How had I never noticed her before? I was too busy chasing blond bimbos when a perfectly delicious flower was blooming right under my nose. When had her figure grown into its magnificent curvaceous self? When had her breasts become full and heavy? When had that ass developed into its bubble shape?

  I stroked myself harder until I cursed to myself loudly and unzipped my jeans. Gripping a tree trunk with my left hand, I pulled my cock out and stroked more ferociously. Lesley’s face floated up in my mind.

  She moved gracefully, like a dancer. She always kept her chin up and I couldn’t help but imagine how those breasts would bounce if she was riding me. The tip of my cock glistened with pre-cum as I stroked and stroked, my body shaking with force at the thought of Lesley parting her legs. She had kept her head down, her eyes averted, but I had seen the spark in her eyes. Something told me that she would have liked to be taken from behind. Right up against this tree. I’d lift that dress up, up to her waist, and shove my cock into her pussy. Her tight pussy.

  I stroked and slid my hand up and down my cock, my jaws were locked together, and I grunted with every move. Lesley’s beautiful lips, her wide, deep green eyes, her mouth shaping to a perfect ‘O’ as she wrapped her lips around my engorged cock. I wanted to make her feel good. I wanted her to scream my name as she came . . . And then I came.

  I growle
d under my breath and shook as my cum spilled all over the tree trunk. I lost control of myself for a few moments as I jerked my cock to empty it of all its cum. I imagined Lesley’s face, my cock spilling itself on her nose, on her lips . . . Her eyes staring up at me, wide and expecting more.

  “On my breasts, Connor . . . ” I heard her voice whispering in the cool night breeze while my body shuddered from the after-effects of my orgasm. I was panting as my mind began to settle. I had just helped myself to thoughts of Lesley while she was up there with my kid.

  Hurriedly, I slipped my cock back in my jeans and leaned against the tree trunk. I told myself that I needed this. I justified what I did with the thought that I needed to get it out of the way so that I could finally move on. Now, maybe, I would be able to develop a working relationship with the woman.

  I searched for my packet of cigarettes in my pocket and when I found it, I pulled one out and lit it in a rush. The smoke filled my lungs and I exhaled, enjoying the heady effect the nicotine had on me. I felt a sense of calm descending on me as I smoked it in the dark, thinking about every erotic thought I had about Lesley – the woman I should have been helping right now.

  The sound of the mesh back door of the house opening and closing alerted me and I looked up to find Lesley leaving the house.

  She had her arms wrapped around herself, a thin cardigan tightened around her torso and for some reason, she was headed straight in my direction. I flipped the cigarette down on the ground and stamped on it with my foot. In the dark, I took a few steps to the side and hoped that the trunk would keep me hidden out of her view. It was obvious that she had no idea I was already there. She thought she was heading to the discreet patch of trees in the back to be by herself.


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