Hungry Mountain Man

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Hungry Mountain Man Page 33

by Charlize Starr

  I watched her from under my heavy lids, those fantasies of her still very much alive in my head. I knew I should have felt guilty for what I had just done, but I didn’t. I was just glad to see her again.

  Lesley was walking towards the trees, her head down and her feet carrying her swiftly. I could tell that she was thinking about something – something grave was on her mind. Was she trying to get away from me? From Alfie? From the ranch? That feeling of guilt was returning to me again. What had I brought upon her? She didn’t deserve this treatment and she definitely didn’t deserve this life. Most importantly, she didn’t deserve to be fantasized about and ogled at from a distance. This woman deserved to be worshiped and cared for in a way that I never would be able to.

  Then I heard a soft whimper escape her lips when she drew closer to me and I realized that Lesley was crying.

  Chapter 7 - Lesley

  I couldn’t hold back the rush of tears any longer. It came spilling out of me in the comfort of the darkness. I thought I could cry in peace. I leaned myself against a thick tree trunk, sunk my face into my arm and sobbed.

  Alfie hated me. I could see it in his eyes, in his tone of voice . . . Even tonight when I tucked him into bed and read him his story, he was only tolerating me. How was I supposed to do the job that had been assigned to me? How was I supposed to be a good nanny and companion to Alfie if he despised me? I wished I could help him. I sympathized with the kid. Being deserted by your mother at such an early age can’t be easy . . . But he wasn’t even willing to give me a chance.

  And then there was Connor. I thought I could keep hating him, but it was impossible. He was sexy in a way that no man could ever be. Despite how rude he was and how coldly he treated me, I was still attracted to him.

  Since the moment I saw him in Paddy’s Pub, all I’d thought about was being close to him. I couldn’t stop staring, I couldn’t stop imagining what it would feel like to have his rough fingers all over my body. That was the reason why I was in Texas, why I’d taken up this mysterious job . . . I wanted to be close to him.

  I was admitting it to myself for the first time as I stood there crying in the dark. Before that, I’d just been kidding myself . . . Telling myself that I took this job just because I needed work. Because I wanted to get away from the Hamptons and my family and make a decent livelihood. But the truth was that Connor Marshall’s chiseled torso had as much to do with it as anything else. But he didn’t look at me the same way. He looked at me like I was a piece of meat . . . like I was any other woman he could just take and discard.

  I sniffled and tried to brush the tears away from my cheeks, but I felt lost and alone.

  “Lesley . . . ” Connor’s voice startled me, and I whipped around to find him standing behind me. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, and I could see him clearly in the moonlight now. His face was firmly set, his blue eyes were sparkling.

  “Oh, I’m sorry . . . I didn’t know you were here,” I struggled with my words and tried to control my tears. I knew they were still streaking my cheeks.

  “No, I’m the one who should be apologizing,” he said and my lips parted in shock. Those were not the words I’d expected him to say. I thought he was going to laugh at me or be angry with me for being such a weakling and breaking into tears.

  Instead, I watched him in a shaky kind of silence, as he reached for my face with one hand. He was stroking my cheek with the back of his fingers. I stared at him. He was wiping my tears away.

  “I’m sorry for my behavior, Lesley. I know I’ve been rude to you. This is all strange and new to you . . . and Alfie is a handful. I should be kinder to you, just like you are to us,” he said as his fingers travelled from my cheek to my lips.

  He was close to me, close enough for me to reach out and touch him. I wanted to so badly. I could feel my whole body shaking from the desperate urge to just touch him. Connor’s fingers traced the shape of my lips and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

  Then I watched as he leaned towards me. His breath fell on my face, moving some of my stray locks away from my eyes. I could almost taste him. I could breathe in his scent.

  When our lips finally grazed, I felt electric shocks running up and down my spine. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. That Connor was actually going to kiss me. I gasped when his lips pressed into mine.

  His hands weaved into my hair, both his hands . . . He was ruffling my hair as he kissed me. His body’s force pressed me into the tree trunk behind us and I closed my eyes. This had to be a dream! This couldn’t be real!

  Connor’s lips and mine fused and slipped over one another’s. My fingers trembled as I reached for his shoulders and held on to him lightly. He angled my face to the left and then the right to kiss me better. It was slow and soft and seemed to last forever.

  He was the one who pulled away first, leaving me breathless and panting. I could feel the wetness between my thighs, the knots in my belly tightening. I wanted more. One innocent kiss with him wasn’t enough. This was something straight out of my fantasies.

  “Sleep well tonight, Lesley,” he said and stroked my cheek again with the back of his fingers, before turning around and walking away.

  I watched him in the dark, walking back towards the house with his hands stuck deep into the pockets of his jeans.

  I’d forgotten about my tears. I’d forgotten about everything that was making me sad just a few minutes ago. Now, all I could think about was how this was all real. Connor Marshall had really kissed me! The change in him made me weak in the knees. He was so cold till now – until he was not . . . He was perfect. He made me feel better. He had made me feel safe.

  I waited till he had gone into the house before I followed.

  The house was dark and quiet when I stepped in. Everyone was asleep and Connor seemed to have gone to his room. As I took the stairs up to my bedroom, I realized that I was smiling. I didn’t think I could have anything to smile about these days.

  Chapter 8 - Connor

  Work on the ranch the next day was busy and it kept me distracted most of the time, although that kiss with Lesley was constantly in the back of my mind. Tony, Alex and Chris were working with me and we chatted away as usual. Working in the sun together, sharing our lunches, and cracking jokes was a part of our daily life, and I had never been more fulfilled at a job before. Nothing in the world could make me go back to sitting in an office behind a desk and crunching numbers.

  Working on the land with my horses . . . That was what I wanted to keep doing for the rest of my life.

  We were sitting on the grass, keeping a close eye on the horses. It was nearly the end of the day, and now that we were taking a break, I had started thinking of Lesley again and more often.

  “So, where’d you find her?” Chris asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

  “She’s from my hometown,” I replied and the others raised their eyebrows at me in surprise.

  “The Hamptons? I’d always pictured a different kinda girl from a place like that,” Alex said and exchanged knowing looks with the others. I took in a deep breath but said nothing. I knew exactly what they were talking about. Lesley wasn’t like the others from there. In fact, she wasn’t like anybody else I’d met before. There was something about her that made me want to tell her everything.

  We got up eventually and herded the horses back to the ranch. The boys were excited to see what dinner Lesley had prepared for us, and we all walked into the house together. I wondered what Lesley thought of us: a brood of dusty, calloused, rowdy men who worked the fields all day. She had never experienced a life like this before.

  Lesley was sitting with Alfie at the dinner table, and the comforting smell of a warm casserole filled the room when we walked in. Alfie was doing his summer-holiday homework while Lesley watched over him. She looked up when we came in and our eyes met. I hadn’t seen or spoken to her all day. I usually left the house at the crack of dawn.

  “We’ll take our dinner out in the back garden a
gain, Lesley,” Alex said, walking up to the table and sniffing the casserole.

  “No problem,” she said, jumping out of her chair. I sat down at the head of the table and watched as she prepared three plates for the men and handed them over. They were talking loudly and seemed to be in happy moods as they left for the garden, where they usually took their meals.

  Alfie, Lesley, and I were alone in the kitchen again.

  “I’m doing math!” Alfie declared, interrupting my stare. Lesley was pouring glasses of water for us and placing them in front of us.

  “Math? But you don’t even like math,” I said with a laugh, but Alfie was grinning.

  “Yeah, but Lesley showed me this really cool trick with divisions. I think I know how to do them now,” he said cheerily and I looked at Lesley again. She was taking her seat across from Alfie and the tops of her cheeks had turned red.

  “Thank you, Lesley. I’ve never had the time to sit down with him and make him work on his homework,” I said, and I watched as she served some of the casseroles on Alfie’s plate. She looked at me from under her heavy lids, her green eyes sparkling.

  “That’s what I’m here for,” she said and we smiled at each other.

  The food, just like the previous night, was delicious, and we ate while Alfie talked excitedly about his new hobby: modeling dinosaurs out of clay. Apparently, Lesley was showing him how to shape their long necks and he seemed thrilled about it. It amazed me that in a matter of just a day, she had managed to crack Alfie. A kid who I thought wouldn’t ever be able to make friends. It filled me with hope and joy to see my son bonding with her.

  Alfie and Lesley discussed modeling while I sat and ate and watched them. I wanted her. I wanted her more than before – if that was even possible. When she caught me looking, she tucked her hair behind her ears nervously and looked away from me shyly. I had to grit my teeth to stop myself from sweeping everything off the table and pulling her on top of it and taking her right there.

  There was sweetness about her, about the way she spoke to Alfie that I had never noticed in anyone before. Despite the sweetness, I wanted to ravage her body. I wanted to do things to her that I hoped no man had ever done before.

  When Alfie was done, Lesley cleared their plates and then asked him to say goodnight to me. Alfie came over to give me a hug and, from the tightness of his embrace, I could tell that he was in a good mood. He was happy having Lesley in his life.

  She gave me a glance, before grabbing Alfie’s hand and leading him upstairs to his room.

  “The Little Prince! Read me the Little Prince tonight, Lesley!” I heard him say to her as they climbed the stairs.

  I finished the rest of my meal in silence and, when I was done, I cleared my plates in the sink and walked out of the house. A cigarette dangled from the corner of my lips. I was going back to the patch of trees at the back of the house. All I could think about was whether she was going to meet me there eventually.

  Chapter 9 - Lesley

  I wasn’t thinking when I walked out of the house and towards the trees again that night. I wasn’t even sure if Connor was there already. All I knew was that I had to find out. My body’s needs had overwhelmed my mind. I was following its instructions. All day I’d thought about that kiss and how it had set me on fire. I’d fantasized about Connor for so long that a simple kiss wasn’t going to be enough.

  As I approached the patch of trees, my eyes finally adjusted to the dark and I saw him standing there. He was leaning against a tree trunk, smoking a cigarette. The orange glow of the butt illuminated his lips and I gulped.

  We hadn’t discussed this. I was taking a chance by coming here. Now that we were both here together, it felt like this was our little unspoken secret.

  “I was hoping you’d come,” were his first words to me and I felt the back of my neck grow hot.

  “I didn’t know if you’d be here,” I managed to say in a soft voice. I was whispering even though there was no human soul in sight – nobody could have heard us.

  I watched as Connor took one last drag of his cigarette and then flicked it to the ground. It sizzled as it burned out, making my fingertips tremble as well.

  “Well, now you know,” he said and grabbed me by my waist. He pulled me close to him. I fell on his wide chest with a gasp as his breath fell on my face. It was like he was trying to study every cell of my skin, to examine every curve of my face. I felt naked under his glare, like he had already undressed me.

  “I know why you’re here, Lesley, and I’m going to give it to you,” he said in a deep gruff voice and I shuddered in his arms. His lips drew closer to mine, and I focused on the feelings tumbling in my belly. I stretched my neck too and our lips lightly grazed. Then his tongue forced my mouth apart, slipping in. I gasped. He tasted of cigarettes and mint and it overwhelmed me.

  I grew slack in his arms as he held me close, his tongue deeply exploring my mouth. If he hadn’t been holding me, I knew I would have fallen. I tried to kiss him with the same force, but Connor was more powerful. He was overtaking my whole body and I had no control over it anymore.

  When he was done kissing me, he parted our lips with a smack and, without giving me a moment to gather myself, he started leaving a trail of wet kisses down my chin, my neck, and then at the base of my throat.

  He stopped when he reached my breasts. I could feel his warm breath falling on my skin and I weaved my fingers into his hair.

  “I’ve wanted to taste these since I saw them,” I heard him mumble, more to himself than to me, and I bit down on my lip. With his fingers, he slowly pulled down the neck of my blouse till my breasts were revealed to him. He cupped them with both hands, squeezing and caressing gently. I could feel my nipples pebble and become sensitive to his touch. I wanted him to take them in his mouth.

  Instead, he sought them out with his thumbs. Through the fabric of my bra, he teased them, circling them and making sure they were tight enough. I could feel the wetness in my panties, my juices beginning to trickle out and dampen the fabric. His hips were digging into mine, and I could feel his erection.

  He kissed my cleavage and continued to play with my nipples. I was desperate to touch him somewhere private. My hand travelled down until I was cupping his crotch. Connor groaned as he squeezed my breasts again and I stroked his cock in return. He nibbled at my nipples through my bra, and I squeezed him.

  “Fuck, woman!” he growled, pulling himself away from me. He grabbed my face with both hands and glared into my eyes. I could see his blue pupils burning up. They were on fire as he stared at me.

  “I want your mouth on me. Get down on your knees,” he commanded, his grip still tight on my face. I parted my lips, gazing up at him and then gently I pulled away from him. I did what I was told and knelt down.

  My face was at level with his crotch now, and I pulled down the zip of his jeans. Connor groaned, weaving his fingers into my hair again. I peeled his jeans down. I could feel my heart throbbing in my chest. I was going to see his cock! I was finally going to see the cock I’d been fantasizing about for so many years!

  Slowly, I pulled down his boxers and his cock sprang out at me. Erect and throbbing, it was pointed directly at my face and I felt my mouth water. I had never wanted a man’s cock in my mouth as much as I wanted his right now. With a sudden urgency, I grabbed it with one hand and brought my mouth closer to him. Connor groaned and I parted my lips.

  Gently, I slipped him in. I moaned just as he did too. Just the tip of his cock in my mouth was enough. He was big and too wide for me. I knew I would have to take this slow. His fingers in my hair tightened as he was kept my head in position. Slowly, I slid my lips over his cock as much as I could. My mouth watered from his girth, but slowly, my throat was adjusting to his size.

  I stared up at him, watching his face change with pleasure. I enjoyed watching this . . . seeing the kind of power I had over him. This big strong man, who everyone drooled over, was putty in my hands . . . In my mouth.

p; “Lesley . . . ” he breathed my name gruffly and I slid his cock out. “Where do you think you’re going?” he growled. His hands on the back of my head, he slid himself back into my mouth again. I moaned. His cock throbbed and grew in my throat and he started thrusting.

  This was how he was going to thrust inside me. I could feel the wetness between my legs as I knelt in front of him. I kept my face turned up towards him and he glared down at me. Even though his cock was in my mouth and I thought I had all the control, he was the one using me for his pleasure.

  I could see the veins throbbing on his neck, his jaws clenching and his biceps taut as he thrust his cock in and out of my mouth. I never thought that this could be so pleasurable for me. That I could actually enjoy myself like this. I wanted to touch myself, I wanted to give my pussy some relief, but Connor’s cock in my mouth kept me completely occupied.

  Until suddenly, he pulled it out with a jerk.

  “Stand up. Stand up, now!” he growled and I stood up, gasping as he pulled me to himself again. His rough fingers travelled down, drawing the hem of my skirt up to my thighs. I could feel goosebumps on my skin, as he caressed the insides of my thighs. He had bunched my skirt up to my waist now, and I knew he was going to touch me . . . He was going to touch me there.

  When Connor’s fingers grazed against my pussy, I gasped. A smile formed on his face, as he looked at me.

  He pushed aside my panties and used two fingers to gently slide them up and down my folds. I shuddered in his arms. My pussy was dripping wet, my clit was engorged and throbbing. Connor rubbed it. I gasped again and pressed my eyes closed from the sensation.

  “Just enjoy it, baby,” I heard him say and then his fingers were roughly stroking me. He didn’t have to tell me anything, I was already feeling everything he wanted me to feel. His fingers on my pussy had an explosive effect on me. I arched my back, thrusting my hips closer to him. His fingers sped up, sliding up and down my pussy and the tips slipped into my folds.


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