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A Good Parcel of English Soil

Page 6

by Richard Mabey

  by Danny Dorling

  (the Central line)

  Laughter and Tears

  A History of Capitalism According to the Jubilee Line

  by John O’Farrell

  (the Jubilee line)

  A Northern Line Minute

  by William Leith

  (the Northern line)

  Mind the Child

  by Camila Batmanghelidjh and Kids Company

  (the Victoria line)

  Heads and Straights

  by Lucy Wadham

  (the Circle line)

  Breaking Boundaries


  by Philippe Parreno

  (the Hammersmith & City line)


  by Fantastic Man

  (the East London line)

  Waterloo–City, City–Waterloo

  by Leanne Shapton

  (the Waterloo & City line)


  by Paul Morley

  (the Bakerloo line)

  A Bit of Politics

  Mind the Child

  by Camila Batmanghelidjh and Kids Company

  (the Victoria line)

  The Blue Riband

  by Peter York

  (the Piccadilly line)

  The 32 Stops

  by Danny Dorling

  (the Central line)

  A History of Capitalism According to the Jubilee Line

  by John O’Farrell

  (the Jubilee line)

  Musical Direction

  Heads and Straights

  by Lucy Wadham

  (the Circle line)


  by Paul Morley

  (the Bakerloo line)

  Tube Knowledge

  The Blue Riband

  by Peter York

  (the Piccadilly line)

  What We Talk About When We Talk About The Tube

  by John Lanchester

  (the District line)

  A Good Parcel of English Soil

  by Richard Mabey

  (the Metropolitan line)

  A Breath of Fresh Air

  A Good Parcel of English Soil

  by Richard Mabey

  (the Metropolitan line)

  Design for Life

  Waterloo–City, City–Waterloo

  by Leanne Shapton

  (the Waterloo & City line)


  by Fantastic Man

  (the East London line)


  by Philippe Parreno

  (the Hammersmith & City line)


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  First published in Penguin Books 2013

  Copyright © Richard Mabey, 2013

  Cover image: © TfL from the London Transport Museum

  Cover design: Jim Stoddart

  All rights reserved

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

  ‘On a Ruined Farm near the His Master’s Voice Gramophone Factory’ by George Orwell (copyright © George Orwell, 1933) reprinted by kind permission of A.M. Heath & Co Ltd.

  ISBN: 978-1-84-614617-6




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