The Memory of Fire Trilogy: Genesis, Faces and Masks, and Century of the Wind
Page 36
Origua, 170
Orinoco River, 38, 52, 83
Osborne, Sarah, 270
Oshún, 193
Our Lady of Guanajuato, 149–50
Ouro Prêto, 279
Oviedo: see Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo
Oxalá, 193
Oxley, Henry, 160
Ozama River, 51
Pachacamac, 28
Pacific Ocean, 59
Painala, 76
Palawiyang Indians, 37
Palmares, 175, 232, 241–42, 257, 258, 273–74, 275
Palos, 96
Panama, 58, 94, 111, 134, 168, 200, 253
Panama City, 167, 251
Pané, Ramón, 51
Pánuco, 132
Paraguay, 124, 125, 227
Paraguay River, 20
Paraíba River, 240
Paraná, 29
Paranapiacaba Mountains, 279
Parana River, 124
Paria, Gulf of, 28, 52
Parris, Samuel, 269–70
Pasto, 48
Patiño, Francisco, 231
Paul III, Pope, 98, 146
Paullo (Inca leader), 96
Pedrarias the Buried: See Arias de Avila, Pedro
Pedro, Maese, 115
Peña, Lorenzo de la, 161
Penn, William, 239
Pequot Indians, 221–22
Pérez de Montalbán, Juan, 214
Pérez de Morales, Captain, 265
Pernambuco, 242, 257, 273
Peru, 21, 34, 115, 116, 133, 134, 135, 158, 172, 181, 205, 206, 226
Peter, St., 59
Philip II, king of Spain, 110, 129, 131, 136, 137, 147, 156, 163, 174, 184, 228, 237
Philip III, king of Spain, 184, 185, 195–96
Philosophical Manifesto Against the Stray Comets (Sigüenza y Góngora), 261
Piaroa Indians, 83
Pichincha volcano, 229
Pinel, Juan, 111, 112
Pinola, 216
Pius V, Pope, 143
Pizarro, Francisco, 63, 81, 87–89, 90, 94, 96, 105, 107, 114
Pizarro, Gonzalo, 104–5, 108–9, 112, 115
Placentia, 269
Plate River, 104
Plymouth, England, 138
Plymouth, Massachusetts, 221, 256
Pocahontas, 191
Poma de Ayala, Guamán, 184–85
Ponce de León, Juan, 55, 56, 72
Popocatépetl volcano, 69, 83
Porres, Martín de, 222–23
Portilla, Juan de la, 161
Portobello, 168, 199, 251
Pôrto Calvo, 257, 274
Port Royal, 253
the Portuguese, 174, 232–33, 241, 242, 257–58, 261, 273, 276
Potosí, 110, 117, 120, 121, 153, 154, 164, 168, 172, 173, 186–89, 205, 224, 230, 248, 254
Powhatan, 191
Prieto, Juan, 117
Puebla, 240
Puerto Príncipe, 178
Puerto Rico, 55, 56
Puerto Viejo, 91
Pujilí, 271
Puná, 160
the Puritans, 220–21, 256, 270
Putapichun, Chief, 209–10
Quetzalcóatl, 65, 66, 67
Quetzaltenango, 77
Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco de, 175, 201–2
Quiché Indians, 12, 28, 40, 78
Quijo Indians, 151–52
Quillacinga Indians, 48–49
Quintero, 116
Quiroga, Vasco de, 132
Quito, 75, 89, 91, 92, 94, 100, 104, 151, 158, 167, 218, 229, 271
Ragueneau, Father, 233–34
Raleigh, Walter, 162–63
Rebelo, Gonçalo, 242
Recife, 175, 232, 242, 257, 273, 275
Redbeard (pirate), 93
Regla, 277
Remedios, 244, 262–66
Repocura, 210, 211
Reyes, Gaspar de los, 149
Ribera, Alonso de, 176–77
Rímac River, 199
Riobamba, 91, 94
Rio de Janeiro, 273
Rio Grande do Norte, 273
Rio Grande Valley, 272
Ripa, Cesare, 176
Robles, Martín de, 136
Rodrigo, Martín, 115
Rojas, Alonso de, 229
Rolfe, John, 190–91
Rome, 47, 98, 176
Rosales, Floriana, 164–66
Royal Africa Company, 252, 261
Ruiz, Marcos, 249–50
Ruiz, Pedro, 101
Rumiñahui, General, 92
Sacasa, 170
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 155–56, 237
Ste. Marie des Hurons, 233
St. Kitts, 256
St. Thomas Island, 280
Salamanca, 50
Salazar, Bernardo de, 206
Salazar, Diego de, 56
Salcedo (soldier), 55–56
Salem Village, 269
Salvador (heroic slave), 179
Samayac, 204
Sánchez, Juan, 101
Sánchez, Sebastian, 247–48
Sánchez Farfán, Julio, 164, 165–66
Sánchez Gallque, Andres, 168
San Francisco monastery, 203, 205
San Juan Atitlán, 249
San Lorenzo, 166
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, 82, 197
San Marcos de Arica, 205
San Miguel, Gulf of, 59
San Miguel de Nepantla, 238, 239
San Miguel de Tucumán, 224
San Pablo, 226
San Pedro de Omapacha, 182
San Pedro River, 117
Santa Catarina, 189
Santa Cruz Island, 49
Santa Fe, 259, 272
Santa Lucía, 101
Santa María de Guadalupe, 264, 265
Santa María del Darién, 60
Santa Marta, 81, 99, 169, 170
Santiago, apostle, 150–51, 185
Santiago, Miguel de, 271
Santiago de Chile, 101, 127, 155, 176, 180, 232
Santiago de la Vega, 238
Santiago Papasquiaro, 189
Santo Domingo, 51, 57, 72, 81, 84, 94, 98, 138, 140
Sáo Paulo, 273, 279
São Salvador de Bahia, 225, 276
Sarmiento, Juan, 149
Scorpion Islands, 78
Sebastian, St., 151
Segura de la Frontera, 69
Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de, 123–24
Serra da Barriga, 241
Serra de Leguízamo, Mancio, 160
Serra Dois Irmãos, 275
Serrana Island, 85
Serrano, Pedro, 85–87, 93
Seville, 45, 73, 93, 163, 172, 178, 179, 197, 199, 201, 262
Shakespeare, William, 153, 182–83
Shangó, 194, 277
Shipaiás Indians, 25
Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de, 261
Silva, José Asunción, 192
Simon, St., 146, 159
Sinaloa, 97
Simú River, 59
Sioux Indians, 41–42
Slader, Matthew, 255
Small Syphilitic God, 4–5
Soares, Antonio, 275
Solar, Antonio, 140
Soto, Hernando de, 88
Sousa de Castro, Aires de, 257–58
Spain, 52–53
Suárez, Inés, 101, 102, 116
Sublimis Deus (papal bull), 98
Subupira, 275
Sucre River, 219
Suliman, Sultan, 93
the Swedes, 262
Tabocas, 275
Tagus River, 227
Taíno Indians, 26, 41
Tairama, 170
Taironaca, 170
Tairona Indians, 170–71
Takelma Indians, 20
Tambisa, 151
Tapajós River, 105
Tarascan Indians, 10
Tecayehuatzin, 48
Tecum Umán, Captain, 77
Tehuantepec, 132
The Tempest (Shakespeare), 182–83
Tenochtitlán, 41, 54
, 63, 65, 67, 70, 71, 76, 80, 83, 95; see also Mexico City
Teocalhueyacan, 68
Teotihuacán, 4
Tepeaca, 69
Tepehuanes Indians, 189–90
Tepeyac, 84
Tereupillán, 211–12
Tetón, Juan, 128
Teuctepec, 54
Texcoco, 70, 128, 156
Tierra del Fuego, 36
Tillamook Indians, 31
Titicaca, Lake, 23, 39, 154
Tituba (slave), 270
Tlatelolco, 64, 71, 155, 156
Tlaxcala, 48, 70, 129
Tlazoltéotl, 66
Tocuyo, 118
Toledo, 80
Toltec Indians, 5, 19
Tonantzin, 84
Torama, 170
Torres, Alonso de, 112
Torres, Luis de, 46
Torres, Simón de, 167
Tortuga Island, 244, 246–47
Tovar, Hernando del, 189
Treatise on Necessary Policy (González de Cellorigo), 174
Trinidad, 190, 193
Trujillo, 197
Tucapel, 119
Tucumán, 254
Tukano Indians, 9
Tukuna Indians, 34–35
Tula, 19, 156
Tulán, 40
Tumbes, 81, 94
Tunis, 93
Túpac Amaru, 147, 169
Tuxkahá, 79
Ubinas volcano, 205–6
Uceda, duke of, 195–96
Uitoto Indians, 12
Ulúa, Valley of, 96
Underhill, John, 221–22
Urquía, 144
Urubamba River, 96
Utatlán, 78
Utopia, 61
Utopia (More), 132
Vaca de Castro, Cristóbal, 115
Valderrábano (scribe), 59
Valdivia, Pedro de, 101, 102, 111–12, 113, 116, 118, 119–20, 177
Valladolid, 54, 110, 117, 174
Valle, Jualdel,189
Valparaíso, 111, 116
Valverde, Vincente de, 87–88
Vanbel, 280–81
Vancouver Island, 15
Vázquez, Antonio, 226
Vázquez, Juan Bautista, 159
Vázquez, Tomás, 136
Vázquez de Coronado, Francisco, 157
Vázquez de Espinosa, Antonio, 197–98
Vega, Lope de, 195
Velasco, Luis de, 228
Velázquez, Diego, 65
Velho, Jorge, 273
Venezuela, 81, 118, 134
Veracruz, 64, 95, 213
Verapaz, 204
Vespucci, Amerigo, 54, 61
Vieira, Antonio, 225–26, 276
Vilcabamba, 107
Villa de los Bergantines, 133
Virginia, 182, 190, 191, 221, 228, 244, 255
Virginia Company, 182, 190
Virgin of Copacabana, 154
Virgin of Guadelupe, 84, 187–88
Virgin of Regla, 277
Virgins of Candelaria, 193
Waiwai Indians, 9
Wall Street, 243
Wampanoag Indians, 255–56
Wanakauri, Mount, 39
Waterdrinker, 41–42
Wawenock Indians, 5
Welser (German banker), 62, 81, 100
Wilcabamba Mountains, 147
Winthrop, John, 220–21
Wiracocha, 39
Xaquixaguana, 90, 112, 113, 114
Xochimilco, 150, 151
Yagan Indians, 36
Yanaoca, 205
Yarovilcas Indians, 184
Yarutini, 181
Yauyoa, 141
Yobuënahuaboshka, 7
York, duke of, 252
Yorktown, 255
Yoruba Indians, 258
Yucatán, 4, 42, 65, 76, 96
Yupanqui, Francisco Tito, 154
Yuste, 129
Zaca, 170
Zacatecas, 115, 189, 190
Zamora, 204
Zape, 189
Zapotec Indians, 24, 26, 237
Zárate (lawyer), 109
Zuazo, Alonso, 78, 79
Zumárraga, Bishop, 84
Zumbí, Chief, 258, 274, 275
to Jorge Enrique Adoum, Angel Berenguer, Hortensia Campanella, Juan Gelman, Ernesto González Bermejo, Carlos María Gutierrez, Mercedes López-Baralt, Guy Prim, Fernando Rodríguez, Nicole Rouan, César Salsamendi, Héctor Tizón, José María Valverde, and Federico Vogelius, who read the drafts and made valuable comments and suggestions;
to Federico Alvarez, Ricardo Bada, José Fernando Balbi, Alvaro Barros-Lémez, Borja and José María Calzado, Ernesto Cardenal, Rosa del Olmo, Jorge Ferrer, Eduardo Heras León, Juana Martínez, Augusto Monterroso, Dámaso Murúa, Manuel Pereira, Pedro Saad, Nicole Vaisse, Rosita and Alberto Villagra, Ricardo Willson, and Sheila Wilson-Serfaty, who eased the author’s access to the necessary bibliography;
to José Juan Arrom, Ramón Carande, Alvaro Jara, Magnus Mörner, Augusto Roa Bastos, Laurette Sejourné, and Eric R. Wolff, who answered queries;
to the AGKED Foundation of West Germany, which contributed to the realization of this project;
and especially to Helena Villagra, who was its implacable and beloved critic, page by page, as it was realized.
This Book
is dedicated to Grandmother Esther. She knew it before she died.
E. G.
Faces and Masks
Memory of Fire, Volume Two
Eduardo Galeano
Translated by Cedric Belfrage
Promise of America
1701: Salinas Valley The Skin of God
1701: Sāo Salvador de Bahia Voice of America
1701: Paris Temptation of America
Sentinel of America
1701: Ouro Prêto Conjuring Tricks
1703: Lisbon Gold, Passenger in Transit
1709: The Juan Fernández Islands Robinson Crusoe
1711: Paramaribo The Silent Women
They Carry Life in Their Hair
The Maroon
1711: Murrí They Are Never Alone
1711: Saint Basil’s Refuge The Black King, the White Saint, and His Sainted Wife
The Maríapalito
1712: Santa Marta From Piracy to Contraband
1714: Ouro Prêto The Mine Doctor
1714: Vila Nova do Príncipe Jacinta
1716: Potosí Holguín
1716: Cuzco The Image Makers
Mary, Mother Earth
1717: Quebec The Man Who Didn’t Believe in Winter
1717: Dupas Island The Founders
Portrait of the Indians
Songs of the Chippewa Indians in the Great Lakes Region
1718: Sāo José del Rei The Pillory
1719: Potosí The Plague
1721: Zacatecas To Eat God
If You Inadvertently Lose Your Soul
1726: Montevideo Bay Montevideo
1733: Ouro Prêto Fiestas
1736: Saint John’s, Antigua Flare-ups
1738: Trelawny Town Cudjoe
1739: New Nanny Town Nanny
Pilgrimage in Jamaica
1742: Juan Fernández Islands Anson
1753: Sierra Leone River Let Us Praise the Lord
1758: Cap Français Macandal
1761: Cisteil Canek
1761: Merida Fragments
1761: Cisteil Sacred Corn
1763: Buraco de Tatú The Subversives Set a Bad Example
Bahia Portrait
Your Other Head, Your Other Memory
1763: Rio de Janeiro Here
1763: Tijuco The World Inside a Diamond
1763: Havana Progress
The Slaves Believe:
The Ceiba Tree
The Royal Palm
1766: The Fields of Areco The Wild Horses
1767: Misiones The Story of Seven Villages
bsp; 1767: Misiones The Expulsion of the Jesuits
1767: Misiones They Won’t Let Their Tongues Be Torn Out
1769: London The First Novel Written in America
Indians and Dreams in the Novel of Frances Brooke
1769: Lima Viceroy Amat
1769: Lima La Perricholi
The Snack Clock
1771: Madrid Royal Summit
1771: Paris The Age of Enlightenment
1771: Paris The Physiocrats
1771: Paris The Minister of Colonies Explains Why Mulattos Should Not Be Freed from Their Congenital “State of Humiliation”
1772: Cap Français France’s Richest Colony
1772: Léogane Zabeth
1773: San Mateo Huitzilopochco The Strength of Things
1774: San Andres ltzapan Dominus Vobiscum
1775: Guatemala City Sacraments
1775: Huehuetenango Trees that Know, Bleed, Talk
1775: Gado-Saby Bonny
1776: Cape Coast Castle Alchemists of the African Slave Trade
1776: Pennsylvania Paine
1776: Philadelphia The United States
1776: Monticello Jefferson
1777: Paris Franklin
If He Had Been Born a Woman
1778: Philadelphia Washington
1780: Bologna Clavijero Defends the Accursed Lands
1780: Sangarara America Burns from Mountains to Sea
1780: Tungasuca Túpac Amaru II
1780: Pomacanchi The Workshop Is an Enormous Ship
A Colonial Poem: If the Indians Triumph …
1781: Bogotá The Commoners
1781: Támara The Plainsmen
1781: Zipaquirá Galán
Popular Ballad of the Commoners
1781: Cuzco The Center of the Earth, the House of the Gods
1781: Cuzco Dust and Sorrow Are the Roads of Peru
1781: Cuzco Sacramental Ceremony in the Torture Chamber
1781: Cuzco Areche’s Order Against Inca Dress and to Make Indians Speak Spanish
1781: Cuzco Micaela
1781: Cuzco Sacred Rain
The Indians Believe:
The Indians Dance to the Glory of Paradise
1781: Chincheros Pumacahua
1781: La Paz Tupac Catari
1782: La Paz Rebel Women
1782: Guaduas With Glassy Eyes,
1782: Sicuani This Accursed Name
1783: Panama City For Love of Death
1783: Madrid The Human Hand Vindicated
1785: Mexico City Lawyer Villarroel Against the Pulque Saloon
The Pulque Saloon
The Maguey
The Mug
1785: Mexico City Fiction in the Colonial Era
1785: Guanajuato The Wind Blows Where It Wants
1785: Guanajuato Silver Portrait
1785: Lisbon The Colonial Function
1785: Versailles The Potato Becomes a Great Lady
The Potato Was Born of Love and Punishment, As They Tell It in the Andes
1790: Parti Humboldt
1790: Petit Goâve The Missing Magic
1791: Bois Caiman The Conspirators of Haiti
Haitian Love Song
1792: Rio de Janeiro The Conspirators of Brazil