Book Read Free

Wolf Spell

Page 11

by M. R. Polish

  “Nothing.” I turned back around to face him.

  “Whatever you’re thinking in that pretty little head, don’t”

  I held my arms up in front of me, boxing style, waiting for him to make a move. I’d be danged if he got me in another headlock.

  We walked around each other in a tight circle. He held a smirk that made me think he was amused by all of this. The morning sun shone on his already bronzed skin, showing his many days in the sun. For one short moment, I forgot I should be fighting. We circled one more time, and he reached out his arm, trying to get me off balance, but I was ready and moved out of the way before his hand made contact.

  He backed up again making space between us. “Es, I mean it, don’t you even dare think about it.”

  It was too late. He could beg all he wanted, but I wouldn’t change my mind. The bush sprang to full life as I used its energy to create my spell with it. My mind locked on my target, and I grinned.

  After a deep breath, the spell came to life in my hands. All the energy sizzled as if I held a thousand ants in the palm of my hand. An orb illuminated, growing in power, cupped in my hands. Tiny sparkles of energy floated out around the orb.

  Lunging forward, I threw the orb as fast as I could. It spiraled as if it went a hundred miles per hour, smashing into Jarak’s chest, covering him in a raw poison ivy spell. If he wasn’t a Guardian, my spell would’ve hurt him, soaking into his skin and making him sick. As it was, the only part of the poison ivy that would affect him was the sore itchiness.

  He looked up at the sky, and threw his arms in the air as if wondering ‘why him’, then exhaled loudly before turning away. He never said one more thing to me as he entered the house, letting me stand there with a smug look of victory on my face.

  Lesson over.


  – Esmerelda –

  October 26, 2012

  I let out a sigh. I should apologize to him. It wasn’t fair of me to fight with magic since he didn’t have any to fight back with, but I couldn’t resist. I was extremely proud that I grew the plant and turned it into a spell. Magic was still like an exciting experiment I couldn’t wait to play with.

  “Come on Ailaina,” I sighed. “Let’s go inside.”

  She closed her book and got up, adjusting her Capri’s and top. “I can’t believe you got him with that stuff. It’s gotta itch something fierce.”

  We both laughed and moved toward the door. A movement by the side of the house caught my attention, and I slowed down. I so did not want to train anymore today. It was probably Victor playing tricks on me, luring me closer so he could send me flying back into the pool. Not today.

  I slammed the sliding glass door shut behind us and marched to the stairs. Boisterous laughter filled the downstairs. I stopped before climbing a step and listened. I heard Victor’s voice. He told Meadow how I’d covered Jarak in Poison Ivy. If he was inside, then who was by the house?

  I looked at Ailaina who stared at me. “What’s wrong?”she whispered.

  I held my finger to my lips. “Shhhh. Stay here.” Something didn’t feel right. My insides shook as if thousands of butterflies took flight.

  I backed up and tiptoed to the front door. Using magic, I cleared a small circle through the frosted glass so I could peek through easily. Four figures stood about six feet away from the house, about arm’s length apart in the driveway. They were in black trench coats that had hoods shadowing their faces.

  I gasped and moved away from the door, letting the glass return to its frosted state. Stepping lightly, I moved to the sitting room where Meadow and Victor still sat laughing over today’s training.

  They both became quiet when they saw me enter. The look on my face must have spoken a thousand words, none of which I could make my throat mimic. I wasn’t sure who those people were, but I knew they meant trouble. I raised a finger to my mouth letting them know to stay quiet. Ailaina descended the two bottom stairs where I left her and came to my side.

  I held up four fingers, pointing to the front door then to the backyard. Victor jumped to his feet, and Meadow was like a blur headed to the front door.

  Ree and Trevor were out hunting, so the house was silent, except for the sound of running water that came from the upstairs shower. A deep pit of despair settled in my stomach. I wished I hadn’t hit Jarak with that orb, otherwise he’d be there beside me. In the last two weeks we’d become almost inseparable. It was weird not to have him with me right now. I tried to calm myself and focus. I also felt the need to protect my best friend. She didn’t have any magic, and I would never forgive myself if something happened to her. It was because of me that she was here in this situation to begin with.

  “They’re dark hunters.” Victor’s voice entered my head. I shook off the intruding feeling and glanced over at him. I forgot I could talk to other witches or warlocks who could use the Spirit Element this way. I nodded and watched the windows to the back yard. He stood next to the back sliding door. His back against the wall as if the sunlight was poisonous.

  I mentally looked for the same invisible rope I followed when I helped Meadow turn into a vampire. I found Victor pulling away from me, but I caught him before I lost the connection. Frowning at him as I mentally talked back to him. “What do they want?” I wanted to ask why he tried to pull away but now was not the time.

  “They’re coming, be prepared,” Meadow interceded. “I can’t reach Jarak. We need him—she needs him.” She gestured at me but talked to Victor.

  Victor nodded and silently ascended the stairs, disappearing down the hall.

  “Come out and play Esmerelda,” a deep menacing voice taunted from outside the house.

  Ailaina’s face went pale. I spun around in a full circle, but couldn’t decipher where the voice came from. It was like surround sound, filling the house from every angle. An echo squealed in my ears like a high-pitched weapon.

  I doubled over, covering my ears with my hands. “Esmerelda, I know you’re in there.” The haunting voice loomed in the air as I squeezed my eyes shut.

  Meadow was beside me, trying to pry my hands away from my ears. “Esmerelda, listen to me.”

  “The noise—make it stop,” I cried out much louder than I needed.

  “I don’t hear it,” Ailaina panicked.

  “Jarak! Get her out of here, now.” I heard Meadow’s voice, but she sounded far away from where I was. There was a tight grip on my arms, and somehow I knew it was Jarak. He moved me, although I didn’t know if he dragged me along, or if my legs were working.

  Then, I was weightless, and I narrowed my eyes to a squint. Looking up at his face, I knew that he held me in his protective arms. Everything else blurred around me. I shut the world out with the close of my eyes.

  Ailaina. Where was she? I couldn’t think long enough to ask. The pain overwhelmed me.

  I prayed Jarak would take me far away from the evil shriek… somewhere where it was just the two of us. “How long can you hold them off?” His voice sounded heavy but still held its normal tone of confidence. I knew I was safe with him.

  “Meadow said to go out the back, through the gate.” Ailaina spoke. Good. At least I knew she was with us.

  She screamed.

  “It’s okay, he’s with me.” It was Jarak’s baritone voice.

  Who was he talking about? Was Ailaina okay?

  A growl sounded from somewhere close, and my muscles tightened in fear. What could make that deep of a snarl inside the house? I fought the pain and opened my eyes only to see the golden iris in the eyes of a white wolf.

  I struggled to get down out of his arms. The jerky movements were sudden and unsuspected, causing him to almost drop me. “What are you doing?” He stopped and let me down.

  Once I touched the ground with my feet, I spun around looking for the wolf. We were outside, in the backyard beside the pool. I couldn’t see the white creature anywhere. Maybe it was all in my head, like the unbearable shriek. “Nothing.”

t wasn’t nothing, we’re trying to get away, and you jumped from my arms.” His face strained, and he threw his arms in the air.

  What was I supposed to say, I thought I saw a wolf in the middle of the over populated city in Spain? While we are escaping dark hunters, I might add. I looked around once more, taking the time to look for hunters in the shadows. Ailaina was there, but no wolf. The pain in my head subsided, leaving a dull throbbing in its place. I shook my head. “There was a wolf, and it scared me.”

  “I know. He scared me too,” she said.

  Jarak guffawed, which I thought was inappropriate at this moment. “This is over my wolf? Seriously Es. Didn’t you listen to anything I said? You’re in danger, and I am a Guardian. Maztic is helping to get you out. Now that you’ve slowed this down a bit, we have to make a different plan.”

  “Me?” I squealed back. How dare he blame me for this.

  "Yeah, now we’re surrounded. We’ve lost the opening we needed.” He ran his hands through his hair.

  I didn’t know where the wolf went, but I didn’t have time to find out. We needed to escape. I thought hard, and then it clicked in my head. I had control over all elements. It was as if Mother Nature pushed her energy into me at that moment, giving me permission to use her energy. I could feel it generate inside of me with a warmth that flooded me.

  I knew what I needed to do. “I’m going to make a storm.”

  “You’re what?” He looked at me dumbfounded.

  “A storm… with wind, lightening and darkness.” I hoped he knew what I meant because I was still foggy on the plan and didn’t have time to elaborate.

  “Great idea.” Ailaina scooted closer to me. I could see her fear and knew I needed to get her out of this somehow.

  I didn’t wait for Jarak to agree. I raised my arms over my head and pulled with all the power I could feel. Wind was the first to reach us and whirled around as if a hurricane approached the town. The leaves atop the trees rustled as they blew off their limbs and danced across the sky. Dark menacing clouds came next. Long daggers of lightening flashed in the sky. It was truly the most spectacular sight I ever saw.

  The storm took over, causing the day to turn as dark as midnight. It helped give us cover while the wind and thunder from the lightening helped silence our sounds.

  “Nice job. Now we gotta get out of here.” Jarak shouted as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the side of the house. He pulled me close so I could hear him above the storm. “No matter what happens, don’t stop running.” He looked over at Ailaina. “You either. Stay with her.”

  She nodded.

  I shivered. “You’ll be right there with me, right?” It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t scared. I needed him—more than I’ve ever needed another person at that moment.

  He kissed the top of my head. “Just keep running.” He pulled on my hand urging me to run.

  My boots hit the cement of the driveway, and I caught a glimpse of two cloaked figures. I sent surges of energy with my magic. I could feel it build inside of me then a torrent of rain pounded the street. I didn’t care if I flooded the whole dang city. We needed out.

  In mere seconds, one of the hunters dashed out, grabbing my hair, and stopping my getaway. I reached out, but Jarak was faster, snatching the man’s arm and twisting me free. I heard a crack and knew he’d broken the man’s bones. Not looking back, I picked up my feet and started running again. That’s what he said to do… run. The sky crackled with thunder, and I couldn’t hear Ailaina’s footsteps behind me anymore.

  I twirled around but couldn’t see her. Where was she? I hoped she was with Jarak.

  The pavement on the road became slick with the rain, making it hard to keep my balance. My breathing was heavy by the time I made it to the tollbooth. I darted behind a bush next to the little building. My chest heaved as I gasped for air.

  “Jarak!” I called out hoping for a response. It may not have been the smartest thing to do considering there were hunters after me. I would go back and look for them both if they didn’t show up soon. “Ailaina! Where are you?” Thunder rolled as if the sky growled.

  There was no response. I bent over, still catching my breath, when I heard footsteps running in my direction. Finally, I sighed and stood up, poking my head around the corner of the booth.

  Whack! Something hit my face like a cannon ball, full force. Heaviness consumed my body, and I fell into the black void of unconsciousness.

  – Jarak –

  I winced as I grazed my fingertips over the wound in my forehead. I never saw what hit me, but whatever it was, left a nasty gash. I groaned. None of that mattered now. She was gone.

  Guilt consumed me. I hadn’t protected her. I pulled my hand away staring at the sticky red liquid that covered my fingers from the blood that still seeped from the wound.

  I leaned back against the wall of Es’s room. I hated that I couldn’t control my emotions for her better. With her gone, I hated myself even more. I didn’t protect her, and it killed me.

  “She will be fine.”

  My head snapped up to find Maztic, my wolf, standing beside me on the floor. “I hope so. I’m not sure why I care so much about her, but when things happen to her, they feel as if they happen to me too. I’m dying without her, and I don’t understand. I should be worried as her Guardian, but it’s so much more…”

  “You know the answer to that. Deep inside, listen to your heart.”

  Maztic’s voice growled inside my head. I reached over, running my hands through his fur. “Maztic, I’m afraid. I’ve already lost someone…”

  His gold eyes stared back at me. “You are part of me, and I am not afraid.”

  I looked back over at her empty bed. “Help.” Her voice echoed in my thoughts.

  It was as if I could hear her inside my head. Knowing it could be real, gave me hope she was still alive, but it tore at my heart to know she cried for help. Her request filled my chest with an intense ache. I failed her. How could I help her when I didn’t know where she was?

  Maztic’s muzzle lifted up my unoccupied hand. I petted his soft fur, running my fingers down his back, feeling the thickness rake between my fingers. It comforted me and helped clear my mind enough to think once again. Maztic’s strength radiated into my soul. “Thanks,” I whispered.

  I stood. There would be no sleeping tonight. I will find her.

  Ailaina watched from the doorway, her arms folded across her chest. “I’m going too.”

  I scanned her face. Dried blood smeared on her cheek from her own injuries. I was glad when I found her alive. Es would never forgive me if anything ever happened to her friend. I felt guilty enough that she had been unconscious.

  I shook my head. “No. It’s too dangerous, and Es would kill me.”

  “Es would do the same for me, and you know it,” she interjected. I knew she was right, but I couldn’t chance it.

  She stepped to the right as I tried to pass, blocking me. She was such a small thing. It would be easy to move her, but I stopped instead, looking down into her hazel eyes.

  “Please. I don’t understand, but something is telling me to go. I have to find her. She would never sit back if something were to happen to me. I would never do that to her.”

  Crap. I grumbled through my teeth, “Ailaina, it’s not a good idea.”

  “If you don’t take me, I’ll just go by myself.” She moved her arms from her chest to her hips, planting her footing. She was determined.

  I threw my arms up. “Fine, but you listen to me, no matter what. Got it?”

  She reached up around my neck and hugged me. “I will, I promise.”

  Sinister Darkness

  – Esmerelda –

  A blindfold covered my eyes and someone stuffed a nasty tasting cloth in my mouth, gagging me. It was hard to get my bearings. I knew I was in the arms of someone, and carried somewhere. Each jolt as he carried me down sets of stairs made my head feel like it would explode.

  A smooth low-toned voice
spoke, “Throw her down there.”

  I tried to reach out with my powers, but it was as if they stayed with me. The one holding me spoke out, “Your magic is void here. You’re just wasting your energy.” I could hear the evil sneer laced in his words.

  He moved one of his arms and ripped the blindfold off. I squinted at the unexpected light. It was dim with more dark than light, but it was brighter than the blackness I was in. I didn’t even have time to register where I was before he threw me.

  I screamed, expecting to hit the ground, hard, but instead I kept falling. That frightened me even more. My heart raced as I fell into a black oblivion. I desperately reached out for help. My hands searched for anything that could stop my fall into the abyss. I couldn’t see anything. It was as if light didn’t exist. Wherever my kidnapper had thrown me was deep.

  The rush of the wind flashed my skin with an immense cold and made me gasp for air. I screamed, but no sound came from my lips.

  Fear filled my mind and body. I closed my eyes, picturing what my last minutes alive were, scared that I might die. A flash of golden eyes that belonged to a wolf. Jarak’s arms around me. Him kissing my head. It rained. I attempted to call out to Jarak for help in my head, hoping he could hear me somehow.

  My descent into the dark unknown slowed, leaving me apprehensive. What was to come? What would happen to me? I began to fall much slower. It was strange. I pushed out with my energy, trying to stop myself from falling any further. Then, without warning, my body hit the ground, knocking the wind from my chest. At least I didn’t hit the ground at full speed. I wasn’t sure what slowed me down, but I was sure magic had something to do with it.

  I lay on the cold unforgiving floor, wheezing and gasping for air. I rapidly blinked my eyes, trying to see anything. Blackness was all around. Moving my hands around me, I rubbed the compacted earth I still laid upon with my palms. Dirt crumbled under my fingertips, but I also touched something familiar. It was a hard slab of stone, buried under what felt like an inch of dirt. It was rough and made me think of concrete. No wonder my landing was tough.


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