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Wolf Spell

Page 14

by M. R. Polish

  Jarak reached for my hand. “It's okay Es.”

  I shook my head. Of course, now I’m like freaking Dr. Doolittle, talking to animals. “He’s talking in my head. Can you hear him?”

  Jarak laughed a little. “Yes, all Guardians can hear their wolves. It’s not normal for others to hear them, but then again you’re exceptional, so this shouldn’t surprise me. Es this is Maztic—Maztic is my Spirit Wolf.”

  I moved my eyes back and forth from Maztic to Jarak. So this was the wolf he bonded with. Never would I have imagined a wolf, or any animal for that matter, could talk to me. Still stunned, I moved a little closer to Jarak. “I think that went rather well.” Maztic’s voice rang with sarcasm in my head.

  Jarak rolled his eyes. “Maztic, could you give us some room? I want to talk to Es.”

  “Where do you suggest I go? The dog house?” Maztic’s low gruff sounded more jovial than disappointed. I smiled—a little.

  “Maztic.” Jarak chided a little deeper. I watched as he walked toward the door, his form evaporating into the air until he was gone.

  I didn’t move. “Omigod. He just disappeared.”

  “Yeah, they are Spirit Wolves. They can come and go as they need.”

  “Do they all talk?” I still sat frozen, watching the doorway where Maztic vanished.

  “Yes and no. Only a Guardian can talk to his or her Shadow, but you can hear your mate’s wolf also. That’s why I’m a little baffled why it is you can hear him. Since…” Jarak glimpsed into my eyes, not saying more. “So are you feeling okay?”

  I rubbed my arms, and tried to forget about the awkward conversation. “Yeah, I mean I guess so. Emotionally? Not sure.”

  “Victor wasn’t sure if he extracted enough from your system. He worked for hours at your side using some weird spell. It looked like a green fog settled over your body. I’m glad it worked.”

  Jarak moved off the bed. “Wait.” I clutched onto his arm, afraid that he would leave, and I didn’t think I could handle being alone. “I remember falling, scared that I was dead or dying. I was alone. I tried to stop, but there was nothing there for me to grab to help me.”

  I took a deep breath, hoping to relax a little from the anxiety the memories provoked. Jarak sat back down and pulled me closer, holding me tight.

  “Finally, I hit the ground. It was cold and hard, like a dirt-covered stone slab… pitch black, no light. I crawled around, feeling my way through the dirt. That’s when I saw the light,” My voice cracked, it was hard to think about what happened.

  “What light?” he whispered against my neck.

  “It was Moriah—she was with the light.”

  He stiffened, his embrace no longer relaxed. “Moriah?”

  Tears rolled out of my eyes. “Well it wasn’t really her, she’s dead, but she managed to come in spirit form. At least that’s how I understood it.”

  His hushed tone was deep. “I’m so sorry you went through that.” He kissed the top of my head. He sent me mixed signals and my emotional state couldn’t handle it.

  I nodded. “It was horrible.” I remembered the pain in that awful place. “The pain I had is unreal, unfathomable,” my voice trembled.

  “I’m so sorry Es.” I could hear tears choking in his voice. I snuggled deeper in his arms, resting my head on his chest, feeling him loosen up a little more again.

  “Don’t be sorry. You came for me… and I talked to you. Well, screamed for you is more like it. Hoping you could hear me through some weird connection.” He might think I’m some clingy chick, but I had to let him know that I thought of him.

  “That actually explains a lot.”

  I looked up at him. “How?”

  “I heard you. Every time I heard your voice it gave me hope, I knew you were still alive.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. What the heck? I couldn’t believe he’d heard me. I hoped he would, but to know that he did was incredible.

  “I can’t believe they threw you down in the ground. I wanted nothing more than to find you. You’ve gotta believe me. I tried to get to you sooner.” Genuine concern filled Jarak’s whole face. His eyes searched mine. “How are you feeling? Really? Nicholas drugged you with something but, Ree isn’t sure what he used. Whatever it was, it was bad.”

  “I’m fine, massive headache, but I’m okay. It was Belladonna. I fought him, like Moriah said, but he shoved tons of it in my mouth. I thought I was as good as dead.”

  A knock on the bedroom door averted our attention. Jarak let go of me and backed up putting space between us once again.

  Ailaina poked her head into the room.

  She ran toward the bed, smiling. Reaching out, she gave me a hug. “How are you feeling? Are you okay?”

  I sighed and nodded. “Yeah, just a headache.” Rubbing my temples in affirmation.

  Her eyes sparkled. “You can fix that.”

  I hugged her again, not wanting to let go. “I love you girly.”

  “Psh, I know that.” She leaned back and sat on the bed with us. “I love you too. I’m so glad we found you. I don’t want you to ever scare me like that again.”

  “I’ll try my best, but trust me, it wasn’t a treat for me either.” We both laughed. I wasn’t sure what my life was becoming. A month ago, I was an ordinary girl working in a flower shop. Now people hunted me for my blood. I closed my eyes, willing my headache away. Magic was nice, at least I could make that hurt go away, but it took more effort and I couldn’t get it all to leave. Probably since I was still weak.

  Opening my eyes, I saw Jarak, staring at me. A corner of his mouth lifted. Time slowed to almost a stop as I allowed myself to enjoy the moment with him, Ailaina forgotten for the time being. I absorbed his features, memorizing every curve to his face, down to the hints of silver in his eyes. A clearing of a throat made me aware of the present, and I lowered my face, embarrassed that she knew I stared at Jarak. I smiled. Somehow, I didn’t think he was too far from where I’d just been. “Maybe I should come back?” Ailaina teased, batting her eyelashes.

  “No.” Jarak stood from the bed, still watching me. “I was just leaving.”

  I wanted to scream ‘no!’, but I knew he had things to do. Nicholas was still out there, and we needed a plan.

  “It’s okay, I’ll stay with you. We can talk.” She smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

  I wasn’t sure what to talk about first. My life is turned upside down, the guy I like just walked out, my mom isn’t truly my mom but a vampire, and I am hunted for my blood. I pondered the details of my life in my head.

  So many things had happened in the last month, and we needed to catch up. We sat and talked forever and just relished each other’s company. It was good that she didn’t make me talk about being underground or Nicholas, or even about how Meadow needs blood to survive. We talked about guys and life in general. The normal girl stuff.

  – Jarak –

  I pressed my back up against the wall and took a deep breath.

  “How’d it go?” Maztic’s low growl lifted my attention.

  “It went.” I was still in shock over how close I was to losing Es. I’ve already lost someone and didn't think I could bear it again. Then she said she saw Moriah. My heart still skipped beats over that.

  I wanted Es to be mine so badly, that inside I sensed her pull, like a child’s game of tug of war. My heart pushed me toward her while my mind tried to pull away. I wasn’t sure what to do. It was too confusing. She was my Alpha’s daughter, and I need to protect her, not fall in love with her, and that could happen all too easily. The only thing was... My heart wasn’t mine to give. It still belonged to someone else, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to take it back.

  “Your mind tells me otherwise my friend.” Maztic always spoke so wisely. He sat back on his haunches.

  “You should ask before reading my thoughts,” I grumbled. “I think I’m in trouble.” I dropped my head into my hands as I slid down the wall, sitting on the floor.

  Maztic la
ughed. “I said the same thing when I met Luna. I know you have a past, but this could be your future.”

  My head snapped up. “Luna? Wait a minute. You and Luna?” How did I not know this?

  Maztic shook his giant head. “No. I sometimes think it’s her, but then she feels more like one of the spirit pack. A sister so to speak. Very confusing.”

  “She is Es’s Wolf right?” I fiddled with reality.

  “Yes.” Maztic settled himself up next to me, giving me support with his massive body. “Luna is waiting to show herself until Esmeralda has more strength.”

  “Wouldn’t being around Luna give her strength?”

  “Yes, but she doesn’t want to put too much on her right now. Besides, she gave her all the strength she had while she was unconscious.”

  “This can work right?” Hope flared in my chest, bringing back a spark.

  “Of course it can work, why wouldn’t it? Just remember, it might not be you that she is destined for. You have a closeness with her because you’re a Guardian, everything you’ve gone through, and things yet to come. It won’t be easy. Besides, you have a past…” Maztic cocked his head sideways. His white fur looked almost silver under the moonlight that streamed through the living-room windows. I reached out to pet him.

  “I know,” I interrupted. I was confused enough. I didn’t need to be reminded of her. “You know my past. I can’t lose Es too. If I get close to her…” I bowed my head. “I realize that now, after staying with her these last couple weeks, I almost want to try.”

  “You won't lose her. You will protect her. We will protect her,” Maztic declared.

  A Tracking Spell

  – Esmerelda –

  I knew what I needed to do. I was alive, and it was my destiny to defeat Nicholas.

  “I think I’m okay. My head feels better.” I pushed off the bed with confidence.

  Ailaina cocked her head. “You’re sure? I can help.” Her face scrunched as she talked.

  I waved her off. “Nah, I got this.” I smiled hoping my friend would believe me because I hardly believed myself. My feet were unsteady as I stood.

  “Okay.” Ree breathed in deeply and swung her arms around me. “I’m just down the hall if you girls need me.”

  I hugged her back. “Thanks, but I have to do this.” I watched her leave the room, leaving me alone under the scrutinizing glare of Ailaina.

  “You don’t have to be the shoulder that carries everything you know,” she pouted. I disregarded her hurt expression and walked with her to the door.

  Stepping out into the hallway, my strength faded. How would I defeat Nicholas? It was horrible being his captive in the horrid ground. Everything that happened still gave me nightmares. Even daymares.

  Ailaina shifted her weight, giving me the I-don’t-believe-you look. “So you’re sure I can’t help?”

  I gave her a quick hug. “I promise. Everything is fine. I will come back up after I talk to Victor and Jarak.”

  “Fine. I’m gonna go take a shower then.” She turned on her heel and walked away. I knew she was upset and wanted to help me, but I needed to do this on my own.

  I hugged my arms close to my body. It was lonely without her. I’d been too close to death’s door to want to be alone. I took in a deep breath and looked for the guys. My feet fell into a rhythm with my pounding heart as I descended the stairs. They both were in the living room. Victor sat in one of the chairs while Jarak stood by the large window staring out at the backyard.

  Both men looked at me as I entered the room.

  “Esmerelda, are you okay?” Victor closed his book he’d been reading, placing it on his lap.

  “Yeah, I made a decision. Nicholas said something about having another way of creating his crossbreeds. We need to find out what it is. It might be what we need to defeat him.” My chest heaved with each breath. It was still hard to breath at times. The belladonna had lasting effects, but each day I gained more of my powers back.

  Victor’s brow scrunched together. “Another way?”

  “Yes. I know what I’m supposed to do, but sitting here doing nothing isn’t it. I don’t want one person to have to go through what I went through. I’m sure he didn’t even get to the worst of what he could’ve done. I need to find out what or who it is that can help him.” My anger rose. That man was evil, and someone needed to stop him. I couldn’t imagine what the human race will have to go through if no one stops him.

  Victor stood from the chair. I dropped my hands and propped them on my hips. His hands shook as he combed them through his thick hair. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  I nodded my head. “This has to end.”

  Jarak met my eyes, and then strode over to me, placing his arms around my waist. “I can’t lose you again.”

  I lowered my eyes. “I don’t want to lose you either.”

  I reached my arms around him, inhaling his spicy woodsy scent, filling me with a sense of peace. “It's okay.” I hoped that were true. I was worried too, but there was no changing fate.

  “Esmerelda, I’m not sure you understand. Going against Nicholas could be fatal if we fail.”

  “I think she’s right.” Maztic’s growl entered my head. I twisted to see him walk into the room.

  “Don’t do that!” I squealed. “At least warn us that you’re here. You scared me.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Meadow walk in. She stopped in front of Maztic. “Is Luna coming?” Her eyes never left Maztic.

  “She is coming, but was momentarily detained.” Maztic told Jarak and I in our minds with confidence.

  “She’s coming.” Jarak looked at Meadow.

  Victor nodded in understanding then looked at us. “Jarak, as much as I hate saying this, you’ll need to leave tonight. Maybe take her back to the states.”

  Meadow came and placed her hands on my shoulders, turning me away from Jarak. “We won’t be far behind you.” Her conviction filled the air, sticking with all of us.

  I nodded at Victor in approval—we would leave tonight. I grasped Jarak’s hand. “Tonight.”

  Jarak squeezed my hand. “We’ll be together, and everything will be fine.” He gave me one of his debonair smiles and his dimple caved in quick sand.

  I loved that smile. “I’m ready.”

  “I’m gonna go tell Ailaina.”

  “I’ll come with you.” Jarak

  I nodded. Still holding his hand, we slipped into the hallway, leaving Victor and Meadow. I shook my head as we climbed the stairs.

  Jarak pulled me in closer. “We should talk.” His voice dropped low and deep.

  My heart fluttered. I could feel Jarak’s breath hot on my skin.

  “About what?” I whispered.

  Jarak hesitated then leaned in. “About this…” His lips were as soft as velvet as they brushed across mine. The soft pressure of our mouths molding together made my knees go weak. All thoughts of finding out what Nicholas needed disappeared.

  Jarak broke the kiss, his lips lingering over mine. He rested his forehead on mine with his hands at the back of my head, keeping me close.

  I leaned back, breaking the spell between us. Brushing my fingers over my lips, I could still feel the tingling sensation of his kiss. “I guess we should get going.” My voice was raspy. I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea, but my body craved more.

  I turned away from him. My cheeks were still warm from our closeness. He guided me down the hallway with his hand on my back. The long maroon drapes framed the floor length windows as the light flooded the hall.

  A razor-sharp pain moved through my stomach. I doubled over, wincing and unable to catch my breath. Everything in my body became heavy as if something constricted me. The tight pressure enveloped me, and my eyes fluttered as I fought to keep them open.

  Strong arms wrapped around me then my body was weightless. The hall swished around me with intricate colors—blue, green and red swirled together, making me dizzy. No sound came out as I tried to call out to
Jarak for help.

  Muffled noises made me aware of another presence. Blurring commotion filled my ears as if I swam underwater.

  The firm hold around my waist moved to the back of my neck and at the small of my back. Jarak carried me, but I didn’t know why. Nothing made sense.

  – Jarak –

  “Maztic!” I shouted, the bellow echoed in the house as if we were in a cave.

  I looked down at Es, still in my arms. She hung limp and unresponsive. Her skin went pale and cold. Fear churned in the pit of my stomach.

  Heavy footfalls lifted my attention from Es. “What happened?” I could hear Maztic. A worried tone laced his usual confident growl.

  I dropped to the floor in a heap, still protectively holding Es. Her chest still rose with shallow breaths. “I don’t know, we were walking and then—then this.”

  Meadow bent down beside me, wiping Es’s hair away from her face. Her nostrils flared. “He’s close now—too close.” Deep red veins became visible around her neck as she became angry. It was what happened to all vampires when a thirst overcame them, it was in reality a chilling sight to see. Especially standing so close to one.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nicholas. He’s close. He has to be. It’s the only explanation…” Her voice trailed off. “I thought we had more time, but in order to use a tracking spell to this magnitude he needs to be close. It looks like he obviously wants her dead.” She glanced over at Victor, who held a solemn look.

  “What do you mean more time? What is going on?” I wanted to yell.

  Ree came forward, glaring at Meadow. “Nothing.”

  Meadow turned away. “Don't lie Ree. You and I both know it. It’s too late for us to fix it.”

  “Not right now, if he can get her far enough away, there is still a chance.” Ree walked over to Meadow.

  Ailaina cried out as she walked out from the bathroom, her hair still wet. She raced over to us. “What happened?”

  Meadow answered her, “Nicholas is too close.”


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