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Wolf Spell

Page 16

by M. R. Polish

  We’d been at the cabin for a week with no signs of Nicholas or his hunters. Standing outside on the porch, I relaxed in Jarak’s arm and rested my head on his chest. I wasn’t quite sure what we were, but it comforted me to have his arms around me. As soon as I thought we were a couple, he would get distant and push me away.

  I sighed. I could smell the smoke from the fireplace, reminding me of the toasty heat that waited for us. We stayed with my head on his chest for a minute longer before returning to the warmth of the house.

  “I’ll go make some hot chocolate.” He kissed the top of my head as he headed toward the kitchen.

  Dozens of books and newspapers were open and spread out all over the living room floor. I read everything I could, but nothing stood out as a corrective for the cursed breeds. It surprised me that Jarak had so many mythological books in his house. It was like reading a history of all Witches and Guardians. The one thing I found particularly intriguing was a Seer. They were always around witches and were usually female. I picked on Ailaina, telling her that she probably came from a family of supernaturals too.

  Her whole life she had dreams of unique experiences. I began to think she was a Seer, and naturally drawn to me when we were children because of our unknown abilities.

  “Anything?” I asked Ailaina as she sifted through a book on Seers.

  Her head lifted, but her eyes never left the page. “Hum?”

  I grinned at her. “Did you find anything we can use?”

  She put the book down and scrunched her face. “You said he told you that he’d need to kill more witches right?”

  I sat down next to her on the floor, crossing my legs Indian-style. “Yeah. I thought it was a scare tactic to get me to do what he wanted, but now I wonder how much truth is in it.”

  “Okay, if I tell you something, don’t freak out alright.”

  I glimpsed over at her. “Me freak out? I’m a witch, what could you possibly tell me to scare me?”

  “Maybe you’re right about the Seer thing. I had another dream. I think it was a clue to finding what we need to know, but it wasn’t pretty.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, in my dream there was a death of a warlock. His blood mixed with a spell, but that part was fuzzy and I couldn’t see it all. After that, there was more death and blood. I’m not sure what it all means, but I’m glad I’m not a witch.”

  “Why?” Jarak asked as he came back into the room.

  She hesitated and looked away. I could tell she was intentionally avoiding my stare. “Because all the blood used in my dream, all the dead people… they were witches and warlocks.”

  I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I absorbed the revelations her dream gave us. One more reason I was convinced she’s a Seer. “How are you sure? I mean, they could be anyone right?”

  She folded her arms across her abdomen and leaned forward, still not looking at me. “Because I saw you.”

  I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat. “Well, your dreams don’t always have a one-hundred percent forecast. It could be a warning. Don’t read too much into it okay.”

  I peeked over at Jarak who stared at me. I winked at him, letting him know I was fine. I knew he probably wanted to hide me somewhere else, and declare the whole world unsafe for me.

  Ailaina let out a deep sigh. “I know, it’s just a lot to think about, ya know? Seeing your death, even in a dream, is hard.”

  I leaned over and hugged her.

  I wasn’t going anywhere. I would find out the reason for the magical blood, maybe find out how Nicholas would use it to create his crossbreeds. If I could do that, I might be able to put a stop to it before he could hurt more people that are innocent.

  An Unwanted Visitor

  – Esmerelda –

  November 9, 2012

  I walked on the small trail behind the cabin with Luna close beside me. It was nice to enjoy the fresh air with her. The last week since coming to Idaho, I’d made a point to spend time with her, just the two of us. It was as if we needed it. I was stronger and more alive when I was with her. My senses where more alert and vibrant, making it easy to relish in the woods beauty and nature.

  I lifted my leg to climb over a large fallen tree trunk. The roots mangled together over the years and greenish-yellow fuzzy moss covered the whole thing, creating a mystical looking hide-a-way. I half expected to see a fairy flutter out of there on their way to cause chaos.

  “Why didn’t I ever feel this connected to you before?” I slumped down onto the tree.

  Luna stopped and looked up at me. “You were taken before we were able to have eye contact and finish the bonding process. That is why I couldn’t find you all these years. It was horrible. A piece of me went missing with you. I knew about you and how I should be with you, but couldn’t.”

  I scratched her head. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.” She sat down beside me.

  “I know. I just wished I had the chance to grow up knowing all of this.”

  “Maybe in a weird way, Meadow and Bry saved you from running and hiding from Nicholas your whole childhood? Maybe it was a good thing.”

  I hadn’t thought of it quite like that, but she was right, it was probably a good thing. I did have two magical “parents” who watched over me very protectively, even if it was for their own selfish reasons, and was kept hidden from the one who wants my blood. Not to mention, I had Ailaina. Since Seers and witches are magnetically pulled together, it explains a lot about our friendship, and why her parents looked after me as if I were another daughter.

  A scuffle in the fallen leaves brought me out of my thoughts. I twisted to look around. Luna stood with her ears pointed forward, listening to the forest.

  I decided it wasn’t smart to speak out loud, so I spoke to her in my head. “Do you hear whoever it is?”

  “I hear walking, but not sure how many or who it is.”

  “We should go get Jarak.”

  I stood up and watched where I stepped, so I wouldn’t make more noise than I needed to, getting to the cabin. Luna disappeared, but I knew she was still with me in spirit form.

  I pried open the front door and pushed it shut slowly.

  “Is the wind that scary?” Ailaina laughed as she trotted down the stairs.

  “Shh…” I peeked around the door to the window. “Something or someone is out there.”

  “Okay, seriously, I think squirrels are making you nutty. There is no one—” A loud boom outside cut her off. She ran to get behind me, grabbing my shirt. “What was that?”

  “I told you something was out there.”

  “That’s a big squirrel!” she squealed.

  I rolled my eyes at her. “Where’s Jarak?”

  “Right here.” He came in from the side door past the kitchen. “I was out patrolling with Maztic.” He strode over to me. “I heard the magic repercussion and came running.”

  “That’s what that sound is?” Ailaina crossed her arms. “Es’s magic never sounds like that.”

  “It’s a different kind of magic. Are you okay?” He ran his hands up and down my arms.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Luna and I heard something while we were outside and came to find you. What is it?” I could hear my heart beat thumping in my ears.

  “From experience I’d say a crossed over vampire practicing his dark magic, but it doesn’t mean they work for Nicholas.”

  “I’m gonna guess that whoever it is, isn’t a good one, like Ree.”

  “Es, there are no good ones. Just remember that.”

  Nodding, I sucked in a deep breath. I wanted to argue with him on Meadow’s behalf, but I wasn’t sure anymore. So many things had changed.

  “So should she start chanting or something?”

  Neither Jarak or I said anything. If only magic was that simple.

  She placed her hand on her hip in her perfect Ailaina stance, “So, can you do a spell or something to get rid of them?”

I bit my lip and held my breath to keep from laughing. “If I could chant away vampires, this whole situation would be irrelevant. I could make them non-existent.”

  “Yeah… So that’s a no.” She shifted her weight to her other leg. “Well, you could always do a reverse spell and throw them off, like when you and Victor had a tracking day while training.”

  Jarak’s eyes lit up. “Ailaina that’s perfect!”

  I scrunched my brows together. “How is that perfect?”

  “You can do a spell to cover our scent. It could buy us enough time to figure out who it is.”

  “Oh, you mean disguise our human essence?”

  “Exactly,” he said with a knowing grin.

  I flipped my hand over with my palm up, taking my forefinger with my other hand, hovered above my palm and twirled it in circles. Soon, a blue swirl of wispy fog swirled around mimicking a miniature tornado. I moved closer to Jarak, keeping my palm up and with my free hand, fanned the mist onto him. “Spirits now, let us be not known, from flesh to bone, make us three alone.”

  I backed up to Ailaina and repeated the process, then fanned myself with the incantation. I dropped my hand, and the blue fog disappeared.

  “That was so cool,” Ailaina raved. “But did it work?”

  I shrugged. “Only one way to find out. Let’s go find out who it is.”

  – Jarak –

  I couldn’t lay still. Even after tracking all morning, I was still restless. I got up from the couch. The fire still had a good glow, so I put on another piece of wood. A shuffle from upstairs averted my attention from the flames.

  I could hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I didn’t turn around. I knew who it was. Ailaina was still outside with Maztic and Luna, so we had the house to ourselves.

  “I couldn’t sleep.” Her voice sounded tired. We walked for hours outside with no luck finding the vampire, then came back to take a nap.

  “Me either.”

  She slumped down on the couch where I’d just tried to sleep. She looked so tempting with her a mess, thrown back in a ponytail. Blue jeans and tight pink top completed her attire. I could feel an ache in my groin as I watched her.

  I didn’t dare stand up. I was shirtless with only a pair of blue jeans on. I sat hunched on my legs in front of the fire, my face burning from the warmth.

  “Come sit with me.” Her plea sounded so innocent as she patted the seat right next to where she curled her legs up.

  I cleared my throat, trying to buy me some time. I stood, but faced the kitchen, afraid of how much she’d see. “I’m gonna get a water. You want one?”


  The walk to the fridge was uncomfortable, but I made it. By the time I reached the stainless steel door, I was able to control myself. I grabbed two bottles of water and walked back to the couch.

  I didn’t realize this would be harder than sitting by the fire. She propped her legs up on my lap and opened her water. Dear Lord, I cannot resist.

  I placed a hand on her leg, but not too high. I could feel the heat from her body as it radiated to mine. This was the hardest self–control I’d ever gone through. It had been so long since I was with anyone. I pushed aside those thoughts. It was long ago, in my past. She could be my future.

  I brushed the fallen hair from her face and leaned over. It was now or never. I found her lips waiting for mine. At that moment, nothing else mattered. I could feel my heart beat faster. I slid my hand up on her stomach. She sucked in a short breath. Memories flooded my mind of another time—with someone else. Once we fall in love, it is forever, even in death. I let out an exasperated sigh. I shouldn’t be doing this with her. I couldn’t commit myself to her the way she deserved. I hesitantly pulled away.

  “Sorry,” I breathed hard against her cheek.

  “No. Don’t be sorry. Please.” She was like my own personal angel, telling me what I wanted to hear, but wasn’t worthy of.

  I sat up straighter. “I shouldn’t have done that.” I ran my hands through my hair. Ugh! I wanted her so badly it hurt, but my heart wasn’t mine to give. If I were with Es, would it be true or would it be selfish desires? I was so confused over what to do. Would I ever be free to truly love again?

  I had no time to wallow on what could have been and what was. Maztic’s voice interrupted all thoughts in my head.

  “He’s here… about a mile away. I’m on his scent right now.”

  “Crap.” I jumped up from the couch. “Get ready, fast. He’s already here.”

  She already dashed up the stairs to get her shoes. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on. My boots were beside the couch, so I slid them on quickly.

  Es ran back down the stairs. I met her at the bottom and grabbed her hand.

  I reached out in my head to communicate with him. “Maztic, is Luna with you?”

  “No, she’s outside the house with Ailaina.”

  I didn’t let go of Es’s hand and pulled her with me to the door. “Can you feel his energy?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  “Try,” I urged. We needed to know how close he was.

  “No, it’s weird. Like its old energy, not new living energy.”

  “Well, he’s a vampire, it wouldn’t be living energy.”

  She shook her head. “He’s not here… At least not anymore. I think our scent spell worked. He went off in the other direction. I don’t think he knows we’re here.”

  – Esmerelda –

  I let out a sigh as I walked with Jarak to get some much needed air. Ailaina was upstairs trying to get some sleep. I felt horrible for her. She’d been outside when the vampire was around, and I didn’t know. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to her.

  Outside, the icy wind nipped at my cheeks. My nose was numb, but it invigorated me to be walking. We’d been taking our patrols together, but today was different. Since last night, neither of us slept since finding out that bloodsucker was close. None of us saw anything from him, but the awful dead feeling filled the mountain’s once peaceful setting.

  “What’s wrong?’ Jarak squeezed my hand and stopped walking. His worried expression made me smile.

  I shook my head. “Nothing. I was just thinking about everything with Nicholas and the vampire and how good it is to be outside—how good it is to be with you.” My cold cheeks now burned with the heat that rushed to them. I bit my upper lip and looked away, turning my attention to the frost covered pine trees.

  The forest would be stunning in the spring. I loved it so far and couldn’t wait to see the colors emerge. A large boulder rested beside the little creek, which ran behind the house. I hauled my frozen body toward it. Jarak following me, his hand never letting mine go.

  “Es wait.” He pulled against me, stopping me.

  He stepped closer, closing the distance between us. He was so close that I could feel the warmth of his body radiate through my coat. His minty breath wisped around my face in a white fog. I closed my eyes, relishing the moment, but also because I was afraid to look him in the eyes after my confession. “Open your eyes.” He cradled the side of my face with his hand.

  I opened them and met his gaze.

  “Es, time with you is too precious to waste hiding from my own feelings.” Jarak took a deep breath, holding it. He rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat before continuing. “This isn’t easy for me, I have loved before, but if you give me time, I can try again.”

  He wiped a tear off my cheek with his thumb. “Don’t cry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” I couldn’t help but wonder who he’d loved before, but it was in the past and if he wanted me to know then he’d tell me. At least I hoped. Closing the gap between us even more and cutting off any more words from him, I encircled my arms around his neck and pulled him in. I kissed him with all the emotions I had, everything I couldn’t say I put into the kiss, making every part of my body tingle.

  Jarak leaned back, breaking our kiss. A small smile played on his lips. “Does this me
an you’re willing to wait a while for me?”

  I pressed my lips together and nodded my head. “Yes.”

  He kissed my forehead. “I don’t deserve you. My past… I just want you to know there was someone. She will always have a place in my heart.”

  “What happened?”

  “She died.” He seemed distant, not looking down at me, staring off into the woods. I wasn’t sure what to say, if anything, at that moment. I could tell it still hurt him.

  A snowflake floated down, landing on my nose. The air around us swirled with white. I laughed as I wiped off the melted snow. I rose up on my tiptoes and kissed him, then wrapped my arms around him tighter. He held me as if I were the only girl in the world who held his attention. I just lived in the moment, taking what I could get.

  He pulled away. I tried not to show my disappointment. It was hard competing with a ghost. I wasn’t sure he would ever just see me and not her. At least for right now, he was mine.

  The Missing

  – Esmerelda –

  November 10, 2012

  “Hey, can you magic me up a paper? The newspaper kids get lost on their way up.” Jarak chuckled and slumped down onto the couch. “Go figure.”

  Yesterday we walked forever trying to find the vampire to no avail. We all agreed today we would just relax, or try to anyway.

  “Hey, you guys want some cocoa?” Ailaina called from the kitchen, the teapot already whistling, letting everyone know the water boiled.

  “Love some,” I hollered back, turning my attention to Jarak. “What do you think this is? Bewitched? I wrinkle my nose and BAM!” I plopped down onto the couch next to him.

  “You mean it’s not?” He tried his best at a sad puppy-dog face, but it had no effect on me. Okay, so it had a lot of effect, but I wasn’t about to let him know that.

  I snapped my finger playfully, even though I didn't have to. A freshly rolled newspaper, wrapped with a rubber band, landed in his lap.


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