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ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series)

Page 3

by Jackson, Brenda

  “That isn’t funny, Dominique.”

  “What isn’t? The President catching pneumonia or everyone thinking I need a man.”

  “We don’t think you need a man; we just think you should start dating again.”

  “And I will, sooner or later.”

  Ruth frowned. “We’re hoping it will be sooner than later. Constance and I would like some little ones to spoil while we still can.”

  Dominique couldn’t help but grin as she shook her head. “Yes, ma’am, I’ll keep that in mind.”


  The first thing Jordan noticed when he entered the courtroom was that the place was packed. It seemed everyone wanted to be present at what some labeled the trial of the year.

  An atmosphere of anticipation hung in the air. There was also an ambience of doubt, Jordan thought. Royce and the other members of the firm’s defense team were going to have a hard time convincing the jury of Danah Fairchild’s innocence when the media had already painted her as the manipulating, greedy, and conniving wife.

  Taking one of the few available seats in the back, Jordan settled into a comfortable position. He planned to remain only long enough to hear Royce present his opening arguments.

  Moments later, the bailiff’s strong voice started the proceedings. “All rise. The Honorable D. Kincaid’s court is now in session. . . .”

  Jordan, like everyone else in the courtroom, stood and focused his attention toward the front when the judge entered. He blinked when recognition hit – right below the gut – and his breath got lodged deep in his throat.

  He blinked again, thinking he must be seeing things, but when the judge took her place behind the bench he knew he was seeing clearly. The Honorable D. Kincaid was Dominique. Even wearing a black robe and with her hair twisted into a knot on top of her head, he recognized her.

  “Everyone may be seated.”

  As the bailiff instructed, he took his seat and watched spellbound as Judge Kincaid began speaking with all the authority she possessed, holding everyone’s rapt attention.

  Everyone’s but his.

  His entire body was tinged with awareness as his mind drifted to the first time he had seen her jogging. He continued to stare, mesmerized, unable to pull his gaze away. He then remembered the morning they jogged together in companionable silence for three solid miles, and how he had wanted to ask her out but hadn’t gotten the chance before she’d taken off. His hands curled into fists and he wondered what fast fix he could use to keep his body under control when it was getting hard already. He shifted positions in the seat, not wanting to make his predicament obvious to those around him. Placing his briefcase in his lap seemed to be a pretty good solution.

  Settling back in his seat, he wondered what her reaction would be when she saw him. Would she immediately recognize him as he had recognized her? Her attention was on the occupants at the defense and prosecution tables, as well as on those individuals sitting in the jury box. He couldn’t wait for the moment when he could capture her gaze with his.

  He didn’t have to wait long. Wayne Martin, a member of the prosecution, stood to address the jurors in opening remarks. It was then that Judge Kincaid allowed her gaze to scan the scope of her courtroom.

  Jordan slowly inhaled a deep breath the moment their gazes met. Her eyes glittered in surprise. Then it happened. Across the span of the courtroom he felt the connection, an electrifying sexual charge. It galvanized a solid link between them with a force that nearly took his breath away.

  He knew that he wasn’t alone in this dilemma when he noticed a shudder touch Dominique that was so lightning fast, if he hadn’t been watching her so intently he would have missed it.

  When Royce stood to present the opening argument for the defense, Jordan shifted the briefcase in his lap, feeling his body getting harder. He couldn’t help but wonder what Her Honor was thinking at this very moment.

  Dominique released a shuddering breath and forced her gaze to move on, away from Jordan. But that didn’t stop a feeling of unrestrained warmth from flooding her insides. She mentally shook herself and returned her attention to the attorney who was speaking to the jurors, and not the man sitting in the audience. But still, she couldn’t help but search her mind for answers. Was he a member of the press? A curious spectator? A family member of the accused or the victim?

  She forced her attention back to the proceedings. A while later, opening arguments for both sides had been completed and the first witness was being called and sworn in.

  Moments later Dominique found herself looking back in the audience at Jordan. He was still staring at her. She wondered if perhaps his being here was no coincidence. Had he intentionally sought her out?

  “I object, Your Honor!”

  Dominique’s attention was drawn back to the front of the courtroom. The defense attorney had stood, not agreeing with something the prosecutor had asked the witness. She racked her brain, wondering just what the defense attorney was objecting to, and felt annoyed for letting Jordan be a distraction. Everyone in the courtroom was looking at her, waiting for her to respond. Since Wayne Martin was known for using underhanded tactics at times, she decided to play it safe and asked, “On what grounds, Counselor?”

  “The prosecution is arguing facts not entered into evidence, Your Honor.”

  She nodded, then said, “Objection sustained.”

  Martin looked agitated. The defense attorney, Royce Parker, looked downright relieved. Dominique felt frustrated. She didn’t need to be distracted and decided to keep her mind on what was going on in her courtroom and not on the man making her entire body feel heated. And from the way he was looking at her, she had a feeling he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  She shuddered and drew in a deep breath. That was not a comforting thought.


  After banging her gavel Dominique said, “Court is adjourned until nine-thirty in the morning.” She stood and exited the courtroom, quickly heading for her chambers. Just as she had assumed he would, Jordan had remained through the entire court session. It had been close to impossible to ignore him. And whenever she did happen to glance his way, he was always staring at her. Had her complexion been lighter than nut brown, it would have been obvious to everyone that she had literally been in a heated flush throughout the entire proceedings.

  Holding her head down as she walked, she wondered what in the world she was going to do. She made a sound of agitated disgust when she reached the area where her chambers were located. What on earth would she do if he decided to show up in her courtroom again tomorrow?

  “How did things go today?”

  Dominique didn’t look up as she responded to Ruth, “Not so good,” and kept walking in deep thought toward the door to her chambers.

  “Judge Kincaid, please wait up!”

  Dominique’s head lifted in surprise and she quickly whirled around, trying to ignore the way her heart was pounding fast and furious in her chest.

  “What are you doing here, Jordan?” Dominique asked softly as her eyes lit on his face.

  Jordan’s brow lifted at the not-so-simple question that was asked in a somewhat shaky voice. It was all he could do to keep from reaching out and touching her when he came to a full stop in front of her. Since she had come directly from the courtroom, she hadn’t taken the time to take her robe off. An image of how she had looked that last morning he had seen her filled his mind. She’d been hot, sweaty, and delectable, as well as sexy as hell. Even now, with a robe covering her, she still was. It didn’t take much to dredge up the basic primal appetite he seemed to have around her. Which was the main reason he was holding his briefcase in front of him.


  The lips that said his name looked soft and sweet, and he couldn’t help but wonder how they would feel pressed against his.

  “You didn’t show up yesterday morning, Dominique.”

  Very slowly Dominique forced her gaze away from his, and then she noticed Ruth sitting at h
er desk watching them intently. She groaned softly. Her entire family would definitely hear about this, starting with her grandmother. Swallowing hard, she returned her gaze to Jordan.

  “I would rather that we talked privately in my chambers.”

  Jordan nodded. “Yeah, that’s not a bad idea.”

  Dominique’s head tilted as she looked up at him. She then wondered whether inviting him into her chambers had been a smart move on her part. They would be alone and she barely knew him. All she knew about him was that his name was Jordan, he liked to jog, and he got turned on easily, since she was definitely not the type of woman to cause any man to come down with an immediate case of lust. That was Michelle’s forte.

  She inwardly sighed. Now that she had suggested that they talk privately in her chambers, she couldn’t back out. Instead of saying anything she turned and began walking the last few feet to her door, knowing Jordan was following. She heard him take the time to speak to Ruth.

  “Do you want me to hold your calls, Your Honor?”

  With a sigh Dominique turned around, slightly annoyed with Ruth. She could read her like a book. “No, don’t hold my calls, and when Michelle arrives please send her in.”

  “I’m sure you’ll want me to announce her first,” Ruth said in an amused voice, as though she were sharing some joke with herself.

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  “You’re sure?”


  “All right,” Ruth said, sounding as if she wasn’t convinced that would be a good idea.

  Dominique narrowed her gaze at Ruth. What did she expect her and Jordan to do behind closed doors? Get naked? She opened her mouth to say something, but snapped it shut when she realized it would be useless to say anything. Jordan was a man, and according to her family, she needed one.

  She was so drawn into those thoughts that she didn’t notice that Jordan was reaching around her until he opened the door. He had leaned in close and she breathed in his scent. The manly warmth of it was stimulating. She looked up at him and cleared her throat. “Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  As soon as Dominique walked into her chambers she immediately felt the walls closing in around her. And when she heard Jordan pull the door shut behind them, she suddenly felt heat rush through her body. She whirled around, determined to get this over with. “The reason I didn’t come to the park yesterday morning was because I thought it was best that I didn’t.”

  “Why? Because there’s a raw, primal sexuality that flows between us? Are you going to deny feeling it?”

  Dominique nodded her head. She would deny it because she had to. “I’m not the type of woman to incite uncontrollable passion in a man.”

  “I’ve got some pretty hard evidence that indicates otherwise,” he said, frowning. His eyes bored into hers.

  Dominique tensed when he took a step toward her. She automatically took a step backward and then blurted out the question that had been on her mind since seeing him in the courtroom. “What is your interest in Danah Fairchild?”

  He eyed her considerably for a moment before responding. “I don’t have one.”

  Dominique raised an arched brow. “Then why were you in my courtroom?” She narrowed her eyes. “Are you a reporter?”

  He raised his eyebrows at the sting he heard in her voice. He then remembered what Royce had told him about how the newspapers had printed news of her aborted wedding. Evidently news reporters were not her favorite people. “No, I’m not a reporter. I’m an attorney.”

  “An attorney?”

  “Yes, for Smith, Hammond, and Rowe.” He saw the look on her face and quickly lifted a hand, cutting off the words he knew she was about to say. “I’m not involved with the Fairchild case in any way, so being here with you in your chambers is not unethical, and there is no conflict of interest. No harm’s been done.”

  As far as Dominique was concerned this last statement was somewhat debatable, especially when every time she looked at him her body temperature rose. It wouldn’t be long before she blew a fuse. There was no doubt in her mind that she was definitely in harm’s way, and she intended to remove herself from that situation. But first she needed to know a few things.

  “When did you move into the area?”

  “A couple of months ago.”

  “From where?”

  “New York.”

  “You were born and raised there?”

  “No. I attended Morehouse in Atlanta, then moved to New York to attend Columbia University Law School. I’m originally from London.”

  She raised a brow. “England?”

  He chuckled. “No, London, Ohio. It’s a small town not far from Columbus.”

  “Oh.” She then asked, “I assume you aren’t married?”

  “No, I’m divorced.”

  She let her breath out on a sigh, not knowing why she was glad to hear he was single when she had no plans to get involved with him.

  “So are you going jogging in the morning?” he asked her.


  “I’m sorry if you think I came on too strong but I can’t help that everything about you turns me on, Dominique.”

  Dominique tried not to let his words get to her but found they were getting to her anyway. She wasn’t a size ten like Michelle, but was comfortable with her full size-fourteen figure. It was one she was proud of and worked hard to keep toned. His dark eyes looked fiercely serious and his strong mouth looked as if it were capable of devouring her. She had to agree with what he said about there being raw, primal sexuality between them. And it had to be a once-in-a-lifetime feeling; she was quite certain of that. What other explanation could there be?

  “Will you be at the park in the morning?”

  His voice was so quiet and calm, he could have been asking her for the time of day. He took another step toward her, and every nerve in her body went on alert.

  “Say you’ll be there, Dominique.”

  She shuddered, drawing in a deep breath. No one, absolutely no one, said her name like he did. He had the kind of voice that could sink into every pore of her body and turn her bones to mush. Before she could say anything, his hand reached out and cupped her under her chin, lifting her face to his. She was aware of everything about him, his size, his strength, and his scent. It was all-male, robust, and earthy rolled up into one.

  His look was intense when he said, “I know we don’t really know each other, but don’t, please don’t be afraid of me. I will not hurt you.” Then his look turned intimate. “There is this thing between us, Dominique. And it has been there from the first. I felt it then and I feel it now. And I believe that you do, too. Admit it.”

  She swallowed, refusing to admit anything. “I don’t want to become involved with you or anyone.”

  “That’s not the vibe I picked up from you that morning we ran together.”

  She could just imagine what vibe he had picked up that morning. She had deliberately gone to the park hoping to see him. She had definitely been a woman on the prowl.

  “My actions that morning went against my better judgment and were a mistake.”

  “No”, he said gently. “It wasn’t a mistake. But there was something I didn’t get the chance to do before you ran off.”



  Before she could take her next breath, he leaned down and touched his lips to hers. It was a kiss that robbed her of her senses. He took things slowly, teasing her mouth to interact with his, and it wasn’t a lost effort. It was a good thing his arms had moved to her waist to support her, or she would have fallen to her knees the moment his tongue entered her mouth and began mating sensuously with hers. She closed her eyes, and whatever strength she had left literally drained from her body, but he held on to her tightly as he tasted her and she tasted him. She had often wondered about his taste since meeting him, and now she knew, and doubted she would ever forget it.

  No kiss, Dominique thought, had ever m
ade her feel this dazed, this crazed. Red-hot passion ignited the flames of desire blazing through her. Every stroke of his tongue against hers worked incredible magic.

  Then he took the kiss from slow to deep, and she returned it in a way she had never done with another man, and that included Kenneth. He captured her tongue with his and held it as he sucked on it, making her heart pound and deliriously drenching every part of her with such extreme pleasure that she actually heard herself whimper and moan.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, she picked up on the fact that his hands were fumbling with her hair knotted on top of her head. Then she felt her hair fall to her shoulders and his fingers raking through the curls. Moments later those same hands moved boldly down her body to her bottom, bringing her snugly against his erection, letting her feel the long, hard length of it pressed against her belly. The feel of him sharpened every sense she had, and little by little she became disoriented by it all. Even with clothes on they seemed to be a perfect fit. She didn’t want to think how they would feel together with their clothes off.

  But she did think about it. And the thought made her feel bold and reckless. She knew she would regret her actions later, but at this very minute the only thing that seemed important was that he was a man and she was a woman. She tightened her arms around his neck and pressed herself closer as an incredible case of hot lust consumed her.


  The clearing of someone’s throat shattered the moment. Jordan and Dominique broke off their kiss, panting, barely able to breathe air into their lungs. She blinked twice to get everything, including her mind, back in focus.

  Michelle was standing by the door with her arms crossed over her chest and a smirky grin on her face. Dominique stiffened as she watched her sister’s gaze skim over them. She was still wearing her black robe, although it was bunched up and twisted. And her hair was no longer in a neat knot on top of her head.

  A part of Dominique wanted to hide from her sister’s close scrutiny. But Jordan’s arms were still around her waist, holding her tight against him, and after feeling his hard erection still pressing against her, she understood why.


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