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Treyton (A Savage Beasts Rock Star Romance Book 2)

Page 12

by J. Nathan

  She shook her head. “What you went through as a kid was a hundred times worse than me.”

  I reached over and grasped her chin so she had no choice but to look me in the eyes. “Everyone deals with shit, Brie. It’s not something to compare. If it happened to you, it still matters.”

  “Yeah, well, let’s just say, he pretty much deserted me once my mom died.”

  “I didn’t know you lost your mom. When?”

  She paused, chewing nervously on her bottom lip. “When I was ten.”

  My heart clenched in my chest. I’d lost my parents when I was ten.

  She nodded, knowing I grasped the similarity between us. “‘Clair de Lune’ was her favorite song. She used to play it on the piano for me,” she explained.

  Son of a bitch. “I’m sorry, Brie. I should’ve stopped the second you asked me to.”

  She shrugged.

  “My mom loved when I played it for her,” I admitted.

  Brie’s mouth parted, grasping why I hadn’t wanted to stop.

  “It sucks losing a parent so young,” I said, now knowing we’d both endured the same heartache of losing a mother.

  Brie nodded. “And you lost two.”

  “So, did you. Even if one of them was still living.”

  “I don’t think he ever wanted to be a father,” she explained. “It wasn’t like he ever lived with my mom and me anyway. He was a selfish bastard staying in the city while we were home. Who knew what he was doing? My mom dying was probably a blessing for him. He had a nanny raise me until I left for college.”

  I couldn’t hide the disgust in my voice. “Why the hell are you working for him?”

  “You’re just gonna think I’m screwed up,” she said.

  I shook my head. “No, I won’t.”

  Time seemed to stall, and I wondered if me grilling her was making her angry. “I needed him to see what he had and what he missed out on. I’m an amazing person, and he has no idea because he’s never tried to get to know me. It’s why I want his company. I want to make it a hundred times better than it is right now. And I want to prove what I’m truly capable of doing without him there.”

  I said nothing. Brie never seemed like someone who had anything to prove to anyone. She’d always been headstrong and confident. But now I could see that she was just as vulnerable as everyone else. She just wanted to be loved by a father who seemed incapable of showing her love. “Go get showered and meet me downstairs in half an hour.”

  Her brows lifted, likely surprised by my subject change.

  “I wanna take you to get something to eat,” I explained.

  I’d like to believe the excitement in her eyes was due to my breakfast offer, but now knowing what I knew about her, I think she’d needed the assurance that this hadn’t just been a one-night stand. “I want waffles,” she said.


  “We’re in Belgium. We need Belgian waffles.”

  I smiled, unexpectedly eager to get her some waffles. “Of course we do.”

  She reached off the side of the bed and grabbed my shirt that I’d tossed on the nightstand.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Covering up.”

  “Why? I’ve seen and tasted most of you.”

  Again, she turned her head, trying to bury her face in the pillow.

  I grasped her chin again and turned her to look me in the eyes. “I love how you look. Don’t you dare try to hide from me.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Stop doubting me,” I warned her.

  She tucked her lips, though I could almost hear her begging for the kind of torture I was so talented at giving.

  “I’m gonna head back to my room and clean up,” I said. “Then I’ll take you to get your waffles.”

  She smiled, and it was as if I was seeing her for the very first time. I’d never noticed the sparkle in her eyes when she was excited before—likely because I’d never given her a reason to be excited. Now, it was all I could think about doing.

  I snatched my shirt from her hand and pulled it over my head, before grabbing my shorts from the floor and tugging them on under Brie’s close appraisal. “Like what you see?”

  She nodded.

  I chuckled. “See you in thirty minutes. Don’t be late.”

  “Or what?”

  I laughed again as I walked out of the room, wondering what else I could do to keep that smile on Brie’s face.


  The door clicked as Trey stepped out of my room. I rolled over, tightening the comforter around me and burying my face in the pillow. Oh, my freaking God. I needed to shower, but my body was physically spent and my brain whirled with questions. What had we just done?

  Last night had been amazing. Like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I crawled off the bed and made my way into the shower, letting the water bring my body back to Earth. I hated washing Trey’s scent off of me, but knowing I’d be with him again shortly made it easier. I hopped out of the shower and dried my hair, opting to leave it down. I dressed in skinny jeans, a hoodie, and Chucks and slipped out of the room with a couple of minutes to spare.

  I arrived in the lobby to find Trey sitting on a sofa with Cam. Disappointment filled me. Had he invited Cam? Was this not the romantic day I’d envisioned when he asked to take me out? Was he trying to keep it platonic and I hadn’t gotten the memo?

  Trey stood when he saw me approach, a smooth smirk slipping across his lips as his eyes assessed me slow and purposefully. “Hey.”

  Cam twisted to see who’d stolen his attention. “‘Sup, Brielle?”

  “Hey.” I looked to Trey, not knowing what was happening.

  “You ready?” he asked me.

  I nodded.

  “Later, Cam.”

  Cam jumped up. “Where ya going?”

  “Grabbing some breakfast,” Trey said.

  “Just the two of you?” he asked, disbelief coloring his tone.

  “Yup,” Trey said before turning away from him and leading me out the front door.

  Fans must not have known the band was staying there since no one was outside the hotel. We hopped into a waiting van, and it drove us through the quaint little town where we were staying.

  “Glad you decided to sit next to me this time,” Trey said as he dropped his arm over the back of my shoulders in the backseat.

  I rolled my eyes. He knew full well why I couldn’t sit next to him the previous night.

  His eyes assessed my casual outfit. “You look nice.”

  I laughed. “I look nice?”

  “You always look nice.”

  My eyes drifted over his jeans and black T-shirt.

  “You don’t have to say it,” he said. “I know I always look good.”

  I bumped him with my shoulder. “Don’t make me rethink this.”

  “Rethink what?” he asked, his brows raised in question.

  Though it wasn’t at all what I’d been talking about, I said, “Breakfast.”

  He grunted, and I wondered if he’d been trying to get me to admit what I considered us.

  The van stopped on a brick road lined with little stores and cafés, all with their own personality. Trey handed the driver some cash and we stepped out. We looked around, wondering which way to go. It didn’t take long to spot someone walking down the street with a waffle piled high with whipped cream.

  Catching me off guard, Trey grabbed my hand and led me to a small window service shop with a glass showcase in front filled with waffles with different toppings.

  “I want chocolate,” I said, eyeing the one with whipped cream covered in zig-zagged chocolate syrup.

  “For breakfast?”

  “Any time of the day,” I assured him.

  He laughed and pointed to one topped with strawberries and whipped cream. “I’m having that one.”

  We ordered and the man behind the counter passed them over to us. I reached for my money.

  “Don’t,” Trey said, handing hi
s money to the man.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Don’t thank me. I plan to eat half of yours.”

  I turned away from him with my paper plate, guarding my food. “Who said I’m sharing?”

  “I did.”

  We took our plates and forks and walked down the narrow street packed with people. I dug into my waffle and took a bite, savoring the chocolaty goodness with a quiet moan.

  Trey bit into his. “Mmmmmmm.”

  We smiled with our mouths filled, knowing these were the best waffles either of us had ever tasted.

  “Amazing, right?” I said.

  He nodded. “Try mine.” He took a bite and held it between his teeth. Instead of chewing it, he leaned over and kissed me, his un-chewed piece of waffle ending up in my mouth.

  I pulled back and chewed the fruity piece of waffle. Then, nodded my approval.

  Trey leaned back in and kissed me right. His lips moving fervently with mine. When he pulled away, our breathing was labored. “I didn’t think kissing you could be as good in the sunlight,” he said.


  “Because it was damn good in the dark.”

  I laughed.

  “I like kissing you, Brie. Way too much.”

  I took a bite of my waffle, needing to stifle the smile that fought to take over my entire face.

  “That’s not fair,” he said.


  “I shared with you.”

  I used my fork to tear off another piece of my waffle. I held it out to him. He shook his head. I cocked my head, knowing what he was requesting. And while it was sexy as hell when he did it, I didn’t hold the same sexiness factor as him.

  “I’m waiting,” he urged.

  I rolled my eyes before popping the piece into my mouth and kissing Trey. He took over, swiping it off my tongue. A huge grin spread across his face as he chewed it. “You were right. Chocolate is good any time of the day.”

  “When are you gonna learn? I’m right about most things.”

  “Most things?” he said. “What have you been wrong about?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. A certain drummer.”

  Trey laughed, the sound working its way into every little cracked crevice in my body.

  We finished our waffles and tossed our dishes in a trash receptacle on the side of the street.

  A woman and little girl with pigtails nabbed my attention. They stood in front of a book shop staring at us. I could tell the mom was a fan by the way her eyes were locked on Trey and her smile stretched across her face.

  “I think you’ve been spotted,” I said to Trey.

  He twisted around, spotting the woman.

  A flush spread across her cheeks.

  Girl, I know the feeling.

  Trey waved, and she held up her phone—the universal “can I get a photo” motion. Trey approached the pair, crouching in front of the little girl first. “Hey there, little lady. Are you a Savage Beasts’ fan?”

  She shook her head.

  “Ouch.” He grabbed his heart, pretending to be wounded by her honest answer.

  “But my mommy is,” she said.

  His brows shot up. “Oh, yeah?” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “You think she’ll take a picture with me?”

  The little girl nodded.

  “You wanna be in the picture, too?” he asked.

  She nodded again, this time grinning and revealing a missing front tooth.

  Between the adorable little girl and Trey’s interaction with her, I didn’t want the whole scene to end. But I knew the woman was eager to get a photo with Trey, so I approached her. “Would you like me to take the picture for you?”

  “Yes.” She handed me her phone. “Thank you so much.”

  Trey stood up and greeted her. “I hope you’re the fan.”

  The woman laughed. “Yes. Absolutely.”

  Trey wrapped his arms around her, hugging her like she was someone he’d known for years. “What’s your name?”

  “Idella,” she whispered, likely awed by the feel of his arms and amazing scent.

  “Good to meet you, Idella.” Trey stepped back. “Brie, you taking our picture?”

  I held up the phone.

  Trey scooped up the little girl in one arm and wrapped his arm around Idella.

  I snapped a bunch of pictures as the three of them smiled. I handed Idella back her phone, and Trey spent a few more minutes speaking to her before saying goodbye.

  “You were adorable with that little girl,” I said as we continued making our way down the street.


  “It was hot.”

  His brows shot up. “Yeah?” He grabbed my shoulders and backed me against the side of a shop, inching toward me and caging me in with his body. “I’m having a hard time keeping my mouth off yours.” Our lips collided and a rush of elation swept over my body as the taste of chocolate and strawberry mixed.

  “Prenez une chambre,” an old woman mumbled as she passed by us.

  Trey pulled out of the kiss. “Oh, I just gotta know what that meant.” He slipped his phone out and repeated her words into a translation app.

  “Get a room,” his phone said.

  I burst out laughing.

  “Oh, believe me,” Trey called after her. “I plan to make good use of that room.”

  I shook my head, amused and embarrassed. But happy. Way too happy.



  BJ and I arrived at the indoor venue before the guys arrived. I met with the VIP and fan club members who anxiously waited to meet the band and prepared them for what to do when the band arrived. As soon as I heard chatter from the arena’s back door, I knew the guys had entered the building. An unfamiliar anxiousness filled me. I hadn’t realized how eager I was to see Trey after our morning together.

  The guys filed into the room and took their places by the venue’s backdrop.

  “How many tonight?” Z asked me.

  “About fifty,” I said, avoiding Trey’s eyes which I could feel were on me.

  I needed to do my job like I always had. Letting on that anything was going on between Trey and me was the least professional thing I could’ve done.

  “I’m gonna go get them.” I turned to the door and pulled it open. I motioned in the first two fans. “Ready?”

  The girls’ heads bobbed and they hurried inside. Their short denim skirts barely covered their asses and their crop tops might as well have been bras. They threw their arms around each of the guys as they greeted them, making sure to reach down and grab their asses.

  Inwardly, I rolled my eyes. Some girls had no shame.

  I glanced to Trey and lifted my brows to let him know I’d seen the girls’ antics. He winked at me, then ran his tongue ring along his bottom lip.

  My core tingled as recollections of the things he’d done to me with that tongue flashed through my mind.

  “Can you take the picture?” one of the girls asked me, snapping me out of my sexy daydream.

  “Of course,” I said, taking her phone as she and her friend squeezed in between the guys. “Everyone smile.”

  They all did, even Trey this time.

  Once the girls said goodbye, I led the next pair into the room. They were gorgeous and as much as I hated to admit it, my eyes instantly shot to Trey’s.

  It was as if he’d known I’d watch his reaction because his eyes were locked on mine instead.

  “Nicely played,” I mouthed to him.

  He shrugged, and for the first time I knew what it felt like to be Aubrey. I understood her staying away from the meet and greet area. These female fans wanted their moment to touch and be in the arms of their favorite rock stars. We were the girls who got to be with them when all the fanfare died down—when the guys were at their most vulnerable and most real. These girls got the rock star fantasy for a couple of minutes. What we got was so much more.

  Removing ourselves was the perfect solution. But I work
ed for them. It was my job to take care of this part of the tour while on the road with the band. I couldn’t mess it up by getting jealous or possessive.

  But I wouldn’t lie and say it was easy.

  The meet and greet eventually ended, and the guys were hurried backstage and right onto the stage. Apparently, the Belgium crowd did not like to be kept waiting. And Savage Beasts never disappointed their fans.

  I watched from the side of the stage. The band blew it out of the park with their set, each song better than the last. I watched Trey pound away at his drums, the sticks an extension of his arms. He said he couldn’t keep his lips off me. Well, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He was born to be a musician. The music, no matter which instrument he played, just flowed from his body.

  “How was breakfast?” Aubrey asked.

  I looked over my shoulder at her standing there. “Huh?”

  “Oh, don’t even. Cam said you and Treyton took off together and didn’t invite him.”

  I tried not to smile but I couldn’t contain it.

  Aubrey’s eyes widened. “I knew it.”

  I paused, considering all the reasons it was a bad idea to tell anyone—especially Z’s fiancé, but I was so damn happy. I couldn’t hide it. “Do the others know?”

  She shook her head. “They’re all oblivious. Even Cam who spilled the news. They all just thought you were trying to bury the hatchet.”

  I nodded, knowing that was a likely story.

  “But that’s not what you were doing, was it?” she pried.

  “We’re figuring things out.”

  She smiled. “That makes me so happy. I like Treyton. And I like you. You both deserve to be as happy as me and Kozart.”

  “We’re not exactly at that point yet,” I said.

  “And we didn’t start there either.”

  She had a point. And honestly, I was just happy to be figuring anything out with Trey.

  A short while later, the crowd roared as the guys finished their set. I moved away from the side of the stage and gathered my belongings backstage.

  My heart began to race. Would Trey ignore me or greet me the way Z always did Aubrey? The guys filed backstage, Z beelining it to Aubrey while Trey, Cam, and Marcus grabbed food and drinks.

  A pit formed in my stomach, and the fact that it did pissed me off. I didn’t want anyone to suspect anything was going on between Trey and me, but at the same time, the stupid girl in me wanted him to stake his claim on me for all to see.


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