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by Skye Turner

  Book 1:



  Book 1: A Lil Bit Country A Lil Bit Rock & Roll


  Skye Turner


  Kindle Edition


  Skye Turner Copyright ©2016

  All rights reserved.

  This ebook is the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced or transmitted without the permission of the author. Please help prevent the piracy of ebooks. If you are reading this book and you did NOT purchase it from a retailer, or get it as a one-time loan from someone who purchased it from one of the FOUR above mentioned places, you have an ILLEGAL copy! I like to eat and I like to feed my children, so please support myself and other authors by acquiring our work the LEGAL way. Don’t be a douche and steal our hard work.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, places, events, or occurrences is purely coincidental unless otherwise noted below.

  The author acknowledges the real people or places and copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Adam Lambert, Adam Levine, Alabama, Antarctica, Audi, Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge High, Baton Rouge Police Department, Blake Shelton, Camden, NJ, Catholic High, Central Park, Chevy Camaro, Chevy Silverado, Community Coffee Dark Roast, Cowboy Mouth, Darren Sharper, Dodge Charger, Escalade, Facebook, Facetime, False River, Fireball Whiskey, Ford F-150, Gena Showalter, Good Morning America, Google, Grey’s Anatomy, Gringotts, Harry Potter, Head Kandy, Hugh Heffner, Ice Queen, iPad, iPhone, iTunes, Jack Daniels Honey Whiskey, Jeep, Jerry Springer, Jimmy Fallon, Kansas, Katy Perry, K-Cups, Keurig, Los Angeles, LSU, LSU Lakes, Madison Square Gardens, Martha Stewert, McSteamy, Mary Mother of God, Metropolis, Nashville, Netflix, New Jersey, New Roads, New York, Nora Roberts, Q-Tips, Saints, St. Francisville, Scrabble, Spotify, Susquehanna Bank Center, Taylor Swift, Times Square, Titanic, TMZ, Twitter, U-High, United States, The Voice, Walking Dead, and X-Men.

  Cover Design by: Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs

  Editor: Indie Edits by Skye

  Formatting: BB eBooks Thailand / Paul Salvette

  Author Bio Photography: James Turner

  *** Due to graphic sex scenes and strong language, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18. This is an ADULT book and contains graphic sex scenes and explicit language. It also contains delicate topics that may be hard for sensitive readers to handle.


  To all the “bad boys” who play guitar and steal the good girls hearts.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Books by Skye Turner

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five



  About the Author

  Sneak Peek of Alluring Turmoil

  Books by Skye Turner

  **All books by Skye Turner are/ can be Standalones with the exception of the Bayou Stix Novella.

  BAYOU STIX SERIES (Rocker Romance)

  Alluring Turmoil, Book 1 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Seduction, Book 2 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Ties, A Bayou Stix Novella, Book 2.5 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Temptation, Book 3 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Infatuation, Book 4 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Surrender, Book 5 Bayou Stix

  JAMES BLACK SERIES (Romantic Suspense)

  James Black, Book 1 James Black

  Becoming James Black, Book 2 James Black















  Unwanted Desire (Contemporary Romance)

  With Gratitude and Love (Military / Holiday*ish Romance)

  His Only Salvation (Dark Romance)


  Riff, Book 1 A Lil Bit Country A Lil Bit Rock & Roll

  Harmony, Book 2 A Lil Bit Country A Lil Bit Rock & Roll (COMING SOON)

  Interlude, Book 3 A Lil Bit Country A Lil Bit Rock & Roll (COMING SOON)

  Crescendo, Book 4 A Lil Bit Country A Lil Bit Rock & Roll (COMING SOON)







  Chapter One


  “What in the hell are you talking about, Roman? Are you out of your ever-lovin’ mind?” I blink repeatedly as I stare at our manager while he calmly stands there as if he didn’t just drop a bomb in the middle of our living room.

  He holds his hands out in compliance and smiles at me. I want to slap the smile off his smug face. “Now, calm down, Daisy. I know this sounds a little odd, but this will be good for y’all. Just imagine the crossover audience you’ll get. Not to mention the press. You have to look at the big picture, Hun.”

  He mutters, “Besides, this is what the label wants… so you do it. No bitching. No moaning.”

  Glancing around at my band-mates, I see that they’re as shell-shocked as I am. My sister, Summer’s, jaw is practically touching her chest. McKenzie and Fannie are just blinking as they look around the room in utter disbelief.

  He cannot be serious! We’re being punked, right? That’s the only rational explanation.

  On what planet is it a good idea to pair up, Sweet Southern Sass, the biggest group in country music right now with… Destiny Fades to Blue… those rock guys!? Has the label lost its mind?! What genius in the golden office made this decision?

  We are wholesome and clean family style music! We do not sing about the things that those tabloid cover gracing, disgusting, tattoo laden, leather wearin’, pierced everywhere rockers sing about!

  They have LOST their flipping minds. That’s the only explanation for this crap!


  I blink at my phone as I re-read the text for the fiftieth time in under five minutes. I figure I must be hallucinating or overly tired from the tour… because there is no way in hell that I just read what I think I just read.

  I read it again.

  Nope, same shit.

  Reaching around, I yank on the chains circling my neck and sigh. The guys look over at me in expectation.

  Sean, our guitarist, arches his brow. “What’s up, man? Did you just find out you knocked up a groupie or some shit? That look on your face says you’re messed up.” He nods at the phone and his fedora flops down, covering his eyes. He pushes it back with his ring laden hand. “So, what’s the damage?”

  I throw the pho
ne onto the leather couch closest to me on the tour bus and stare at the ceiling. The disco ball Xavior hung up there, because he knew I’d hate it, winks at me as it spins. I groan and mutter, “You have got to be fucking kidding me…”

  Xavior chuckles. I glare at him from across the bus. He’s lounged on the other leather couch eating Cocoa Puffs straight from the box. He wiggles his fingers at me. “Want some? Chocolate makes everything better. Or that’s what every chick I’ve ever been with has said when’s she’s bleeding to death during that time of the month.”

  I flip him off and roll my eyes as I pull at the strands of my short hair. I’m sure it’s sticking out everywhere, but since I pay a shit ton of money for it to look disheveled, I bet you can’t even tell.

  With a sigh, I fall back onto the closest couch. Looking around at the guys, I see they’re all looking at me in expectation and they’re starting to look nervous.

  Sean yells, “Out with it, fucker! Tell us before I think we’re being dropped from the label or something!”

  I smirk at him and chuckle. It ends on a groan. “No, asshole. We’re not being dropped. But, it’s almost as bad as that shit would be…” I look around the room and tap my fingers on my knees to have something to do with them. It’s times like this I almost wished I smoked, just so I’d have something to keep me occupied. Sean, Russ, and Xavior are all looking at me and waiting for my explanation. I decide to just spit it out. “The label wants us to tour… with that chick country band. You know, the ones that are so sweet it makes you want to hurl?!”

  Russ jerks back as if I hit him. Sean and Xavior just stare at me incredulously. Finally Sean says, “What the fuck are you talking about? What chick country band? Why the hell would the label encourage something so fucking stupid?”

  Xavior mutters, “A country band? Chicks? What now?”

  Sean just laughs and says, “Good one, Rafe. No fucking way. What’s the real news?”

  I glare at him until he realizes I’m not joking. The color leaves his face and the odd blue of his eyes is the only color you see, as he says, “You’re not fucking with us. Are you?”

  I shake my head and lean my head back on the back of the couch. I stare at the ceiling and watch the colors from the fucking disco ball dance around. Then, I mutter, “Nope. Not fucking with you. The label has spoken and it appears we have two weeks to prepare before we meet with these chicks. They want a collaboration to release to radio in eight weeks and we have to co-write it. Then, after it’s out, we’re promoting together and doing a crossover tour.”

  Leaning up, I take in the looks on the guys faces.

  Yup, the way they look is pretty much exactly how I feel.

  Why the fuck would Cypress Records ever think this was a good idea?!

  This has colossal fuck up written all over it.

  But… we do what they say. We have no choice.

  Cheers, geniuses. Looks like we get to tour with a fucking group of Taylor Swifts.

  I mutter out loud, “I need a drink. Someone hand me whatever’s close.”

  A bottle lands in my hand and I look up. Sean is staring down at me. His hat is pushed to the back of his head and the rings are standing out on his hands from the fists he’s clenching.

  “Share that shit with me!” He exclaims.

  I take a swig from the bottle and choke as the hot cinnamon burns my throat. Then, I take another and another before handing it back to him. He lifts it to his lips and chugs. His eyes are watering when he removes the bottle. He coughs and rubs his chest. “We’re seriously going on tour with a bunch of innocent virgins?”

  I can’t help it, I laugh. When I’m done and can breathe again, I lean up and take the bottle from him. Looking at it, I say crassly, “Looks like we’re going to need a lot more than this if we’re going to survive going on tour with Sweet Southern Sass.”

  He nods and flings the fedora off. His deep blue locks are matted to his head. He ruffles the top and when the hair is wild and unruly, he grins. The disco ball lights bounce off his lip ring. “Yeah, but how much fun will it be to rile up the Taylors?!”

  I bust out laughing. Tears are running down my face by the time I’m done. Swiping at my eyes, I can feel my eyeliner smearing but I don’t even care. Pulling my hands back, I look at the kohl black all over my fingers and grin as I nod at Sean. “I said the same damn thing!” Holding my fist out, he bumps it and we laugh together.

  Russ and Xavior join in. Finally Russ mutters, “Well, well, well, looks like the good girls and the bad boys are about to become bunk mates.” He laughs at his own joke.

  Xavior suddenly stops laughing and exclaims, “Wait… we’re sharing our fucking bus with chicks?”

  I double over and laugh until I fall off the couch. “No, moron. Why the fuck would we share a bus? It was a joke, dumbass! Besides, I don’t think the label wants us dirty rockers deflowering their precious princesses. No way would they order us to share buses. As much money as those chicks have… that would never happen.” I look around at the huge bus we’ve been living in for the past five months and that we feel so comfortable in. “This is our bus. I’m certain the princesses have at least four pink ones filled with purified air and all organic foods or some shit.”

  We all laugh again and take turns drinking from the bottle of Fireball until it’s empty. Then, we drink three more. When we’re all shitfaced drunk, we forget about the news and pass the fuck out in the comfort of the Destiny Fades to Blue bus.

  Chapter Two


  Two weeks later

  We’ve taken the past two weeks to work through our anger about being told we have to work with the guys from Destiny Fades to Blue. I’m still pissed as all get out, but I’m reigning my temper in for the sake of the girls. I don’t need to make us all miserable and Summer already told me to “check myself” a few times this morning since my mood was rubbing off on all of them.

  Of course I’m sorry. I don’t want to upset the girls. Summer, McKenzie, and Fannie are my girls. We’ve been best friends since we were kids and Summer is, of course, my sister, so she’s used to my temper. But, we’re also a very popular and, ok I’ll admit it, famous country band. We started six years ago in the business and quickly scaled the charts. People fell in love with us. Our songs are everywhere. We top the country charts all the time and we even place on the pop charts since we have fans who love both genres.

  I cannot complain about anything. We are really living our dreams and for the most part, we are free to do our music, our way. At least, we were able to…

  Now, the label wants us to co-write, record, and promote a song with rockers… and not just any rockers, like rockers who are so different than we are it’s practically comical.

  I still think this is a bad idea. And it’s about to come to fruition.

  The boys of Destiny Fades to Blue wrapped up their tour last week and returned home to Baton Rouge… Yeah, I knew they lived here…Ugh.

  They’re expected to be here… at our house… in our hometown in about half an hour.


  Let the insanity begin. I just hope that we can stomach each other.

  We Googled the band as soon as we found out. Of course we knew who they were, we’re signed with the same label, Cypress Records, but it’s not like we go to the same parties or hang out with the same crowds. We spend the majority of our time in Nashville and they spend a lot of time in Los Angeles.

  For us to co-mingle would be laughable to say the least. And we see their faces on the covers of every magazine and tabloid when we stop at any store… They’re always in them for dating some celebrity who’s famous just for being famous or starlet with issues. Or they’ve thrown some party in L.A. or on tour at some hotel where the cops have to bust it up… or they’re breaking up relationships or marriages by sleeping with people they shouldn’t be.

  Yeah buddy, super smart to stick them with us.

  We go together about like LSU and Alabama fans on g
ame day!

  I’m straightening the pillows on the couch in the music room at our house near LSU and don’t realize I’m pummeling them to “fluff” them, until Summer laughs from the door and says, “Dang, that pillow really pissed you off, huh? Get it girl. Get that temper out.”

  Grabbing the pillow, I turn and quickly throw it at her. She doesn’t move fast enough and it smacks her in her pretty face. She sputters. “You hateful witch!” But, she’s laughing as she says it. Bending down, she grabs the pillow from where it landed on the floor and tosses it back to me. “See, I’m nice. Put that back.”

  I smirk and place it in its designated position on the couch. Summer walks past me and perches on the love seat across from me. She just looks at me. I look back and arch my brows. Finally, she chuckles and says, “You ok? You aren’t going to like choke them as soon as they walk in, right?”

  Sighing, I sit on the couch I just straightened and lean back. My back sinks into the plush backing and I just purse my lips as I stare across at my sister. Her brows arch as she waits for me to respond to her.

  We are both stubborn and would easily be able to have a stare off all day if we wanted to, but since the doorbell will be ringing any minute, I smirk and decide to answer her. “I’m fine. I still think this is a very bad idea, but what can we do?! We do what the label wants. And it’s really the first thing they’ve ever asked of us that I really didn’t want to do.”

  She shrugs and says, “Who knows? Maybe it won’t be that bad.”

  I laugh loudly and mutter, “Yeah, okay. And maybe if Rose had scooted her ass over on that door, Jack wouldn’t have frozen and sank into the ocean.”

  She scowls at me and says, “You need to let it go. It was a movie.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, but it’s true. Chick shouldn’t have been so greedy. She should have spooned with her man since she loved him so much.”

  She tosses another pillow at me and we giggle as it starts a pillow fight. McKenzie and Fannie hear the ruckus and pop into the room to see what’s going on.


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