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Page 6

by Skye Turner

  He walks in laughing with a small bowl of ice and two whiskey glasses. “Why the hell would I want you dead? You’re worth so much more to me alive than dead!”

  I flip him off again and this time he sees it. He chuckles and hands me the drink he just poured. I swirl the ice around and then chug the whole glass. My eyes water and my chest feels like fire when I’m done, but the burn is sweet poison. I squint and hold my glass out to Sean. He fills it again and then sits back with his own drink. After taking a healthy swig, he looks at me over the rim and grunts. “Ok, I got your damn drink, now talk. Tell Sean-y what’s wrong. Is it the delicate flower?”

  I need to take another drink before I can answer him. With a sigh, I lean my head back on the couch and close my eyes. A vision of her mahogany hair and those golden brown eyes pop into my head. My eyes fly open and I groan before tossing my arm over my face.

  Sean asks, “It is her… So, what happened when you followed her? Did you fuck her?”

  My arm drops and my eyes widen as I glare at him. “Fuck no! I didn’t fuck her.

  “Jesus, I’m not a minute man.”

  He smirks and shrugs, “Ah, I see. So the problem is that you didn’t get to fuck her.” I grunt again and he slaps his knee and laughs. “Damn, man. She shoot your famous game down? So, you’re horny and frustrated. That’s an easy ass fix.”

  He grabs his phone from his back pocket and scrolls through the lengthy list of contacts before looking up at me. “So, who am I calling? Cori? Beth? Both? The twins? Ginger? What are you in the mood for?”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Why is sex your answer for everything?”

  He looks at me like he doesn’t understand me before slowly saying, “Because sex is what we do. We fuck. We fuck hard. We fuck a lot. We fuck who we want.

  “Sex is the answer to everything in our world.

  “Had a great day… we fuck. Had a shitty day… we fuck. Need to celebrate… we fuck. Need to grieve… we fuck… what are you asking me, Rafe?”

  Fuck… he’s right. Our reaction to everything is to fuck. If no one is available, we can find someone in minutes. Why do we do that?

  And why don’t I WANT to do that right now?!

  Godammit to fucking hell…

  I know why… because just today, Daisy threw all of this in my face.

  It pissed me off but not because she was wrong…

  Because she was right.

  Sean mutters, “I’m calling the twins. They’re always down for anything.”

  Before he can hit send to call them, I’m knocking the phone from his hand. He watches it bounce on the carpet and he looks at it and then me in complete bewilderment.

  “The hell? That’s it… I’m calling the guys. We need an intervention. Whatever that chick did to you or said to you… we need to fix it. You’re not you, dude!

  “You just stopped me from calling the twins! Jess and Bess! The twins, Rafe! The fucking twins who let us fuck them hard, fast, rough, and together! The goddammed twins! And you’re saying no.

  “Tell me what happened. What did you do?”

  Fine… I’m going to tell him.

  Staring at him I say, “She told me the truth and I didn’t like it. It pissed me off because she saw me exactly as I am and I didn’t like the picture she presented.”

  He blinks at me. “What now? What truth? What does that mean?”

  Curling my hands into fists, I rub them against my eyes. I feel the waxy liner smear. Then looking at my hands, I see the dark blurs all over the backs of both hands. I wipe them against the side of my jeans to try to remove it… as if wiping the smeared liner away will wipe away the truth of Daisy’s words.

  Finally, I look back at Sean. “She called me out for fucking anything and everything. Said I was disgusting and she was livid that I touched her ass crack when we kissed. But, I was all into it…”

  He interrupts me. “Wait a fucking minute! You touched her ass crack when you were kissing?! When the fuck were you kissing? And how did you touch her ass crack? Were you about to fuck her?”

  I moan and reply. “No… trust me… she is not privy to letting that happen. We were arguing about what she thought of me and my temper flared… so, I pulled her into me and got all in her face… then we were kissing. She can kiss for damn sure.

  “I was all into it… so was she… then, I slipped my hands into her pants and played with her ass crack… she pulled back and set me straight about how dirty and disgusting I was while she was a good girl with morals. She basically said, “Thanks for the amazing kiss. It was great but it won’t be happening again and I sure as shit won’t be sleeping with you since you hop beds more often than Hugh Heffner.”

  “Ok, I added that last part, but that was pretty much the jist of it.” Sean is staring at me with his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide orbs in his head. I’d laugh if I had the energy, but I’m honestly just drained.

  “I lit into her like I do when I’m mad and said some rude stuff that I’m sure hurt her feelings… then, I just walked out and left her there.”

  Sean is just shaking his head in shock. Finally, he mutters, “Oh damn… this tour just got a shitload more interesting,” and he swigs straight from the bottle before passing it to me.

  I nod as I drink. Then, I groan, “Yeah, tell me about it…”

  Chapter Eight


  A week later

  Roman was able to book our favorite producer. He’s between projects, so he’s able to fly in from Nashville. They’ll be here later this afternoon. In the meantime, I’m enjoying my free morning. It’ll be the last one for a long time.

  If we lay this track down tonight, they’re thinking we can do it if we stay until the wee hours, he can work his magic and we can have it to the label and ready to release within a few weeks. That means the launch party will happen very soon and once it hits radio, they’re wanting us to hit the road right after for press before the tour kicks off.

  I sigh.

  It’s not so bad. It just sucks because we just came off a fifty-six city tour that lasted five months. We were all hoping for a bit longer to relax and work on our new album before we were thrust back on the road again.

  Now the label wants us to do this sixty-nine city tour across the US and Canada that can take up to eight months. That really screws with us producing new material.

  Of course, we can actually work on the album on the road. We always travel with the recording bus, on top of the tour bus so we can actually record when inspiration hits.

  It’s just so much. And after last week in the barn with Rafe, the idea of being trapped with him for a lengthy period of time is akin to torture. Thank God we have separate buses! Hell, maybe we can even travel at different times and really limit the time we’ll need to spend in each other’s company!

  I made sure, I got it in writing, we were able to travel with our bus and our people and that they were on a different bus!

  The entourage is going to be extensive. We’re looking at about ten buses with just as many vans and trucks. But, the label knows what they’re doing… I hope.

  I’m sitting on the cypress glider under our pergola picking the petals off the daisies Fannie planted earlier this year.

  Swiping a new one, I mumble, “Kill Rafe. Ignore Rafe,” as I pluck the petals off the flower.

  A chuckle causes me to look up. My dad is standing in front of me. My smile is instant as I jump up, tossing the flower to the ground, so I can hug him.

  His strong arms come around me and he swings me around. I love when he does that. It makes me feel safe. He smiles against my hair, “Hey, baby girl.”

  I lean back and smile at him. “Hey, Daddy. Whatcha doing here?”

  Leaning back, he looks at me as he holds my shoulders. “What? I can’t just come visit my little girl?”

  I nod and lead him back to the swing. “Of course you can. Anytime you want. You know that. But, I don’t think this is a spontaneous visit.” My eyes
are focused on him.

  He glances away and then looks back at me and smirks. “Ok, Summer called me.”

  I sigh and lean down to pick up my discarded flower. “Of course she did.” Glancing at him from beneath my lashes, I say, “What did she tell you?”

  His toe is gently rocking us on the glider as we look at each other. Finally he sighs and looks into the vast expanse of the yard. He squints in the sunlight. “She’s worried about you. Said you’ve had a rough few days and you’re having some issues with that rocker boy.”

  I laugh. I can’t help it. The way Daddy just described Rafe like he was a teenager or young man, just tickled me. Turning to me, he frowns. I laugh again and pat his hand. “Oh, Daddy. I love you.” He nods and says, “Love you, too, baby. But what’s wrong? Why is your sister so worried about this tour? You can talk to me you know.”

  I nod and hold his hand. “I know, Daddy. And I am having some issues, but I don’t really think they’re the kind of thing that grown women talk about with their daddies, you know.”

  His cheeks pinken and he grunts. “Oh, it’s sex stuff?”

  I feel my own face flame and I laugh again. “Um, no. I’m not having sex with Rafe Rider, Daddy.”

  He sighs. “Whew, ok. Thank God. I’m trying to be cool over here and I know that you’re an adult and you probably have sex… but you’re still my baby girl and if you were having sex with that rocker, I might have to have a talk with him.”

  My jaw drops and I blink a few times. “Oh my God, Daddy. No, you certainly will not be having a talk like that with Rafe… no need. Or anyone else. But, thank you for wanting to defend my honor or whatever.”

  He smirks. “This old man will kick some young punk’s ass in a heartbeat if he messes with either of my girls.”

  Leaning my head onto his shoulder, I laugh again and hug his arm. “I know you would. But, it’s nothing like that. Rafe is just very different from me and we get on each other’s nerves.”

  I’m lying to my Daddy.

  I very much think about Rafe in ways I should NOT.

  And you hate that fact!

  He grunts again and then says, “You’re upset enough to alarm your sister because you and the rocker ‘get on each other’s nerves’?”

  I blink and nod. “Yeah. We really don’t care for each other. I think he’s a jerk and he thinks I’m a perfectionist and a goodie goodie.”

  Daddy smirks. “Well, you kind of are a perfectionist.”

  I turn on him in mock outrage. “I am not! I just like stuff done right… and my way.” I laugh.

  He chuckles. “I know. You’re like me.”

  We rock in silence for a while. Both of us are lost in our own heads as we look at the landscape. Shadow is grazing in the paddock, staring at us. She heard our voices and wants some attention.

  Finally, Daddy leans up on his knees and turns to look at me. He sighs and says, “Daisy, you’re very much like me and that means that you have very strong opinions. That’s ok. It’s a good quality and it means that you stand your ground… But, it also means that you’re stubborn and steadfast.

  “Just remember that different doesn’t always mean bad.” He looks out at Shadow as he continues talking. “Sometimes different is good. It opens you up to new things that you might be missing out on.” His eyes turn back and meet mine. “I know that you and that rocker grate on each other’s nerves, but maybe that’s because you’re more alike than you realize.”

  I open my mouth to argue, but he stops me by patting my hand. “Don’t argue with your daddy.” He smiles when I frown. “Give the rocker a chance. He just might surprise you…”

  He stands as I stare at him open-mouthed from the glider. He shakes his head. “That doesn’t mean have sex with him. I’m not saying that. I’m just saying don’t stop something before it can start just because it’s different and you don’t know how to deal with that.”

  I frown and glance at him from under my lashes again as I demolish the last of the petals from the daisy I swiped when I sat down. I whisper, “How did you know?”

  He smiles again and leans down to kiss my forehead. “Because you’re my daughter.” Turning back toward the house, he waves as he starts to walk away. “Call us from the road, baby girl… But, if you have sex stuff to talk about… make sure you ask for Momma.”

  I gasp and feel my face flame as I stare at his back. I call out, “I love you, Daddy!”

  He stops and turns back to me with a smile. “I love you, too, baby girl.”

  Watching him until he disappears around the corner that leads back to the house, I just sit for a minute and think about all he said.

  Can I overlook the fact that Rafe does things I am adamantly against and actually get to know him as a person and not as the rocker that I despise?!

  I want to…

  But, I’m scared…

  Because part of me actually LIKES the rocker…

  And that terrifies me and leaves me open to a world of pain and heartache.


  Gavyn, our manager, called this morning to let us know the engineer and producer are going to be at the girl’s house this afternoon to record the track. We’re supposed to be there an hour and a half before they arrive and Gavyn will meet us there. Both managers will be on hand and we’re going to get the preliminary tour promotion and tour info before we start in the studio.

  Gavyn said to prepare for a long night.

  Sean stayed here last night because we got so drunk, we both passed out in the living room. He keeps clothes in my spare room though, so he’s in the shower. I’ve just finished my own shower and am sipping on my coffee while I look out the window at my neighbor as she washes her car in a fire red bikini.

  She’s easily like forty, but she’s rocking that body while she washes her little sports car, the same color as her bikini. The teenage boys across the street can’t take their eyes off her… which is exactly what she’s hoping for. They’re all openly ogling her and jostling each other as they strut around and puff out their chests to try to be the one to garner her attention.

  I laugh as I watch them. This is great entertainment.

  I’m still watching as I refill my coffee from the pot, ten minutes later. Sean strolls into the kitchen with a towel slung around his neck to catch the blue water droplets as they fall from his hair. He’s constantly losing color, so he has it redone like every week! I make him use the same towel every time he’s here so he doesn’t fuck up all my shit.

  I grin as I look at his blue tie-dyed, formerly white, towel. His black jeans are the only other thing he’s wearing and his ink and piercings are glinting in the early morning light. Apparently, the light catches one of his nipple rings and is sends a glare to my neighbor. She looks over toward the windows with a hungry look in her eyes.

  Damn, maybe that show was for me and not the kids across the street.

  Sean grins as she runs her hands over her curves while the water cascades down her body. He mutters, “She’s hot.” He waves and she waves back and beckons him over, the teenagers seemingly forgotten. I laugh and nod at the window. “There you go.”

  He turns to face me and lifts a brow. “Wanna join in?”

  Do I?

  No, I really don’t.

  I shake my head. “No, you go though. Just be quick. We have to leave here in about two hours.” I turn into the living room and call over my shoulder. “I’m going to jot some of these song ideas down while you’re gone. Don’t make me come over there and get you.”

  He laughs and slaps my shoulder as he waves the towel through his hair one last time. It makes it stand out everywhere. He smooths his eyebrows in the living room mirror and flexes a few times.

  I just roll my eyes. “Really, dude? She just gave you an open invitation and you’re trying to puff up like a fucking peacock?”

  Turning, he blinks at me and bats his lashes. He grins and pops his lips. His pierced tongue pokes out at me and he flips me off. “Peacocks are fu
cking beautiful, asshole.” Then, he looks into the mirror and points at himself. “And that mother fucker is, too.”

  He ducks as the pillow I toss flies at him. “Tisk tisk tisk… no need to be all pissy. You’re sexy, too. At least that’s what the chicks say. Me, I think you’re an average looking mother fucker.”

  Laughing, I yell at him. “Get out of my house, asshole. Go fuck that woman and make it fast. I seriously don’t want to have to walk over there to get your horny ass!”

  He throws the towel at me and says, “Hey, pick that up for me, will you? I have a pussy to pound… Or maybe an ass… Hell, depending on how good she is, maybe I’ll fuck all her holes.”

  I mutter as the door closes, “It’ll be here for you to pick up when you get back, dip shit.”

  He doesn’t hear me. The door closes and I’m left in my quiet house with my pencil and song book for company.

  Words are flowing through me and itching to be written down, so with the quiet and the couple hours, I take full advantage and get them out.

  Chapter Nine


  After my daddy left, I spent some time with Shadow and took her out for a short ride. Daddy will be taking care of her and making sure she and the other horses get their exercise while we tour. He’s been taking care of the house, grounds, and animals since we signed with the label. He’s retired and has always loved being outside, so it was a perfect opportunity. We pay him, but he doesn’t like it. It’s income for them though. Not that they need it, but we don’t want to take advantage.

  Summer meets me at the back door after my ride and I can tell she thinks I’m mad that she called Daddy. I grin at her and pull her curls. “You’re not in trouble, you meddling witch.”

  Her relieved sigh has me laughing out loud. “Whew. I thought you were going to tear into me or something.”

  Slinging my arm around her, I pull her close and mumble, “Nah. You’re good. We had a good talk.”

  She nods. “He told me. And he mentioned something about making sure we save the sex talks for Momma.” Her eyes are wide and her nose is wrinkled. “What the hell was that about?”


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