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Page 9

by Skye Turner

  Then, I fucked more every night since then and Carlee this morning.

  And now I get to be face to face with the one goddamned woman whose face won’t get out of my head.

  This is going to be fucking awesome…

  Just awesome…

  Chapter Twelve


  We’re about to stop for a bit. The girls are chattering in excitement and haven’t shut up since we left Baton Rouge. We’ve been driving for about seven hours and I think we’re somewhere in Alabama. That was the last state sign I saw anyway. We normally travel at night and the drivers sleep during the day, but since we just kicked off, we’re on a rare daytime travel schedule for a day or so.

  I’m sitting on one end of the couch in the back lounge of the bus, trying to ignore the other girls, and staring out the window, though I can’t tell you the last thing I actually “saw.”

  The couch dips and my feet are shoved to the floor. I shriek in protest. “Hey! What the hell?!” Looking up, I see my sister smiling at me. “Whatcha’ doin’?”

  Muttering under my breath, I call her some foul names. She ignores me and smirks. Finally, I sigh. She’s not going away. “Nothing. Thinking. Just looking out the window. What does it look like I’m doing?”

  She looks at me knowingly. “Really? Looks like you’re lost in thought to me. So, what are you thinking about?” I glance at her and scowl as she waggles her brows at me. “Not a sexy rock and roll man who makes you crazy and happens to be on the bus behind us, huh?”

  I roll my eyes. “No.”

  Liar, liar, pants on fire.

  She bats her eyes at me and I roll mine again as she exclaims. “Well, I am. But no worries, it’s not Rafe.”

  I snap out, “Not as if I’d care if it was.”

  She smirks and says coyly, “Sure you wouldn’t. So, when are you going to stop giving him the cold shoulder?”

  “I’m not giving him the cold shoulder! I’m just… busy…”

  She smirks and we look out the window together. Brad, our driver calls back. “About to stop for a bit.”

  Turning to face me, she grins and winks. “Well, since you’re not giving him the cold shoulder, you won’t mind talking to him. I plan on monopolizing Sean’s time completely at this stop. It’s far past time that he thinks I’m irresistible.”

  My jaw drops open as I stare at my little sister. “I probably won’t even see him! What are you going to do?!”

  She smirks at me and winks again. “Oh, you know. Flirt and then ignore him… It seems to have Rafe panting after you, so maybe it’ll work on Sean, too. If not, there’s always me climbing on top of him buck naked.”

  “Dear God, Summer! You would not!”

  Is she freaking serious?!

  No way!

  And Rafe is not panting after me. He’s not trying to talk to me either…

  The bus pulls onto the exit ramp and in a few minutes, we’re stopped. Fannie and McKenzie jump up and say they’re going run in to grab a few things. Summer grins at me and waves. “Time to implement my brilliant plan.” And then she’s gone.

  It’s just me, Roman, who’s on his laptop, and Brad on the bus. But not for long, Brad opens the door and calls back. “We’ll be here about thirty minutes, okay.”

  I tell him I got it and stand. I can’t just sit on the bus like an idiot. Roman doesn’t even look up as I ask him if he needs anything. He just grunts “he’s good” and goes back to his laptop.

  Well, ok then.

  Opening the door, I’m met with a nice breeze. It’s warm, but not too hot. The sun feels wonderful as it beats down on my face. Looking around, I see a lot of people piling out of the vehicles in our convoy. Everyone needs to stretch their legs.

  I see Russ and Xavior race toward the convenience store. Sean hangs back as Summer approaches him. I don’t know what she says, but I see her smile. Sean says something in reply and then I see her turn and stroll away. He watches her go with a perplexed expression before he shakes his head and turns back toward the bus. Before he steps back on, he looks back at Summer and watches her until she disappears into the store. Then, he shakes his head again and rubs the back of his neck. He disappears.

  I chuckle. “Damn, get it girl.”

  A laugh to my right has me looking over quickly. Rafe is standing there wearing a baseball cap and aviators. He’s smiling. “Someone has decided to play the player, I see.”

  I smirk and roll my eyes. “I guess. I just hope she knows what she’s doing…”

  He grins at me and pushes his glasses down so he can actually look at me. “I don’t think you need to worry about her. She kind of looks like she can hold her own. Besides… he’s been warned.”

  My brows raise and I mutter, “Warned how? What do you mean?”

  He grimaces and then smiles again. “Just that he knows not to ‘toy’ with anyone here. None of us are to. We agreed.”


  What does that mean? So, Summer is barking up the wrong tree?

  Does he think they’re too good for us or something?

  Grabbing his elbow, I pull him to the other side of the bus, away from everyone’s eyes. His eyes are wide as he follows me. When we’re shielded from everyone, I let go and slap my hands on my hips. He watches me but doesn’t say anything.

  I glare at him and his brow creases. “None of you are to toy with us? What the hell does that mean, Rafe? In case you’re unaware, we are adults! We don’t need other people to decide shit for us!”

  His mouth falls open and his hands rip his glasses from his face. He glares back. His blue eyes look like ice in his tight face. “Oh trust me, Daisy, I’m well aware that you’re an adult! I wish I wasn’t aware of that damn fact, but I am!

  “All I meant was that I told Sean not to play with Summer’s emotions.” He takes a step toward me and I immediately step back. He does it again and I retreat until my back comes up against something hard… our bus. He leans down and over me. My breath hitches in my throat.

  “You need to stop assuming shit! Everything I say isn’t meant to rile your ass up, but damned if you aren’t sexy as hell when you’re pissed at me!”

  I swallow and snap back as my hands curl into his shirt, “Well, I must be sexy all the time. Because I’m always pissed at you!”

  Wait, what?!

  What the hell am I even saying here?

  He blinks and then he growls down at me. “Oh, you are!” He leans his forehead against mine and exhales. “Damned if fighting with you isn’t the best fucking foreplay on the planet.”

  I blink and my voice squeaks. “Wh—what?”

  His mouth hovers over mine and I can’t breathe. I’m so lightheaded. The only reason I’m still standing is because my hands are curled into his shirt like a lifeline. His mouth brushes against mine, whisper soft. “I want to kiss you so bad, Daisy, but I don’t want you to bolt.

  “I can’t fight whatever this is and I’m fucking tired of trying to. You feel it, too. Why do you think we fight so much?! You crave it as much as I do.

  “So, let’s just stop with the games. Stop with the running. No more hot and cold.

  “It doesn’t matter who’s underneath me… their face is always you. I see faces now… I see your goddamned face. So, let me see your face.”

  I cannot breathe.

  I’m completely weightless. If Rafe backs up, either I’m going to crumple on the ground or float away.

  Looking into his electric blue eyes, I can see the emotion swimming in them. He’s serious.

  My daddy was right… I can’t run from stuff just because it’s different and I’m scared.

  See me, Rafe.

  See me like I see you, because I can’t keep doing this.

  I’m not going to think about the bodies underneath him before now… I want to BE the body underneath him.

  Standing on my tip toes, I nod.


  Did she just nod? Is she saying “yes”?

erything in me is focused on her.

  Closing the last remaining distance, I kiss her. My body presses her against the bus. She willingly molds her curves to me. Even on her tiptoes, she’s shorter than I am, so gripping her hips, I gently lift her, never breaking the kiss.

  Her legs wrap around my waist and her hands knock my hat to the ground to bury themselves in my hair. My glasses are somewhere at our feet, too. Our mouths are fused together and my hands are cupping her ass, holding her against me as I thrust against her in time with the dancing of our tongues. She meets me at every point.

  It’s as if all resistance has just melted away and neither of us can get enough of the other. Her hair cascades down her back and around my face as she holds my head hostage for her mouth’s demands. My own tongue and lips are battling her for dominance.

  She’s moaning and whimpering as I groan with her.

  I want to take her, to undo her pants and fuck her against the side of the bus. I need to sink between her creamy thighs and lose myself in her. I need to have the reality of the fantasy that’s consumed me for over a month become reality.

  We’re crazed. We forget where we are and that anyone else is around.

  I no longer know if it’s day or night and I don’t care.

  Then, the sound of chatter and shrieking registers with me. Turning my head slightly, I wince as I see cell phones aimed in our direction… a ton of them. Their words break through the haze of sexual bliss surrounding us. “Rafe Rider and Daisy Anderson… Destiny Fades to Blue and Sweet Southern Sass… Tour… A couple… First video… TMZ…”

  Turning back to Daisy, I see the color leave her face and shake my head. Using my body, I try to keep her face covered as I set her on her feet. She gasps quietly, “Oh my God… what did we just do?”

  I mutter, “Exactly what we should have. Don’t worry. I’ll handle it.” She clutches my arm and tries to look around me without being bombarded with photos. I try to reassure her.

  The crowd around us is growing bigger as people scream out our names. Finally, our security comes around the bus and I hand Daisy off to one of the biggest guys. “Get her back on the bus.”

  She looks at me and shakes her head as if telling me not to do something stupid. I nod back at her as random people yell at us. “Are you dating? Wow, that’s awesome. How long have you been together?”

  Security closes around me and blocks the bus off as they escort me back around to the other side, not that I was going to answer any of their questions anyway. I’m used to cameras being shoved in my face everywhere I go. I’m a frequent flyer in the tabloids… but Daisy isn’t.

  Mother fucker!

  People are surrounding both buses now, so I’m quickly herded onto the closest one. I don’t even realize which bus it is until Roman says, “Looks like you’re riding with us for a bit.”

  My eyes widen as I look around and notice I’m on the Sweet Southern Sass bus and the only other occupants are Daisy, Summer, and Sean…

  Huh?! He was just on our bus…

  Sean grins at me and then looks from me to Daisy. “Way to cause a scene, you two. You just got us all kinds of new press for this tour.”

  Daisy’s face is still pale as she looks around the bus. It quickly skirts over mine.

  Oh no. You are NOT doing this shit again.

  Ok, that was probably not the smartest thing to kiss her and then lose control in the middle of the damn day at a fucking convenience store but she just said something important and she’s not backing out of it just because it’s going to be headline news now.

  Hell, maybe this will be good for the tour.

  And then again… maybe the label is about to have a conniption.


  I look at her and implore her to look at me. She doesn’t. Fuck, we need some privacy. And we’re sure not going to get it in the middle of her tour bus.

  Standing up, I reach out and take her hand. She gapes at me and shakes her head “no.”

  Ignoring her, I yank her to her feet and look at Summer. “Lounge back there?” I nod at the back of the bus. Summer’s mouth falls open and even Sean blinks at me like he can’t believe me. He groans, “Dude, not the time…”

  Roman sputters, “Um, what…”

  And Daisy screeches, “Huh?!”

  I snap at all of them and yank her hand. “Relax! Jesus! I’m not about to take you back there and ravage you! You’re shutting down and shutting me out and I’m not about to let that fucking happen, so we’re going have a talk… right now!” I pin her with my glare. “We can do it here in front of these guys, or you can come with me in the back and we can talk in private. Either way, we’re talking!” I stare at her. “Choose now, Daisy.”

  She nods and looks around the room. I do the same. I see Summer with her mouth hanging open, but then she winks at me. Yes, she just fucking winked at me.

  She must be “Team Rafe!”

  Sean smirks and nods.

  Roman looks uncertain and gives me the “you better behave” look. I know the look well. I have parents.

  I try not to grin.

  Then, gently nudging Daisy toward the back of the bus, I say, “Move, Daisy. You are not pulling this shit again.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Did that just happen? Was I really all over Rafe out in front of everyone passing on the damn road!?

  Dear lord. I’ve never been that unrestrained before. And all those people… they recorded and took pictures. Sure we were only kissing, but I was all over him and he had me against the bus.

  Oh my God… what must that have looked like?!

  We’re going to be in the trash mags. We’re going to be on the gossip shows… My parents are going to see.

  The label is going to see…

  What have we done!?

  I’m walking ahead of Rafe to back lounge. We all have our own bunks, but the back lounge is usually shared. We all take turns using it and the couches are really comfortable.

  Right now though… I don’t want to go in there with Rafe.

  I’m so embarrassed about being caught like that, but I’m also scared. My body is still yearning for him and the lounge has room… more room than anywhere else on this bus. Things could happen…

  Not that his face says he wants to pick up where we left off.

  We open the door and slip into the room. He closes it behind him and latches it. My eyes raise to his. He smiles and shrugs. “Don’t want any interruptions.”

  I nod and stand in the comfortable room. I don’t know what to do with my hands, so I’m fidgety and picking at the pale coral polish on my nails.

  Rafe looks around. We have a fantastic decorator and she’s made the room cheerful and homey while still being beautiful and calming. We have pale blue walls and sheers over the windows. There are also blackout curtains, but the windows are tinted and can only be seen out of. No one can look in. There are throw pillows all over the u-shaped couch. A comfortable leather chair is in the corner with a small lamp mounted to the wall. It’s a reading nook. A huge flat screen is hanging on the wall across from the couch, by the door.

  We also have a small bookcase filled with Nora Roberts and Gena Showalter books. The Harry Potter Collection is under the glass topped table and acts as part of the decor. We all love books, though we mostly read on our e-readers. We enjoy the hominess of the few actual hardbacks of our favorites though.

  Rafe finishes looking around the room and looks back at me. “This is a nice room. It’s very cozy.”

  I nod and perch on the edge of the couch. He follows suit and I scoot over. He notices and his jaw clenches. “I’m not going to attack you, Daisy. What the hell?” He says through gritted teeth.

  My eyes fly up to look at him. “I know that! I didn’t think you were.”

  “Then, why are you scooting away from me like you think I am?”

  My eyes open and close in rapid succession. “Uh, I’m not.”

  He pointedly looks
at the space between us. My face flames and I chew on my lower lip. “Oh…” I scoot a little closer and he smiles.

  We sit quietly for a minute. He’s the one to break the silence. “You’re not going to shut down.”

  My gaze widens and I stare at him. He’s so direct.

  He shakes his head and reaches for my hand. I let him take it, but don’t really make a move to thread my fingers with his. My eyes focus on our hands together. Mine are small and slightly calloused from working with Shadow the past couple of weeks. My nails are short and the polish is chipped.

  His hands are bigger. More masculine. His tattoos stop at his wrist, but his nails are short and three are painted with dark blue polish. He’s wearing a couple of silver and black rings. One on his middle finger and one on his thumb. It looks strange to me to see our hands together since they’re so different, but it’s not a bad strange.

  He turns my hand and traces his fingers over my palm. I shudder.

  Then, he tightens his hold and I look up. He’s watching me.

  His face tightens as he says, “Daisy, I meant what I said outside. Since the damn day we showed up at your house, I can’t stop thinking about you.” He taps his head with the hand not holding mine. “You’re in here.” He sighs. “I can’t get you out. I’ve tried. I’ve tried to screw you out of there.”

  I gasp and try to yank my hand back, but he holds firm. “No, stop. You know I’m a rocker. You hate my life. You hate my promiscuity. I know that. You’ve been extremely blunt about it and you were right. You are right.

  “You’re probably too good for me, I’m willing to admit that. However, I’m selfish enough not to give a shit.” He lifts my chin and stares at me. “We have something. I don’t know what the fuck it is, but I know that there’s something here. I can’t get you out of my head. I fight with you and goad you and push you… I do everything I can just so you pay attention to me.

  “I’m not used to that, Daisy. I don’t chase women. They chase me. But not you.

  “You push against me at every turn, but the second we give in and you fall into my arms… it’s like everything else melts away. I don’t know what it is, but I like it. I like the way it feels. I like the way you make me feel.


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