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Page 12

by Skye Turner

I stop him with a hand on his arm and shake my head. “Shut up. My momma isn’t calling you a devil man. She wouldn’t do that.” I smirk and then chuckle. “Is that what the church ladies are calling him?”

  Summer nods and then laughs. “Yeah. Momma called them a bunch of nosey ass busy bodies who need to read their Bibles again.” She arches her brow at me. “She did say that she’d like a heads up on shit before it’s all over TV though.”

  I mutter, “Shit… I better go call her.”

  Rafe looks at me and I shake my head. “My momma is the coolest woman around. Trust me, she’s not talking down about you. She wouldn’t talk down about anyone… But, she would tell off the hypocrites at church for talking about her daughters.” I sigh and stand. “Where’s my phone, Summer? I’m going to go call her now.”

  She tosses me my iPhone and I catch the swirled purple case. She grins. “Can I listen in?”

  I roll my eyes and growl at her. “Hell no. Nosey little bitch.”

  She laughs so hard she almost cries and slaps her knee. “Fine, you’ll tell me anyway. Go call Momma.”

  Laughing, I turn to the bedroom. I’m going to want some privacy for this. I look down at Rafe. “Be right back. I need to do this before we stop for dinner, okay?”

  He nods and looks up at me through hooded eyes. “Sure, call your mom. We’ll be out here.”

  Walking quickly, I dial the number. It’s ringing as I cross the bus and she answers as I enter the back lounge. “Bout time you call me, Daisy Anderson!”

  I close my eyes and blush as the smell of sex lingering in the room assaults my senses. I mutter, “I know. Sorry, Momma. I was talking to Rafe when you called.”

  “Rafe is the tattooed man who had you pressed against the side of your bus?!”

  My face burns as I nod though she can’t see me. “Yeah. That’s Rafe.”

  “Well, are you involved with this man? How long has this been going on, Daisy? Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing one of the rockers you were touring with?”

  I laugh and mutter, “Yeah, we’re involved… it’s new though. We’ve kind of flirted and fought for a couple of months now… Daddy knew so don’t act surprised. I know he told you.”

  She chuckles. “Ok, I knew about him, but it would be nice to hear it from you, since you’re my daughter.”

  “Oh, Momma. We literally just started seeing each other. I mean, we just decided to actually try out dating or whatever…”

  I hear her breathe deeply. “Okay. Have you seen the video, Daisy?

  “It is a very passionate video. You two appear to have real chemistry, and of course, the busy bodies are all over the gossip. My phone has been ringing off the hook with them wanting the scoop.”

  I flop on the bed. “Oh, they just want scoop? No one wants to judge me for dating a devil man?!”

  She laughs and I join in. “Oh yes, there have been a few of those, too. I told them to mind their own business and go re-read the Good Book because they apparently missed the part about God being the only one with the power to cast judgment.”

  I can’t stop laughing. I can see her mouthing off to them. “God, I love you, Momma. I can totally see you telling them that. I bet that went over well.”

  She harrumphs. “Two of them hung up on me and the other was just speechless.” Then she sighs, “Ok, baby girl. I just wanted to check on you. I love you, too.

  “And can you please fill me in on what’s happening with you before I see it in the tabloids? I would certainly appreciate it. Then, I can prepare for my war of words with the hens.”

  I smile. “Yes, Ma’am. I’m sorry. It was a weird day.”

  I hear her chuckle. “I bet it was. If you finished what was started outside… Whew…”

  I gasp. “MOMMA!”

  She laughed heartily. “What? I’m old, not dead, and that is a virile and sexy man… Live baby girl, but be careful. I know you’re an adult, but you’re still my baby girl and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I know. I don’t want to get hurt either. All I can do is tread carefully.”

  She mutters. “Yes, this is true… Oh, and Daddy might call you… he went to town because I wanted some beignets, so no telling who’s filling his ears with what right now.”

  I groan. “Oh my God…”

  She laughs. “Night, baby girl. Be safe and have fun. And tell your sister I know what she’s up to with that other rocker, too… She’s not fooling anyone!”

  I giggle. “Night, Momma. We’re stopping soon for dinner and then going to travel all night to make it to New York by morning.”

  “Y’all be careful. I love y’all and I’m so proud of you.”

  My eyes well at her words. “Love you, too. Night…”

  We disconnect and I lay in the dark for a bit and just breathe.


  Daisy has been in the back for a bit talking to her mom. I should probably call mine soon, too. I’ll do it after we eat. I like to check in a few times a week.

  Summer and Sean are talking and laughing on the couch as he shows her stuff on his phone.

  I’m just sitting alone, listening to the road noise when the seat next to me dips. Glancing over, I see Roman. He’s looking at me pretty intently.

  Oh shit… Here we go.

  My brows arch and I ask, “Something on your mind?”

  He nods and looks at me with something a little like respect. “You’re direct. I like that.”

  I nod at him and wait for him to spit it out. He sighs and rubs the back of his neck while he looks away. Then, he looks back at me. “Look, Rafe. I’m going to be 100% straight with you. These girls are not just my clients… all four of them are like my daughters. I’ve been with them since they were kids and sang together at festivals and church. Daisy is headstrong and tough, but she also has a heart of gold.

  “That girl is special. She’s a leader and carries herself like a queen. People are drawn to her, they always have been.

  “You are. I’ve seen you sniffing around her for a while and at first, I was adamantly against it. I thought you were a hard partying rocker who would use her and discard her…” He looks right at me and doesn’t blink. “I’ve read the tabloids about you and people talk in our business…

  “As I said, I listen to your music. I follow you. My business is to know what’s going on… So, I know what you’re like. I know about your tour antics and I know that you frequently jump beds.”

  His gaze is hard and unwavering as speaks. “On this tour, I’m Sweet Southern Sass’ manager, but I’m also their surrogate father. I’m the man who keeps an eye on them. I’m the man who makes sure they’re safe and protected and that no harm comes to them… Physically or emotionally.

  “I’ve seen you with Daisy. I see the way you look at her. I don’t even think you know the way you look at her, but I’m telling you… you’re not going to break her heart. You’re not going to have your fun with her and then screw her over or toss her aside.

  “I think you really do care for her and because of that, I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt. But, if at any time, I think that you are overstepping or stepping out… if it appears that you’re heading down a path where she gets hurt… I’ll personally beat your ass and then call the label so fast, your head will spin.”

  I blink at him. “Are you threatening me, Roman?”

  He shakes his head. “No, son. I’m not. I don’t make threats. But, I do make promises and my promise to you is this… if you fuck up and hurt her… if you break that girl… I will end you. You will cease to exist in this industry… Do I make myself clear?”

  Holy fuck.

  I think he’s a man with the power to do it, too.

  I’m livid… How dare he threaten me?

  Yet, at the same time, I’m grudgingly respectful, too.

  He cares about Daisy… I can’t fault him for that.

  But, how can I promise not to hurt her?! I can’t predict the future.

  I nod je
rkily at him and say, “Yeah, loud and clear. I can’t promise not to hurt her. I don’t have the power to do that. But I can promise to give this my all.” My eyes are hard as I look at him. “Look, I know we’re different, but I do care and I’m not looking for a play thing. I can have that any night of the week and I don’t have to jeopardize this tour or my career for a piece of ass.” His eyes widen. “Daisy is more than a piece of ass. As far as what I want from her… I don’t rightly know that right now. She doesn’t know either, but we’re doing this… Together.

  “We’re trying us out and seeing what happens. Maybe we’ll crash and burn or maybe we won’t, but we’re the people involved here.

  “I respect that you’re looking out for her. I do. But don’t threaten me for becoming involved with a grown ass woman.

  “Whatever happens is going to happen… As far as where we end up, who the fuck knows?! But for now, we’re traveling this road together.”

  Roman just looks at me and then he nods and smiles slightly. “That’s all I can ask for.” He clasps my shoulder and stands up. “Enjoy the ride,” and he walks back to the front of the bus.

  What the fuck just happened?!

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wake to the sounds of traffic and road noise. I slept like a rock. I wasn’t certain that I would sleep at all. I took my bunk in the main cabin of the bus and left the back lounge for whoever wanted it. I think Roman slept in there. He does that a lot since he works until he practically passes out. Summer climbed into her bunk, on top of mine, while Fannie and McKenzie took their bunks across the way. There are two other large bunks, too, but I thought I heard Roman shuffle through here and into the kitchen about midnight.

  Stretching and moaning I glance at the time. My clock says 7:13AM. The bus is quiet, everyone else must still be asleep, though, I think I smell coffee.

  God, I hope so.

  Sliding the heavy curtain back, I peek out. I don’t see anyone else’s bunk open. Oh well, I can always make myself a cup with the Keurig.

  Standing, I stretch to my full height and feel my back pop. It feels amazing. Then, I stroll into the main living area of the bus. The scent of Community Dark Roast Coffee greets me and I mutter, “Thank you, Jesus.”

  Fannie grins at me and calls out in her cheerful voice, “Not, Jesus. Just me.” Grinning, I fill my cup and raise it to my nose. The smell makes me so happy. My palms wrap around the warmth of the mug and I look at her through the steam. She asks, “Sleep well?”

  I nod and sit across from her at the table. She’s eating some sliced fresh fruit and toast. She gestures to the plate. “Help yourself. I made more. It’s in the fridge for when everyone else rolls out of bed.”

  After popping a strawberry into my mouth, I groan and take a sip of my rich, dark coffee. My sigh of absolute glee can’t be contained. Fannie laughs again. “Girl, you and your coffee.”

  “I know. I’m a demon without it, huh?! Why are you up so early?”

  She shrugs and looks out the window. I follow her gaze. Yeah, we’re definitely in New York. Traffic is everywhere and it’s so busy. She mutters, “We’re not in Kansas anymore.”

  We look out at the people scurrying everywhere as the horns blare and people weave in and out of traffic. New York is such a vibrant place. The people are almost otherworldly. Like, normal people don’t live here. I love it. It’s almost like a foreign country right here in the United States.

  Finally, I ask Fannie again. “So, why were you up so early, girl? Couldn’t sleep?”

  She looks at me and smiles. “You know I’m up with the chickens. I can’t sleep when there’s so much to see.”

  We look outside for a bit longer until a sleepy voice behind us growls, “Dear God, please tell me there’s coffee… and not that colored water shit that people call coffee… like actual Louisiana coffee.”

  Grinning at Fannie, I wink and call over my shoulder, “Morning, sunshine. Sorry, I drank all of it.”

  Summer groans and says, “You’re a bitch and I hate you. Fannie, is there more coffee?”

  Fannie laughs. “Yes, Summer. I made twelve cups because heaven forbid anyone have to deal with you two without at least half a pot of coffee in you. I don’t think we have enough cash for bail money.”

  She grunts and pours herself a cup. As she sips it and burns her mouth, she yells, “Dammit! That’s hot, but it’s so good I can’t wait!”

  She flops next me at the table and says, “Sup, sis?”

  I roll my eyes and say brightly, “Nothing. People watching. Sup with you?”

  She grunts. “Too early for conversation. Not enough caffeine in my system. Why is it so damn bright?”

  Opening the window, I let the sounds of the traffic in. “Because it’s daytime, that’s why.”

  She peeps at me through slitted eyes. “You’re entirely too cheerful. Must be all that hot sex you had yesterday.”

  Fannie coughs and a gasp behind us, has me whirling around. McKenzie is staring at me wide-eyed. When her jaw works, she exclaims. “What hot sex? Did you have sex with Rafe?”

  I feel my face burn as I glare at Summer. She blows me a kiss and winks. Rolling my eyes, I mutter, “Um, well…. Er, yeah.”

  McKenzie pushes Fannie over so she can slide into the booth and leans on the table. “What? You and Rafe had sex?”

  I fidget and Summer answers for me. “Oh yeah, they did. Hot ass sex. Hot loud sex that we could hear above the booms on the TV.”

  My head swivels and I screech, “What?”

  She waggles her eyebrows at me. “Yes, Ma’am. Apparently you both got the Gold! If we’d had score cards, I’d have given you both tens.”

  Oh dear God…

  She’s got to be messing with me. There is no way that they heard us. That movie was loud…

  But WE were loud. I was loud.

  Oh my God…

  I mutter, “Are you freaking serious, Summer?”

  She smirks and nods. “I am. It was actually kind of hot though. Other than the part where my sister was getting shagged, I mean.”

  I’m going to die… I’m straight up going to die.

  She nudges me with her shoulder. “It’s ok. Sean kissed me he was so hot from hearing you two.” She grins. “So thanks!”

  I jump up from the table and grab at my hair. All three of the girls are just staring at me. I wail. “Oh my God, y’all. TMZ is reporting that we’re a couple and released the video from the side of the bus… Then, we had phenomenal sex… numerous times… Like fantastic sex. And you’re all looking at me like you’ve never seen me before.”

  Fannie smirks. “Well, that’s not entirely true. We’re not shocked. Or I’m not. You two have been playing cat and mouse since you met. I think it’s great. And if the sex is that good… even better.” She looks at me and frowns. “But, Daisy, are you two a couple? I mean are you like dating or is this just a tour thing?”

  I worry my lip as I look at them. Then, I nod. “I think we’re dating. We talked about it. He says he won’t hook up with anyone else while we’re… whatever we are.”

  McKenzie is still sitting there shell-shocked and then she laughs. I look at her and she laughs harder. Finally, she smiles. “Damn girl… of the three of you, you are the one I never expected to go for the rockers, yet, here you are and damned if you two aren’t just the cutest couple. For whatever reason, and against all odds, you two just mesh.” She jumps up and fills her coffee cup and then holds it out. “To the tour! This experience, while unexpected, is going to change our lives!”

  We all laugh and drink our coffee as we watch the New York city scape through the tour bus windows. An hour later, we’re at the station. The bus finally rolls to a stop and we all look around and realize… we’re not dressed.

  Shrieking, we scramble and throw clothes on as we all attempt to create a halfway decent makeup look in mere minutes.

  Roman walks out of the bedroom as clothes are flying and we’re passing aroun
d the Head Kandy straightening brush. He mutters, “Mornin’, ladies.” When we all ignore him, he shakes his head and walks to fill his own coffee cup with coffee.


  The bus just rolled to a stop after about three hours of stop and go action. I groan and stare at the bottom of the bunk over my head. I can hear Sean rolling and muttering above me, so I kick the bed. He hollers groggily, “Watch it, dickwad!”

  Laughing, I call up, “Wake up, sleepyhead!” I kick the bed again and laugh as he cusses at me. Sliding out of the bed, I stretch and touch the top of the bus and turn on the main light. “Rise and shine, assholes!”

  Russ pops his head out of his bunk and I laugh as I take in his messy blond hair and scruffy face. He’s squinting at me. “What the hell time is it?”

  Xavior yells from above him, “Why in the hell are you assholes so fucking chatty? It’s the middle of the goddamned night!”

  Laughing, I yank his curtain open. He tries to punch out at me as the overhead light hits his face. “Goddammit, Rafe! You’re a punk!”

  Tousling my hair, I stretch again. All three of them are glaring at me. I grin. “Good morning. Welcome to New York. Get your asses up!”

  Sean flips me off and mutters, “Not all of us had an afternoon of marathon sex yesterday, fucker. Take your cheery mood and shove it up your ass. I’m going back to bed. My phone says I can sleep for another goddamned hour!”

  Glancing at the black watch on my cuff, I laugh. “Yeah, it’s early. Ok, I think I might go for a run. You assholes can sleep the morning away. I’ll make sure you’re awake you when I get back.”

  Russ groans. “Go away!”

  Laughing, I head into the back lounge. All of our clothes are in there. Gavyn is asleep on the couch. He was working late on manager shit, so we told him to take the room. As quietly as I can, I grab some black workout shorts and my running shoes from the cubby closet. Then, I swipe my Saints cap from the hat rack on back of the door. I have to rep my team.

  I can hear the guys snoring as I head back down the hall. My aviators are the last thing I grab before unlocking the bus.


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