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Page 16

by Skye Turner

  Xavior grins at Blue and waggles his brows. “Two sexy people… chemistry. The heart wants what it wants, right?!”

  Blue nods and exclaims, “Yes, it certainly does. And yes, sometimes opposites are the perfect match.” She nods at all of us, “So, what’s next? Will you co-write and collaborate on another song or will you stop at the one hit? Any chance of an entire crossover album between the two bands?”

  My brows raise and the surprise around the room is evident. Daisy answers. “I guess that would be up to the label. They orchestrated all this. If there’s interest, I don’t see that as farfetched. I certainly wouldn’t be as surprised as when we were presented with this idea.” She laughs.

  Everyone else joins suit.

  Blue asks a couple more questions and then says, “I think that’ll do it, y’all. I have everything I need. We’re going to get some photos of everyone and then maybe section you off into bands before getting a few shots of Rafe and Daisy.

  “The teaser article will actually be ready tonight and I’ll have the actual piece ready to roll tomorrow. I’ll be pulling an all-nighter, but I want to get this out first thing. It should really gather hits and I can guarantee you that it’ll trend on all social media.

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I certainly appreciate it.”

  She sets her pen down and nods at me and Daisy. “You two seem to fit. It’s a good thing. You really do remind me of my husband and me.”

  Daisy laughs. “You met him on tour with Bayou Stix, right?”

  Blue chuckles. “No, I already knew him from when they first appeared on the rock scene. I was actually friends with the band. But, we got together while they were on tour. I was ‘forced’ to go on the road with them.” She glances at her hand where a huge diamond ring is sparkling. “That was ten years ago now and the rest they say is history.”

  I nod. “They’re about to go on tour again, right?”

  Blue’s eyes show her pride. “Yes. Bayou Stix is about to do another stadium tour. It kicks off next month. I’m headed to their press tour once I wrap with y’all on the kick-off. Jessie has both girls and even with all the help… two four year olds are quite a handful.”

  The photographer is snapping pics of everyone while we chat with Blue. He gestures that he’s ready for Daisy and I. Blue nods at him. “Looks, like you two are up.”

  Daisy thanks Blue again and walks over to the photographer so he can get her positioned and check her lighting. Blue watches her with a smile. She glances at me before looking back at Daisy. “You know, this story is going to blow up. By the weekend, it’ll be the top news story everywhere. Don’t let the press and fallout from the crazies tarnish what you guys have.” She looks at me again and I can see the understanding in her eyes. “It’s a crazy life and everyone thinks they deserve a piece, just remember that the only people who truly matter are those that matter.”

  I nod at her. She smiles again and walks away to talk to Roman.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Blue was true to her word and by 10PM last night, the teaser story hinting about “big news” featuring Destiny Fades to Blue and Sweet Southern Sass was out.

  This morning’s interview and summer concert in Central Park for Good Morning America was packed. People were everywhere. The park was packed with people who were unable to get tickets for the free concert but who came out to hopefully catch a peek of us.

  Sweet Southern Sass’ concerts have been completely sold out for years. Our records have gone platinum. Our singles have topped the charts. We’ve won countless awards and performed for the most important people on the planet, but nothing we’ve done thus far has compared to the chaos this tour with Destiny Fades to Blue has created.

  Someone tried to sneak onto our floor at the hotel last night by scaling the side of the building. This is insanity!

  As soon as the concert and live taping was done at Central Park, we were whisked away in Escalades. People were following behind us. Cars were chasing us. Someone even jumped on the hood of the car trying to get to us.

  My nerves are shot, but it’s also weirdly cool. I just can’t believe that people actually care this much about us and what’s happening between Rafe and me.

  We’re backstage waiting to go on yet another talk show after doing sound check for the live taping. Roman is in the dressing room with us and we’re being measured and taped while our makeup is getting done and people are fighting over hair products.

  My face feels like there’s ten pounds of makeup on it and my skin can’t breathe, but I know it’s necessary for the stage lights.

  I sigh as more shadow is added to my lid before I’m told to blot my lips and more lipstick is applied over the four coats already on them.

  Roman’s phone has been constantly pinging with calls and messages. He hasn’t put it down for over two hours.

  He laughs and says, “Well girls, the story will be live in ten minutes.”

  My stomach clenches and my eyes squeeze shut. “Don’t squint! You’ll smear your makeup!”

  Opening my eyes, I mutter, “Sorry,” to the makeup artist.

  She clucks her tongue. “No worries, sweets. I just don’t want to mess up all my hard work.” She grabs a Q-tip and smudges the liner under my eyes.

  I grumble. “Didn’t you just tell me not to do that and then you go and do it on purpose?!”

  She laughs. “Yes, but my smudging looks intentional!”

  Summer looks at me over my shoulder in the mirror. She grins. “Ignore her. She’s just bitchy because Rafe’s crazy fans are going to go ape-shit over the fact that she’s shagging their fantasy baby daddy!”

  The make-up artist sighs and bats her eyes. “I’m extremely jealous.”

  I blush. “Shut up, Summer! Not helping my nerves!”

  She laughs and I see her skip away to talk to Fannie. McKenzie is frowning at her phone again.

  Roman looks at me in the reflection. He mouths, “You ok, sweetheart?”

  I nod and get fussed at again for moving.

  Finally, my face and hair are done. I sigh in relief. Thank God. That is pure torture!

  Fannie squeals and holds up her iPad. “Story is live! Front page of Rock With Me.”

  Everyone walks over to see it. I look over her shoulder. It looks good. It opens with news of the tour and Firefly Heartbeat. There’s a photo of all eight of us. Then… the next photo is of Rafe holding my hand as we were interviewed. The rest of the article is about he and I’s relationship. It’s accompanied with more photos of the two of us from yesterday. It closes with a reminder for the tour starting in a few days and all of the tour dates and locations.

  It was a great article. And she didn’t lead with the news of Rafe and me, which I really respect.

  Well, it’s out there now…

  We just confirmed to the universe that we’re a couple. Come what may, there’s no hiding it anymore.

  Shit… what did I just open myself up for?!

  Summer screams. “Holy shit! There are already 4000 comments on the post! In under a minute!”

  I can’t look. I don’t want to know.

  Squeezing my stomach, I walk away. I leave them pouring over the comments and head into the hall. I want to get somewhere I can have some air. I feel light headed.

  I never read comments on social media. We have someone who deals with all of it, but I learned early on not to read stuff people say online. The shit people say from behind a computer or device is appalling.

  Thankfully, the door to outside is open and some air is wafting in. I stand near it and just close my eyes and breathe. None of the crew bothers me and I’m left alone to calm my nerves.

  I have no idea how long I’ve been standing here when I feel someone beside me. Cracking my eyes open, I see Rafe smiling at me sheepishly. He shrugs. “I didn’t want to say anything to scare you.”

  I smirk. “I felt you standing there. You creeper.”

  He chuckles an
d steps in front of me. His hands cup my waist and he leans down. “I’d kiss you, but I’m scared to mess up all that war paint you have on your face.”

  I mock glare at him and look pointedly at his own heavily lined eyes. “Really!? You’re wearing more eyeliner than I am…”

  He snorts and grins down at me. “Fuck it. I need this.” His lips settle over mine briefly. I sigh and he leans back. “Am I wearing your lipstick now? Is this my color?”

  My eyes crinkle as I laugh. “No, it’s not coming off, trust me. It’d take a nuclear bomb to get this shit off. I swear I weigh ten pounds more just from the shit on my face and in my hair.”

  Rafe looks me over and then says, “Yeah, you do kind of have that five dolla’ make you holla’ look going on right now.”

  I laugh and slap his arm. “Asshole.”

  He laughs with me and pulls me into his arms.


  I went to the girl’s dressing room to see if Daisy had seen the article, but Roman told me she left as soon as she glanced at it.

  Once I stepped into the hall, I saw her standing by the open door way down here.

  I’m hugging her as she looks outside and the comfortable air floats through the doors.

  She sighs. “Did you see the article?”

  Nodding, I rest my chin against her head. “I did. I went to find you and got told you came back here to get some air.” Leaning back, I look down at her. She looks up. “So, we’re outed.”

  She smiles slightly and says softly. “We certainly are. Summer was already screaming about all the comments on the article not even a minute after it posted.”

  I snort. “Um, there were fifteeen thousand plus when I came to find you.”

  She gasps and her eyes widen. “What? Seriously? Are we really that big of a deal?”

  Yeah, baby. We are THAT big of a deal. And not all of the comments are supportive.

  I only saw a few, because I don’t give a shit about what anyone thinks, but they varied from, “Why would he want to date that boring ass prude?” to “Way to be a role model for young girls! You sell out! Just what every parent wants to have her child date! A whore rock star with no morals and more sexual partners than he can even remember.”

  There were some good ones, though.

  “They make a cute couple.”

  She’s still staring up at me looking anxious. I hug her to me and kiss the top of her head. “Yeah. People are all over the news. Some are supportive. Some are not.” Leaning back, I look into her eyes. “But hey, I don’t care about that. You shouldn’t either.

  “The only people who have the right to care about us are the two of us. Me and you. The rest don’t matter!”

  She sighs again and steps out of my arms. “That good, huh?”

  She’s making me nervous. “It doesn’t matter, Daisy. Why do you care what people think about us dating? Does it bother you that trolls are shaming you for dating me and me for dating you?”

  She looks at me and then smiles. “Nah, not really. They can go back under the damn bridge.”

  My relief is evident as I sigh. One of the stage crew comes back and nods at the two of us. “Cool article. Happy for you two. It’s the Romance Tour. You’re on in five.”

  Daisy laughs and I join her. “Thanks man.”

  She looks up at me. “So, we should probably get back, huh? It’s almost showtime and we’ve already caused a stir.”

  Wrapping my arms around her waist, we head back down the hall together.

  Sweet Southern Sass killed their song. We’ve done one song of ours and Firefly Heartbeat is next up on the set list. They wanted us to do three songs, which is practically unheard of, but hey, whatever.

  The audience is into the music. Everyone is cheering, singing, and seeming to have a great time. I can’t see into the crowd from the stage lights in my eyes, but I can hear the response to the songs over my ear piece.

  A voice in my ear says, “As soon as this song ends, introduce Sweet Southern Sass and the girls will walk out while Xavior plays.”

  Russ is handling his guitar solo like the pro he is. The girls are screaming and all I see are hands and arms around the perimeter.

  His solo fades and then it’s time for my intro. Lifting the mic, I look into the lights since I can’t see the actual crowd. “Hey! Are y’all having a good time tonight? This is the trial run of sorts for our cross over tour with the lovely ladies of Sweet Southern Sass.

  “How did y’all like their song? They killed it, right?!” The crowd roars. “Well, we have a treat for you… how about a giant shout to welcome them back to the stage!?

  “Do y’all want to hear Firefly Heartbeat tonight?”

  Feet are stomping. The audience is screaming.

  Xavior starts his drum intro and I hear the crowd get loud as the girls retake the stage. We’re currently on commercial and are about to get the signal that we’re back on the air. Daisy walks up to me and when she’s at the microphone, she grips it and sexily says into it. “Hey again, y’all! How about we get this started?”

  The producer counts down and the camera man points at us. The music starts and we’re singing. We stare at each other as we sing and she takes my hand before dropping it and moving away. Her voice rises and falls with her parts. The audience is singing along with us so Daisy holds her microphone out to let them take it.

  The chorus comes and we repeat it before we sing the last lines into the microphone together. When the music fades, the audience is on their feet.

  The applause, whoops, and hollers are unbelievable. Things are being thrown toward the stage and the host walks over to thank us for coming. They count down and then we’re off air.

  Daisy smiles at everyone and waves as she blows the audience a kiss. “Thank you, guys! Y’all rocked that! I guess you like it!”

  I didn’t think it was possible, but they get louder. Everyone is on their feet. I can see the front rows screaming and jumping up and down. The host shakes my hand and hugs Daisy.

  They love the song!

  I speak into the mic, “Make sure you request Firefly Heartbeat!

  “Now, how about another round for the beautiful ladies before we head on over to our next stop?!”

  My heart is racing as they respond and we all leave the stage together, after chatting with the host and signing some autographs outside the studio, we head over to our next stop on this tour. It’s the mini-concert at Madison Square Gardens along with a meet-and-greet for super fans and fan club members for both bands.

  The concert lasts about an hour between both sets and then our performance of Firefly Heartbeat.

  We do two encores before we’re able to leave. By the time we’re backstage, I’m exhausted but also reveling in the high of a live performance.

  This would normally be the time I’d take some woman, a fan, an All-Access pass holder, someone in the industry, etc. up on one of their offers and have some wild and unadultered sex with no strings, but tonight, I only want to find Daisy and lose myself in her.

  As we get to our dressing room, someone hands me a bottle of water. Uncapping it, I drain the entire thing and head into the bathroom to find a towel. I’m covered in sweat. My hair is plastered to my head. My shirt is practically glued to my chest and my makeup is smeared under my eyes. It’s been a long and exhausting day.

  Looking into the mirror, I grimace. I look frightful. My blue eyes are wild and glassy from the natural high of performing and my black eyeliner is smudged about a half inch under my eyes.

  I’ll need a shower before I touch Daisy.

  Ha, she probably wouldn’t care. She did say the eyeliner was sexy.

  Maybe she’d like the gross, sweaty, unkempt look.

  Someone beats on the door and Sean yells, “Get your ass out here, man. There are people who want to see you.”

  Wiping my face and hair as best I can with a towel, I yank my shirt off as I open the door with the intention of finding a clean and dry one.

sp; A body presses against me and tits are plastered to my chest. Looking down, I grimace as I see one of the fans with an All-Access Pass cradled between her large, obviously enhanced DD’s. She rubs against me suggestively. “Hey lover.” Her hand grabs my hand and covers her engorged, exposed nipples. I look over at Sean hoping to get a little help. He’s got women draped all over him. One has her hand in his open pants while he sucks on another’s tits. Russ is on the couch with a woman in his lap and her tongue in his mouth. Xavior is getting a blow job as he sits in a chair. So much for getting any help…

  Somehow I manage to separate the woman from me, which is a feat since she’s stuck to me like she has tentacles. I push her onto the couch with Russ and say, “There you go, hunny. Have fun.”

  My head is spinning as I leave the insanity in the room and walk down the hall to the girl’s dressing room. A security guard is standing there. He smirks as I approach and glances at the noise coming from our own dressing room. “Sounds like a party.”

  I grunt. “Yeah, something like that. They dressed in there?”

  He shrugs and says, “No idea. Let me check.” He knocks and calls out. “You ladies decent? Mr. Rider is out here.”

  I hear some shrieking, “No! Don’t come in!” Then Daisy slips out through a small crack. Her face is wiped clear of the makeup from earlier and her hair is piled on top of her head. Her brows raise as she looks me over. She smirks and circles my chest with her finger. “Lose your shirt, hunny?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I took it off since it was covered in sweat. Then, I got accosted by a big tittied fan while I was walking out of the bathroom, so I dropped it while I disentangled her from me. Bitch had more arms than an octopus.”

  Daisy’s eyes are twinkling. “You escaped a groupie and lost your shirt in the process?”

  I nod and pull her into my body. “Yup. I deserve something for that.”

  She slides against me and whispers, “Oh yeah, what do you want?”

  Backing her against the wall, I cover her body with mine and line our mouths up.


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