Book Read Free


Page 18

by Skye Turner

  I hear him, but I can’t focus.

  Closing my eyes, I succumb to the welcome blackness.


  I thought the guys were playing a sick joke on me when the cops met me in the hall this morning. Then, I saw Gavyn with them.

  They were kind, but they arrested me. I was arrested for sexual assault.

  Sexual assault!

  They arrested me because they crazy bitch, Carlee, said I raped her. She told them I raped her when she told me she was pregnant… for me.

  How the fuck could she be pregnant? I’ve never came in her! Only her ass! And I used condoms!

  As soon as they said the name, I felt sick. I figured there’d be some fallout from Daisy and I being a couple, but I never thought that Carlee would be the one and that she would file a false police report and say I raped her and got her pregnant.

  I’m sitting in a freaking interrogation room in New York waiting for yet another detective to come in here and interview me. I’ve already answered all their questions. Three people have asked me the same questions, like my answer is supposed to change.

  Did I have sex with Carlee?


  Did I rape her?


  Am I willing to give a DNA sample?


  I’m cooperating fully so all I can do is pray that it gets figured out soon.

  I did not rape her!

  What must Daisy be thinking? Does she think I’m capable of this?

  Has anyone even told her?

  Oh my God… she’s going to freak out. She’s already so uncomfortable with everything to do with my sexual past. And now this comes back to bite me in the ass.

  Literally… this is the worst thing that could ever happen.

  I finally settle down. I finally have the woman I want to settle with. And I think I do. I think Daisy is it. I think she’s the woman I’m supposed to be with.

  Yet now this… is this going to drive her away?

  What if they make these false charges stick?

  That won’t happen, right? That cannot happen…

  It happens every day though…

  Oh my God, I didn’t rape Carlee…

  The door opens and a different detective walks in. He’s wearing jeans with a brown blazer. He smiles at me. “Mr. Rider, I’m Detective James. I’d like to talk to you. Is it ok if I ask you some questions?”

  I nod. “Ok. I’ve already answered the same questions three times, but sure. I’ll answer them for you as well.”

  Sitting on the edge of the table, he opens the button on his jacket. He’s kind of in my space. I think he’s trying to intimidate me.

  Just be cool, Rafe. Tell the truth.

  He opens a folder he’s holding though I’m pretty sure he memorized it before he walked in the room. As he glances over the file, he flips the bottom of the paper up. “So Mr. Rider, do you know Carlee Sanders?”

  Looking right at him, I answer. “I do.”

  He nods and says, “What is the extent of your relationship with Miss Sanders?”

  “I know her. I’ve known her a couple of years. She was a fan of my band. She kind of followed us around for a bit and we started a casual sexual relationship. When we signed with the label and started touring, she popped back up on the road a few times.

  “I’d have sex with her when she was around if I was home. It was not a relationship. It was purely sex. She’d show up somewhere I was or I’d call her when I was wanting her company for a bit and she’d come over. That was it.”

  He makes a noise like he already knows all this. He probably does. I’ve already told three other people. He asks, “Would you say that Miss Sanders was under the impression your relationship was more than sexual?”

  “Not from me, she wasn’t. She hinted a few times that she’d like to date me and come on tour with us, but I let her know in no uncertain terms that was never going to happen and that all I wanted from her was the sex. She would drop it and still show up when I called or texted.”

  He nods. “And did you call her on the night of the sixteenth? To invite her to hook up?”

  I sit back and sigh. “It was the seventeenth. I didn’t call her. I texted her. You can search my phone. I haven’t cleared out my texts in a while, so it’s probably still there. So are the other texts from her after I kicked her out that morning.”

  He murmurs. “Yes, we have someone looking into the texts messages.” He sighs. “I’m going to be honest with you, Mr. Rider. I’ve been a detective with the sexual trauma unit for a long time. I was called in to question you at the request of the other detectives that interviewed you.

  “You’ve been extremely forthcoming. Miss Sanders has not… since her initial report. The alleged sexual assault happened in Louisiana and I have no jurisdiction there. I’m simply conducting an interview on a suspect because you’re a public figure.”

  A knock at the door interrupts him. We both look over. Another detective pokes his head into the room. “His lawyer is here.”

  Detective James nods. “Ok, send them in.”

  The band’s lawyer walks in and says, “Don’t say another word, Rafe.” He looks at Detective James. “I informed your associates I was on my way an hour ago. Why are you in here questioning my client without legal counsel present?”

  Detective James says, “I wasn’t officially questioning him. I was just talking to him.”

  He nods at me and says, “I’ll leave you two to converse. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  He exits and I’m left sitting across the table from the band’s lawyer… the lawyer who handles contracts and legal matters dealing with money… not criminal shit… not alleged rape.

  I ask him, “How bad is this? Am I going to have to go to trial for this? I did not rape Carlee!”

  He nods. “I know. They know, too. They’re stalling while they try to get back in touch with her. She filed the report and said she was also pregnant by you. Yet, she refused taking a pregnancy test and the rape kit showed signs of sex, anal and vaginal, but no trauma.”

  I slap the table. “She’s not pregnant for me! I have never had an orgasm in her vagina! I’ve had sex with her, yes! But we have anal sex more often than not and I have only ever orgasmed in her ass… and only like once or twice without a condom!”

  “If she’s pregnant, it’s not for me!”

  He nods. “Russ said she left your apartment the morning after the alleged assault and she was upset about you asking her to leave. He said he heard you two arguing in your apartment and then she kicked his door and acted manic in the hallway. He stated she was extremely unhappy, but that she wasn’t acting like a victim of assault. She was angry that you dismissed her.

  “We also have the text messages she sent you. They don’t show a victim… but do show a woman who willingly offered herself to you after the alleged sexual assault and then an angry woman who is not happy about being ignored.”

  I mutter, “Well, how messed up it is that she’s saying I raped her because she’s mad at me when all she ever was… was a good time with no strings?!”

  He nods and we both look to the door as it opens. I wait with baited breath as Detective James walks back in. I can’t breathe.

  This is my life and to think that everything I’ve worked for can be taken from me because of one crazy woman… it’s terrifying.

  He rubs the back of his neck. “I’ve just heard from the Baton Rouge PD. You’re free to go, Mr. Rider. Miss Sanders has recanted her report. She’s been arrested for filing a false police report. You have the right to sue her for slander amongst other things, but your lawyer can advise you of that.

  “I’m glad that we got to the bottom of this and I’m sorry we’ve held you for the past sixteen hours. Thank you for your cooperation with the investigation.”

  I nod at him.

  I can’t blame him. He’s just a man trying to do his job.

  Thank God that this shit is over.

  I’ve never
been so scared in my life.

  Looking around the room, I ask them both, “Is the media outside? Did this hit the airwaves? Do people think I’m a rapist?!”

  Detective James shakes his head. “No, son. No media. I tried to keep this on the down low because something didn’t sit right with me. You should be able to head out with no issues.”

  I thank him again and he holds the door open for me. We exit and head out of the station. I’ve never been so happy to be free of a place in my life.

  Mitch, my lawyer, is telling me the press from today was postponed and that it’s being moved to tomorrow. The bookings were pissed, but Sal was able to smooth talk and appease them. They think I suddenly got sick and couldn’t sing today, so they eventually agreed to move the interviews and performances to tomorrow over losing out on it all together.

  As the front doors to the station open, I look at the steps and freeze in place.

  Daisy is standing there. She straightens as she sees me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I’m standing outside the police station in New York City waiting for Rafe. I have no idea what I’m going to say when I see him.

  I’ve been out here for two hours. My security team is standing a few feet away, but it’s dark and no one is paying me any attention. I’m also wearing a baseball cap pulled low over my face.

  I asked them to bring me here earlier, but they kept telling me “no”. Roman didn’t want me seen outside the station because they were doing everything they could to keep the news off the wires. He told me it would be counter-productive to work so hard to stem the flood if I was just going to go kick the dam down.

  He was right. But once they rescheduled today’s press with the story that Rafe had gotten a stomach bug, I told them I was coming down here and there was nothing they could do to stop me, so their best bet was to just bring me.

  Summer backed me up and then Fannie, McKenzie, Sean, Xavior, and Russ jumped on the bandwagon, so finally, late this afternoon, they reluctantly agreed.

  Everyone got involved in trying to clear Rafe of the ridiculous charges. Russ and Sean filled me in on who the woman was after I told them I recognized her name from the text I saw on Rafe’s phone all those weeks ago.

  It unsettled me, but I told them that I saw the text and that it wasn’t something a rape victim would send.

  Then, Russ told me that she was a fan who was obsessed with Rafe, but someone he casually hooked up with. Sean even said that he had screwed her along with Rafe before. Russ and Sean reluctantly admitted that Rafe had slept with her the morning we left for the press tour… the same day that we officially hooked up. The whole thing turned my stomach and I was pissed off about it and the fact that Rafe hadn’t disclosed that to me; but, I was adamant that Rafe hadn’t done what she was accusing him of.

  An hour ago, Roman called me and said she was recanting her story and had admitted she made it all up after she saw the news of our dating. She was never pregnant either.

  I’ve been standing here, practicing things I should say in my head as I wait for them to release Rafe. I’m flipping between slapping him in the face for not telling me he had sex with her the same day he had sex with me and hugging him because I know that he’s not capable of rape and I can’t imagine what he’s been going through today. I literally have no idea which reaction he’s going to get.

  The front doors open and I just know it’s him. He walks out with his lawyer. He stops in his tracks when he sees me standing there.

  I stand up straight and just drink him in. He jogs down the steps and stops in front of me. “Hey.”

  Like an idiot, I just repeat it. “Hey.”

  He shrugs and says, “What are you doing here?”

  My expression must be incredulous as I look at him. My mouth gapes open. “Um, what? What do you think I’m doing here? I’m waiting for you.”

  “Why? You aren’t mad?”

  I laugh, but it’s not funny. “Oh, I’m livid. I’m so mad I could hurt someone.” His face falls. “But, I’m not mad at you. You didn’t do anything, Rafe.

  “Well, we have some things to discuss, but not about this particular situation.

  “I’m so angry that a woman was so upset with you and the fact that we’re together that she made up a story about being raped. That’s a very serious and very real issue and not one that should be taken lightly. Do you know how many women are really sexually assaulted every single day?!

  “Too many and people like her make it really hard for the real victims to be believed.

  “I’m pissed because she wanted to hurt you and in effect hurt me because she was jealous.

  That is extremely fucked up!”

  He stares down at me. “Yeah. I know. Trust me, I know. But, we’re together? Still?”

  I blink and my mouth drops open. I can’t form words for a bit. Then, I shake my head at him.

  Are we? In light of what I’ve learned, are we together?!

  Regardless of what he did before he was with me… since he’s been with me… he’s been WITH me…

  So, yes… we have things to discuss, but I still very much want to be together.

  Does he?

  “What? Did you end things with me in the sixteen plus hours you were in there and not tell me about it?”

  He chuckles. “I did not.”

  I smirk and poke him in the chest. “Then, I guess we’re still together.”

  His arms come around me and he hugs me tightly to him. “Thank God. I was so scared of the whole thing, Daisy. People are arrested and imprisoned every single day for shit they didn’t do.

  “That just took like twenty years off my life!

  “But, I was more scared that you’d freak out and think I would do something like that. I was scared I’d lose you over this.”

  What? He thought I’d believe her?

  I never believed her. Not even for one second.

  I knew he wouldn’t… he couldn’t… do that…

  My hand covers his very stubbled cheek. “Oh Rafe, I never believed you could or would do that. It’s not like you have to.”

  His head turns and he kisses my palm. “I wouldn’t and no, I don’t have to. But, people do it all the time… just because they can. Remember Darren Sharper from the Saints!?

  “I just couldn’t imagine you thinking that about me.”

  I could never think that about you, Rafe.

  Leaning on my tip-toes, I press my lips to his softly. “Nope. I couldn’t think that. You know why?”

  His brow wrinkles and he looks down at me. “Why?”

  I smile and put everything into my eyes. “I could never think that because I love you, Rafe Rider. And I couldn’t love someone capable of that.”

  His face freezes and my breath halts in my chest. Then, he smiles and sweeps my off my feet. He swings me around and I squeal.

  Once he sets me on my feet again, he leans down. “You love me? Good fucking thing. Because, I love you, too.”

  I laugh and kiss him again. It quickly heats up and he squeezes my ass with his hands in my back pockets.

  A throaty cough interrupts our make-out session. We look over and his lawyer is standing there, smirking. “Yeah, do that in the car. We just spent all damn day keeping this out of the news… let’s not invite people to pay attention to you now.”

  Rafe laughs and twines his fingers with mine. “Sounds fantastic. I want to take a shower, shave, and lay with you in a bed.”

  I grin at him and shrug. “I hope a bus bunk will do. We checked out of the hotel, remember?! Everyone is waiting for us. All the press was moved to tomorrow. We’re going to head to the buses now.”

  He nods and leans down to kiss me as they bring the car around. “I don’t give a shit where it is, as long as it’s not here and you’re next to me.”

  My heart swells as we kiss. When the car pulls up, our security team grunts. “Get in. We’ll ride in the front. It’ll probably be about an hour and a
half with this damn traffic!” and he waggles his brows and winks at us.

  Rafe and I laugh as we climb into the car. The guys are true to their word as they put the privacy window up and we make great use of the backseat.


  Two days later

  The audience is really into the show. I’m at the side stage watching Sweet Southern Sass as they work the crowd. They’re completely eating out of their hands. We finished our set about half an hour ago. I quickly showered and changed clothes so I could see some of theirs before we all headed back on for our combined set.

  They finish the song and then Daisy takes the mic at center stage. “How y’all doin’ tonight, New Jersey? Y’all having a good time?

  “I hope so because we’re having a blast. Y’all are on point. But up next, we have a very special treat for you… if you scream really loud, I bet we can convince those bad boys of rock, our tour mates, to come back out here with us.

  “What do you say? Y’all want to hear a little Firefly Heartbeat from the girls of Sweet Southern Sass and the boys of Destiny Fades to Blue?

  “I can’t hear you… let’s really make some noise. Those fellows sure are sexy. Especially that lead singer… Rafe… Isn’t he just dreamy… But don’t get too crazy, ladies… that one is all mine!”

  Did she just claim me in front of thirty thousand people!?

  Hot damn, I think she did.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect two days ago and we had a long talk about what happened with Carlee and me the morning we left for tour… the day Daisy and I officially hooked up… she wasn’t very happy about me not telling her that I’d fucked Carlee that morning, but I assured her that I had not and will not touch another woman as long as we’re together.

  And that better be a long time…

  I’m thinking forever should be long enough.

  After that little speech, we’re apparently on the same page…

  As the guys and I walk out on the stage, Daisy’s eyes meet mine. She winks and blows me a kiss. I pretend to catch it and blow her one back. The crowd goes wild. The guys take their place around the stage and I stand next to her at the microphone. Popping my ear piece out, I pull hers out and lean down to say in her ear, “Did you just lay claim to me in front of all these people, Miss Anderson?”


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