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Entire SMUT CATALOG: Volume 2

Page 38

by Kimberly Gray

  Turning on the water, Kelly didn’t even have the energy to stand up while taking a shower so instead she opted for a bubble bath. Pouring some bubble solution into the stream of steaming water that was filling the tub, she smiled to herself when the bubbles immediately started to form. Snagging a towel off of her towel warmer, she set it on the chair within her reach before stripping off her bra and panties.

  Stepping carefully into the water, Kelly slowly sank up to her neck in the bubbly warmth, closing her eyes as she sighed softly. The soothing water and tantalizing scent of vanilla was just what she needed to unwind after a day of traveling from California to New York. Tilting her head back, Kelly brushed her hair back out of her face so it would all be soaked in the water. After a few more moments of soaking, the brunette undid the plug and the water started to drain.

  Kelly wrapped the towel around her body as she stepped out of the tub. Snagging another, smaller towel, she wrapped her hair in it and twisted it up on top of her head. Heading back into her bedroom, Kelly was about to get dressed when a loud knock on the door was heard. Furrowing her brows as she instantly knew who it was, Kelly didn’t answer the door and a moment later, her step dad came barging into her room with a pissed off look on his face and a piece of paper in his hand.

  Turning to throw her step dad a look, Kelly turned back to her closet as she pulled out a pair of pajamas to change into. Being ignored seemed to only irritate her step father more and while she was secretly pleased with herself for doing so, she immediately regretted it when she heard her step father’s first few words.

  “Give me your credit card, Kelly.”

  His words were icy but collected as he stood opposite her with his hand extended and his jaw clenched.

  “Uh, no. It’s mine!” She replied, giving him a look like he was crazy for even asking such a question. She knew that was the wrong thing to say as soon as she saw her step dad take in a deep breath, his nostrils flaring in anger. Not one to apologize though and admit she was wrong, Kelly waited for his reaction before saying anything else.

  “No it’s not. Your mother and I pay for it, therefore it belongs to us. We just let you use it. Though based on how much money you spent this weekend, it seems that giving it to you wasn’t a good idea.” He snapped back, holding up the piece of paper he had in his hand before tossing the paper on her bed. She moved towards it and picked it up before her hazel eyes began to scan down the page. It was a history of all the purchases she’d made while her and her friends had been in California that past weekend.

  Setting the paper back down on her bed, she shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest as her eyes came back to land on her step father who was still standing in her room waiting for her to speak.

  “I hadn’t been to California in over a month. There were a lot of things I needed to get while I was out there.” She defended herself, her hazel eyes still on the muscular man in front of her as she waited for him to make the next move.

  He didn’t say anything but instead moved further into her room and snagged her purse. A wave of panic washed over Kelly as she realized what he was about to do. Jumping forward, she attempted to snatch her purse back from him but there was no use. Her step father was much taller and obviously a lot stronger than her as he held the purse firmly and quickly fished out her wallet. When Samson let go of her purse, Kelly stumbled backwards a bit; but managed to keep herself on her feet.

  Her step father, Samson, made easy work of opening her wallet and withdrawing all of her credit cards that he or her mother had given her to use. Once he was sure he had them all, he tossed her empty wallet onto her bed and turned his icy blue eyes to her again.

  “I think it’s best if I keep these for a bit. Until you can prove you’re responsible enough to handle having them that is.” Samson replied before shoving the cards into his pocket and storming out of her room.

  “But I’m going to London next weekend! It’s fashion week, I have to have them or I can’t buy any of the gorgeous clothes there!” Kelly cried out, hugging her purse to her chest.

  Kelly was speechless as she watched him leave without another word and he shut her bedroom door harshly on his way out. Her jaw dropped as she realized just what had happened and what this would mean for her London trip next weekend, Kelly felt the tears immediately start pouring down her cheeks. What was she suppose to do now? She couldn’t go out with her friends this week to make the week go by faster because she didn’t have any money to even buy drinks at the bar. And while she knew one of her friends would most likely be able to pay for her, it would be a major hit to her ego and her reputation if she did in fact slump to such a low.

  The first part of the night, Kelly spent in her room crying over everything that had happened. It wasn’t until she didn’t think she had any more tears to cry that she finally calmed herself down enough to realize she had to do something about this. She could prove that she was responsible and mature enough to have her credit cards back. She could cook and help around the house. She could even make her step father the happiest man in the world by giving him a foot massage and turning on the game for him. Even make him food so he wouldn’t have to get up off the couch while watching football.

  After thinking through everything and coming up with her plan, Kelly was able to finally fall asleep with somewhat high hopes. She would spoil her step father and show him how responsible she could be so that way she could get her credit cards back before her trip to Europe for fashion week.


  The next morning, Kelly woke up far earlier than she would have liked. She had to make sure she got up before Samson did or else her plan wouldn’t work. Dragging herself out of bed, she got dressed into a pair of calf length leggings and a tight fitting tank top before she made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. It was Sunday which meant that there would be football on all day and her step father would be watching it the entire day as well.

  Once in the kitchen, Kelly busied herself with pulling out the ingredients to make pancakes. Stirring together the things she needed, she easily made the batter before pouring it onto the skillet and then flipping the pancake at the proper time. Once the pancakes were done, Kelly poured a glass of milk and set the food down on a TV tray in front of the TV. Right on time, Samson came strolling down the stairs in a pair of sweatpants. He didn’t have a shirt on and Kelly couldn’t help but let her eyes wander over his firm abs before forcing her focus back to the task at hand.

  Samson’s blue eyes glanced down at the breakfast foods that were all set up for him before he flashed a curious look over at Kelly who was wiping her hands on a kitchen towel. Kelly simply smiled as the blonde man moved to sit down on the couch and began eating the pancakes she’d prepared for him. Sighing a bit in relief, Kelly finished putting the dishes in the sink for the housekeeper to clean up before moving to the fridge and getting the ingredients to make herself a mimosa. After all, if she was going to be waiting on him hand and foot today, it would help if she at least had a bit of alcohol in her.

  When her step father had finished eating, Kelly moved forward and cleared away his dishes before putting them in the sink as well.

  “You know making me breakfast doesn’t mean you get your credit cards back, right?” He questioned, raising a brow as he glanced over his shoulder at her as she sipped on her mimosa. Kelly wanted to sag her shoulders in defeat at his words but instead she kept up her happy mood and shrugged off his words.

  “It’s just a start to show you I do know how to be responsible.” She replied with a slightly fake sweet smile.

  When Samson turned back to the football game that was on, Kelly huffed a bit as she tried to figure out what her next move would be. Clearly she would have to step it up, especially if she wanted to be able to get her credit cards back as soon as she could. After all, her friends were wanting to go out to the clubs tonight and she wouldn’t be able to go if she didn’t have at least one credit card back by then. Plus she had just bou
ght a really sexy and slightly revealing black dress that she was dying to wear out and tonight at the clubs seemed like the perfect opportunity.

  The rest of the day seemed to go by in a slow and boring blur. Kelly wasn’t use to doing so much work and her step father had been enjoying her services far too much for her liking. She’d fetched him beer whenever he wanted one, made him lunch and dinner as well as ran pointless errands for him.

  Glancing down at her phone, it had been buzzing all evening as her friends texted her asking if she was going out with them later. Kelly had replied saying she wasn’t sure yet since she’d been waiting to find the perfect time to ask her step dad if she could have one of her credit cards back for the evening. As the football game Samson had been watching ended, Kelly bit her bottom lip before crossing the living room and sat down beside him on the couch as the commercials started playing.

  “Hey daddy, I was wondering if I could have one of my credit cards back for the night so I can go out to the clubs with my friends.” Kelly asked sweetly, her hazel eyes glancing over at him with a hopeful gleam in them. She hated having to kiss his ass just to get what she wanted but she knew throwing a fit and being a bitch would get her nowhere.

  Samson was silent for a long moment as if he were deliberating his decision. When he finally pulled his blue eyes away from the TV, he glanced over at her before taking in a deep breath. “Kelly, there’s no way you’ve learned your lesson after one day. So the answer is no. And you’re staying in tonight.” Samson replied before turning his attention back to the television in front of him as the start of the next football game came on.

  Pressing her lips together firmly, she had to slip off the couch and disappear up in her room before she screamed something that would just get her into more trouble. Once safely in her room, Kelly grabbed her pillow and screamed into it before slumping onto her bed. Texting her friends the bad news, she tossed her phone aside and lay there for a few moments as she tried to figure out where she was suppose to go from here. Clearly her step father was trying to teach her a lesson or something so she needed to show him that there was no need for lessons.

  After pacing around her room for a few minutes, she finally came up with quite a twisted idea. Smirking a bit at the thought that had popped into her head, she was thankful her mother wasn’t home this week. Stepping into her closet, she stripped off her leggings and tank top before finding the little black dress she had planned to wear out that night. If she couldn’t go out then she could at least wear her dress and possibly draw the eye of her step dad.

  Slipping into the dress, she went without a bra because the low cut back and the deep v line neck would have shown her bra too much. Running her fingers through her long straight hair, Kelly brushed it over her shoulder before heading back downstairs. Samson was still in the living room watching the game when she came down and his eyes flickered over to her briefly before turning back to the screen only to do a double take when he realized what she was wearing.

  Raising a brow, his blue eyes lingered over her body in a slightly less than innocent way. “I thought I told you that you weren’t going out tonight.” He stated, raising a brow as he waited for her reasoning behind her attire. Kelly shrugged and moved towards him, coming to sit on the edge of the coffee table opposite where he sat on the couch. “You did. But I wanted to wear this dress out tonight and if I can’t wear it out then I’ll wear it at home.” She replied, tilting her head to the side a bit as she leaned back a little, pushing her breasts out so they were on display even more than before.

  Samson’s blue eyes flickered down to her breasts before being forced back up to her eyes. He hummed in uncertainty but didn’t push the matter. Glancing over her shoulder at the TV before turning her gaze back to her step father, a slight smirk spread across Kelly’s lips as she glanced down at his feet before looking back up at his face. “Why don’t you let me give you a foot massage? After all, you work so hard, it’s the least I can do.” Kelly suggested as she waited for him to object before lowering down onto her knees.

  Samson seemed a bit skeptical of her actions but he didn’t object as she moved so she was in front of him. Once on her knees, Kelly reached down and lifted one of his feet so that it was in her lap. Massaging the sole of it, Samson let his gaze flicker back up to the TV as he leaned back into the couch a bit more. Kelly smiled as he seemed to relax as she slowly kept massaging different parts of his foot.

  As the football game went on, Kelly didn’t stop her massaging but she had moved up to his calf muscles now. Her hazel eyes flickered up to look at Samson’s face but he still seemed rather distracted by the football game. Easing her way even further up his body, she bit her bottom lip as her hands reached his thighs and she continued to rub him there as well. At that, Samson glanced down at her briefly before returning his gaze to the TV.

  Kelly knew she was walking a thin line but she had to get that card back and she knew one thing that would hopefully make him happy enough to give it back to her. Licking her bottom lip, her hands were soon up by his hips. Bravely dipping down in between his legs, her fingers grazed across his cock before moving back to his thighs again. That seemed to get Samson’s attention and he glanced down at her with a raised brow. “Watch your hands there, Kel.” He warned; though there wasn’t much force behind his words.

  “You can’t say you didn’t like it.” She purred back, tilting her head to the side a bit as she dared to do it once more. This time her eyes were locked on his and her fingers trailed over his cock for a bit longer than the first time. Samson shifted a bit before meeting her gaze again. “That’s not the point.” He replied, but didn’t make any motion to move away from her or to get her to stop.

  She was secretly grateful for that and finally she just went for it. Easily able to find his shaft through the sweatpants, she stroked him as best she could while he had his pants on. Samson cleared his throat and shifted a bit but didn’t speak, his eyes glued to the game still. Kelly took that as permission to continue and reached up to pull his sweatpants down just enough for her to free his cock.

  Biting her bottom lip, Kelly glanced up at Samson briefly before leaning towards him and running her tongue along the tip, swirling it around the head before gliding down his shaft. Samson tilted his head back against the couch and stole a glance down at her before turning back to the game. Pushing on, Kelly finally took him into her mouth completely. Sucking him into the back of her throat, she slowly started to bob her head up and down on his cock, her tongue assaulting him from all angles.

  Samson groaned out loud and she took that as a good sign, especially when one of his hands came up to hold her hair out of the way. Picking up the pace a bit, she continued to suck on him with delight. His member grew hard with each pass she made and she even felt herself grow a bit wet at how erect he was in her mouth.

  Wanting to give him a happy ending, she didn’t stop as she felt his muscles tense up a bit and his grip on her hair tightened. Samson began to move his hips up towards her face, thrusting his cock deep into her mouth until he finally gave a low moan and emptied his load into the back of her throat. Kelly swallowed his cum easily before sucking him dry and leaning back as her hazel eyes landed on his face.

  “You’re definitely well on your way to getting your credit cards back.” Samson admitted as he opened his eyes to look down at her. Smiling happily, Kelly rose to her feet and moved towards the kitchen to get a drink while Samson tugged his sweatpants back up to cover himself. “Your mother never hears about any of this.” He warned, his expression serious as he rose up off the couch and gave her a stern look.

  A moment later, Samson’s phone started ringing and he picked it up before moving into the other room to talk. Kelly thought through how things were going while he was gone. Smiling to herself, she adjusted her breasts in her dress so they were nice and perky before running a hand through her hair as she waited for Samson to come back. If he thought that had been good, he was in for a surprise whe
n she showed him what other tricks she had up her sleeve. Because there was no way she was going to fashion week without every single one of her credit cards.


  After about thirty minutes of Samson being on the phone, he came back into the living room and set his phone on the end table before his blue eyes glanced back up to look at her.

  “That was your mother.” He said simply, though his eyes seemed to have a hint of hunger in them as he looked her over thoughtfully. She could feel his gaze linger on her body as it moved over her, taking in her features that her new dress only made stand out even more.

  Coming around the island so she was standing opposite him, Kelly tilted her head to the side a bit as she let her own hazel eyes linger over his body as well. Leaning back against the counter, she finally broke the silence between them, pushing away from the counter and taking a couple of steps towards him.

  “Is there anything else I can do to help me regain my credit cards?” Her question was simple and straightforward as she pushed thoughts of her mother out of her head.

  Coming around the couch so she was standing in front of Samson, her hands came to rest on his chest as she traced her finger down his chest and abs, nothing but a thin white t-shirt covering his upper body. Samson licked his bottom lip as his eyes were on her, unsure what to say but clearly wanting more.

  “I could probably think of a few things.” He spoke, his voice low with a hint of lust in it as one of his fingers moved up to trace the neckline of her dress, skimming along the edges of her breasts.

  Kelly smiled as she glanced down at his fingers briefly. His words were the only confirmation she needed to keep going and her hands easily slipped down under his shirt before lifting it up and over his head. Samson lifted his arms enough for his shirt to be removed before his hands were on her now. Reaching around to the back of her dress, he unzipped it before pushing the straps off her shoulders one at a time. Kelly helped him along to keep him from having second thoughts as she shimmied out of her dress and stepped out of it so she was standing in nothing but a pair of black panties in front of him.


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