The Deep State
Page 23
Pichai, Sundar, 183
Plunkett, Hugh, 72
Politico, on document production, 132–33
Powell, Colin, 126
Price, Tom, 168
Priebus, Reince, 155
Pruitt, Scott, 29, 168
Qaddafi, Muammar, 112
Ramer, Sam, 140
Randall, Robert, 89
Rapiscan, 15, 20
Reagan, Ronald, 53, 112
Reid, Harry, 199, 222
Republicans/Republican Party
Chaffetz’s bills on federal employee tax delinquency and, 199–200
confirmation of Obama appointments, 166–67
congressional authority and, 190
Deep State and, xiii, 150
lack of support to impeach Koskinen, 93
Tea Party and, 81–82
Trump as threat to, 157
Trump constituency, xiv
See also Chaffetz, Jason; Grassley, Charles E.; Issa, Darrell; Trump, Donald; specific people
Reuters, 75
Rice, Denise, 148
Rice, Susan, 95–96, 104, 126
Romney, Mitt, 222
Ronnebeck, Grant, 175–76
Ronnebeck, Mike, 175
Roskam, Peter, 93
Roth, John, 134, 135
Ryan, Paul, 156
sanctuary cities and states, 177–78
Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, 11
Santelli, Rick, 81
Secret Service, xiii, 44–50
arrests made by, 44
budget for, 44
cover-up at the White House and, 45–46
Electronic Crimes Task Force, 44–45
leaking Chaffetz’s job application, 48–49
MCI Secret Service database, 48
misconduct by, 45–48
mission of, 44
number of employees, 44
as powerful intelligence agency, 45
Presidential Protection Division, 47
“protective privilege” and, 71
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 7
Sedition Act, 89
Senate Finance Committee, 85, 165
Senate Judiciary Committee, 85, 165
Sessions, Jeff, 51, 136–37
Chaffetz’s requests refused by, 153–55
Clinton email investigation, 153
Clinton off-limits and, 154–55
Fast and Furious scandal and, 67, 75
OGR investigations and, 153
recusal of, 165
relationship with Trump, 164–65
unwillingness to punish lying, 188
Seward, George F., 91–92
Shaw, Jamie, 175
Shulman, Douglas, 83, 85
Sinclair, Henry F., 72, 73
Smith, Sean, 95, 107
Speier, Jackie, 197
Stanberry, William, 220
Starr, Kenneth, 71
Stevens, J. Christopher, 95, 99, 115
Stevenson, Andrew, 221
Stewart, Jon, 32, 33
Strassel, Kimberly, 70–71
Strzok, Peter, 161–63
subpoenas, congressional, 131–50
Chaffetz and, 131
Deep State subversion of, 132
for document production, 131–35
as helpful to cooperating witnesses, 142–43
no consequences for ignoring, 137, 154, 156
Pagliano refusal to testify and, 135–37, 138, 154
reliance on U.S. attorney to enforce compliance, 186
Turk’s testimony and, 138–42
two exceptions, 131, 213–14
for witnesses to testify, 131, 135–42
Sullivan, Patrick, 33–35, 40, 41
Sunlight Foundation, 216–17
Supreme Court of the United States
Citizens United case, 80, 82
decision in 1821, 90
upholding of congressional contempt power, 186
Swamp, the, 43
DOJ as enabler of, 51
Obama-era, 74
Sessions and, 155
TSA scanners and, 15–16
Tea Party, 77, 81–82
IRS targeting of, 82, 88
Teapot Dome Scandal, 71–73
Telemarketing Fraud Prevention Act, 44
Tennessee Historical Quarterly, account of Houston-Stanberry conflict, 220–22
Terry, Brian, 59–61, 66, 67, 70
Terry family, 60–62, 67, 70, 74–75
Texas Tribune, 174
13 Hours (Zuckoff), 107, 125
Tiegen, John “Tig,” 125
Tooke, Tony, 149
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 13–21
attrition rate, 14
body scanners and, 14–16, 18–19, 20, 21
bomb-sniffing dogs vs. machines, 16–17, 21
budget for, 13
Chaffetz and OGR investigation of, 16–21, 134
cronyism and corruption in, 15
employees of, 13
executive bonuses, 14
FAA Modernization and Reform Act, 20
failures of, 13–14
“millimeter-wave” scanners, 20
sensitive security information and, 134, 145–46
tactics for avoiding compliance with document requests, 134
whistleblowers, retaliation against, 144–47
Tripoli, Libya, 103–4, 111, 125
Chaffetz in, 9, 100, 101, 111–18
U.S. embassy in, 99, 103–4, 114–16, 117–18
Trump, Donald, xiii, 90, 151–68, 184, 186
CFPB and, 9–11
Comey firing and, 165
Constitutional powers of, 165
Deep State and, x, xiii–xiv, 74–75, 149–50
democratic double standards and, 163–66
as disrupter, x, xiv, 149, 150, 157, 185
DOJ and, 51, 164–65
election of, reactions to, 151
EPA budget reduction and, 23–24
executive orders on firing federal employees, 193–94
expectations of, 152–57
failure to confirm his nominees, 166–68
forces trying to destroy, 137, 150
immigration policy and the Wall, 169–84
Koskinen and, 93
leaking and deliberate sabotage of, 157–59, 163
media opposition to, 156, 158, 163–65
not supposed to win, xiv
Obama’s administration contrasted with, 156–68
opposition “dossier” used against, 157, 158
premature calls for investigations of, 159–63
regulations cut by, 182
Russian collusion narrative used against, 157–63, 165
Trump, Melania, xiv
Trump-Russia collusion allegations, 157–58, 159–60, 161
IG report on bias and animus toward Trump, 161–63
investigations of, 161
Sessions’s recusal and, 164–65
special counsel and, 161
Tucson Weekly, 55
Tulsa, Okla., 178
Tunney, John, 25
Turk, Ronald, 138–42
Tuttle, Ross, 36–37
Ubben, David, 106–7, 125
“Unsafe at Any Rate” (Warren), 1
Uranium One deal, 152
U.S. Chemical Safety Board, 188
U.S. Forest Service, 147–49
VA. See Department of Veterans Affairs
Vice News, 210–11
Vitiello, Ronald, 173
Voth, David, 62
Wade, Drew, 63
Wallace, Chris, 166, 187
Wall Street Journal
on Lerner’s testimony, 93
“Privilege Creativity,” 70–71
Warren, Elizabeth, 2
CFPB and, 1–12
testimony before Congress, 4
“Unsafe at Any Rate,” 1
Washington Free Beacon
report on bonuses for Lois Lerner, 200
report on plot aga
inst Flynn, 158
Washington Post
on cover-up of Secret Service misconduct, 45–46, 47
Grassley comments on Holder, 76
on leak about Chaffetz, 50
on Mulvaney at the CFPB, 11
profile on MacLean, 145
on Sessions nomination for Attorney General, 153
Washington Times
Obama’s immigration policy, catch-and-release, 171
report on border management issues, 173
Weekly Standard, 78
Wegman, Lydia, 27
Whig party, 220
whistleblowers, 62–67
ATF and, 63, 144
Benghazi and, 97–99, 122–25
at EPA, treatment of, 36–37
leaking vs. legitimate activity, 159
OGR hotline for, 143–44
protection for, 159
TSA and, 16, 144–47
U.S. Forest Service and, 147–49
VA and, 205–6
where they can take concerns, 159
Wood, Andrew, 97–99, 100, 124, 126
Woods, Tyrone S., 95, 107, 159
Zapata, Jaime, 138
Zuckerberg, Mark, 183
About the Author
Jason Chaffetz is an American politician and Fox News contributor. He served as a U.S. representative from Utah for eight years, including time as the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform from 2015 until 2017.
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