Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Abbie Carlisle

  “It was hard to tell from where we were. He was there for only a moment before another man walked out from the grocery store. He must have disturbed them,” Tyler replied, aware of the light flashing on the tracker.

  “We know where she is staying?” James asked, turning toward the small kitchen area.

  “She has rented a house by the beach. Harry went there this morning and it’s quite secluded, which should help us.”

  James opened the fridge and pulled out a beer. Flipping off the lid, he took a long slow taste of the cooling liquid. “Very well, let’s get some rest and we can go back there first thing and see if he attempts to contact her again.”

  “What did the Major want?” Tyler asked as he opened the door, ready to rejoin the others in the adjoining room.

  James stared at Tyler. “Not much, just checking to see if there had been any contact. I told him we would let him know when we have further details.”

  Tyler shrugged with acceptance at James’s answer, turned, and walked out of the door.

  “I’ll knock for you in the morning,” Tyler called out as he shut the door behind him.

  As Tyler left to rejoin the others, James walked to the bed and sat down. He kicked off his boots and took another long gulp from the beer as he rested his elbows on his knees. His thoughts returned to The Phoenix Headquarters.

  On one of his visits to see Harvey, James had entered Harvey’s office on the top floor, but Harvey had not been there. James had stood at the door, waiting, and decided to sit on the plush couch to wait for him. It was there that he’d seen the folded piece of paper resting just under a pile of manila folders and recognised Harvey’s writing immediately. James had pulled the paper out, ensuring that the folders remained in their place, and at the top was a list with a name he’d recognised instantly. Jasmine Tate. James had stared at it for several moments, feeling a rush of anger building in him as he’d stared at the letters of her name. He’d known instantly that Harvey had found her, that she was no longer safe. James had quickly returned the list under the pile of folders as Harvey had walked into the office to give him his next mission. James was to locate a female and was handed a tracker device. Harvey had told him that when he’d located her that he was to call him immediately. James had stared at the tracker, trying to make sense of how it would lead him to the thing he had been trying to hide for a long time.

  James had known from that point that he had to find a way to protect her, had to get her as far away from Harvey as he could. He had kept a track on The Order from the moment he’d learnt of Elijah’s existence, capture and escape. A friend from his old army days helped him with equipment to follow The Order’s cells which would allow him to contact them in an emergency, such as the one he found himself in now. He knew they would not allow anything to happen to her as soon as they found out who she was. He had called their leader but knew that he could not give away too much, just in case his phone was bugged. He hoped that they would be able to find the connection within the scriptures that he knew they had taken when they’d escaped. Things would go really pear-shaped if anyone at The Phoenix League found out what he was doing, and he would never be able to ensure her safety if he was dead. He just hoped that he was not too late.

  Chapter 5

  Elijah made good time and arrived at Swane around midmorning. He had felt the blistering heat the further south he drove and turned on the air-conditioning, making the inside of the car feel like he was back standing outside the snow-covered compound. He was glad that he had made the decision to wear the shorts and vest-top, even with the humorous comment he had received from Carrick that had made him smile and Jonah cringe. Jonah was so tight-assed at times, he definitely needed to get laid. Lighten him up a bit. During the journey Jonah had called him on the sat system to tell him the info he had obtained on the females in the town. There had been several retired ones and a couple of married ones and one final female who was from out of town. She had rented a house near the beach for a couple of weeks and had arrived the day before. Her name was Jasmine Tate which Elijah had thought was a beautiful name. He would check her out first.

  He drove up the main street, his pristine blue SUV looking a little out of place in the almost deserted town, and pulled into the parking lot located behind the grocery store. He took a good look around at the swaying palm trees and sparkling sea in the distance. It was a beautiful little town, somewhere he could see himself relaxing in if he ever had the chance to be free to go wherever he wanted to. But that was not an option, not something he should really dwell on for too long. He was here to find someone and find them fast.

  He exited the SUV and the heat was even more intense, making him want to climb back into the ice-cool air-conditioned space he had just vacated.

  A bead of sweat began to slide down his firm jaw and travelled down between the rounded muscles of his pecks. He would need to grab an ice-cold shower before he melted in this heat.

  He rounded the corner onto the main road and froze, rooted to the spot as a wave of intense desire rode through every molecule in his body, heating him more ferociously than the steaming air around him. She stood not twenty feet from him, the amazing auburn curls of her hair glistening multicolours in the sunlight, and those feminine curves of her waist sent yet another wave of emotion through his body. He felt a pull at his heart, as though it was connected by an invisible ribbon, pulling him to her. He was overcome with desire to hold her in his arms, press her sweet pink lips against his own, and taste every part of her perfect satin skin with his tongue.

  He had to get closer to her, inhale her sweet scent, and mark it in his memory. He closed his eyes and misted right behind her, breathing in the glorious scent of vanilla and almond she must have used to shower with, mixing with her own delicious scent. His senses burst with excitement as his mind memorised every feature of the smell.

  She seemed aware of his presence as she turned to face him, looking up straight into his bright blue eyes. His cock instantly hardened in his shorts as he looked into the softness of her beautiful golden-brown eyes, taking his breath from his body at her immense beauty. It took all his strength not to grab her and hold her in his big strong arms and protect her from everything that could possible hurt her.

  He had known instantly that she was the one he was searching for, the one he instantly craved. Her voice danced in his ears, straight to his heart, as she asked him what he wanted, and only one answer had formed in his mind. Her, all of her.

  The fear that had shown in her eyes shocked him back to reality. He hadn’t meant to scare her and it hurt that she thought he would. It was understandable, though. The look in her eyes confirmed that she knew nothing of what he was as he felt the fear flowing from her.

  As she turned to gain help from the human that had walked out of the grocery store, he closed his eyes in shame and misted behind the store, leaning against the wall to try and regain some control over his breathing. The scent of her was still sending bolts of desire throughout his body and he had to adjust the uncomfortable bulge that just wouldn’t relent in his shorts. It saddened him to think that he had frightened her.

  He stepped forward to walk back to the SUV and saw her walk back down the main road, probably returning to the house. He desperately wanted to be by her side, curving his arm around that slim waist of hers and pull her into his arms to bury his nose deep into those auburn curls of hers. That sweet scent of hers was tearing him apart inside. Instead he just stood and watched as she walked back down the main road. God, she was as sexy as hell.

  As he approached the SUV, he saw a light glisten in the trees that lay ahead to the left. He sensed that whoever was there was not there for a good reason. Had they been watching the female? He felt uneasy at the threat as he eyed the light glisten a second time. He stepped into the SUV and pulled out a pair of binoculars from the sidehold between the seats. He adjusted the lenses and searched the area where he’d seen the light reflect. He could make out a dark figure h
uddled in the thick bushes. He reached for his cell and dialled the compound and waited for Jonah to answer.

  “Hey, boss, you arrived safely?” Jonah asked.

  “Yep, and I have found the female, but we’re not alone. We have company and not the good kind,” Elijah replied, and Jonah could tell by his tone that he was not happy about it.

  “I’ll see what I can find out. Have you spoken to the female yet? Found out what the connection is that she has to The Mist?” Jonah asked Elijah.

  Elijah hesitated. How he could tell his friend about the intense effect that Jasmine had on him. He was going to have to keep that one under wraps for the moment. No point in worrying the situation further.

  Jonah sensed the hesitation but knew best not to push Elijah for answers. He knew that Elijah would tell him in his own good time.

  “Not yet. I don’t think she knows about who we are and I have a suspicion that they were watching her,” Elijah stated, trying not to give too much away about his possessive feelings that were growing stronger.

  “If they are there for her then you must get her out of there and to safety,” Jonah replied, knowing that there was more to this than what Elijah was letting on.

  As Elijah searched the area again for the hidden threat, he knew they had gone. “I know. I will call you when I find out more about what she knows.”

  Elijah climbed into the SUV and pushed the start button. He drove out of the parking lot and down the main road to where Jonah had told him Jasmine had rented the boathouse. He must get to Jasmine before they did, must find out how she was connected to The Mist and, most importantly, get her to safety as quickly as possible. As long as he didn’t frighten the life out of her first.

  He pulled up behind a large palm tree a short distance from the house. The boathouse had been built a short walk from the beach and he looked for any movement in the surrounding area. There were trees surrounding the house which could give someone a perfect place to hide and watch her. Everywhere looked deserted, all except a few people down by the shore enjoying the sun. He exited the SUV and walked around the back of the house. All the windows were closed and he stole a quick glance inside. He saw the shorts and vest-top that Jasmine had been wearing lying deserted on the bedroom floor.

  He thought about what she would have looked like naked as she’d removed them, imagining her skin smooth and velvety under his hands. His cock instantly firmed as desire rode through it. Would it just give it a rest and stop reminding him of the intense pleasure it desired from being buried deep inside her?

  He walked round the side of the house and looked into the living area. Her books were sprawled on the low table in the centre of the room. He thought about what she liked to do in her spare time. Did she have friends she spent time with and did she have any male friends? A wave of jealousy flared through him. Not a feeling he enjoyed one little bit.

  As he approached the front of the house he looked toward the beach. There she was, lying on her front with her nose buried deep in her book. Her sunhat shaded her from the rays of bright sunlight as she took gentle sips from a can of soda. She was wearing a bright pink bikini which showed all her amazing curves, making him growl with desire.

  This female was driving him to distraction with her luscious body that he could not wait to touch. He moved in closer to watch her as she stood and walked into the ocean. What was it about her that created this overwhelming feeling of possession? He had never felt the need to have any female close to him, never felt his heart pulled or his desire driven as much as this female created inside him. Elijah knew that he had to attempt to talk to her again, but this time he had to make sure that she didn’t freak out like she had at the store. This time he would be more careful to make her feel safe, as safe as she would be encased in his arms.

  Chapter 6

  One last dip in the ocean and she would call it a day, Jasmine decided. It had been wonderful to lie in the sun, reading her favourite book and soaking up the heat from the blistering rays. She had applied enough sun cream to have completely blocked out any chance of a tan but knew that she would hurt badly if she got burnt on the first day. Take it slow, she had reminded herself. Plenty of time to build the lovely golden-brown colour she was determined to return to the city with. She picked up her belongings from the sand and walked back to the boathouse. Shower first then something to eat and chill out. She might even listen to some music or watch the TV, she hadn’t decided yet.

  She walked up the steps to the house and put the key in the lock. Something seemed odd. She felt strange, like she was being watched again, except there was something new, a strange feeling as if her heart were being pulled. Her thoughts returned to the tall, dark, handsome stranger that had frightened her outside the store earlier that day. She opened the door and entered the house quickly closing the door behind her, flipping the lock.

  “Just in case,” she said aloud, feeling a little stupid as she was the only one there.

  As she walked to the bedroom, she saw the clothes that had been discarded in her haste to try on her new bikini and picked them up, laying them on the bed. Once showered, she would get her food and relax on the couch and watch the sun go down.

  Elijah watched her remove the bikini. He stood a few yards from her bedroom window so he could make sure that she was okay. He still felt bad about earlier. The desire to be close to her had overtaken his thoughts and he’d rashly decided to mist next to her. He had regretted it all afternoon. He watched as she tied a towel around her beautiful curved, naked body, wishing it were his body enveloping hers as she lay beneath him. The hard-on in his shorts screamed out for her.

  “Soon, mate, she will be all yours!” Elijah promised.

  Jasmine took a shower, dressed in a white vest-top and pyjama shorts and walked to the kitchen to make her salad. Pouring herself the glass of wine she’d promised herself, she made her way to the living area. It was beautifully cool in this room. She sat facing the large open-plan glass windows that looked out at the ocean. The sun had lowered, creating a glow on the ocean and the trees reflected shadows on the sand. She turned on the radio and began to hum with the tune.

  Elijah watched her eat. She was so feminine and delicious as she ate small bites of her meal. He wanted to cook for her, feed her, and take her to bed. It overwhelmed him to think how she’d begun to mean so much to him. Moving a little closer to the house, he watched as she took her empty plate to the kitchen. She must be listening to music from the swing of her hips but he couldn’t hear anything.

  Now was as good a time as any to try and speak to her again, and he closed his eyes and misted inside the boathouse.

  Jasmine danced back toward the living area, so engrossed in singing to the chorus she did not see Elijah appear beside the couch. She turned and danced straight into his huge form, hitting the wall of muscle. Falling backward, she tripped over the edge of the couch. Faintly, she could hear her wine glass smash against the floor after sending it flying across the low table. She lay there motionless, frozen with fear at the sight of the huge male towering over her. She stared at him for what seemed like an eternity before realising that she was lying horizontal and would not be able to fight back in this position. She scrambled to right herself and jumped off the couch to the other side of the room.

  Elijah made no move toward her and stood still so as not to scare her further.

  “How did you get in?” Jasmine asked, her voice laced with fear as her heart drummed a beat she thought the whole world could hear. “The door, I locked it. I pushed the latch.”

  “Do not fear me, I mean you no harm,” Elijah replied. The softness in his voice meant to calm her as he lifted his hand as though trying to reach for her.

  Jasmine continued to stare at him, her eyes wide, unsure of why her heart was pulling toward him instead of running fast in the opposite direction. She breathed hard as her mind tried to work out how he had gotten into the boathouse with the door locked from the inside.

is it you want from me? Why are you following me? You were the one outside the store this morning. What do you want?” Jasmine asked, confused by the strange feeling building in her lower stomach. She wanted to touch him.

  “I am here to help, here to protect you,” Elijah said, his eyes softening, struggling against the need to get closer to her as he lowered his arm to his side.

  Jasmine could not understand what he had said, fear clouding her thoughts. What did she need protection from, other than him? “Protection from what?” she asked.

  “There are people here who want to take you from me!” Elijah stated, his voice deep and his face becoming stern.

  “Take me from you. What do you mean? I don’t belong to you. How can anyone take me? I am just an editor from New York. Why would anyone want to take me?” Jasmine stated, utter confusion showing on her face and she knew that she was repeating herself.

  The fear that Elijah saw in Jasmine’s face shattered his heart. He wanted to take that fear away and replace it with love and passion, but this was not going as well as he had hoped. He took a step forward, intent on just sitting on the couch. Maybe if he appeared smaller than her then she wouldn’t be so frightened, but as he moved she jumped back.

  “I mean you no harm, Jasmine, please believe me. I’ll just sit down and we can talk,” he spoke to her gently and sat down on the couch.

  Jasmine stared at him. He was so tall and muscular. His dark brown hair reminded her of a deep oak colour and those eyes were truly exceptional, the colour so vivid that she could do nothing but stare at him in awe. If he was there to help her, then she would certainly enjoy seeing his face every day. Her friends would be totally jealous. She imagined what it would be like to run her hands through his hair and down his huge chest, across the tight muscles of his stomach that she was certain lay under the tight fitting vest-top he wore. She could not understand how her mind was imagining touching him and how the mere sight of him was causing a fire to build in her pussy as she observed worry spread across his face.


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