Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Carlisle, Abbie - Elijah's Vow [The Order of the Mist] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Abbie Carlisle

  “Who are you?” she finally asked. “And how do you know my name?”

  “My name is Elijah and I need to ask you some questions,” Elijah stated softly.

  Jasmine remained rooted to the floor, scared that he might hurt her if she made a move to escape. “What do you want to know?” She wasn’t sure if anything she had to say was anything he really needed to know. She was just a simple girl living a boring life as an editor in New York. Nothing exciting ever happened to her.

  “What do you know of the King?” There, straight to the point, Elijah thought.

  “What king? Do you mean a sovereign King? All I know is about the ones that rule countries, like in Europe,” Jasmine replied, not really sure what it was he wanted to know.

  “What do you know of The Mist?” Elijah stated, hesitantly.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t understand. What is The Mist?” Jasmine replied. The conversation was getting weirder by the minute.

  Elijah sighed. If she didn’t know anything then why were the males after her? He stood and faced her. He would have to tell her something to get her to safety.

  Elijah decided to tell her, determined to make her see he was genuine about keeping her safe. “There are males here that want to try and take you. You are not safe and I need to get you to safety.”

  “I don’t understand. Why would anyone want me? And I am certainly not going anywhere with someone I just met two minutes ago,” Jasmine stated firmly.

  Elijah felt both frustration and lust course through him. Frustration at how much harder this was going to be and lust at the thought of how much fun it would be to pick her up and carry her over his shoulder, feeling her satin-soft skin under his arms and wrapped around her long, shapely legs.

  “You can’t stay here. They will be back and I need to get you away from here before they come for you,” Elijah repeated, hoping that she would understand the urgency in his voice.

  “You need to give me more to go on than that if you want me to go anywhere with you!” she replied.

  Elijah took a deep breath and smiled. He sat down and tapped the couch beside him, hoping that she would move closer to him so he could inhale her sweet scent. It was killing him that she stood across the room from him. He wanted her close, close enough to be able to lean into her and take that enticing mouth of hers in his own.

  Jasmine relaxed her shoulders. He had not moved closer to her and had even smiled. The sight of him tapping the couch, encouraging her to sit next to him, had her heart pulling to get closer to him. His smile had melted some of the fear she felt and had even sent a wave of warm pleasure coursing through her. She walked slowly and sat down on the end of couch.

  “I am Elijah and I belong to a race called The Mist. We are unlike yourselves in as much as we are able to do things that you can’t. We live longer than people like you and are much taller and stronger than most males. We each possess unique powers. Some of us can move very fast and some of us can move things with just our minds. I am able to move from one place to another using my mind.”

  “You look human,” Jasmine said, struggling to comprehend what he was saying.

  “We are human in many ways but we have little contact with humans. It’s safer for us if we keep our kind a secret.”

  “Where did you get your powers from?” Jasmine was curious.

  “We are born with them. They are passed down through our bloodlines,” Elijah explained.

  Jasmine found it hard to believe his words. “Where do you come from?”

  “Our ancestors lived a long time ago in the southern states. We have existed for hundreds of years. There are only a few of us left and we are hunted by an unknown threat that is intent on wiping us out of existence. We were warned of a female that could give us information about a King and this has bought me to you.” Elijah sat and waited for Jasmine to say something back.

  Jasmine just sat there, stunned at the information that her mind tried to process. Either Elijah was a complete nutcase who was intent on hurting her or he was deadly serious. Either option meant that she was in deep crap. How was she going to get out of this place in one piece? She tried not to let Elijah see the disbelief that was clearly showing on her face.

  “Right, so what you’re saying is that you are not human…and that you can do things with your mind…and that I am something to do with a King!” Jasmine spoke, trying hard to keep her tone calm.

  “Yes,” Elijah replied, glad that she had not run, screaming, from the room.

  “Excuse me if I don’t believe a fucking word you say!” Jasmine scoffed at him.

  “I am telling you the truth, Jasmine, you must believe me. I am able to do the things I say and if you don’t believe me then I can prove it to you!” Elijah said as he suddenly stood and walked to the end of the couch.

  “Go on then. Show me how you can move using your mind, would love to see that! Then maybe you could go rob a bank or jewellers and bring me back a whole bagful of goodies,” Jasmine mocked him.

  “Very well, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Elijah said as he closed his eyes and disappeared.

  Chapter 7

  Jasmine sat shocked, her mouth dropping open as he disappeared in front of her very own eyes. She stared in disbelief at the direction where he’d stood and turned to scour the room to see if she could find where he had gone. She couldn’t believe that someone could just disappear like that. It wasn’t real. Things like that only ever happened in stories. As Elijah materialised across the room, she jumped up in horror. Shocked, she held her breath and stared as he started to walk toward her. Her mind became a whirlwind of confusion, trying desperately to make sense of what she had just seen. Elijah stopped directly in front of her and stared down at her shocked expression.

  “Oh my god!” she breathed out slowly. “You can’t be serious. You just disappeared and reappeared right in front of me,” she said, still unable to bring herself to believe in the reality that he was exactly who he said he was. Her mind suddenly remembered the scene outside of the store that morning. She had thought that she was going mad when he was there one minute and gone the next. She was sure that it had just been her imagination but standing in front of her was the proof that it had been real.

  She sat down on the sofa, staring out of the large glass windows at the ocean shimmering in the moonlight. It was a surreal feeling to know that there were people out there who had abilities to do things that normal humans couldn’t and one of them was standing not one foot from her.

  Elijah knelt down in front of her, his eyes blazing with concern. He wanted to touch her, to reassure her that he was human in many ways and that he could comfort her and make her feel safe.

  Jasmine lifted her head and looked at him. His facial features looked like any other man except that he had a strong jawline with high cheekbones and amazing coloured eyes, the shape of almonds. That vibrant electric blue was striking and hard to draw her gaze from. His smile spread across the flawless tanned skin of his face and his perfect teeth would make any dentist proud. He was incredibly handsome and Jasmine suddenly felt very plain and boring.

  “What else can you do?” Jasmine asked, her voice soft.

  Elijah smiled, remembering her comment about robbing a bank. “There are many things I can do but I don’t rob banks,” Elijah chided her. “Well, not unless it’s absolutely necessary,” he replied.

  Jasmine smiled at his jesting. He had a sense of humour. She tried to remember the other things that he’d said he could do but her memory seemed to fail her. “Can all of your kind disappear and reappear again, like you?” Jasmine asked, smiling again.

  “No, just me. They can do similar things like move incredibly fast, move things, and control emotions, things like that,” Elijah explained, watching her reaction.

  Jasmine was stunned. She was still struggling with the whole concept that there was another kind of race in this world. She stood and walked over to the wine glass that lay empt
y on the floor. She had totally forgotten about the spilled wine on the carpet. She walked into the kitchen area and poured herself a huge measure of wine and began to drink it down, stopping only when half the glass had emptied. She turned and leant against the worktop.

  “Where do you live?” Jasmine asked curiously.

  “We live further north, several hours’ drive from here. My brothers I and live together, away from humans.” Elijah decided that short pieces of information would be best rather than freaking her out with too much at once.

  Jasmine filled her glass again and walked over to sit back on the couch. She suddenly felt cold now that some of her fear had subsided. If he was going to hurt her he would have by now and the alcohol was certainly helping her to relax.

  “How old are you?” Jasmine asked. He looked quite young but she remembered his comment about them living longer than normal humans.

  “I am not quite sure. I have lived for quite a while but my memories are not clear. I don’t really know,” Elijah explained, glad that she no longer appeared frightened.

  “Can you move fast?” Jasmine asked, but before she could even blink Elijah was sitting beside her on the couch. God he was quick. He was close enough for her to feel his breath brush over her neck as he leaned into her, making her skin tingle and her breathing hike into a pant.

  “You smell divine, so sweet and tantalising!” Elijah whispered as he brushed his lips lightly over the base of her neck, making her whimper at the gentle caress of his lips against her skin.

  Jasmine slowly moved her head back to allow him to brush the auburn locks of her hair gently over her shoulder, giving him more of her neck. She had never had anyone touch her the way that Elijah was at this very moment. The way he teased her with his almost kiss, sending pleasure through her body and making her insides clench with desire. She had only just met him but felt a pull toward him. He was powerful and alluring and made her feel so desired with just the brush of his lips.

  Elijah pulled away and Jasmine instantly felt cold and empty. She wanted to pull him back to her so he could warm her by wrapping those strong, muscular arms around her.

  “We received a call asking us to protect you. Do you know who would have made the call?” Elijah asked, still close enough to inhale her scent, causing him to make a soft growl in his throat.

  Jasmine stared at him. “I have no idea. I don’t understand what this is all about!” Jasmine stated, tears beginning to form in her eyes, making them a brighter shade of golden-brown. She tried hard to control her emotions, desire and fear flooding her. She was scared, scared of whoever was coming after her, scared of the feelings she felt toward him, and scared of realising that her life was about to change.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I need to get you away from here, though. We can leave in the morning after you get some rest. You’ve had an enormous shock and need to sleep,” Elijah voice deep as he held her slim hand in his.

  “I can’t go with you. I have a job to do in New York and they are expecting me back in two weeks,” Jasmine said, holding back the tears that threatened to spill onto her cheeks.

  “If they know that you are here, you can be guaranteed they know where you work. It is not safe for you to return to work. Come with me and I can keep you safe,” Elijah spoke as he brushed at her cheek with his thumb.

  He was so gentle and caring, and her heart skipped a beat at the jolt as he touched her. She knew by his tender touch that his intentions were genuine but how was she going to walk away from the life that she had built? She had worked hard to get the job at the publishers and had worked her way up the ladder to assistant editor and then editor. She tried to think of something she could tell them for not returning. If she was going to consider going with him then it would have to be something good, something they would believe.

  “How do you know there is someone here who wants to hurt me?” Jasmine asked, still uncertain of how desperate his concerns were.

  Elijah sat back on the couch. Holding her hand held gently in his. “I saw them this morning, outside the grocery store. They were hiding in the trees across the parking lot. They were watching you but we are not sure why they want you.”

  Jasmine felt ice run through her veins. It made her feel sick to know that someone had been watching her. Had they followed her here from New York? She had never done anything against the law, not even a parking ticket. It didn’t make any sense.

  “We need to pack some of your things, grab some sleep, and we can leave before first light,” Elijah told her, standing and gently pulling her up from the couch. He didn’t want her in danger a minute longer than was necessary but understood her reluctance to follow him into the bedroom. He looked at her. She seemed calmer now and had taken all he had shared with her quite well. She was quite remarkable, not only beautiful but strong, too. His heart melted as she looked at him and nodded.

  Jasmine followed Elijah into the bedroom. She watched as he looked around for her bag and began to empty the drawers of the dresser, gently folding her things and placing them neatly into the bag. He treated her belongings with such care, like he had treated her when she had nearly fallen to pieces in the living area. She knew that she had no option now but to trust him, to trust that he would help protect her, even if she didn’t know what else to believe in anymore.

  When Elijah had finished packing her things, he placed the bag by the door to the bedroom. Walking over to the bed, he pulled the covers back and turned. Jasmine climbed into the bed and stared up at him as he smiled.

  “Get some rest now, sweetheart,” Elijah whispered as he pulled the covers gently over the curve of her slender body, brushing his fingers over the curve of her shoulder. He wanted to touch more of her, feel his hands touch the silken skin of her breasts that were partly exposed from her vest-top. He could feel the heat of her body through the cotton sheet and imagined taking the hard bud of her nipple in his mouth, sucking it, making her whimper from desire. He leant forward and placed a gently kiss on her forehead. “I’ll grab a shower and sleep on the couch, I won’t be far,” he promised as he walked toward the bathroom.

  Jasmine lay there staring at the bathroom door. She had let him hold her hand, comfort her, and kiss her forehead. What was she doing? He was a complete stranger yet she felt a connection to him that made no sense to her at all.

  He had left the bathroom door slightly open and she could see his large muscular frame as he started to undress. She gazed at his broad shoulders and slim waist as he removed his vest-top and admired his skin that was beautifully tanned. She noticed that he had a tattoo across his back but couldn’t quite make out what it was though. It had an intricate swirl pattern that was fascinating. He removed his shorts and she gazed upon his huge muscular legs. He was magnificently toned and it made her breathe heavily at the thought of him towering over her, kissing her hard while she ran her hands through his hair. He stepped into the shower and let the water run over his body. He was so large that he only just fit in there. When he finished he turned the water off and Jasmine watched as he stepped out of the shower, her gaze travelling down his firm abdomen and stopping at his swollen cock. My god he was huge. She couldn’t help but stare at his stiff length.

  She imagined what it would feel like to wrap her fingers around him and take him in her mouth. She felt heat begin to fire up in her pussy, crying out to be kissed by him. As he approached the bathroom door, she closed her eyes so he could not see that she had been watching him.

  Elijah walked to the bedroom door, turned, and glanced at her, before walking into the living area.

  This was going to become complicated and she knew she wasn’t going to get a wink of sleep.

  Chapter 8

  James woke early, before the sun had risen, and lay there thinking about how he was going to handle what he knew had to be done. He had been given the order to take them both to Harvey and knew that he would not be able to go back empty-handed. James knew where they woul
d both be, knew that when he found her, he would never leave her side, but James still had to try and find a way to allow them to escape and make it look genuine. He felt a hint of excitement at the thought of seeing her after all this time. What would she look like? Would she be as beautiful as he thought she would be?

  Stepping out from under the covers, he walked to the kitchen area. In the fridge he found a bottle of fresh orange and drank the whole bottle down, quenching the dryness in his throat. He knew that the men would be up soon and would be looking to him for instructions.

  Walking to the bathroom, he turned on the shower. After undressing, he stepped under the hot water, allowing it to soak the taut muscles of his chest. The pressure of the jets massaged his shoulders. It felt good as he closed his eyes. Not a bad shower for a dingy little motel. Turning the water off, he dried himself and dressed in his usual vest-top and leathers. He suspected he would end up being too hot in the leathers he had bought with him but it was too late now. As he walked back into the bedroom, one of his men knocked at the door.

  “Sir, time to get up,” Tyler called out, obviously unaware that James had been awake for quite a while.

  James walked over to the door and opened it. The sun had risen now and beams shone through the open doorway, making James cover his eyes at the brightness in the dark room. “Come in. Are the others up?” James enquired.

  “Almost ready. They’ll be here in a minute. What’s the plan for today then?” Tyler asked, watching as James laced his boots and pull on his holster.

  “I will check out the boathouse with Tom whilst you and Harry scout the area near the beach. If either of us see them, radio in and we can meet up, but don’t approach them until I am there. Harvey wants them taken alive. He wants to deal with them himself,” James stated, making sure that Tyler understood the order.


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