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Our New World: Science Fiction Romance

Page 3

by Olivia Myers

  Just then, Bart Murphy burst into the room, screaming expletives at his troops.

  “Lower your weapons before the damn thing destroys the entire facility!” he screamed, leveling a glare at Ka before glancing to Selina. She rushed toward him, burying her face in his chest and quaking with sobs. He looked faintly taken aback and nudged her away from him, narrowing his eyes toward her. She rubbed her eyes, trying to regain her composure while stammering out an explanation.

  “He saved me! Ka saved me,” she said desperately, gesturing to the furious dragon male. He kept his grip on the weapon he’d managed to snag, meeting Bart’s gaze with fury shining in his eyes. “Daddy, his people, they’re peaceful! They just want to share the earth with us. Their home was destroyed and they have no place to go. They don’t want to hurt us! We should let him go before his people come for him,” she exclaimed desperately. Bart seemed not to hear her. He was too absorbed in his mini battle for dominance with the alien man. Ka refused to break away from the stare and took a step toward Bart. The older man swiftly averted his gaze, considering his daughter’s words and frantic expression.

  “There’s nothing to be done for it. We’re doing our job as instructed by government officials. We can’t just set the beast free—who knows what he would do to us if not restrained.” Bart said calmly, eyes widening as Selina bit back a reply.

  “No!” she all but shouted, and her colleagues shrank back as she now was the one to lock eyes with her father. He was more than a little surprised to see his typically submissive daughter speaking out against him, and he was certain it was a change he did not like.

  “Selina—” he started but was cut short by her furious exclamations.

  “I told you. He’s peaceful. His people are peaceful. They mean us no harm. If you are in charge of this company as you so claim to be, it should be no issue for you to do the right thing for once in your life,” she gritted out. Bart stared uncomprehendingly at her, and her colleagues began to speak in hushed tones. Selina knew her father was not one to tolerate disrespect, but she could only hope that she could appeal to the part of him that still had a soul and some love for his daughter. He approached her slowly, and she smiled, reaching her arms out to him. “Do the right thing,” she repeated, more gently this time. He stopped just in front of her, drawing his hand back and slapping her across the face. She was nearly thrown off her feet by the force of the blow, and Ka was immediately at her side, growling dangerously at her father.

  “I knew you weren’t cut out for this job. I knew it, yet I put my reputation on the line. All for some foolish girl. You’re quite fortunate that we don’t have someone to immediately replace you. Until the point we can find a replacement, you are to continue your job and drop this silly notion of peace with extraterrestrials. They aren’t like us—they’re dangerous. You need to realize that,” Bart bit out, his palm stinging from the force of the blow. Ka stepped toward him, weapon raised as if poised to strike. Selina rested a hand on his arm, guiding him into lowering the weapon.

  “It’s not worth it,” she murmured. Ka seemed to disagree but remained silent, tossing the weapon aside and bearing his teeth at both Bart and his workers.

  “Increase the security on this one. If Selina is so infatuated with this beast, she can be the one to tend to all the duties involving him. Maybe she’ll learn her lesson when he turns on her. Peaceful? Hah!” Bart said snidely, turning away from his daughter and the draconic man, marching out the door of the containment cell. “Call maintenance to begin repairs immediately,” he shouted. Then, he was gone. Selina’s colleagues watched her with mixed expressions, though there were plenty who seemed to find humor in the situation. One had the nerve to bark out a laugh, and Ka turned vicious eyes upon the scientists.

  “Out! Before I kill you all,” he roared. They were swift to oblige. Ka moved to comfort Selina, and she lingered but a moment longer before slipping out the door.

  “I have to do damage control,” she said weakly. Ka narrowed his eyes but offered no disagreement, turning to stalk toward the back of his all-but-destroyed containment cell. Selina did not know how she would smooth things over with her father, but she knew something had to be done so she could keep this job. In spite of her growing affection for Ka, she knew the extraterrestrial was not a permanent fixture in her life. If his instincts ran true, his people would be coming to retrieve him, soon.

  In the following days, Selina found herself spending more and more time in Ka’s newly renovated containment chamber. The renovation process was a swift one, and they had reinforced the doors tremendously, making it impossible for Ka to break through them, even in his dragon form. He seemed a bit disturbed by this, but he told Selina rather earnestly that he hadn’t been sure he could break through the original doors until he tried. They hadn’t really discussed their kiss, and Selina was beginning to wonder if she had imagined the whole thing. They spoke candidly about their time together, about Ka’s home planet, and how he could feel the faintest traces of his people’s auras outside the atmosphere. He often got so wrapped up in these stories, he seemed to forget he was locked up in the Geomex containment facility.

  “And I blew a plume of fire at the bullfargo, but my hunting group was only rewarded with the scent of burning fur and one angry beast. I was taken off of hunting duty for a while after that.” He finished up one of his stories, gesturing wildly as he spoke. He cringed as he flourished with an arm, gripping a spot that had been particularly injured in his squabble with the Geomex troops. Selina frowned sympathetically, stepping closer to him and taking him by the arm. She began to gently massage the wounded area, which seemed to send jolts of pleasure through the draconic alien’s form. His tail stuck straight out, and he smiled a tender smile at the woman, capturing her by the chin with his free hand. “You don’t have to take care of me. I’ve caused you enough trouble,” he offered, looking a bit chagrined by her stare.

  “You saved my life. That’s more than anyone else in this facility would have done for me,” she muttered, continuing to gently rub her fingers against that tender spot. Ka breathed a sigh, still looking uncertain.

  “But your father—” he started, sensing her disdain.

  “I’ve never been good enough for my father. This whole situation, it’s not really surprising. As much as I want to be his darling, little girl again, that faded away when my mother died. Now, there’s nothing I can do to win his approval. It makes me feel worthless…” She trailed off as Ka raised a hand to caress her cheek. She swallowed nervously, peering at him from under her lashes.

  “You’re not worthless,” he murmured. He lowered his head toward hers, and their lips met once more. She sighed against him, tangling both hands in his hair. For his part, Ka grabbed her by the hips and pulled her flush against him. She could feel his hardness against her lower abdomen, and she looked at him through wide eyes. “Am I wrong in thinking you want this?” Ka asked, taking a step back. Her eyes trailed downward, and she had to bite back a gasp at his size. She drew her hand to her chest, hesitating for just a moment before reaching down to grasp him by the shaft. His body shuddered, and his draconic tail flicked rhythmically behind him as she began to slowly stroke along his length.

  “Disrobe,” he ordered gently, and she hesitated, taking in his perfect form.

  “I’m not…” she started, crossing her arms guardedly over her chest.

  “You’re beautiful. Let me see you properly,” he purred, slipping his hands up under her top. Obligingly, she shrugged off her lab coat, allowing him to pull her undershirt off over her head. Her breasts were only just restrained by her bra, and Ka looked somewhat baffled by the human garment before slicing through it with a clawed finger. Selina’s breasts spilled free, and he bit back a groan, pushing her up against the door to his containment cell and lowering his head to her chest. His teeth were bared in a feral sort of smile, and she knew he could sense the arousal flowing through her body. “Why would you ever keep these covered?” he imp
lored, flicking his tongue out to the pert bud that tipped her right breast. He drew his hand to the other, careful not to pierce her with his claw. The danger of the situation sent a rush of adrenaline through Selina, and she could not help but gasp out his name. He purred happily, tracing his hand down her round stomach and lowering her slacks around her ankles. He seemed equally confused by the bit of cloth used to specifically cover her womanhood, but he offered no complaint as she aided him in slipping those down to her ankles as well. He leaned in, inhaling deeply. If possible, he seemed to swell even further, and she idly wondered if she could even take his full length.

  “I can’t compare to the women of your species. There’s no way,” she said, shyly trying to cover her breasts.

  “There is, indeed, no comparison,” he murmured. She cringed at his words, but he gently took her by the wrists, exposing her chest once more. “You blow them clearly out of the water.” He smiled. She looked surprise, but blushed prettily as he lifted her up, pressing her against the door of the containment cell as if she weighed nothing at all. “You smell ready,” he rumbled, and her thighs quivered at his tone. She nodded her head slowly, wrapping her arms around his neck as he slowly lined up to press the head of his cock against her entrance. She bit her lip as he slid into her, unable to stop a shaking groan as it spilled past her lips. He gritted his teeth, pressing his face against her shoulder and beginning to rock at a steady pace. He gripped her hips roughly. The tips of his claws pressed into her flesh, but that only seemed to enhance the sensations. She continued to gasp and groan weakly as he began to pound into her more fervently, rocking her against the door to the containment cell with each thrust of his monstrous cock. She clenched around him, gasping as he pricked her neck with his teeth.

  “Ka!” she screamed out as she came, clenching around him. He came soon after, filling her with a gush of his seed. She gasped for breath, feeling as if she would burst from the sheer amount of his essence that filled her. He remained hilted in her for a long moment, licking the spot he’d pricked with his teeth as he slowly drew away from her and set her gently on the ground, allowing his member to slip out of her with a wet sound. She gasped, feeling entirely too empty as he drew away.

  “I cannot imagine that any female of your species could compare to you, either,” Ka murmured. Selina’s cheeks were lit aflame, and she could hear the footsteps of her colleagues behind the door. She hid behind Ka, hoping his form would obscure her from view. Taking the hint, he shifted into his massive dragon form, leering out the observation window at anyone who passed. Once they were gone and Ka reported as such, Selina breathed a sigh of relief and dressed in her work attire once more. Ka smiled at her, his cock shining from their combined fluids.

  “I should get back to work,” she murmured, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. He rumbled in reply. It was obvious he did not want her to leave, but she had little choice. She tried to reign in her emotions, drawing in a deep breath before slipping out of the containment chamber to continue the rest of her shift. Ka stared after her, a small smile gracing his features.

  When she returned to Ka the next day, she found him anxiously pacing back and forth across the length of the containment cell, tail flicking in agitation. She raised a brow, and, sensing her presence, he turned to face her, eyes wide and pupils dilated.

  “Ka?” She inquired softly, reaching toward him. The cell door swooshed shut behind her, and he seemed to relax, if only slightly.

  “My people draw near,” he murmured, glancing toward a distant spot above the roof of the lab building. Selina drew in a shaky breath and stepped toward him. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “They will be coming to fetch me,” he offered weakly. She nodded her head, feeling somewhat lost. Ka had been certain his people were coming for him, but Selina was almost certain of the opposite. Perhaps, that had been wishful thinking on her part, however. She hesitated in his arms, tilting her head up to look him in the eye.

  “What are we going to do? I want to avoid a conflict if possible. As horribly as the people here treat me, they don’t deserve to die,” Selina murmured, catching a slight glint in her alien lover’s eyes.

  “Though I may not agree about some humans in particular, I agree we should avoid violence. If you can aid in my escape, we will be able to avoid the confrontation. I need to be able to slip out of this containment cell undetected, and…” He trailed off, looking away from her. “I can’t ask you to help me,” he muttered hopelessly. Selina knew it was probably better judgment for her to keep her hands clean of the situation—at least, as much as she could at this point. In spite of that, she didn’t want to see her father killed at the hands of Ka’s people, and she certainly didn’t want to see Ka fall at the hands of her father’s troops.

  “I’ll help you escape,” she said firmly, noting the look of surprise in his eyes. He opened his mouth to argue, but she shook her head, resting a hand on his arm. “It will be for the better all around. I will volunteer to take the night shift with the guards, and, once they are away from their stations, I’ll come back and guide you out of the facility,” she offered, gasping in surprise as he pressed his lips tenderly to her own. In spite of the intimacy they had shared, she mused she would never quite get used to the draconic alien’s taste on her tongue.

  “Only if you are certain you can help me and remain safe in the process. I will not see you endangered for my sake,” Ka said gently. Selina knew she could not promise that she would be safe. She was certain that she would, in fact, face dire consequences if it were to get out that she had aided a specimen in escaping. Even aside from the disappointment and punishment she would face from her father, there was the fact that she was directly impeding government orders. She didn’t know if the concept of prison would be lost on Ka, but she tried not to think about it.

  “I’ll be fine. My father is a gruff man, but he wouldn’t let anything happen to me,” she assured the draconic man and caressed his cheek gently. “I can’t linger in here too long today. I have to make the preparations for tonight, but I will return. You will be free to return home with your people.” She smiled, ignoring a sudden pang in her chest. Before Ka could question her about the emotions she was radiating, she slipped out of the room, allowing the door to slide shut behind her. She followed the hallways down a path with which she was only vaguely familiar: the path to her father’s office. As she passed, her colleagues looked up from their work stations with scorn flickering over their features. She was beyond the point of resenting them for their disdain for her. If anything, she felt she were going through the process of properly earning their dislike. She knocked on the door to her father’s office, ignoring his secretary entirely. When he opened the door, he glared daggers in her direction. In the past, the look might have devastated her. Now, she was simply able to smile through it. “Hello, Daddy. I want to apologize for disobeying and disrespecting you. To show how much this job means to me, I want to take on an additional shift to give the night workers a bit of a break,” she said almost robotically. Her father’s eyes widened almost comically, and there was a collective gasp from those watching the exchange before the sound of murmurs began to fill the air.

  “You want to keep this job?” he inquired haltingly, receiving a firm nod in response.

  “I want to earn my position and work my way up the ranks like you always taught me. I want to make you proud. I’m sorry for straying off your intended path”, she said, trying to put some ounce of sincerity into the words. Her father seemed to buy it, smiling broadly and bringing her into his arms for what had to be the first time since her mother had died. She should have felt satisfied. She should have forgotten Ka and her promise. She should have been moved to remain loyal to her father. She should have been the good daughter she had always vowed to be. There was something standing in her way, now, however, something she wanted to deny but simply could not: she was deeply and irrevocably in love with the draconic alien they held captive. She w
ould do whatever it took to see him freed and returned to his people, even if it meant a lifetime behind bars for Selina, herself.

  “Well, I’m glad that you came around. I’d be more than happy to give you the night shift. Be sure to keep an eye on the night guards, though. They tend to slack a bit more than our usual forces,” he said, scorn obvious in his tone. He patted her on the shoulder, and she offered him a bittersweet smile before slipping away. She had to pretend, at least, to be invested in the rest of the day’s work as not to become suspicious. It would be a long day, but the plan was being put into action. That night, Ka would return home.

  Selina returned to her apartment to tie together some loose ends before returning for the night shift she’d scheduled for herself. She had no pets, no friends, and no family, save her father. It was just a matter of seeing what had been her home for likely the last time before her intentions became clear, and she was shipped off to some government facility.

  She flopped on her bed, burying her head in her pillow and shedding a single tear. She didn’t know how she would go on without Ka. She didn’t know how she would go on at all. The whole situation seemed entirely hopeless. She could not simply lie in bed for the rest of her life, however. Though she had spent her entire lifetime thus far being a submissive servant to her father, things were different, now. She had a purpose, even if that purpose was not necessarily one that served her, personally. She inhaled the scent on her pillow, realizing with some dismay that her life had been a rather empty one thus far—no lovers, no spouses, no children. Only working endlessly to serve a man who didn’t respect or love her.


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