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The Stud (Wild For Her Series Book 1)

Page 2

by Ally Prince

  Holy fuck.

  There hanging out towels in a teeny bikini stood Lucy. My cock thickened at the sight. Her perky little tits almost spilling out of the small triangles. All her pale skin on display, her dark hair a mess on her head as she went about her day. Not a care in the fucking world. She looked so innocent, the urge to protect her slammed into me. I stood silent for longer than I should have, but she was clearly not aware of her surroundings if she didn’t notice a six-foot-three mass of brooding male standing off to her left side.

  My eyes fell to the ass in the bikini bottoms, well there wasn’t one. Pale toned globes of curvy ass with a tiny scrap of yellow floss between them stared at me. I reached down with the heel of my hand to readjust my dick to keep it from pressing against my zipper in an attempt to break out, with no chance of getting off soon I’d best settle down. She bent over, and I groaned out loud. The yellow scrap pulled tight over her tender lips outlining what would be heaven. I hadn’t gotten laid in what felt like forever. Thinking about fucking Lucy, while I liked the thought a whole lot, I had other reasons for being here.

  “Can I help you?” Lucy squeaked when she finally turned in my direction. Her cheeks turning red. Her arms trying to cover herself up. She didn’t stand a chance that bikini was tiny and so were her hands. I smirked in her direction and enjoyed the view of seeing her so flustered.

  I didn’t like the thought of anyone seeing her in so little though, the thought of anyone laying eyes on her body had me growling as I stalked toward her. What I wanted to do was pull my shirt over my head and stuff her in it, but I restrained myself... barely.

  “Wha - what?” Lucy stepped back as I advanced. Big green eyes staring at me. I stopped in front of her, her ass now backed onto the porch rail. I struggled to leave my eyes on hers. A quick scan told me Lucy was not wearing any make-up. Today she looked small and scared. Mine.

  The thought slammed into me with so much force I lost my breath.

  Lucy was mine.

  I placed my hands on either side of her on the porch rail and leaned forward, so we were face to face. Those lush pink lips parted, her breathing grew heavy and her green eyes a little glassy. I affected her. I liked that a whole fucking lot. I dropped my eyes from her face to her chest.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?” Lifting one hand I reached out to twang the small piece of bikini, giving her tight little nipple a tug.

  She slapped my hand away. “What do you think you’re doing?” She meant for her words to be stern, but they came out breathless and husky. Her body gave her away as both nipples stood to attention. Leaning forward I blew gently over her chest and smiled when gooseflesh broke out over her skin. God, she’s beautiful.

  “Do you always walk around naked?” I brought my eyes back to hers, otherwise they would track south and I wouldn’t be able to stop.

  “What? No. I’m not naked.” I raised my brows at her words before turning my face into her neck. Summer fruits, enticing, forbidden.

  Not being able to help myself I dropped my lips to her shoulder, she stiffened a little but didn’t move away. I nibbled on her flesh turning into her neck and scenting her again, I wanted to inhale that aroma every single day.

  “Where’s Robert?” I pulled back and at the mention of his name she tensed and tried to hide her discomfort, her body language clear.

  “No one’s here...,” she slapped a hand over her mouth and I chuckled.

  “I won’t hurt you, Precious. He has something that is mine.” Besides you. Lucy relaxed straight away, a tentative smile graced those plump lips I wanted to sample.

  “He owes many people, unfortunately,” something laced her tone I couldn’t quite pick up, but she appeared upset and perhaps even embarrassed. “Look around Logan, there is nothing of value anywhere in this shit hole. Trust me, he has sold it all.” The way her eyes got glossy, sad almost, had me thinking there was more meaning there than what she was letting on. She didn’t value herself at all. I would spend my life making sure she changed the way she thought about herself. Lucy shot me a glare and then turned in my arms to stare out through the chain-link fence and nature reserve. That curvy ass was just an inch away from my cock and he took notice real quick. A tiny scrap of fabric stood between me and her body, my fingers itched to untie it.

  I pressed myself into her a little, she was soft in all the places I was hard. When she settled her ass back against me I realized we were over the first hurdle, and I wouldn’t be leaving here without her today. Robert took something that didn’t belong to him, time to return the favor.


  I tried to keep my thoughts in check but when you have a hot stud pressed up against you it’s kind of hard to focus on anything but the searing heat, that had nothing to do with the warm Texas sun beating down on us. His scent laced with cloves and something woodsy had me rubbing my thighs together.

  Out of all the days for someone to pay a visit, today was it. I had put this skimpy bikini on because it looked pretty, and it lifted my mood when all I had to do was clean. I had spent the weekend washing sheets and cleaning up the mess left behind by one of Robert and Cindy’s benders and today the trailer was silent. I didn’t care where they were, I gave myself permission to enjoy these few moments. Ignoring the fact that I had a shit life. Pretending there were choices to be made for my future, sadly they were all made for me. In just a few days things would change, and not for the better. I had no idea how to get out of the situation.

  But with Logan here in my small space I felt exposed. He seemed to look straight through what little I had on and when he tugged on my nipple, I swear I almost came on the spot. This man put my body on edge with a single look. Even last week surrounded by the smell of horse shit, my body had wanted him. It was hard not to be taken aback by his solid good looks but today a different Logan Anderson stood before me and I liked it.

  Logan’s hardness pressed against my backside, he wasn’t subtle about it and I truly didn’t care. With Logan breathing on me the never-ending loneliness that encompassed me dissipated a little. He also made me feel safe, and that was dangerous, I could not afford to let my guard down while I lived in this trailer. I soaked up the sensation knowing it would not last. He would leave and Robert and Cindy would return.

  When his hand landed on my belly and spread out I tensed. His fingertips were rough and calloused from all his hard work, and his hand huge as it spanned my waist. He applied a little pressure, pushing me back into him. I sighed at the sensation. Tingles shot down every nerve, lighting my body up for him. The heat of his body and scent was intoxicating. I hadn’t been this turned on since... Well ever. Later when the haze left my mind, I would let myself be embarrassed.

  “The thought of you wearing that for another man. I gotta tell you, Precious. I’m not a fan,” he spoke into my neck as his other hand moved and my bikini top went slack. The strings fell forward taking the triangles with them and they landed on his hand below. “All this pale skin, those perky tits, and rosy nipples. I’m pretty fucking sure they’re mine,” he kind of growled the last word, his hips nudging forward a little more. I sank back into him and let my head lull back onto his shoulder while his hands roamed up toward my breasts.

  “You are so beautiful.” Those rough hands engulfed my breasts and gave a gentle squeeze. Fingers massaging before his mouth latched onto my neck.

  “Logan,” a whimper, a plea for more, it was everything I didn’t know I wanted or needed from this man. I wanted him to take anything he desired from me. I wanted his hands on my body, I wanted him inside me, I wanted him to claim me so there was no question who I belonged to.

  “Be careful what you wish for, Precious,” he grunted, one hand dropping and sliding into my bikini bottoms. “Who do you shave this tight little pussy for?” His hand delved lower, fingers parting my lips. Aware Logan could feel my moisture as he rubbed at my hard nub, I pushed the thoughts away and relaxed into his forbidden touch. “Tell me who?” he bit down on my shoulder
. My body trembled with desire as lightning flashed through my veins. With one hand on my breast tugging at my nipple and one hand doing wonders down below my knees began to give out. My breathing picked up, and I panted. My hips moved on their own accord seeking for relief I had never known.

  “That’s it, baby, ride my hand, take what you want.”

  “Oh God,” I moaned, not caring about the noises I made as my hips tilted and his fingers moved faster. I would have to apologize to the neighbors later, or maybe not. It wasn’t my fault Mr. Paulson spied on our trailer and didn’t hide his pervert ways. I guess there would be a free show today.

  “Can you hear that? That’s what I do to you. I get you so fucking wet it’d be so easy for me to slip my cock in that pussy and fill you up. Is that what you want, your pussy filled with me?” A strangled noise broke through my haze. Pretty sure it fell from my lips as a wave of sensation started to pulse over me. My toes wanted to curl, every muscle pulling tight. The heat of my arousal ran down Logan’s hand and I knew I was making a mess, but I didn’t care. His long fingers moved to my opening, rimming it a little, and that was all it took to make my body convulse and scream out.

  “Oh fuck, your little pussy is clenching, grasping for something to hold inside.” His words were so hot and yet on any other day it would have offended me. Logan wound me down from my climax, the final tremors leaving me limp as his fingers stilled. Heat slowly crept onto my cheeks as the realization of what just happened sank in. “That was the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” With that, he removed his hand and bought it up to my lips, with slow measured movements he traced my lip with his wet finger coated in my arousal. A low growl formed in his throat before he was gripping my chin and claiming my mouth, like a man consuming his last meal. I moaned into his mouth, unsure of the taste but loving the fact that he didn’t seem to care. His tongue violent and demanding, taking exactly what he wants. This kiss seared and claimed me all at the same time and I loved it.

  “Thank you,” I whisper after his lips leave mine and I can breathe again.

  “Fuck drunk looks good on you. I might keep you in that state all the time,” he chuckles.

  “Totally fine by me.” His face hardens a little making me uneasy, but as I try to pull away Logan holds tighter.

  “Go pack your bags, you’re comin’ home with me.”

  Chapter 3


  What I wanted to do was to throw her on the ground, open those thighs and feast on her nectar all day. The thought made my mouth water and my cock began straining once again. She submitted and let me claim her, little did she know this was it for her. She would ride one eager cock for the rest of her life and that fucker belonged to me.

  Lucy shook her head, pulling my attention back to her and out of my X-rated daydreams.

  “What?” I snapped a little irritated that she would protest. I had given her the best orgasm of her life and she was going to what?

  “I can’t leave with you,” her voice soft but her eyes were hard, Lucy didn’t like confrontation, I could tell that. Her shoulders were set but hunched a little forward while her arms crossed at her waist and she rubbed her elbows. A move made out of self-preservation and I understood the need for distance but I did not like it at all. I wanted all of her and I would get it too but first, she had to trust me enough to leave with me. I’d tackle Robert and her mother, Cindy, another day but as far as they were concerned they no longer had a daughter and they sure as fuck wouldn’t be using her anymore to fund a drug habit by letting her take the blame for the shit they did.

  “Precious, you either leave here with me or I burn this shit hole to the ground.” Anger welled deep inside. The memory of Lucy just accepting the blame without even trying to plead her case made my stomach sink. She had just taken my words and left. No questions asked. Her actions made me assume she often took the fall or expected bad shit to happen and for that, I wanted to bury Robert and Cindy back behind the barn. I had to step back from her and turn away. My face grew hot, and breathing became harder, she had me in knots. This girl owned me more than I thought possible.

  A small tender hand touched my waist, uncertain. I glanced over my shoulder, but it was hard to see her. With Lucy being five-three to my six-three, her head of dark hair was all that filled my vision. Her other hand touched the other side, and then her small hands slipped around my waist to join. Affection seeped into me as Lucy offered comfort. Her cheek pressed between my shoulder blades and I took a deep breath. Couldn’t remember the last time someone had cared enough to worry about me. It was a heady feeling knowing she cared. I placed my arms over hers, letting the warmth of her body ease my anger and melt it away.

  “He can’t pay you back,” the softness of her voice caused an involuntary shiver to race up my spine. “Robert would have sold the horse already, I never saw it. The money would be long gone, and he’ll be looking for my next paycheck soon enough.” My anger was instantaneous I spin in her arms so fast I almost knock her over. I managed to grip her by the arms to stop her from falling.

  “Over my dead fucking body,” I roared in her face. Lucy would no longer be a stepping stone for the lowlifes in her life. Not now that she belonged to me. I would take care of her, forever. I might not get back what Robert stole but if I could put tension on the home front Robert would become desperate and that would be when he would get caught. The man needed to land in a cell and I guess I could make that happen, but something held me back. I didn’t want Lucy here in this place when I made that call, he’d be angry, and that anger would come back to land on her, I would not let her take it.

  “Let’s get you inside and covered up.” I pulled her toward the trailer where she lead me to a tiny little room with a sliding wooden door. The room is only as wide as her twin bed and the plastic tubs that held all of her clothes almost took up the rest of the space. Something inside tightened, and I hated it. It sat awkward and uncomfortable in my chest and I didn’t know what to do with it.

  Lucy pulled some clothes on before sitting on her bed, eyes on her hands as they fumbled in her lap.

  “Look,” I started, but she cut me off.

  “They won’t hurt me.” Was she honestly defending them? I glared down at her, but she shrugged.

  “What about the other people he deals with, I’m aware of one of them and he would love to get his evil hands all over something precious like you. So, you will get hurt because of him, and your mother is no fucking better.” I sighed a weight sat heavy on my chest. “Why the hell do you stay, anyway?”

  A shutter came down over Lucy’s face. Any leeway I previously made vanished as Lucy distanced herself from me. Her eyes cut back to her lap, her shoulders tensed, as her breathing grew a little choppy, clear as fucking day I had hit a sore point.

  “You are coming home with me,” I snapped out moving passed her and tugging off the lid to a tub. “Pack some shit.”

  “Why?” her voice slightly monotone, but she had pissed me off one-too-many times today. All this was new, and I was screwing it up left and right so why stop now.

  “Payment of course, what else?” The sharp intake of Lucy’s breath cut through my heart like a knife. The moment the words came out I wanted to take them back. I would apologize later, right now she needed to leave this hell hole with me.

  “How old are you?” Her skin was flawless, those big bottle green eyes gave her slender face a sharp edge, I’d put her at eighteen. Jesus, maybe the age gap would scare her.

  She snorted. “Oh, you want to make sure I’m legal before you rape me?” I’ll give her credit she looked just as shocked as I did when those words left her mouth.

  “What the everlovin’ fuck,” I yelled turning back to her, trying to hide my rage. “I would never ever take something from you, that you didn’t want to give. That is not what this is about. FUCK,” I yelled a few more times before stalking out of her tiny ass room and out of the crusty trailer. I stomped on the creaky fucking porch and heade
d for the truck. What in the world had gotten into me? I wanted to do the right thing, but it seemed that my need for her overrode my ability to think rationally.

  “Fuck,” I said again as a small bird flew of off my side mirror. I would never rape a girl, never even consider it. If what happened between us a few minutes ago was anything to go by Lucy and I had amazing sexual chemistry and I would give my left nut to explore the fuck out of it but if she wasn’t keen, no became the law of the land.

  “Have you called the police?” I turned to look at Lucy, she looked so small and too darn perfect to be here at this dirty old trailer full of crusty old shit.

  “Not yet, but I will. Don’t worry about it. You can have your job back, be there tomorrow.” I nodded at her and headed for my door.

  “Logan,” she called stepping forward, a small duffel in her hands. “Would you mind if I stayed with you for a few days, things will be rather unpleasant around here...” It seemed like she wanted to say more but she stopped. I nodded offering her a weak smile. The small tentative one she gave me back had me rubbing my chest. Jesus, this girl did things to me.

  “You mind if I leave the truck here.” She looked longingly at the piece of shit, but I think she understood that it needed to stay. Without her truck, I hoped Robert wouldn’t have any idea where to look for her. I helped her load her plastic tubs into my truck and I tried not to wince at the lack of belongings that Lucy owned. I would make sure she had everything she would ever need from here on out.

  “Hop in, let’s go home.” The thought of Lucy in my home was a little overwhelming. In this small space keeping my hands off her would be no small feat and by the way she trembled in the seat next to me, I think she had the same thoughts. I knew one thing though. My farmhouse would become a home again because of Lucy being there.


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