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The Stud (Wild For Her Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Ally Prince

  “Aww come on guys, I’m leading you to freedom,” I yelled when I fell to my knees for the third time.

  The fire roared bigger every time I looked its way, the heat radiating out around it, the side of my face felt like I had a bad case of sunburn. My heart was in my throat the whole time. I didn’t know what this meant for us but this would test what we had, have.

  Penny looked as dejected as me, throwing her hands in the air and cursing. We were running in circles.

  A few minutes later I managed to grip a lead rope, and I hugged that fucker tight not wanting to let it go. The poor horse had wide eyes, but she followed me as I led her over to the gate.

  “Now what?” I asked the big guy at the gate but he shrugged, I looked over to see what Penny was doing but she started running in the other direction. The horse blocked my sight, stopping me from seeing what or who she was running too. I walked through the gate and unhooked the lead from her halter and she trotted off but not too far. Strangely enough, as I approached this time with the lead several horses stopped and it got easier to hook them up and walk them out. I only had to lead four before the others sensed safety and followed behind.

  We left the gate open, not knowing what else to do and headed back toward the house.

  About halfway back to the house, I spoke. “Someone set the fire on purpose didn’t they?” The big guy pondered my question for a second. I jumped when a limb fell, crashing to the grass.

  “Yeah, they did. Mason saw the fucker, so no worries it’ll all be sorted soon, Luce.” So casual and easy with his words, I wondered if anything actually bothered him but probably not.

  The number of trucks had doubled and people gathered around in awe, watching the flames. Hoses dampened the blaze a little, but the heat was still intense and I noticed the little spot fires off in the distance. I was thankful that summer had yet to fully set in and the grass here on the stud was still green.

  I rubbed at my arms, cold all of a sudden. I was tired or maybe it was that eerie sensation of being watched that had me searching through the dark. Faces of people I had never met all blurred together as the uneasy feeling intensified.

  There at the edge of a truck, with a cigarette dangling from his lips stood Tyler Mont. That man had creeped me out since I was a child. Knowing that Robert wanted to offer me to him for money sent a shudder down my spine. I slapped the big guy next to me who’s eyes darted around quick as fuck.

  “Fucker,” he cursed before slowly and casually began moving through the crowd of people. I stood close to the guy next to me. No idea who he might be, but it made me feel safe as I waited for my first sighting of Logan.

  He had to be fine, my heart wouldn’t beat if he wasn’t.


  There were moments in life where I think what the fuck had I done to deserve this? When my parents got cancer and died that was one. This was another.

  I gripped my sweaty hair, finding chunks of who knew what in it.

  My once grand twenty-two stall main stable became a pile of smoldering rubble, not even recognizable at all. The iron had twisted and charred. The wood paneling long since turned to charcoal. Where did I go from here? How would I possibly rebuild my dreams?

  “You’re insured, it’ll take time but it will all work out.” Nigel the fire chief patted my shoulder, the thought was there, but it didn’t make me feel any better about the situation. The tree that I fell out of and broke my arm when I was eight was now gone. Penny’s name and her random crush along with it. History, just gone.

  By now it was close to three in the morning, most people had cleared out, Deputy Collins had turned up and wanted to talk but relented and suggested I head to the station first thing.

  And Mason, fucking Mason.

  If he hadn’t been carted away in an ambulance with some minor burns, I would have beat the shit out of him. He ran back into the stables when he should have stayed away. I’d have preferred the loss of one horse over his death.

  When he emerged with Penny his supposed filly, my fists grew so tight and I had to hold back. He coughed up a lung, had burns to his arms and something had landed on his back because his shirt stuck to his skin and look charred.

  “She’s my Penny,” was all the idiot said as he sagged to the ground struggling to breathe. I had seriously thought for a minute he might have done some damage but once the medics gave him some oxygen, he seemed a lot better. But my sister rode to the hospital with him all tears, I would be asking some questions about that later.

  My eyes kept looking over toward the house wondering where Lucy could be, if she was still here, if she was okay.

  “I’ll keep two guys here until morning, go clean up and get some rest. I hear there’s a pretty little thing waiting on you.” Nigel offered before moving away and ordering some of his guys to clear out.

  I headed toward the house and stopped on the way to thank people, truly a great show of support from our tight-knit community, even I could acknowledge that.

  “We’ll be back when it’s light.” Easton slapped me on the back before he headed to his truck. It was then that Callum approached me.

  “I had a run in with Mont,” he stated without preamble, my stomach sank. I knew this was linked to the bastard, but I’d have a hard time proving it. “Your girl spotted him.” I frowned at the thought of Lucy having to deal with him, or that he even laid eyes on her. She was mine. I growled a little and Callum chuckled.

  “We had words. Eye for an eye and all that shit was what he said. I doubt this is over but he’s got too much to lose to cause too much trouble for himself around here.” Callum looked over at the house, a small smile on his gruff face. “She is a keeper Logan. We’ll be having words if you fuck it up.” With that, Callum tipped his non-existent hat at me and walked off into the darkness.

  As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I stopped when I spotted her. She looked so small and fragile, hell she was. Wrapped in a blanket curled on the steps, eyes on me, waiting.

  Fuck, I loved her.

  I closed the distance between us, stopping at the bottom step, almost at eye level.

  “Hey, Precious.” I was beat, bone tired but the sight of her had my body stirring to life, like it always did.

  “Hey Stud.” Though she looked tired and a little dirty, she was still beautiful. She took a moment to find her feet but a split second after that she was in my arms. She wrapped her tight little body around me, letting my face nestle into her neck. We both stank. The air out here would smell for days, weeks. But she was warm, soft, and all mine.

  “You scared me. I can’t lose you, Logan.” Her deep breath caught a little as she coughed. I took the steps with care so we didn’t fall. I closed the door, locking it behind me and I didn’t let her go until we stood in my bathroom. Gently I put her down, hands on her hips, our eyes locked. We took the moment in gratitude, lucky, we still had moments left. I could see so much reflected in her eyes, but I’d wait.

  My hands reached for the hem of the red dress and I pulled it over her head throwing it to the side, she was still naked underneath. Still beautiful. Still precious. I brushed a knuckle over her cheek, leaving a dirty black mark as my hand moved down her slender almost elegant neck, over her collarbone before running over the swell of her breast. Her breathing picked up, but I wasn’t done. I continued on down over the softness of her stomach and paused below her belly button. I could imagine her round with my baby, those curves, the whole package. It was such a primal thing to want, but I did. Before I made it to her pussy her small hands started on the buttons on my shirt. I relented and let her do what she needed. She slowly undressed me, taking her time to touch and feel, placing a kiss here and there, all filled with the love she couldn’t yet say.

  I took her hand and pulled her into the shower where I let her hands roam my body once again as she washed every inch of me, I returned the favor, paying more attention to some areas than others.

  By the time I finished she was panting, eyes ful
l of want and need, my cock already leaking and begging to get inside.

  “Face the wall, Luce. This will be hard and fast.” I nearly lost everything tonight, showing Lucy how much I needed her in my life became my mission. She faced the wall, and I gripped her hips dragging them back and encouraging her to bend forward a little. “Who owns this pussy, Luce?” My fingers dove between her legs finding her wet and ready.

  “You do Logan.” She tilted her hips up, opening for me and I couldn’t control myself. I lined up my cock and in one thrust I was balls deep inside her. Her walls clenching and adjusting to the sudden intrusion but I didn’t give her time. I pulled out looking down over the globes of her ass to where we were connected to see her lips stretched wide around my cock, taking me all the way in.

  “Touch yourself, Luce. I want you milking my cock as I come. I want that baby growing inside you soon Luce. I want you tied to me forever. You can never leave me, I need you too much.” She panted as a hand sank between her legs. Her body shuddering a little, encouraging me to pick up the pace. She fit me like a glove, so tight and warm, I would spend a great deal of time in this pussy, I looked forward to it.

  Her pussy tightened, her legs shaking. The little minx looked over her shoulder meeting my eyes. My Lucy was coming out of her shell and fuck if that wasn’t the biggest turn on. I roared as I drove home, eyes on hers as her orgasm began. Her pussy milking my dick so tight I didn’t stand a chance. I held deep as I unloaded, balls squeezing as I gave her every last drop and she took it, her body sucking it in. I pulled her closer, still connected below, my hands roamed over her tits and down to brush her still sensitive clit. Her walls strangled me as I pushed as deep as I could.

  “We’ll be fine Luce,” I assured her. “As long as we have each other.” I brought my lips to hers and kissed her hard. Finally, I slipped free... spent and drained. We needed sleep. I finished washing her, hating the thought of washing me away. I dried her and held her close as the night finally let my mind and body rest.

  Chapter 12


  It was hard to wiggle out from under Logan, he was like a dead weight on top of me. His breathing was low and deep. We both needed the rest, but I couldn’t switch my mind off enough to convince myself I didn’t play a huge part in what happened last night. If it wasn’t for me Logan would still have his stables, his pride and joy, his livelihood.

  I stole a tee from Logan’s closet and found a pair of shorts to throw on before quickly cleaning up in the bathroom. I looked like shit, there was no disguising it.

  As quiet as possible I opened the bedroom door and was surprised to hear voices in the house. I assumed Penny would have returned last night from the hospital. She wouldn’t be able to keep everyone out of the loop for too much longer, Mason included. I paused and listened.

  “I’m his cousin Penny, not a fucking idiot. And Mason gets emotional when he’s drunk,” a voice I was unsure of stated, Penny chuckled, possibly sniffed. I took that as my cue that it was safe to enter and walked into the kitchen.

  “Morning,” I said with as much energy as I could muster, Penny raised a brow at me but moved my way for a hug.

  “So good to see you, glad you are okay. I take it Logan is too.”

  “He’s fine, tired though, so I left him to sleep.” I hugged her back.

  “Good, good...” Penny moved back to her coffee.

  “Easton Mansfield,” the tall guy who I had not met jutted his hand out. He was cute, I could see a little resemblance to Mason.

  “Lucy,” I offered. I hoped one day I could say, Lucy Anderson. Pain filled my belly, I might not get to realize that dream. Logan had lost a lot because of me. Fate might see me lose him in return.

  I headed to the coffee pot and poured a mug, I needed food too. I was starving and the dull ache behind my eyes wasn’t a great sign.

  “How’s Mason?” I asked the room. Penny glared at Easton who seemed to smile at her before she huffed.

  “Better. Burns to his arms and back, he has some recovery time ahead but he’ll be fine soon enough,” she told her mug.

  “How are you?” I pried gently because she looked like she wanted to burst into tears or scream or murder someone. Hell, all the above... She swallowed before turning those red-rimmed dark eyes on me, a sad smile tugging on her lips.

  “Tired, emotional and so fucking confused,” she offered, and I nodded. I knew those feelings well.

  “Do they know who did it?” I threw it out there, just because. But silence struck the room, and both seemed interested in their cups, chickens. “It was because of me. Jesus, if I had said no to Logan none of this would have happened. I know it’s my fault. You guys can hate me. Logan probably does anyway.” That last sentence had my breath hitching. What would I do if he did? I had nowhere to go, I would not go back to that trailer. I could get another job, I had no issues with that but where would I live, no one would want me. Tightness tugged on my chest and I found it hard to breathe.

  I rubbed my breastbone trying to encourage the muscles to relax, trying to stop my ribs from caving and squeezing all the air from my lungs but it didn’t help.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Easton was in my face. “Through the nose Lucy, out the mouth. Come on show me.” I tried to focus on Easton as he took a deep breath through his nose and blew it out of his mouth, but mine was getting stuck halfway. I was panting, my body getting hot, and I was certain my face was wet.

  “But...” I sucked in a breath. “He lost it,” I blew it out. “Because of me.” The next breath lodged in my throat before it was gone, rushing back out. I gripped Easton’s arms trying to find something to focus on, he had lots of tattoos but I couldn’t see them clearly through the tears.

  “What do we do? I’ll go wake, Logan. Or should I call 911?” Penny sounded frantic but Easton’s voice was smooth and calm.

  “Bring Logan out, she might like to see him.” Penny left. “Breathe with me Lucy, girl.” He placed one of my hands on his chest, letting me feel his deep breath. I tried to mimic it, but mine were small compared to his. “That’s better try it again for me.” I sucked in a large breath causing me to cough, panic clawing at my throat as I struggled to suck in a breath.

  “Eyes on me Luce,” Easton commanded. “It’s all okay, we are all okay here. Logan has his horses, Penny has Mason and Mason has two Penny’s, you made Callum smile, and you’ve shown me how strong you are. Breathe for Logan, Luce.” He was trying to help, but the emotions welled and tears flowed harder, but breath filled my lungs and released with ease.

  “Hey baby, I’m here.” A warm hand landed on my back and there was Logan. Dark hair a mess from sleep, face tired but strong. Lips soft and tender though and still needing a shave. His strong broad shoulders were there to touch, his skin warm and soft.

  Safe. Alive. Mine.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck and inhaled his scent. I let his presence wash through my veins and relieve some of the doubt that welled. It was warm and welcoming. His arms wrapped around my waist holding me to him.

  “Don’t do that Luce. This is not your fault,” his tone was strong, demanding. But I was unconvinced by his words.

  “I’ll leave you to it, man. The fire chief left with his crew said to call if you need them.” Easton left the room the sound of his boots echoing off the hardwood was the only noise for a moment.

  “I’m going to shower, then I’ll head to the hospital,” Penny offered, her hand rubbing my back, Logan tensed, but he didn’t say a word. He may have nodded a little at her.

  “Luce don’t ever think you could have stopped this. I would do this a thousand times if it meant I got to have you in my arms for the rest of my life.” Tears flowed freely as we nuzzled at each other.

  I sucked up all of Logan that I could, taking in his warmth and strength because deep down I knew that I would have to leave him. He would be better off without someone like me around. I was a leech, hanging on for dear life. Deject
ed and overwhelmed, I brought my lips to his. If this was all I got then savoring every last second of my time with him is what I would do. I may never get another chance to experience this kind of wholeness, this kind of love. The need and overwhelming desire whenever we looked at each other was a once in a lifetime thing but I would not sacrifice Logan’s dreams to protect my tiny little useless heart.


  “The insurance agent will be here tomorrow afternoon,” I told Easton. That was one of the first things I had to do before the cleanup could begin. I’d moved most of the horses to Walker’s ranch, my neighbor on the other side took the others in for me. It was going to halt operations for a little while but I had my horses that was all that mattered in this business.

  The air outside had a heavy smoky scent to it, one that coated your skin and seemed to stay in your nostrils long after you had showered. That heavy smell was the remains of what my father had built. I think that was the main reason it hurt so much. The building could be replaced. I’d probably go bigger. But the fact that it was Dad’s dream that he had hand built with his father, their initials etched into the first beam they placed for stables and it now laid in ruins. That sat like a dark mark on my soul.

  “I’ve got to head home tomorrow, a few things have come up over the past few days. Sorry I can’t stick around to help you finish this thing out,” Easton stated watching something over my shoulder. I turned to see the Sheriff’s cruiser pulling up. I tensed remembering the last time I had seen him and wondered what he did with that shit head.

  Rayner climbed out of the cruiser his eyes on the mess before him. His frown was deep. “I didn’t realize it was so bad.” His eyes scanned the area as he hummed to himself a little.

  “Yeah, well luckily Mason managed to save the stock,” I replied watching him wondering what the reason for his visit was. Yesterday I had gone to the station and talked with his Deputy, who took notes but hadn’t been all concerned when I mentioned Tyler Mont’s name. But I brushed it off and headed back to the ranch. I needed to be near Lucy now more than ever, I was being possessive, fuck possibly even emotional and she seemed to be the only thing holding me together. She had tried to put distance between us, well as much distance as I would let her. Lucy had locked herself in her head and I had to figure out how to get her out of there.


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