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Path of Descent: Ambrosine

Page 11

by Noreen Harrison

  “Don’t do this!”

  “Let me go! I will not let the Family…”

  “Shut up, Alixia!” he said angrily, so close to my ear that I could feel his hot breath against my skin. “Just come with me and we will talk. ”

  “No! I will not be threatened any more. I want them to know if they try to come after Marcus…”

  “Stop. No one will go after Marcus, I swear to you. Please just come with me.”

  “No, this Gathering is over.”

  “Phillip, she is right,” Charles said blocking the entrance. “The Gathering is over”.

  I looked past him, seeing the Families talking amongst themselves and staring at me as if I were some act from a freak show.

  “Alixia, please,” Phillip said, drawing my attention away from Charles and the Families. “They will never understand your love for Marcus. They will still turn on him. All your threatening will do is bring on more anger. Remember that these are our beliefs. You can’t fault them for thinking they are evil, after so many of the Families members have been taken by Dark Ones. So, give them time to see that Marcus isn’t like Marcel.”

  “Fine,” I said, pushing my way out of his grasp. “You’re right. It won’t do me any good to threaten. They have to see for themselves.”

  I felt my ire subsiding, along with the red hue.

  I went up to Charles.

  “You will not harm him,” I said.

  “Come on Alixia, let’s just go.”

  Charles was with Madame Aimeri and a couple more Family members as we began to leave.

  “Alixia, we need to… “ Madame Aimeri put her hand up, stopping Charles from speaking any more. She moved forward, her small frame belting out words in an authoritative voice.

  “Charles, I will handle this.”

  I reached for the door handle, not wanting to hear another speech

  “Madame Aimeri,” I said, “I am leaving. You all can pick another Family member to head the Families. I’m done.”

  “No, you’re not. You just can’t walk away from your birthright. You are the only Ambrosine!”

  “Yes, I can.”

  “Wait!” She turned to the crowd. “Will you all please excuse us? I need to speak to Alixia alone.”

  Charles and the other family members nodded and went back to the ballroom. Phillip kissed my cheek.

  “I will meet you out at the pond when you are finished,” he said.

  “Let’s go to the library,” she said, taking my arm.

  Walking in, I noticed the portrait over the mantle was gone.

  “Why did they remove the painting?” I asked, sitting in one of the leather chairs.

  She walked over to the mantle, looking up to where the painting had been.

  “Your grandmother asked for it to come down after your Mother turned to the dark realm. She couldn’t bear to look at her image anymore, knowing she had caused her soul to be taken.” She came over and sat down in the chair next to me.

  “Do you want the staff to put it back up?”

  “Yes, that would be nice.”

  “Well this is your home now, so if you want the portrait back up, it will be done. “

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, about what happened. Why don’t you want to accept your birthright?”

  “I just don’t think I am the right one to head the Families.”

  “Well, I know that!” she said with a thin-lipped smile. “You have been defiant from day one, and let me tell you, you have stirred the pot several times with some Family members.”

  “I suppose you’re talking about Charles, for one?”

  She reached over and patted my hand.

  “Yes, he is one. You have aggravated him several times. Nevertheless, he does respect your audacity.”

  “Well, tonight, as you said, I stirred the pot a little too much, telling him I was going to marry Marcus.”

  I paused, waiting for her disapproval. She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward in her chair, her face showing no emotion, neither appalled nor angry.

  “So, what do you want me to say to that?”

  I looked at her, bewildered. She was different from the rest. Hearing her thoughts, she had no animosity toward Marcus or his new Family.

  “So, it doesn’t bother you that I’m going against the beliefs?”

  “No,” she said looking straight into my eyes, knowing I was in her head. “I know Marcus would never turn on the Family.”

  I leaned forward in utter surprise, seeing and hearing her thoughts.

  “You know Marcus?”

  She smiled.

  “Yes, I’ve met him in the West Indies; he was introduced to me and a few other Family members by Marguerite.”

  “Marguerite introduced you?”

  She stood up, getting my full attention as she pushed both sides of her dark hair over her shoulders.

  “Yes, I was there to see Marguerite after hearing what Angel had done to her, and the child.” She paused, reflecting.

  “Anyway, after meeting him there, I had another encounter with him in New Orleans. He saved me from getting my head ripped off by Marcels’ Family.”

  I sat back in the chair, utterly astonished.

  “He saved you?”

  “Yes. Phillip and I were in the back alleys near Bourbon Street, on the scent of Marcel when we heard the cries of a young Family member. By the time we reached him, his soul had already been taken. Phillip moved in on the innocent one to end him, and I went after the Dark Ones, accelerating after them through the back streets, following them into the hidden shadows of the French Quarter. That’s where I was ambushed.

  “Just one came out of the darkness at first. A woman. She took hold of me, sinking her teeth into my flesh. I seized her, ready to end her, when six more came at me, bringing me down like injured prey. That is when Marcus and his Family showed up. They went at them like a pack of wolves, tearing them off me, mutilating them and ripping their heads off. Then, when the last one lay there dismembered, Marcus walked over to me. He reached out his hand, asking if I was all right.”

  She paused, smiling.

  “It was just a little disconcerting to me that I was saved by a Dark One, and he was actually concerned for my wellbeing.”

  I looked at her in incredulously. I knew he helped in the fight against Marcel’s maliciousness, but I had no idea that he had been saving Family members.

  She went on talking, as I thought of what Phillip had said about giving the Families time. Now I saw what he meant. I wondered if there were more survivors out there who Marcus has helped. If so, this could be useful.

  I interrupted her.

  “I’m sorry, but I have a question. Where was Phillip in all this? Did he witness what Marcus did for you?”

  She sat down with her brow furrowed, reflecting back.

  “No, Phillip showed up afterward. He was led into his own altercation that night with Dark Ones. However, he did thank Marcus as we took the bodies to be burned in the swamp.” I shifted in my chair, still in her head to guarantee her truthfulness.

  “Madame Aimeri. I have another question.”


  “Are there more like you that know Marcus is different from Marcel?” She looked nervous and leaned closer.

  “Yes, there are more, but I can’t mention their names. However, they are certainly aware that he is different. Why?”

  “I was just wondering if there are more of you out there, that’s all.” I could sense her curiosity as I pushed myself up from the chair and walked over to the bookcase.

  “When I marry Marcus, it will be nice to have a few allies on my side.”

  “When are you planning the ceremony?”

  “In late summer.”

  “Good. That will give you time to get this house in order again.”

  “I still don’t know…”

  She got up and came over to me.

  “Alixia, as I said, there is no choice here. This is your
birthright. I will stay and help you transition, now that Millie has gone to the dark side. I will be your mentor. There is a lot that you will have to learn in a short time.”

  She took the Ambrosine photo album off the shelf, and then her voice went quiet so that no one could hear but me.

  “And I will help you defend Marcus when the time comes.”

  I hugged her.

  Maybe I won’t have to choose…

  The Statue

  I pretty much floated down the veranda steps after being with Madam Aimeri. She had made me feel more assured, that a change would be coming. I went to the pond looking for Phillip, and was disappointed when he wasn’t there. Sitting down on a bench, I looked up at the statue of Correa’s image, and scoffed.

  This will be the first thing I tear down.

  “I agree with you on that one,” Phillip said, coming up behind me and placing his hand on my shoulder. I reached up, putting my hand on his.

  “Where were you?”

  He walked around the bench and sat down close to me. I could smell the sweetness of him as he put his arm around me.

  “I was calming my uncle down.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s alright. I’m used to your rebelliousness… and his arrogance.” I elbowed him gently.

  “Funny. Anyway, I will accept my birthright.” He looked straight out and I could feel his apprehension about asking.

  “And Marcus?”

  “I’m marrying him.”

  He took his arm from around me.

  “So, you will be part of both worlds. How is that going to work?”

  “I don’t know yet. But there are Family members who have seen the difference between Marcus and Marcel. So I’m hoping…”

  He stood up, irate, and cut me off.

  “You’re hoping for what?”


  “No, I’m sorry, but you can’t think these worlds will ever come together.”

  I gritted my teeth to stop myself lashing out.

  “If they did, would that be a bad thing?”

  “Alixia,” he said, realizing I was getting a little heated. “I don’t think it would be bad thing, but it will never happen. There will always be resistance on both sides. Millie, for instance... She wants her revenge, and I’m sure there are others too. And some in Marcus’s Family that would like to sink their teeth into us. Think about it. My uncle’s a good example of how some of the Families would react, if these two worlds join together.”

  I sat there listening to him, feeling my euphoria collapse with every word coming out of his mouth.

  “Phillip, stop! I don’t need to hear any more. I understand.”

  It was pointless to even argue with him.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m right.”

  “I know you’re right,” I said, looking up at him and seeing his face show so much concern. “With Millie, that is something I’m hoping I can talk her out of.”

  “Yes, I hope you can change her mind. I have always cared about Millie.”

  I knew he didn’t really want to go after her, but if she still wanted her revenge, there was nothing I could do but let him protect himself.

  “Phillip, all I ask is that you stay in control when you see her again. Marcus said she is different than the rest of the Dark Ones.”

  “You know I will try.”

  “Thank you.”

  He looked out onto the gardens.

  “Hey the sun will be coming up soon. Let’s go watch the sunrise.”

  “First,” I said, looking up at the statue, “we need to do something to make us both feel better.” I slipped off my shoes and stepped into the water. “Phillip, join me,” I said, wading over to the statue.

  “Alixia, what are you doing?” he asked, taking off a second shoe and rolling up his pant legs. He had a smirk on his face, and was enjoying my craziness.

  “Okay… push,” I said, leaning into the statue.




  Marcus held the weathered oak door open for me. My heart was pounding hard in my chest, wondering what to expect. I was going to see Millie.

  Seeing her, I also sensed her difference as I moved slowly into the dimly lit room. She was sitting in a chair with Roxanna and another female Family member on either side of her.

  “Alixia,” she said with a hiss in her voice, getting up to meet me. She was wearing a black Empire waist dress, and her hair was cascading in soft curls past her shoulders. Her face was angelic, just like the rest of the Dark Ones. She reached out for me.

  “You have finally come.”

  I took her in my arms. Her body was cold as I held her close to me. She breathed me in.

  “You smell so sweet. Why haven’t you come to see me?”

  I looked over at Marcus with unease.

  “Millie,” he said with compassion, keeping is eye on her. “You know we had to make sure.”

  “So, you kept her away from me?”

  I stepped out of her arms, sensing her anger.

  “Millie, it’s okay. I’m here now.”

  I looked to the right of me, seeing Roxanna move closer to her.

  “Yes you are, but you should have been allowed to come,” she said, looking at Marcus. “Anyway, have you seen James?”

  “Yes, just today. And he is sweet as ever.”

  She looked at me, confused.

  “I don’t understand. He’s here?”

  She suddenly turned rigid.

  “Alixia, no!” Marcus shouted, moving quickly between us. “She didn’t know!”

  Her eyes went dark.

  “Alixia, what is this?”

  I stared at Marcus, questioning why he hadn’t said anything to her. All I could do now was ready myself for her, so I answered.

  “Millie, Angel is dead. Marguerite lifted the curse. It’s ended and your baby is safe.”

  She shrieked, pushing past Marcus, coming at me.

  “No! She’s dead! Marguerite took that from me!”

  “Millie, don’t do this,” I said, trying to reach out to her. “You must understand, more people were being taken. It had to end.”

  She wasn’t listening. She was in her own world of hatred. Her face twisted in anger, and she moved around the room like a caged animal, cursing, and saying Marguerite will pay, just like the rest that have taken from her.

  “Millie,” Marcus’s voice bellowed over hers. He didn’t want to hear any more of her ranting’s. “Enough of this! Your child is safe, and that’s all you should be concerned with!”

  “I was promised,” she said. “You kept me drugged! It’s your fault!”

  He took hold of her.

  “It is done with now, and you needed to be drugged to keep you under control!”

  She pulled away from him, glaring at him with those dark eyes. I was in her head, and so was Marcus.

  “Fine, I’m in control now and I want to see my child. Where is he? I know he is not here! ”

  Marcus moved to block the door, anticipating her response when she found out.

  “He’s at the Ambrosine mansion.”

  She screamed.

  ”My baby’s with them?”

  “Millie,” I said, “he is safe. It’s just that we thought until you control your urges, it was best this way. ”

  “I want him out of there!”

  She moved to the door.

  “Get out of my way, Marcus. I will not be controlled anymore. Do you understand? I’m going to get my baby!”

  I felt a rush of sorrow for her because she failed to remember that she could never return there.

  “You can’t!” I said loudly, getting her attention. She turned.


  “Millie, you know you cannot go there. You’re a Dark One now.”

  She looked at the others, and then Marcus.

  “Yes, of course you are right.” She said it with aversion in her voice.

lixia, will you go and get him for me?”

  “Yes. But first, you’re coming to Marguerite’s with us. She is waiting for us at her shop in New Orleans.”


  Her eyes turned dark.

  “She needs to talk to you first, before you see your child,” Marcus said, watching her closely.

  “She betrayed me.”

  I walked over to her.

  “Millie, it wasn’t her fault. You have to believe that, before we see her.”

  She exposed her teeth.

  “Stop protecting her.”

  “I’m not. Here, take my hands. I will show you. I’m the one who brought Angel to her, and insisted that she end her. So, if you are going to go after someone…”

  She reached out and gripped my hands. I felt the strength she had now, being immortal. Her cold breath hit my face as I let her into my head, seeing the images of Angel’s capture. She did not go too far into my thoughts before she jerked her hands away from me.

  “Phillip helped you?”

  “Yes, he was there.”

  “Why would he do that? It does not make sense. Before I changed, he was defending Angel.”

  “He had his reasons, after Madame Cecilia was taken.”

  “Madame Cecilia was taken? By whom?”


  “She took Madame Cecilia? Why?”

  “For turning on her after Henry’s death. But we avenged her death, and stopped Angel from taking any more lives. So, as I said, if you need revenge, you can take it out on me.”

  She stepped away and there was no threat from her, as a slight smile appeared on her face.

  “Alixia, you know that will never happen.”

  She kissed my cheek and took my hand. “Let’s go talk to Marguerite, and then get my baby.”

  Landing in New Orleans near Bourbon Street, Millie seemed a little agitated as we walked down the tourist filled streets.

  “Marcus do you think this is fair for Millie?” I asked, leaning into him and talking in a whisper. I was watching her salivate as we passed all the Outsiders.

  “She will be okay. She was given something for her thirst. Let’s go this way.”

  She looked back at us as we turned the corner to Marguerites, going in the alley. I sensed some of Marcus’s Family close by, hiding in the shadows and watching her every move, just to make sure she stayed restrained.


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