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Path of Descent: Ambrosine

Page 16

by Noreen Harrison

  “How are you going to cover it?”

  He smiled wickedly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “You will go home today and send Anna and the other staff into Baton Rouge, to a townhouse that Lucida has purchased in your name.”

  “She bought me a house in town? Why?”

  “To keep them safe, and to keep Anna from spying on us.”

  I put on my robe, smirking as I tied the belt around me. He looked a little disappointed.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to see how Anna is going to take leaving our home,” I said.

  “Well, it’s up to you to get her out by tonight.”


  He suddenly froze, and I sensed it, too. They were calling to him.

  “I have to leave.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “Someone is in danger.”

  He quickly went to the French doors.

  “Marcus, wait. I’ll come with you.”

  “No time.”

  I watched as he left, still hearing her cries. Sarah was the one in trouble. I went to the closet, stripping off my nightgown and grabbing jeans and a yellow blouse, and putting them on quickly. I hurried to help.

  Why she would leave the sanctuary of Marguerite’s? This doesn’t make sense.

  As I ran into a wooded area, I saw Marcus with William. William was on his knees crying out in despair, and holding her bloodstained shoe. I walked up to them, picking up the scent of Phillip and a couple of others. I folded into Marcus’ arms.

  “They finished her,” he said. “And they must have taken her to be burned.”

  “It starts now,” Marguerite said vilely, coming out of nowhere. I heard her thoughts, and a bilious feeling hit the pit of my stomach as I saw a slight smile cross her lips.


  I stared at her with my arms crossed, wishing she would leave.

  “Anna, I have been arguing with you half the day. As I said, all I need is for you to go to town and stay with the rest of the staff tonight, and help them open up the new house.”

  “This does not make sense,” she said, going over to the cupboard and taking out two pans. She slammed them down on the table in front of me. Then she picked up an apple and began peeling it aggressively.

  “What are you up to, Alixia? Why would you buy a home in town?”

  I moved my chair back, getting ready for her scream. “I’m thinking of putting the estate up for sale,” I said.

  She dropped her knife, and the apple.

  “You are what?”

  “Anna, I just think it’s the right thing for me.”

  “It’s right for you to do what? To run off with that Dark One?”

  “Don’t go there, Anna! I will not debate Marcus with you.”


  ”No more. Go pack an overnight bag!”

  She stood firm.

  “Anna, here is the address.”

  She took off her apron and threw it on the table, glaring at me as she walked toward the door. I stuck my hand out, holding up the paper.

  ”The address.”

  “I know you’re up to something.”

  “Just take the address, and I will see you later tonight.”

  She shook her head, mumbling as she left. I put my head in my hands relieved that was over. It was seven o’clock, so I had three hours until Marcus and Mother showed up. Hopefully, Anna would be out of the house by then.

  Anna said she had placed some mail on my desk earlier. Memories of my father still lingered in the study. I sat in his leather chair and thought about how much I missed him still. And then, a lovely surprise…

  Libby sent me a letter!

  Dear Alixia,

  Miss you terribly. Just a short note to say it’s wonderful here in Paris. We have been to so many places – museums, art galleries, shopping. Davis and I even took a trip to London! It was wonderful. When you come to visit, we will have to do that again.

  Claire is settling in, too. She has been busy with work and school, so we only see each other now on the weekends.

  Well, Davis is waiting for me, so I’d better close.

  Miss you,



  “Notepaper,” I said to myself, opening one of the side drawers. I pulled out a couple sheets, and began to write…

  Dear Libby,

  Sounds like things are going well for you; I miss you terribly, too. I wish I were there with all of you, but I do have some exciting news…

  “Alixia.” I looked up and Anna was standing in the doorway. “I’m leaving now.” She started to walk away.

  “Wait,” I went to her, feeling regretful.

  “What do you want now?” she said, giving me a stark stare. I could see that she was trying to keep her testiness in check.

  “I just want you to know that I’m sorry about getting angry.” I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek. “I really am.”

  Her lips pursed, trying to stay mad at me.

  “Well, I still don’t know why it is so important that I go to this new house tonight.”

  “Anna, just go there, and don’t ask any more questions, please.”

  She picked up her bag and leaned in so close that I could feel her breath on my ear.

  “I know you are up to something tonight.”

  I looked into her eyes.

  “There is nothing for you to worry about, I swear.” She smiled slightly, and patted my face.

  “Okay, if you say so.”

  “Give me your bag. I will walk out with you.”

  The driver was waiting for us. I looked toward the orchard, sensing that Mother was out there waiting, too.

  The driver began to close the door, but Anna stopped him. Her eyes glowered right at me.

  “She is out there, isn’t she?”

  “Anna,” I said, and looked at the driver.

  “Will you excuse us please?”

  He stared at us, and then walked a little bit away.

  “So, I’m right?”

  I closed my eyes, not surprised. I should have known she would ask. I told her I had been talking to mother. She detested Marcus, but as for mother, she wanted her back in the grave.

  “No, it’s Marcus. He will be coming here tonight to talk and I don’t want you hovering over me.”

  “Humph. Talk? You’re making me leave my home because you want to ‘rendezvous’ with that creature.”

  I leaned into the car doorway and growled out my words.

  “And that is exactly why you are not staying here tonight! He’s not a creature.”

  She rolled her eyes at me in her usual way.

  “I won’t argue with you. The Family will soon take care of all of them. So, you have a good evening thinking about what I just said.”

  She called out to the driver.

  “I’m ready to leave!”

  As soon as the car cleared the driveway, I went to the garden.

  “Mother, you can come out now.”

  She opened the gate and walked through.

  “So, how did that go?”

  “It went. That’s all I can say. It’s Anna, you know?”

  “Yes.” She looked over at her chopped roses.

  “Anna’s doing?”


  She knelt down, picking up a handful of dirt.

  “And I suppose she said she would replant them once I returned to the grave?”

  “How well you know her.”

  “Yes, I do.” She stood up and wiped some dirt off, and then stared at the house. I sensed what she wanted right away.

  “Would you like to go in?”

  “I don’t know. The memories…”

  “Mother,” I said, taking her hand and momentarily being shocked by the coldness, when I had somehow expected the warmth that she used to have.

  “They’re your memories, and you shouldn’t be afraid of them.”

  “I know, but I don’t know if I can face w
hat I used to have tonight.”

  She went over and sat down on the garden bench. Her eyes were pained, not cold, as she reached over and picked an iris. She brought it up to her face, still looking forlornly at the house.

  “I’m sorry.” I sat down close beside her. She wrapped her arm around me.

  “It’s fine. I will go back to my mortal memories when the time is right. You will see to that?”

  I looked down at the ground, still not sure if I could.

  “I’ll keep that promise,” I said.

  “Good. Where is Marcus? He should have been here by now.”

  She stood up and sniffed the air, dropping the iris.

  “Phillip’s here.”

  I sensed him, too.

  “Stay here,” I said, and went to the house.

  “Phillip, what are you doing here?”

  He stopped on the first step.

  “I was called. What is she doing here?” He said gritting his teeth, looking toward the garden where Mother was heading back into the orchard.

  “Don’t you dare!” I said, taking his arm and hearing his thoughts. “I told you I would be the one to give her peace.”

  “Then why haven’t you done so yet?”

  “Stop being such a jerk. You know why.”

  I had my defenses up to stop him, if he tried to go after her.

  “She will let me know when it’s time.”

  “It should be now.”

  “Phillip, I think you’d better leave.”

  His expression grew confused as he looked toward the front door.

  “Where are Anna and the rest of the staff? She’s the one who called out to me to come here. I don’t hear them.”

  “That’s because they’re not here. They are in Baton Rouge. She called out to you?” I asked, bounding up the stairs.

  “Yes.” He put his hand on my shoulder. “And I know she would not have called me if there wasn’t some kind of danger.”

  He stopped and looked out into the darkness, grinding his teeth together.

  “Marcus is out there too. Is this a trap?”

  “No. Phillip, let me explain.”

  He pushed me to the side.

  “Marcus,” he yelled into the night. “If you want me, come and get me, you cowering piece of…”

  “I don’t cower,” Marcus said angrily, accelerating out of the darkness and jumping on the porch. Balling his fist, he knocked Phillip clear off the porch, onto the ground.

  ”Marcus!” I yelled, as he leaped down after him. Phillip recovered quickly, charging back at him with equal force. It was blurring as they traded blow after blow. I jumped down as Marcus picked him up by the neck, shoving Phillip hard into his own black Mustang’s hood, and leaving a deep dent. Phillip retaliated by vaulting Marcus into the air, so far that he hit an oak tree and took out some heavy branches as he slid hard to the ground.

  “Enough!” I hollered, stepping in front of Phillip and stopping him from reaching Marcus. “I won’t let you kill him.”

  “He won’t kill me,” Marcus said venomously. “I will kill him.”

  I ran at him, forcefully pushing him back.

  “Stop this. Mother, help me!” I called out, as they both sandwiched me between them in a cloud of profanity and anger. She came out of the evening shadows, not amused.

  “Marcus! Phillip! Save your fighting for Marcel. He is on his way.”

  “What do you mean?” Phillip asked. I slapped him.

  “That’s why Marcus is here,” I said. “We are going after Marcel, not trapping you. I can’t believe you could think that I would allow that to happen to you.”

  He rubbed the side of his face.

  “I thought because I went after the girl…”

  “Well, you were wrong!” I said, not letting him finish. “And why did you go after her?”

  “She attacked me first, that’s why.”

  “Why would she attack you?” Marcus said, pushing him back.

  “All of you, stop,” Mother yelled. “We do not have time for this. Marcel, remember?”

  “I‘m sorry,” I said, glaring at him.

  “Anyway,” Mother said to Marcus. “Your strategy worked. They were feeding near the waterfront.”

  “I knew it,” he said, showing a full set of teeth. “So, you think he will show?”

  She looked behind her.

  “Yes, Roxanna and Wayne are here with me.” She acknowledged them with a smile. “We left him a calling card. We took out four of his, and left our scent for him to follow. He is definitely on his way.”

  I sensed Marcus and Phillip relaxing with each other. They were now focusing on the bigger prize.

  “So,” Mother said, “since you boys seem to have a thirst for blood tonight, why don’t you both practice on Marcel first? Then you can finish off each other later!”

  “That’s good with me,” Phillip said with a half-cocked smile. I can wait.”

  “Me, too,” Marcus said with the same smile, wrapping his arm around me.

  “Really,” I said indignantly, removing Marcus’s arm and taking a step away. I was annoyed with both of them.

  Roxanna was ahead of me as we followed a path through the trees. I could hear her talking about Phillip for taking Sarah. I knew Phillip could hear them, too.

  We left the orchard and moved further back into the woods, until we reached a clearing down by the creek. I heard the rush of the water as we moved to the center of this little meadow. Marcus took my hand, gripping it, and pulling me close to him.

  “Alixia,” Mother said. “He’s here.”

  Everyone spread out, waiting for the attack. I stuck my nose in the air, picking up more scents. Marcel wasn’t by himself. He broke through the trees, eyes crazed, with his followers showing full teeth.

  “Lucida!” he yelled in a thundering voice, reaching out toward her. “You will pay!”

  “No!” Roxanna jumped in front of Mother, protecting her from Marcel’s attack. She bit down into him, tearing into his flesh. I lurched past Mother, trying to get to him, too.

  “Alixia, behind you!” Marcus called out, as two of Marcel’s followers pulled me to the ground. Marcus grabbed the young male off me, leaving me to deal with the girl. She kicked and screamed, cursing me as I pushed my palms deep into her chest, piercing her heart. She went lifeless.

  Watching the girl turn to ash, I heard Roxanna’s earsplitting scream. Marcel had her by the neck. In one violent twist, he ripped her head off, dropping her to the ground. Then he turned, accelerating toward Mother, bellowing rage.

  “Lucida!” I yelled, rushing toward him.

  Phillip was closer. Hearing me call out, he twisted the neck of his attacker and pushed him aside. Then he went for Marcel, flying at him feet first and knocking him against a tree. Marcel got up, charging at Phillip and bringing him to the ground. Phillip pushed back. Marcel came at him again, biting down violently into Phillip’s flesh. Marcus and I went for him together, pulling him away from Phillip. Marcel struggled, trying to get out of our grips like a rabid animal. He was kicking and screaming obscenities at my mother for betraying him.

  Phillip walked over to us. I saw his puncture marks fade quickly on his forearm. He took my place helping Marcus hold on to Marcel.

  “You are finished now, Marcel,” Mother said, nodding at me. “I will enjoy watching my daughter kill you and send you to hell, where you belong!”

  “Lucida you bitch!” Marcel shrieked out at her viciously. “I gave you free will, and this is how you repay me!”

  “Marcel,” she said rolling her eyes with repugnance. “I thanked you enough for that, every time you summoned me to your bed.”

  She kissed my cheek, enjoying this moment of evening the score.

  “Oh, yes,” she said, looking back at him as she put her arm around me. “And if you think I‘ve forgotten how you took my beloved husband from me, I have not. Alixia, he is all yours.”

  Marcus and Phillip held him tighter as he s
truggled violently, screaming as I approached.

  “I should have killed you the day you were born!”

  “Well, too bad for you that you didn’t,” I said with a smile. I felt no remorse at all for him as I shoved my palms deep into his chest, hearing him scream until there was silence.


  I stood by the waterfront waiting for Phillip to show up, wanting to warn him that Marguerite was coming for his uncle now, because of Charles’s stupidity and arrogance.

  Last evening, Charles had caused more trouble when he heard that Marguerite was back in New Orleans. He went out looking for her, and found her on a back street close to her shop. He went for her but it was short lived, due to an attack by two of Marcus’s Family members who were keeping her safe. She escaped his ire, but they did not. Now, Marguerite’s anger was seething, and she was striking back at Charles with black magic.

  “Alixia, watch out!”


  I turned seeing Phillip running toward the water as two Dark Ones were making their way on shore. I ran to him, shouting and getting their attention. One came at me viscously. I took him down immediately, and then spun around, piercing the heart of the Dark One Phillip had.

  “Alixia, behind you!” Phillip yelled. I turned quickly, jumping in midair when I saw her. With my palms out, I pushed deep into her chest, watching the life go out of her eyes as she screamed and fell to the ground. Phillip came up behind me.

  “Was it Marcus’s, or Marcel’s?”

  “Marcel’s” I said, looking down and watching her body turn to ash.

  “It figures,” he said, looking around for driftwood to make a fire to burn them.

  We stood there watching the white smoke swirl up into the night sky.

  “It was Marcels Family tonight, but last night it was Marcus’s.” Phillip kicked dirt into the fire. “We have them coming from all sides now.”

  I sighed, staring into the fire. They had all been killing each other’s Family members since Marcel’s death, and it was intensifying now with the Pure Ones helping Marcus gain more control. The Ancients had made him Dominant over the Dark Ones.

  “Phillip,” Charles called out for him, coming toward us with a couple of Family members.

  “Whose Family?”

  “Marcel’s this time,” Phillip said, going toward him to provide a buffer between us.


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