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Path of Descent: Ambrosine

Page 30

by Noreen Harrison

  She wiped her hands on the sides of her dress with a slight smile on her dried-up old lips. She motioned to her followers, and turned to me.

  “Alixia, the boy will be brought to us when it is his time, and you will not fight us on this anymore.”

  I just glared at her. Marcus reached for my hand.

  “She understands,” he said.

  “Good.” She started moving to the trees and then stopped, looking over her shoulder.

  “Phillip,” she said in her haughty, raspy voice. “Will you be coming with Charles when he is ready?”

  Charles took his shoulder.

  “Don’t, Phillip.”

  “Old bitch.”

  “Just let it be, Phillip.”

  She smiled arrogantly, seeing the anger she had evoked, and knowing that he had to remain calm or he would be joining Charles.

  “No answer? Humph, all right then. I will see you in a few days, Charles.”

  She clapped twice, bringing blackbirds out of the trees around her, and then walked back into the gray mist.

  Marcus put his arm around me.

  “I hate those damn birds.”

  “So do I.”

  Phillip’s Kiss Goodbye

  Phillip wanted to meet me in the French Quarter. Driving there, I reflected back on what Mother had told me. She had been the one to end Millie, by giving Sofia drops of her blood that night. They used it to stain a knife, to pierce deep into Millie’s heart. That gave the illusion to the Pure Ones that she was taken by a Dark One. Mother did warn me again about how it was necessary to keep my promise to Millie. But it still haunted me that I made the promise to let her go. Not knowing the outcome of her deception made me question where she was now.

  Hopefully, I can keep my promise.

  Turning onto the French Quarter, I pulled over to the side of the road for a funeral procession coming down the street. I got out of the car, watching in reverence as the brass band passed in front of me. They swayed and walked in unison, playing their somber dirges. The family and pallbearers, carrying the casket of their loved one, followed. I stood there sensing their overwhelming sadness, thinking of my own mother and my having to say goodbye to her again. That would be tonight.

  ”Alixia,” Phillip came up behind me, putting his arms around my waist.

  “Hi,” I said moving into him, watching the last of the procession pass. “It’s sad to lose someone you love.”

  “I know,” he said with a heavy sigh. ”Come on, let’s go for a walk.” He took my hand.

  We made our way to the waterfront. Phillip looked over, seeing a tourist taking pictures of a riverboat docked at the pier.

  “Should we play tourist and get on the boat?”

  “Let’s go,” I said with a smile, walking over and getting in line.

  We moved up the boat-ramp with the rest of the tourists.

  “What did you want to talk about?” I asked, looking back at him.

  “Not here. Let’s walk over here, away from the tourists.” He wrapped his arm around me, taking me to the stern of the boat. I leaned over the railing.

  “So, why did you want to see me?” I asked, watching the water start to churn as the paddle wheel began turning slowly. The boat moved away from the dock.

  “I’m leaving New Orleans.”

  I turned anxiously.

  “Why?” He looked at me, his eyes showing torment. He came closer to my face so that our lips were almost touching.

  “You know why. I’ve tried to accept your love for Marcus, but when I see you two together, all I want to do is rip him apart. And I know he feels the same about me.”

  “You brought me here to tell me that you want to leave me? I’m not going to let you do that!”

  “It is for the best. You can handle the Family now.”

  “I don’t care about that. I don’t want to lose you, too.”

  He looked over the side of the boat.

  “Maybe in a couple of decades, I can return. ”

  “Now you’re being stupid!”

  “No, I’m not, damn it! Don’t you get it? It tortures me to know you are with him. I love you.”

  I let go of his arm and looked out at the water. I could sense his pain. It was overwhelming as he came up behind me, moving my hair back. I felt the light touch of his fingers getting close to my ear.

  “We have to say goodbye today, Alixia.”

  I shifted around to face him.

  “You can’t leave this way!”

  “Just let me go. You made your choice.” He brought me close and kissed me good bye.

  The Taking

  I stood there watching Phillip’s plane disappear into the sunset. His scent was still around me. I didn’t know when I would see him again. I had wanted one more day to persuade him to stay, but he would not let me have it. He kissed me goodbye, leaving me standing there, already missing him.

  I drove back in the darkness to Baton Rouge, pulling into the drive at the townhouse. I looked through the windshield, seeing the front door open. Marcus stepped into my headlights, coming to the car. Getting in, I sensed Phillip was on his mind.

  “Was Phillip here today?”

  “Yes,” he said, shutting the door. “He came here wanting to see me before going to you.”

  I looked over at him apprehensively.


  He scowled, showing his full teeth.

  “He just came here to remind me of something.”

  “What was that?” I asked, watching his face harden even more.

  “His sweet revenge will be that I have to live knowing you will always love him.”

  “I’m sorry. He shouldn’t have said that,”

  I said backing onto the street. “At least you two didn’t fight.”

  “Yeah, well, I can’t really say we didn’t.”

  “You fought?” I asked, giving him a quick glance.

  “Oh, just a few shoves. Nothing that neither us didn’t heal quickly from.” He smirked.


  “What? He was the one who baited me first.“

  I shook my head, shifting down, turning a corner. “You didn’t need to fight him.”

  “Hey, I tried to end it. I told him to back off, that you made your choice to be with me.”

  I shook my head.

  “Marcus, you knew that would get under his skin.”

  “Well, at least he is out of our lives now.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I said, thinking of him getting on the plane and not looking back.

  “Hey,” Marcus, said reaching for me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to come out this way.”

  “Yes, you did, and I don’t blame you.”

  I knew that Phillip’s last words had cut deeply.

  “Let’s change the subject,” I said, turning onto our country road. I felt my anxiety start to rise, sensing Mother. I gripped the steering wheel and pressed the brake, thrusting us forward.


  “I can’t do it, Marcus! I can’t see her die again.”

  He reached over, taking me in his arms.

  “It’s okay, just tell her that.”

  “But I promised. She wants to be returned to…”

  I hesitated, suddenly hearing her.


  “She is calling, Marcus.”

  “I hear her.” I put the car in gear and followed the road to my home. Getting out of the car, we heard screams.

  “Marcus, it’s coming from the orchard.”

  “I hear it. Let’s go.”

  Then we stopped short, seeing Sofia and the Pure One, Nevaeh. They were holding Mother, surrounded by Family members who were kneeling.

  “Mother!” I pushed my way through. “Let go of her!”

  I shoved both of them back, taking hold of her.

  Sofia got up, yelling franticly.

  “She took James. She has him hidden!”

  “Mother, what have you done?”

looked past me, exposing her teeth as Marcus took a step toward us.

  “Stay back, Marcus. This doesn’t concern you.”

  “Mother, what are you doing?”

  “Alixia, you need to keep your promise. I heard your doubts.”

  “Keep my promise? This has nothing to with that. You took James! Why?”

  She took my hand and placed it to her heart.

  “I had to. This was the only way to ensure that you would return me to the light.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He will be returned. Just do what you promised.”

  “I can’t do it,” I said, stepping away from her.

  “Alixia, you will. Or I will take James.”

  I shook my head.

  “No, you won’t. You would never hurt him.”

  She glowered, her eyes dark as coal, looking out at the Family.

  “Alixia, do not test me.”

  “Mother, just listen,” I said reaching for her.

  “No! I said do it or…”

  She moved so quickly that I couldn’t grab her, taking Nevaeh by her neck.

  “Mother, no!”

  She hissed, looking down at the old woman’s neck. Her eyes turned from black to red.

  “You want to save her? You’d better do it now!”

  She opened her mouth, teeth exposed. I jumped at her as she went for her the neck. I pushed Nevaeh away from her.

  “Enough Mother! You want die fine!”

  I pushed my palm deep into her chest, going straight into her heart. She cried out with an ear-piercing, agonized scream. She stared at me as she staggered back, and then just smiled as she fell quietly to the ground.

  I knelt down, taking her in my arms.

  “I didn’t want to do this!” I cried out wrenchingly, holding her tight. I rocked her back and forth and listened to her last breaths and thoughts. I watched the life leave her body, feeling the agonizing heartache of losing her again.

  Sofia touched my shoulder.

  “The child?”

  “Charles has him.”

  The Reflection

  I stood on the porch waiting for Marcus, and watched the rest of the Families walk toward the orchard. They were going to my parents’ graves, guided by the moonlight. Sofia stopped and looked at me, holding James and thankful that he was safely back in her arms. So was I.

  I walked over to the rail, remembering that today was my birthday. A year ago today, Mother had announced what my true linage was. And now I am the last one left of the Ambrosines.

  I wonder, is that a good or bad thing?

  “Are you ready?” Marcus asked, coming out the screen door and letting it bang behind him.

  “Yes.” He took my arm, brushing my lips with a quick kiss.

  “Come on then.”

  We stood in front of my parents’ headstones, lit by candlelight. Looking down, I smelled the fresh turned dirt on my mother’s grave. Marcus let go of my hand as I took a step and knelt down, placing a red rose near her headstone. Tears filled my eyes, looking down at the mound of black dirt. It still haunted me that I had to end her. But I felt happiness, too, that she was back where she wanted to be.

  I stood up.

  “I love you,” I said quietly to her, and then walked back to Marcus. He took my hand.

  “I will miss her too. Hopefully, she will stay buried this time.”

  “She will,” Charles said, coming up behind us. I watched Nevaeh as she consecrated her ashes by fire. Charles bent down, placing a rose on Mother’s grave. Then he touched her headstone and closed his eyes. I sensed his despair at losing her again, as he spoke softly to her in French. He reached into his breast pocket, pulling out a necklace. It was Mothers, the Ambrosine’s blue diamond pendent. I watched it slip out of his hand and fall between the roses. Then it sank slowly, disappearing into the wet dirt, to reunite her with our Family once again.

  Charles got up, wiping his hand on a handkerchief and coming toward me.

  “Alixia,” he kissed my cheek. “I will miss her, but I’m glad she is back with The Family.”

  “So am I.”

  He hugged me tight.

  “I want to thank you again for having Neveah release me from the Pure Ones’ retribution.”

  I smiled.

  “You gave James back, and I saved her life. She was just grateful. We will leave it at that.”

  “Yes, we will.” He nodded and moved back into the Families.

  The last Family member paid their respects, and then followed the others back to the house.

  “Are you coming, Alixia?” Marcus asked, wrapping his arm around me.

  “Just give me a minute,” I said, seeing the compassion in his eyes.

  “Sure, I‘ll meet you back at the house.”

  He kissed me softly and left.

  I watched him walk away into the trees, and then I turned back to their graves. Kneeling down, I was content knowing they were together again.

  “You are with Father now. This is what you wanted, now rest in peace.”

  I put my fingers to my lips and put a fingertip kiss on her headstone.

  “I love you both.”

  Walking away from them into the darkness, I stopped, hearing her hauntingly soft voice behind me.

  Happy Birthday, Alixia.


  The Ambrosine Series

  Path of Descent-Ambrosine is the third and final installment of the Ambrosine Series by author Noreen Harrison.


  The Legacy - Ambrosine

  Path of Descent - Ambrosine

  All books are available on and Kindle

  Coming soon! HUSH, a new book by Noreen Harrison.




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