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Wendy And Black

Page 5

by Amma Lee

  “Wendy,” Lisa said as she pressed the knife closer to Wendy’s neck. Wendy flinched, but she didn’t utter a sound. “Do you know how hard I can make life for you? You’ve struck me as the shy type so why are you so brave now?” Lisa asked and Wendy stared at the woman in anger.

  “If you kill me you’ll never get away with it. You’re already going to go to jail for kidnapping. Killing me will make your sentence that much longer!” Wendy shouted. She was afraid for her life, but if she was meant to die in that cold basement then she wouldn’t go down without a fight. Lisa was about to say something when her phone started ringing in her pocket. She closed her mouth and pulled out her phone.

  “If you make a sound I’ll kill you!” She spat out and answered her phone. “Hello sweetheart,” Lisa said into the receiver and Wendy knew right away that Lisa was speaking to Mr. Johnson. “I’m sorry I went out with some friends. I’ll be home soon.” Lisa listened to the voice on the other end of the phone and rolled her eyes. “I love you too, see you soon.” With that said Lisa hung up the phone. “Well I hope you ate because there isn’t going to be any food for you for a while.” Lisa laughed and walked away from Wendy for the second time that day. Once the door closed and locked, Wendy broke out crying.

  “Wendy!” Black cried and ran over to her. Wendy’s head snapped up and could barely make out the black fur on Black’s body.

  “Black,” she said with her voice hoarse.

  “Don’t worry my love; I’ll get you out of this.” Black said and walked around her chair. She was tied up pretty good and Black had to think about how he’d be able to do this without hands.

  “It’s pointless.” Wendy said sounding quite defeated. “This is something that you can’t do. We lost.” Black looked at Wendy in shock. He couldn’t believe that Wendy was giving up.

  “Listen to me Wendy.” Black said and jumped on Wendy’s legs. Wendy said nothing. “You’re a detective,” Black began. “Don’t ever think that you can never get out of a sticky situation.” Wendy looked down at Black even though she could barely see him.

  “How are you going to set me free Black? This is surely something that a cat wouldn’t be able to do.” Black needed Wendy to be her normal optimistic self.

  “When there is a will there’s a way.” Black said and jumped off of her. He moved towards the back of her chair and started biting at the rope that held Wendy captive. Wendy’s eyes welled up and more tears began falling from them. Black was right, as long as she was determined to do something then she’d do whatever it took to accomplish her goals. Wendy struggled for a moment, but she began pulling her arms away from her body in attempts to loosen the ropes.

  “You’re right. We can do this because we have each other.” Wendy said and the two of them worked together until the ropes were no longer around Wendy’s slender body. “We did it!” Wendy said and jumped out of her chair.

  “Hush or they’ll hear us.” Black said and Wendy shut her mouth closed and blushed.

  “Sorry,” she said and looked around; she could barely see a foot in front of them. “How are we going to get out of here?” It would have been easy for Black to get out of the house, but it’ll be more difficult for Wendy since she had a larger frame than Black.

  “I don’t know yet, I haven’t thought that far ahead.” Black was a little embarrassed to admit that he didn’t have a plan for their escape. He had been so concerned about finding Wendy that he wasn’t able to think of anything else. “Do you think you can fit through that window?” Black asked looking up at the window at the other side of the room.

  “What about Latasha and Michelle?” Wendy asked. Surely they weren’t going to escape and leave the women here.

  “We’ll get out and find a pay phone and call the police.”

  “No!” Wendy said firmly and Black sighed. “Either we all leave together or I won’t leave at all.” Black looked at the young girl’s face and he knew that she meant business. He enjoyed being a detective and solving crimes, but the only thing that he wanted at that moment was for Wendy to be safe. Black should’ve known that Wendy wouldn’t have gone with his plan because of how big her heart was.

  “So what’s your plan then boss?” Wendy’s eyes widened then. Black had never called her boss before and never allowed her to come up with the plan. Black had to admit for the first time regarding a case Wendy was right and he was wrong. Black automatically assumed that Mr. Johnson was the culprit while Wendy took up for the human each and every time. He had to give credit when credit was due so he’d allow Wendy to take the lead now.

  “Here’s how I think we should handle the situation.” Wendy said and Black listened as she told him of her plan.

  Chapter Seven

  Wendy crept up the stairs with Black fast on here heels and pressed her ear to the door. She heard Lisa and Calvin speaking with each other.

  “I don’t care what you do with these two” Lisa said angrily. “But I want you to leave the girl to me. I’ve had it with her smart mouth.” She heard the man say okay and Lisa’s voice sounded even more agitated. “I have to get home now, that man is bothering me and asking me too many questions. Walk me to my car, it’s dangerous out there.” Wendy shook her head at the irony of Lisa’s words. She heard their footsteps walking and heard a door closing behind them.

  “This is our chance!” Wendy said and placed the piece of glass that she found on the ground downstairs inside the door. She prayed that the door wasn’t the one that had a chain on it. She maneuvered the shard until she pressed it against the lock. Puling at the door with the force of ten men, she pulled the door opened.

  “Find the women and I’ll find the back door!” Black said and ran down the hall. She was happy that the lights were dim, but she had to make sure that she wouldn’t be seen through the windows. Every time she ran passed one she ducked. She opened many doors until she came across the room where Latasha and Michelle were at. The women jumped once the door was forced opened.

  “We don’t have a lot of time.” Wendy said and ran over to the women. She was in Girl Scouts when she was younger so untying a tight knot was as easy as drinking water was to her. She allowed the women to pull off the tape over their mouths once she was done untying them.

  “How did you…” Latasha began speaking but Black found his way to their room cutting her off.

  “I found the door let’s go!” Black said.

  “We’ll talk later! Follow me and hurry.” Wendy said and the women couldn’t do anything but obey. Black took the lead and Wendy followed.

  “Hey!” They heard Calvin’s voice call out to them once he had made it back in the house. Wendy didn’t turn around and once they made it to the back door she opened it and the four of them were out of the house. Lisa’s car stopped in its tracks and she killed the engine.

  “You idiot, don’t let them escape!” she screamed.

  “Keep running and don’t look back!” Wendy said and they ran with all of their might. Wendy was growing more worried with each passing second and she wasn’t ashamed to admit that she was afraid. What they did was incredibly dangerous which might end up getting them killed. Wendy needed to remain hopeful though because remaining in the house waiting for Lisa and Calvin to do something wasn’t an option.

  “We have to hide; I can’t keep this up any longer.” Michelle said and Wendy agreed. Her agility was slowly decreasing and if they continued running, Lisa and Calvin would eventually catch up with them.

  “She’s right Wendy.” Black said. “I can tell that you’re tired. Your best bet is to try and hide versus slowing down and having them catch you.

  “Okay.” Wendy whispered. Before Wendy had a chance to say stick together, the women were going deeper into the woods that happened to be behind the house. Wendy knew that Lisa and Calvin would have a hard time finding them in the woods at night. “Stay with me Black.” Wendy whispered and shivered. She hated that she was afraid, but she was human and it was expected.

“Where are you brat?!” Lisa’s voice called out in the darkness. Wendy hid in some bushes and watched in horror as Lisa crept slowly through the woods looking high and low. Even though it was nighttime, Wendy could see the shiny blade reflecting in the moonlight. Lisa had a knife and Wendy knew that she wasn’t afraid to use it. Wendy shivered again and Black licked her arm. He was there for her and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Calvin wasn’t anywhere to be seen so Wendy was hoping that he had given up. Wendy was sure he wasn’t being paid enough to be chasing the women in the woods. Just as she thought that, Wendy heard movement in the grass beside her.

  “I hear you moving!” Lisa said and turned in the direction where the movement came from. She could see long hair blowing in the wind. Wendy’s eyes went wide, if Latasha kept moving she would be spotted! “Apparently you’re not clever enough.” Lisa said and held the knife in the air. She had a devilish looking grin on her face as she moved quicker to the figure.

  “No!” Wendy jumped up and ran towards Lisa.

  “Wendy! No!” Black screamed as she crashed into Lisa.


  Black’s eyes widened as he scanned the ground where the two women lied struggling to get to their feet. He was praying that he didn’t see crimson liquid forming on the ground. He was happy when he saw that nobody was bleeding.

  “Stop before you hurt each other!” Latasha said and tried to pull the knife out of Wendy’s and Lisa’s hands. Michelle was nowhere to be found.

  “Get off of me!” Lisa screamed and Wendy used all of her strength to hold Lisa down. Wendy wasn’t the strongest woman in the world, but she thanked God for being stronger than Lisa. “I’ll kill you, all of you.” Lisa said as Wendy finally kicked the knife away from Lisa. Black ran over to the knife and grabbed it with his mouth. He then ran further into the woods and discarded it into a nearby pond.

  “Are you okay?” Wendy asked Latasha who sat on the ground breathing heavily. She nodded her head with her hand on her chest. Wendy sat there pinning Lisa onto the ground wondering how she should handle the situation. She didn’t have her cellphone so she couldn’t call the police. She patted Lisa down and she didn’t have her cellphone either.

  “Freeze!” someone shouted out of nowhere and Wendy and Latasha jumped when they saw police officers walking over to them with their guns out.

  “The woman on the ground is the person that kidnapped us.” Wendy hadn’t realized that Michelle had gotten away. Wendy got up off of Lisa and held her hands in the air. The police walked straight passed her and picked Lisa up off of the ground.

  “Lisa Johnson. You are under arrest for the kidnapping and attempted murder of these three women.” Wendy smiled as relief flushed over her body. She was happy that justice had finally been served and that Lisa wouldn’t be around to harm innocent business women ever again. Wendy picked Black up into her arms and walked along with the police and the hysterical Lisa. When they made it to the front of the abandoned house, Wendy was surprised to see another police officer with Calvin handcuffed near the police car.

  “You are a hero young lady.” One of the police officer’s said once she told them everything that happened. Wendy looked down at Black and smiled at him.

  “I couldn’t have done it without my beautiful Black.”

  Chapter Eight

  The next few weeks after Lisa and Calvin were arrested and placed behind bars, Wendy and Keith spent almost every day together.

  “So how is your father doing?” Wendy asked as she sat down on Keith’s bed. It was Friday night and the two of them decided to have a movie night.

  “He’s going. It’ll take him a while to come to terms with everything that’s happened, but I’m helping him out day by day.” Keith had a soft look on his face. “I knew that Lisa was a horrible person, but I didn’t think that she’d go to such great lengths to get what she wanted.” Wendy nodded her head. For someone to do something so wrong in order to come up on top was horrible.

  “Right, but hopefully everything goes back to normal soon for you and your dad. Are you happy?” Wendy asked and Keith sat down on the bed next to her. He looked down at her and smiled.

  “I’m happy she’s out of the house and dad gets to see her for who she really is. But…” Keith said and looked at the TV. “I feel bad that my father has to hurt because of it and I feel bad for what she did to you and the other women.” Wendy had told Keith everything and he was shocked to find out that she did detective work for free. “I still don’t see how Black helped you out though.” Keith said and laughed.

  “Black’s a detective too” Wendy said and smiled. She told Keith almost everything about her life but the fact that she could speak to cats. She knew that Keith wouldn’t believe her, but she did decide to tell Keith that all of her success came from Black’s teachings.

  “Sure he is.” Keith said again with a smile plastered on his face. Recently Black and Wendy decided to take a little break from detective work. They weren’t saying goodbye to being detectives but everyone needed a break every now and then. Wendy knew that Black was still upset because he felt it was his fault that Wendy had gotten captured. Time and time again she told him that if she wouldn’t have been kidnapped then they probably never would have found the women. She keeps in touch with them and she occasionally passes by their businesses and wonders how they are doing.

  “Believe what you want.” Wendy said and got more comfortable on the bed. It’ll take Black some time to get over the fact that he was wrong because he was a very proud cat. Black didn’t take being wrong lightly because to him he was the best detective in the world.

  “Alright be quiet, the movie’s starting.” Wendy closed her mouth and stared at the screen. Mr. Johnson walked towards Keith’s room then and asked if they wanted something to eat and both of them politely declined. Keith knew that his father was lonely so he invited him to watch the movie with them as well. Mr. Johnson grabbed a chair and pulled it closer to Wendy and Keith. Wendy’s thoughts drifted back to Black then. She hoped that he wouldn’t be too hard on himself just because Wendy was earning her rightful place as a true detective. She also hoped that Black was enjoying the giant bowl of cat food that she had left for him because even the most powerful and serious detectives needed a treat sometimes.



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  Spy Dogs’s Series

  Book 1: A Suspicious Neighbor

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  Book 2: Cat’s Revenge

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  Book 3: The Aliens Invasion

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  Book Zero (0): The Beginning

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