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Welterweight (Hallow Brothers Book 1)

Page 4

by Tricia Andersen

  “Well, it seems you have a lot of explaining to do to Miss Riley. The sooner you can move her to the camp the better.”

  Caleb spun around to face him. “I’m not going to demand she move here. I don’t want her here.”

  “You don’t have a choice, Caleb. You’re mated to her. There are forces beyond your control that determined that. She’ll end up here eventually. The sooner she’s here, the less exposed we’ll be.”

  The sound of motors rumbling broke the sanctity of the gym. “Why is Littlefoot here?” Ezekiel asked.

  Each member of the family filed outside. Caleb followed behind the rest. How could he possibly explain this to Meg? The thought of the blonde made his cock stiffen. He wasn’t lying when he said she was the best he ever had. But she was Austin Graves’ girlfriend. He knew enough about his opponent that he didn’t want anything to do with the groupies that hung off him. They weren’t exceptionally bright or faithful.

  He frowned when he saw the car parked behind Littlefoot’s truck. Caleb couldn’t get a good look at the driver. Momma chanted a prayer under her breath while she clenched her hands together.

  “Mother, could you give the Bible thumping a rest?” he muttered to her. All the brothers in earshot glared at him.

  Littlefoot stepped out of his truck. “Hello. This young lady asked to see…”

  “Where the hell is Caleb Hallow?”

  His heart leaped in his throat. There was no way he’d forget that voice. It had whispered his name like a fervent prayer all night. He liked it better that way.

  “Look at that, little brother. You don’t have to go find her after all,” Josiah chuckled as he stepped aside.

  “Shut up, Josiah.” Caleb scowled as he squeezed through his siblings.

  “You bastard,” Meg screamed as she slammed her car door and rushed at him with her fists flying.

  He caught her wrists before they struck. “You need to calm the hell down.”

  “Calm down? You tattooed me, you asshole.”

  “I did not.”

  “Really? What do you call this?” Meg ripped away from his grip. Turning her back to him, she pulled up the back of her shirt. Beneath her bra was the same intricate design etched into his skin.

  Caleb hissed in response. His entire body ached to trace the design with his tongue. So it’s true. “Put your shirt down.”

  Meg yanked the hem to her waist and faced him. “Put your shirt down? Is that all you have to say to me?”

  “Yeah. You don’t need to be showing off your body to my brothers.”

  Meg glanced at the six men watching them. She tinged pink when she noticed Momma. “You had no right to tattoo me.”

  “I didn’t do it. Do you know how long something like that takes? Over twenty hours. Multiple sittings. And that’s if you were a good little camper and handled the pain. You would feel every second of it if you were drunk or not. Which we weren’t. There was still a half bottle of wine left. And we sure as hell weren’t together for that long. Six hours maybe at the most. Certainly not twenty.”

  “Then how did it get there?”

  “He has one too,” Abraham volunteered.

  Meg glared at him, her eyes thin slits. “You what?”

  “Fuck it, Abraham. I don’t need your help,” Caleb warned.

  “Turn around, Caleb,” Meg ordered.

  Caleb sighed as he turned his back to her. He heard her gasp. “Oh my…”

  Micah wrapped a protective arm around Momma. “Guys, let’s go inside and let these two have some privacy.”

  Littlefoot was at Momma’s side in two long strides. “Come on, Evelyn. I’ll make you a nice cup of tea.”

  Momma murmured something incoherent as the family shuffled back inside. Meg shoved at Caleb before he could turn around. He stumbled forward with a growl, but kept his temper in check.

  “You branded me,” she accused. “You knew I’m Austin’s girlfriend and you did it to get at him. You’re the lowest bastard I’ve ever met.”

  “I’m sorry. You kept saying ‘ex.’ Remember, little girl? I was looking for no strings, no commitment. So get it out of your head that I branded you.”

  “Then how’d it get there? Aliens? Gremlins?”

  “They don’t say how they show up. They just do.”

  “They? This has happened before? Who else has them?”

  Caleb took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “My parents. It showed up right after they mated.”

  Meg let go a staggered laugh. “Mated. You’re not saying you and I are?”

  Caleb looked dead in her eyes. “Yes. We are.”

  “Animals mate. People don’t mate.”


  “I’m not an animal. Are you saying you are?”

  “In a matter of speaking, yes.”

  Meg rolled her eyes and laughed. “You are fucking insane. I don’t know what cult you’re trying to drag me into but I’m having no part of it.” She stepped backward toward her car. As soon as her fingers brushed the lock she opened it. “I’m out. Keep your freak show away from me. And I hope Austin beats the shit out of you.”

  Meg was inside the vehicle before Caleb could say another word. She flipped him off just before she whipped the U-turn. Dirt went flying in every direction as she sped down the thin lane that led from the camp.

  He turned to find Josiah leaning against the doorframe of the activities center. Caleb scowled as he strode past. “Don’t bother asking, big brother. I never got a chance to tell her that I’m a werewolf.”


  Meg patted a tint of color onto her lips with her pinky finger. She studied her image carefully. Big, bouncy curls. Her tightest, sexiest dress. Three-inch-high heels. She was classy but with the right amount of slutty. She glanced at her cell. With the fight coming up, she knew exactly where Austin was. Once he caught her looking like this, all he was going to want to do was spend the day in bed having sex with her.

  She stopped at the thought and then stared at Austin’s poster. She wanted to want him. She tried to remember the last time they slept together. The memory of him inside her would have to make her hot and bothered. Right? Instead the image in her head repulsed her.

  She ached for only one man. Caleb. She glared at her reflection in the mirror angrily and muttered to herself, “Caleb is a mental case. Yes, he was great in bed. But he thinks you’re his mate. The notion is ludicrous. Move on, chica. Austin is, and will always be, your man. So suck it up, Buttercup. You have to do this to break this crazy spell Caleb has on you.”

  Forcing a wicked smile to herself, she scooped up her cell and purse and headed out the door of her apartment.

  The click of her heels blended in chorus with the sound of gloves hitting canvas. She glanced around the gym, looking for Austin, being careful not to step on the mat with her shoes. A couple of other women mulled around, waiting for their boyfriends or watching the fighters practice. She frowned when she couldn’t find Austin.

  A tall, well-built fighter came around the corner from the locker room. His bare chest was still damp from his shower. Droplets fell from his long, dark hair. Meg heard the other girls moan. She rolled her eyes and then smiled at him. “Hey Mike. Seen Austin?”

  His grin was pure sin as his gaze slowly wandered over her body. “He’s still finishing up in the locker room. Dang, Meggy. You look good enough to eat. And I’m a hungry boy.”

  “Not in this lifetime or the next, Mike.”

  He chuckled. “You may change your tune. Austin was pretty pissed to find you climbing Caleb Hallow the other night.”

  Meg’s entire body clenched at Caleb’s name. She forced a smile on her face. “It was a moment of weakness. I’ve got ways to make Austin forgive me.”

  “I bet you do, baby.” He winked at her as he passed her to slip out the door. Meg heaved a sigh, clutching her purse tighter to her anxiously.

  “Well, look at you.”

  Meg spun back to see Austin watching h
er. He crossed his arms over his chest and continued. “I told you that you’d come crawling back, bitch. Didn’t expect you to fuck Caleb Hallow on the way.”

  Meg gazed at him wordlessly for a moment as she fought the repulsion filling her. She took a deep breath. Come on, Meg. You can do this. Kiss him. Fuck him. Break the spell.

  “I didn’t,” Meg lied. “What you saw was a huge mistake. I was angry and wanted to make you jealous. But I was wrong. Can you forgive me?”

  Meg watched as Austin stared at her in silence. She stunned herself by what she said. Saying she slept with Caleb wasn’t the big lie. Saying it was a mistake was. She studied the fighter before her. The desire she used to have for him was long gone. Right there, just feet from her touch, there was nothing. He wasn’t attractive to her. She just hoped he didn’t see through her deception.

  Austin shoved his foot off the wall and crossed the tile floor to her. Meg lost her breath at his devouring kiss. She caught herself before she gagged.

  “My place. Now. You can show me just how sorry you are,” he told her.

  Meg licked her swollen lips. Her thoughts scrambled. “I’ll meet you there? I forgot something at my apartment. I’ll pick us up dinner on the way.”

  He grinned at her as he swatted her on the ass. “That’s my girl. Fifteen minutes. I’m starving.”

  “Of course, baby.”

  He grabbed his bag and left, winking at the other women before he disappeared. She waited for him to go and then followed slowly. She slumped into the driver’s seat of her coupe and clenched her eyes closed. “Caleb is a whack job,” she muttered, her voice desperate. She felt that invisible pull on her. It set her on fire. “Go back home. Tell Austin something came up. Just, don't go there.”

  Her body responded on its own. Without a thought, she shifted the car into drive. Weaving through the streets, she found herself on the highway going north.

  The sky faded to twilight as she sped past the fields of wild grass. Stars and the sliver of the moon popped out just as she reached the tree line. The windows of Sharky’s Garage were dark, but an amber light flowed from the shack behind it. She held her breath as thick branches replaced the scene above her. She slammed on her brakes at least a half dozen times for passing wildlife. She was surprised she didn’t hit one.

  When she finally reached the Hallows’ camp, she found it silent. Several windows were lit up. She stepped out of the car and gently shut it. She didn’t want to disturb anyone who might be sleeping. She studied the cabins and then huffed. She had no idea which one was Caleb’s. Maybe she should just sleep in her car and figure it out in morning, even though the mysterious force possessing her vehemently disagreed.

  She gasped as she was spun around and a pair of lips viciously attacked her. She knew that taste, that scent. It turned her inside out. She kissed back just as hard as she held his face in her hands.

  “Nice dress,” Caleb muttered as they broke apart for a moment.

  “Didn’t wear it for you,” Meg murmured.

  “So how is your son of a bitch boyfriend?”

  Meg pulled her mouth away from his. “Explain it to me, Caleb. Why am I here and not with him? Why is it when I look at him I’m no longer interested?”

  He knotted his hand in her long hair and tugged it back. His hot breath roamed her neck as he nipped at her flesh. “You don’t listen to me, do you? We’re mated.”

  “How are we mated? What does that mean? I want you but I’m not sure I like you.”

  She could see his sinful smile as he straightened. “I’m not sure I like you either. I don’t want a mate. Ever. I’m better alone. But believe me, baby.” He slowly rolled his hips against her. The ridge of his jeans sliding against her hip brought back memories of the night before. She moaned as she remembered him deep inside her. “I want you. Now.”

  “Caleb, please,” she pleaded breathlessly.

  “Please what?”

  “Fuck me.”

  “As you wish.” He let go of her and took her hand. Her knees turned to jelly as he led her across the dirt courtyard of the camp to his cabin. She held tight to him as he wove through the dark to the only lit room. A large bed sat against the far wall draped in a twilight blue comforter. On each side was an unfinished wooden end table, each with an old iron lamp. Other than a wooden dresser and a worn plush chair, the room was bare.

  Caleb let her go and sat on the foot of the bed. “Strip for me.”

  She felt her face flush hot. “Excuse me?”

  “You wore that for him. Take it off. I want you to wear nothing for me. Strip for me, baby.”

  Meg’s heart raced as she reached down to wiggle off a high heel. She turned to the other side and freed the opposite foot. She reached behind her to undo her zipper. Slowly she shimmied the dress to the ground, leaving her in her bra and panties. She looked up to find him staring at her. His jeans were undone and he stroked himself. His eyes were smoky. “Almost done.”


  “Not without you.”

  She smirked as she turned her back to him. Flicking the hook loose on her bra, she let it slide down her arms. She wiggled her ass as she bent over to pull her panties down to her ankles. She stepped free of them. Caleb had a tight grip on himself as he licked his lips.

  “Come here,” he demanded.

  She slowly crossed the bedroom. As soon as she was within reach, he wrapped his hands around her bare legs and pulled her to him. His grip sent shivers through her. She cried out as he licked across her nub and then sucked. His tongue was replaced by two long, strong fingers. His pace was slow and deep. Her legs buckled as his mouth wove a trail across her belly, her hips, her thighs.

  “Caleb.” She cried out as she orgasmed hard around his fingers. His other hand held her steady as she bucked, seeking the sweet release. He pulled his hand free and pulled her down on the mattress. Mindlessly she opened her mouth to take his cock.

  He pressed a finger against her lips. “Not tonight.” He kissed her deep and then raised up on his knees. He shed the shirt and pants in a matter of seconds before descending on her. She wrapped her legs around him, arching her hips. She needed him deep inside her. She ached without him. He scooped one of her breasts in his hand, sucking on the nipple. She squirmed under him until his tip was nestled against her swollen flesh. She bucked her hips up to draw him inside her.

  “Who said we’re starting?” Caleb growled as he captured her wrists in his hands and pinned them against the pillow.

  “I need you,” she whimpered.

  “All in good time. First, I’m going to worship your beautiful body.” He pulled from her embrace and rolled her on her stomach. She moaned in protest until she felt the feather touch of his lips on her skin. He started on her neck and made his way over her body. His tongue spent extra time on the new tattoo on her back. She yelped when he sunk his teeth into her ass. Every few kisses she felt his hand between her thighs and a finger deep inside her. She didn’t know she could peak from someone just kissing her like this, but she did. Twice. She was a quivering mess on his bed as he pulled away.

  Meg arched her hips up to him in invitation. The thought of Caleb grabbing her hips and driving in nearly leveled her. He chuckled as he fondled her. “Tempting me?”

  “Caleb.” Her voice was breathless.

  “I love the way you say my name like that. It’s the only name that should be on your lips. My mouth should be the only one on your lips.” He cupped his hand around her chin and raised it to kiss her. She hopelessly surrendered, willingly tangling her tongue with his. She sank her face into the pillow as he gripped her hips and thrust deep in her.

  She listened to his panting as his tempo increased. Matching him was impossible, but she didn’t need to. He barely moved before she was drowned by another orgasm. Suddenly he pulled away and cursed.

  She turned to her side and looked at him, concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  He cursed again and then spread out over her. He laced his
fingers with hers and pinned her hands to the bed. His mouth smothered hers as he drove into her again. He broke the kiss apart and then locked his gaze with hers. His face was inches away, his breath hard. He licked his lips as he pushed deeper.

  Meg shuddered as she wrapped her legs around him and matched the roll of his hips. She felt him swell, his strokes deliberate. She dug her heels into his ass. His intense stare, the feel of his hands caressing hers, his body inside hers, was like nothing she had ever experienced before. She came again, her body blazing beneath his. She sighed as she felt him join her.

  Meg’s body kept quaking long after he stilled himself on top of her. His weight was comforting. She tightened her caress on him as she felt him breathe hard. What they had just done was like nothing she had done before. This wasn’t quick gratification. She didn’t want to move on. She wanted to hold him close to her and never let him go. This wasn’t just sex. This was deeper. Spiritual. Amazing.

  “Caleb, what are you?” she asked softly.

  He didn’t answer. He buried his face deeper against the curve of her neck.

  “Please, answer me,” she begged.

  She heard him huff. He pulled free from her and crawled off the bed. “I’m the family disappointment.”

  Meg propped herself on her elbows as she watched him stride naked out of the room into the dark.

  Chapter Four

  The woodsy scent of sweat and man permeated Meg’s senses long before the sunlight ever did. She felt the mattress sink with more than just her weight. There was another body in this bed. The last thing she remembered before she fell asleep was Caleb leaving. With everything that happened that day, she dozed off right after.

  She slowly opened her eyes. She was still naked but under the covers. Beside her was Caleb, sleeping on his side with his back to her. He softly snored. Meg rolled to her side and watched him. She studied the tattoo that ran from his shoulder to his lower back and from his ribs to his spine. The one exactly like hers. There was at least a half inch of unmarked skin bordering it. By the severed art that was partially embedded in his flesh, it appeared that the mystical tattoo staked its claim over ink he paid for. Despite the fact she still felt branded, the design was magnificent. I guess if I’m going to be marked, at least it’s something beautiful.


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