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Forbidden Bad Boys (Small Town Forbidden Romance Box Set)

Page 38

by Holly Jaymes

  The Minors were active in the cabin and lodge updates as well. At first, they seemed resistant, which frustrated Tucker, but I got the sense that they were afraid they were losing control of the resort they’d started and run over the last fifty years. Once they were involved more, everything went smoother. Not only did they have the artists retreat booked for this spring, but also Mason and Allie’s wellness retreat was scheduled for April, and Memorial Day and Fourth of July were booked with families coming to enjoy the lake.

  Tucker and I walked the half mile along the lake path to the lodge, admiring the cabins along the way. Two cabins near the lodge were repurposed - one into a yoga and fitness studio and the other divided into several classrooms for art workshops.

  As we arrived near the Minor’s place, Mason and Willa, and Josh and Allie pulled in.

  “Today’s the big day. How are you feeling, Emma?” Willa asked.

  “Nervous,” I admitted.

  “It’s gonna be great.” Tucker kissed my head.

  My mother, who was staying in Tucker’s condo, pulled in and parked. Tucker stiffened next to me.

  “Oh boy, the mother-in-law,” Willa joked.

  “She’s no worse than mine,” Mason said.

  Willa gave him a look and he grinned.

  “Oh Emma, goodness this place is rustic,” my mother said as she approached us. She gave me a hug and patted Tucker.

  “Mom, you remember Mason and Willa from the wedding,” I said.

  “Yes, of course. How are you?”

  “Very well, thank you,” Willa said.

  “And this is Josh and Allie Dalton,” I said.

  As they greeted each other, Mary and Harry Minor appeared on their newly renovated front porch.

  “It looks like a party,” Harry said.

  “It’s a big day.” Mary came down the steps toward me and Tucker. “I know I’ve said it a million times, but what you’ve done for us, for Pine Rest…” Her eyes watered.

  “You deserve all this,” Tucker said, pulling her in for a hug. “Thank you for letting us do this.”

  “There he goes, trying to steal my woman again,” Harry said.

  “That’s okay, Harry,” I said. “We’ve still got each other.”

  He winked at me.

  The group of us finished all the set up for the retreat and two hours later, the first guests arrived - Maggie and Delia.

  “This place is like a postcard out of time,” Maggie said as she took in the lake and surrounding mountains.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  “Are you kidding me? I can’t wait to get started.”

  Within an hour, a dozen more artists arrived, including Clara with Ashley, and Celia. We put Ashley to work in the lodge working with the caterers, making food as part of her restitution for stealing and selling my photos of Tucker.

  Once everyone was settled into their cabins, programing began. We had a welcome reception and luncheon in the lodge and then a hike-n-sketch along the lake, where we walked and anytime the mood struck, participants would stop to sketch. Later, we had workshops on watercolor painting and Native American art.

  The rest of the schedule for the week included field trips out to the mines that had originally drawn Tucker and Mason’s ancestors to the area. The trip even included the story about the feud between the McLeans and Haynesvilles, ending at McLean’s Corner. Plus, there were other art workshops, as well as Allie leading a few yoga classes, and free time to rest or create.

  At the end of the first day, we all had dinner together in the lodge. I made another little speech thanking the participants and reminding them of the activities scheduled for tomorrow.

  After I sat down, Maggie and Delia went up to the podium we had set up.

  “What are they doing?” I whispered to Tucker.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Hey, everyone. This isn’t on your schedules. We just decided to hijack it for a minute,” Maggie said. “Emma, thank you so much for putting this together. You too, Tucker. Who knew football jocks could appreciate art?”

  “I know beauty when I see it,” he called out jovially.

  “Yeah, in the female form,” someone else called out.

  “She’s named Emma,” my mother retorted.

  I looked at Tucker, who laughed.

  “We also need to give a shout out to Mary and Harry Minor for letting us invade their space. What a perfect spot for a retreat, eh?”

  There were murmurers of consensus in the room.

  “And of course, the army of people who joined in to make this happen.” She went through the list of everyone involved. “I don’t want to dismiss the work of anyone, but Delia and I wanted to give a special recognition to Emma. This was all her idea.”

  Delia set a cloth covered item on the table next to the podium. It was about two feet in height and I got excited that maybe she’d made some sort of bronze work for me.

  Delia stepped up to the podium. “Emma always had a special eye for perfection and when I caught a glimpse of something that inspired her, I knew I had to create it in bronze for her.”

  She pulled the cloth off the statue and immediately my cheeks heated.

  “Hey, didn’t you make me pose like that once,” Tucker whispered to me. “Is that what you were replicating? The Zeus statue.”

  I looked up at him biting my lip. “Baby, that is you.”

  “What?” He turned again to look at the statue.

  “Now, Emma, don’t get mad. This is just for you. And Tucker too.” Delia held up the statue.

  I stood and walked up to get the statue while people clapped. I couldn’t be sure if they knew it was Tucker or just thought it was a replica of the Artemision Bronze. At least it wasn’t holding a football.

  “Thank you. It’s beautiful.” And it was, I realized as I got closer to it.

  “Will Tucker be posing for us?” someone called out.

  Cripes, they did realize it was him. I guess they remembered the leaked pictures.

  I looked at Tucker whose cheeks turned pink. “My posing days are done. Except for Emma, of course.”

  Now my cheeks heated.

  Later that night, I lay in bed looking at the statue that I’d set on the bedside table.

  “I don’t know where to put this,” I said as Tucker came into the bedroom from the bathroom. He was stark naked, and effectively pulled my attention away from the bronze statue.

  “That seems as good of place as any,” he said, climbing into bed.

  “Except why would I need it here when I’ve got you here that I can look at and admire.” I ran my hand over his chest.

  He grinned. “Good point. You could put him away and only bring him out when I’m away. So you don’t forget me and my assets.”

  I reached over and squeezed his ass. “I couldn’t never forget your assets.”

  He pulled me into his arms. “Just to be sure, maybe I should give you a full demonstration.” He kissed me, making my blood sizzle.

  “If you insist,” I murmured as his kisses trailed down my neck.

  He lifted his head. “You’re a rock star, you know that? I don’t know what you envisioned but what you created here is amazing. The Minors are thrilled. Your guests had a wonderful day.” He looked at me with pride in his eyes. “You’re amazing, Emma.”

  What was amazing was how happiness effused from every one of my pours from the way he looked at me. The way he loved me.

  “My mother hassled me some on how I needed a man to pull this off,” I said, remembering how mad her words made me. “But it wasn’t like that.”

  “Your mother is a bitter—”

  I cut him off with a kiss. “Remember when you told me that you thought I was a part of your football success this year?”

  He nodded. “You were. I was stronger and more confident with you by my side.”

  “Yes. Me too. Even if I had all the money to do this retreat on my own, it wouldn’t be realized without you. You’re not
just the money. You’re my…muse, my energy…I don’t know how to explain it.”

  His fingers brushed my cheek. “I understand. We’re better together.”

  I smiled. “Yes, I guess that’s it.” I paused for a moment. “When you walked into Paradise Java last year, did you ever imagine we’d end up here?”

  “In bed together? I certainly hoped so.” He grinned roguishly.

  “You are a horny jock.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He pulled me tighter to him so I could feel that he indeed was a horny jock. “But to answer your question, no. I never thought I’d be married. Then you came into my life, lighting up places inside me I didn’t know were dark.”

  “Tucker.” His words took my breath away.

  “Walking into Paradise Java changed my life. Here, with you, I have the real dream.”

  “I love you, my horny jock.”

  “You know, actions speak louder than words.” He waggled his brows.

  I pushed him back and straddled him. “How’s this for action?”

  His hands caressed my sides. “Sweet perfection.”

  He was right. We were living a dream I’d never imagined possible. Our lives were perfection. I couldn’t know what life would bring us, but I knew without a doubt, that our love would endure.

  Introduction: Forbidden Protector

  Snowed in with my boss’ supermodel daughter.

  Sounds great unless your boss is an armed Sherrif who made it very clear that she is “off limits”.

  Babysitting a spoiled, entitled supermodel and media influencer is not my idea of fun.

  I’m all about law and order and I never break the rules.

  But Lily is different. She’s smart, daring, and kicks my ass at poker.

  I do my damnedest to follow the rules…and fail.

  I fail at not touching. I fail even worse at not falling for her.

  I’m busting my butt to keep her father from knowing all the forbidden things I’ve done with her so he doesn’t lock me up and throw away the key.

  Now, she’s telling me I’m the father of her baby.

  And, I’m left wondering if a family is in the cards for me or if I should have folded a long time ago?

  Chapter 1: Run Out of Town


  Every little girl wants to be a famous actress or model or rock star. Me? I wanted to be a model like my mother. My mother was very successful, and even in her mid-forties, she traveled the world as a top model.

  I had the advantage of social media, which my mother didn’t have when she was starting up in the business. Whereas she had to rely on her agent to get her work, I used Instagram and other social media to promote myself. So along with modeling, I did pretty well as an influencer too.

  Did…as in the past tense, I thought as I drove east out of Los Angeles. All that was gone now. With a single snap of a picture, my life was up in smoke. I was no longer seeking the limelight, I was running from it. I was going to hide until people forgot about my scandal. Of course, even when they did, I wouldn’t have the life I’d once had.

  I wiped a tear away and then cursed. How could I still have tears? Certainly, I cried them all out over the last two days since the picture came out. I knew I sounded like a six-year-old, but the entire situation was so unfair. I didn’t do anything wrong.

  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but all of the words being said about the picture of me with actor Trask Holloway were untrue. What was worse was that I was being made the bad guy, while Trask was being given a pass. He wasn’t being touted as cheating on his wife, popular actress Aria King. No. I was being depicted as a homewrecker, while he was seen as a victim just like her.

  “Ugh!” What was it about society that always blamed women for men’s misdeeds? Men always touted how strong they were until boobs were involved. Then they were unable to help themselves apparently, and society seemed to agree. What man could retain his character and values with a beautiful woman around? Misogynistic jerks!

  The worst part was that it wasn’t true. Oh, Trask Holloway would have slept with me if he had the chance. But I never gave him the chance despite what people thought the picture showed. He’s made his attempt. Now, with a compromising photo out in the world, he was off in Mexico with his wife for a short second honeymoon between their movie shoots. He was living the high life while I was running away and hiding, knowing I wouldn’t work again. I had to delete all my social media because of the hate and death threats, which meant my sponsor income was gone. Of course, with the scandal, it was gone anyway.

  The only thing that kept me from feeling doomed about my fall from grace was that modeling had stopped being my passion almost as soon as I’d gotten my foot in the door with my first shoot. Sure, the clothes and travel were great. But the tedium of standing and waiting to be photographed and the constant makeup touch-ups drove me bonkers.

  The ongoing self-starvation was probably the worst. I liked to eat—a lot. My only saving grace in that area was that I also liked to workout. But I was always lambasted for being a few pounds “overweight” when most health charts would have listed me as underweight. I was also too short, at 5’ 7”, but was able to squeak in because I was a teenager when I started and I was Madeline LaCoeur’s daughter. That wasn’t her real name. Her real name was Mary Lang. Apparently, she was prettier as Madeline. Fortunately, she named me with the idea that I might grow up to follow in her footsteps.

  I drove by a sign saying Eden Lake eight miles. It wasn’t the ideal place to go and hide while the scandal blew up my life. It was a mountain town away from the glitz and glitter of Hollywood, but since it was less than two hours away by car, it was a frequent playground for the rich and famous. It was sort of like Vegas only without the gambling. I made the trek there for two reasons. One, it was easy for me to get to on such short notice, and two, my father lived there.

  If ever there was a time a girl needed her dad, it was now. My parents divorced when my twin brother and I were babies, and with my mother’s work taking her around the world, we didn’t see him much. But he was always there when we really needed him. He never missed a birthday or Christmas unless my mother was in Japan or someplace he couldn’t get to. Even then, we received presents and a call.

  As an adult, I could have spent more time with him, but my own career kept me busy, and as I neared the little town, I felt guilty about that. I didn’t see him a lot now that I was grown up, but his presence was always there, and I hadn’t done enough to reach out to him. Not until now, when my life was going up in smoke.

  If I was lucky, the paparazzi thought I was on a private plane to New York, and not in a car on my way to Eden Lake. It all felt very cloak and dagger as my mother helped me plan my escape that included driving to L.A.X. and leaving my car. Then I was to be seen going to the charter flights, and then I would be hidden away in a car driven by my mother’s new boyfriend out of the city. My mother arranged for me to have another car that I was now driving to Eden Lake.

  It was late in the afternoon as I entered the city limits, and my first thought was how quaint the town looked. While the rich liked to come and play, there was a sense that it was a small, typical community. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground, which was weird since two hours ago, it was in the high sixties when I left Los Angeles.

  My phone rang, startling me because it was a new phone. I’d tossed the old one to stop the constant barrage of calls for interviews or threats. The only people with the number were my mother and my father. Not even my agent had the number. I didn’t expect to ever hear from her again, but if she needed me, she could reach me through my mother.

  I poked the button on the steering wheel to pick up the line. “Hello?”

  “Are you there yet, baby?” my mother’s voice came through the car’s speakers.

  “I’m just entering the town.”

  “I’m sorry you have to be in such a secluded place. I’d have rather sent you to Pari

  “This is going to be good, mom,” I said. “It’s pretty and away from all of that. It will give me time to figure things out.”

  “I have half a mind to rip Trask Halloway’s throat out.”

  I smiled, loving that my mother was on my side. Unfortunately, her getting involved wouldn’t help. She was a well-known and respected model, but Trask was a big-time actor married to America’s sweetheart, Aria King. No one would listen to a mother trying to protect her daughter from a power couple like that, especially if Aria was standing by her man.

  “If you do that, you’ll have to come hide with me. I’m not sure if dad will protect you if you commit a crime, though.”

  “He wouldn’t. One thing about your father, he’s by the book all the way.”

  It would be interesting to see him for once in his own element. Before, he always came to see us, and he always seemed a little out of place in our fast-paced world. But here in Eden Lake, where he was the duly elected Sheriff, he’d be at home. I’d be able to see him and get to know him in his own world.

  “So you probably shouldn’t touch Trask. I’d hate for dad to have to put you in jail.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I’d always enjoyed being handcuffed by him—”

  “Mom!” I shook my head. I didn’t need to know about her and my father’s sex life. I liked that they both seemed to still like each other, and in hindsight, I suspect on his visits to see my brother and me over the years, they probably slept together. But their lives and goals were so different that they hadn’t been able to make it work.

  “Sorry, honey. Tell your dad hello for me. If we’re lucky, the paparazzi are looking for you in New York and aren’t hunting you down there.”

  That was the plan. I’d hide away with my father as I figured out my next step. I was considering eventually going to New York, but now I was leaning toward going to Europe, where my twin brother lived. He got tired of moving around with mom, and when we turned eighteen, he simply stayed where we were at the time, which was London. Of course, he had his own share of paparazzi since he went from busking on the streets of London to having a huge record deal five years ago. With that said, most people didn’t know that my brother, Paxton Ryder Maddox, was actually rockstar Pax Ryder.


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