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Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted

Page 7

by Burns, Rachel

  “My plans for tomorrow include you. In fact, I'd like the recipe for that strawberry dessert you brought with the last time you were here.”

  “Curds was the ingredient that you couldn't place. Curds, strawberries, whipping cream and sugar. That's it. Can I go now?”

  He held out the pill. His eyebrow went up. He would do well working in a prison as the mean, by the book guard. I took it and held it in my hands. He held out the water. I was good and took it. I was tired from getting up and washing myself. The pill made me so sleepy too. I fell asleep quickly.

  Chapter 7 His is the Final Word

  I woke up and stretched. He was sitting on the sofa reading. I looked at the book again. I somehow felt it belonged to me more than him. Was he playing a game with me?

  I felt my feet on him as he held up a finger, wanting me to wait a second.

  “Just read it aloud.” I was being so fussy and impatient.

  He did and I knew where he was right away. When he finished the section he asked me questions. I answered them all and I was very careful not to say anything that would make it obvious that I was the author.

  Ryan liked my ideas. He seemed to be particularly interested in one character, liking my insight. Thank goodness for that or I would have been very offended. He badgered me with questions while he fed and medicated me.

  “You know that they are going to film it, right?” I guess I was a little proud.

  His eyes turned greedy. “Oh yes, I heard about that.”

  “Maybe we could go see it together?” I was feeling better, even a little mischievous.

  He looked very uncomfortable with that suggestion. He didn't answer.

  I had more to lose than he did by going to that film, so that could only mean that he didn't want to be seen with me in public again. Tears pricked my eyes as I turned my head away from him.

  “I'm feeling a lot better now. I think I'll just call a taxi and go home now. Thank you for everything.” I jumped up and picked up his phone.

  He took it from me. “Wait to see how you feel in five minutes once your medicine starts working.”

  “Why are you doing this? I mean this is above and beyond the call of duty.” I wanted to know what his motivation was.

  He just looked at me surprised.

  “You had to have canceled the others, and this is just asking too much. Once I'm home I can take care of myself, honestly. I can, even if you think I can't.”

  “There are no others.” He turned away from me a bit.

  “Why are you doing this?” I whispered to him.

  “I like having you here. Plus this was all my fault. It is the only right thing to do.”

  “Who am I to you?”

  He didn't answer for a few minutes. “You are my Katherine, and you need me.”

  “And you need to be needed?”

  “No, not really. I just need you to need me.” He was watching and waiting for my reaction.


  He paused to think about his answer. “Like I said before, I worry about you. I have right from the start. You always give me reason to worry. The way you talk about yourself is rarely positive. I don't like that.”

  “I see.” I moved back over to the sofa and sat down. He maybe saw me as his girlfriend. He had said that to the doctor on the phone when I was sick last time. He had spanked me terribly after finding out that I went to church, looking for a man. He may have pretended that that wasn't the reason, but I guessed it was.

  He sat down next to me. The sofa was long. It wasn't necessary. Should I just ask him right out if he wanted me as a girlfriend? Would he say 'no' and I would feel unbelievably stupid? This wasn't the normal way to meet people. What if he said yes? How would I respond?

  Did I want him as a boyfriend? There were pros and cons with that. I would end up in the same kind of relationship as my poor friend. We could compare bruises. No, I didn't want him as my boyfriend. It didn't matter, he had made it clear in the beginning that we could never have that kind of relationship. He maybe even had a girlfriend. I wondered where her toothbrush was.

  My medicine kicked in. I leaned into his warmth and decided to worry about that another day.

  I woke alone again. I went to the bathroom and then back to sleep. I could smell turkey the next time I got up. It made me feel hungry. I noticed a pile on the coffee table. It was three dresses and a three pack of underwear. I checked the labels they were all my size. Spooky.

  I got up and peeked in the kitchen. My head was a lot clearer today. I could go home now. I wondered if my car had been towed. A cab was the best idea.

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” I muttered.

  He turned to me and smiled. “Happy Thanksgiving. How do you feel this morning?”

  “A lot better, thanks. I think I can stop with the pain medicine. My hand doesn't hurt anymore.”

  He took both of my hands in his. “That's great because you only have one pill left. We'll save that for this evening. I'll get your bath started for you.” He walked past me and into the bathroom. “I got you some things for you to wear. They are on the table.”

  He was drawing a bath for me like I was a little kid or something. I should just go now. This guy seemed to want me to be his daughter. He was so good looking, and he didn't have a girlfriend. This I should have noticed before.

  I followed him into the bathroom. A nice bath before I left was a great idea. I would even wear one of the sun dresses he got for me home and the new underwear.

  I tried to picture him at the store buying it. Did he feel stupid or proud?

  “Katherine, it's time. In you go. I still have lots to do in the kitchen. Call me if you need anything.”

  I picked out one of the dresses. It was plaid with browns and gray and predominant pink stripes. I chose a pair of light pink panties to match. The other dresses followed the same pattern just in other colors. My things had been removed.

  I went in and washed up. There was a hairbrush there too. I wondered if he could even afford this. He didn't seem to have to go to work. Or had he taken the week off so he could take care of me? I'd ask him later. I brushed my hair and then twisted it into a knot. I stepped into the tub and let the warm water take away some of my tension.

  He was right no one would wonder where I was. He could just keep me and no one would be the wiser. Did he realize that? I hoped not. Famous author disappears, never to be seen again.

  I pushed myself out of the tub. A big job with just one hand. I let the water out and dried myself off, then washed out the tub. I was definitely feeling well enough to go home.

  I put on my new clothes. They fit well. The dress would have fit better it I had a bra on. My breasts were bouncing around a bit much. I'd have to ask him where mine was. I brushed my hair so they were covered up.

  I went out feeling practically naked. I stood in the kitchen entryway again. He smiled at me and pulled out a my chair. I thanked him as I sat.

  “Just tell me what to put on your plate.” He listed off all the things that he had made. It was more than a lot, especially seeing as how we were just two people.

  “Just a little. I haven't been eating much lately.”

  He gave me a plate piled way too high. “You have lost a lot of weight recently. Let's see if you can put it back on before you go home.” He sat down across from me with his plate.

  “How long are you planning on keeping me?”

  “Truthfully?” He looked a little mad.

  I nodded a bit scared.

  “As long as you let me.” He started eating.

  My wheels in my head started to turn. I was feeling a little happy that I wasn't being kept against my will. “So if I want to go home after we eat, I could?”

  Ryan gave me a hurt look, but he nodded.

  “And if I wanted to just stay here, I could do that too?” I was even feeling a little playful.

  He smiled and nodded again. He liked the idea of that better, I could tell.

  I laughed
along and started eating too. We talked like old friends mostly about how great he thought my book was. He was obsessed with the main male character. Personally, I didn't think they had that much in common. But it made me happy that maybe other people were talking about my book while they enjoyed their Thanksgiving meal, too.

  I felt like a stuffed pig by the time he declared it was pumpkin pie time. “I surrender. You win. I'm full. I need a break.”

  He laughed and brought me into the living room. He flipped through the channels until we found a film that we were both interested in. That took awhile.

  He sat down and laid his arm around me. I wanted to ask if we were boyfriend and girlfriend now. Was I okay with that? I mean this guy liked to hit, and I didn't know anything about him, and he didn't know anything about me either.

  I told myself to just calm down and enjoy the moment. He wasn't doing anything odd to me just now. Once I came clean then he might understand that I meant it when I said that I didn't want to be hit. That it wasn't some repressed desire that I had.

  When he announced that it was bedtime I snuggled into the couch hoping he wouldn't think about my medicine. I wanted to stay awake and work tonight. I could type fairly well with one hand. I always did it that way when I ate. Maybe I could get a couple of pages in.

  Ryan gave me a kiss on my forehead, in a very un-boyfriend like way before he went into his room. I heard the shower start and I took the chance to boot up my computer. It made a noise every time it started. I had to do it now or he would hear it. I still had over five hours on my battery. I opened it up to the right program and then hid it under the sofa. He went to bed and left the door open. He could see the sofa from his bed.

  I waited for him to fall asleep before I tipped toed into the kitchen. Talking with him about my book and helped me figure out what to write next. I was ready and raring to go.

  I typed ten amazing pages when the light went on in the kitchen. He stood there in pajama bottoms. His chest was bare. He had a stomach and chest like a male model. No wonder he was so strong. I couldn't tell if he was mad or just curious.

  “I couldn't sleep so I thought I would put my energy into something useful.”

  He nodded, turned around and left. Was he mad or not?

  I looked at the time. It was three A.M. so I decided to finish the section I was working on and then go back to bed, sofa, whatever. I would have him take me home tomorrow. That way I could work in peace and without having to feel guilty about it. My Agent would get her chapters and everyone would be happy with me again. It was 4:30 when I crawled onto the sofa and fell asleep.

  Ryan was up early the next morning. He wasn't quiet about it either. I woke up and dragged myself up off the sofa and took a quick bath. I dressed in the yellow and light blue dress with light blue underwear. I braided my hair in a single long braid. This was very difficult because of my hand, but in the end my fingers fell into the routine of it.

  He was sitting on the sofa reading my book from the beginning again. I remembered that he didn't want to go to the movie with me. He wanted to live with me, but he didn't want to be seen with me in public. Was he married? Going through a divorce? Maybe I wasn't good enough for him? He was one of those people with perfect bodies and he seemed to have his life all figured out. He even felt he could figure mine out for me.

  I went to the sofa and sat down next to him. “Do you want to talk about the other characters today? Or the relationship of the one you like with the others.”

  “No, I thought that you and I could talk about why you pretended to sleep and then you were up for about five hours in the middle of night working even though you're sick.”

  He looked at me like he expected me to answer. “You know I have a deadline that I have to meet. Maybe work isn't important in your world, but it is pretty damn important in mine.” My eyes were blazing.

  “Work is very important to me too, but so is sleeping, eating right and taking care of myself. If you can't balance those things then you won't survive long. You will burn out and mess up your work and they will drop you like a hot stone.”

  I sat there with my mouth wide open. “That's – that's not true. The work I did last night was really very good, some of my best ever. I want to go home now. I will confess who I am and where I live but I want to go now.” I tried to stand up, but he had me over his lap in seconds. My dress came up and my underwear went down. I couldn't believe this guy. He was smacking very hard. My feelings were already hurt and now my bottom was on fire, too.

  I tried to cover my backside with my good hand as I screamed 'rose' over and over. He just moved my hand out of the way and continued paddling at me with his strong hand.

  “Your safe word won't help you today. You're getting what you got coming. This is even long overdue.” Smack, smack smack.

  I sobbed over his knees and begged him to stop. After a bit he did.

  “You seem to think that your job is more important than your health, don't you?” Smack.

  I was too upset to talk. He had his left arm wrapped around my waist holding me in place over his knee so close and so tight that I knew I wouldn't be getting away this time.

  “You think that it doesn't matter. It's just your health on the line.” His hand came down on me several times. I was bouncing around.

  “I've told you before that they will drop you like a hot stone when you can't keep the pace. Do you think I am kidding?” He rubbed my bottom in circles. That even hurt.

  I sobbed and didn't answer.

  He brought his hand down hard. “Do you?”

  I shook my head, sniffling loudly.

  “If you believe me, then why do I have to do this to you? If you believe me, then why don't you change your ways? You can work during the day just like everyone else. If I ever catch you pulling crap like that then God help you because I won't hold back.”

  I gasped. He was capable of even more.

  “That's right, Darling. You ain't seen nothing yet. But if you don't change your tone you will.” He was rubbing again. I wasn't able to move at all. I just cried. I tried to bury my face in my hand but the cold metal brace gave no comfort.

  “Eight hours of sleep. You know when you need to wake up. I trust you to be able to do the math. If you can't your backside will pay the price.” He brought his point home with his hand again.

  I laid like dead over his knees. I couldn't control my tears, so I just let them flow.

  He moved his legs around, placing a foot on the shelf under the coffee table. That raised my bottom, considerably, in the air. He smacked low.

  That woke me up from my coma as if I had gotten an electrical shock. I howled in pain. The next several smacks all landed there too. I fell to pieces begging him to stop. I promised him everything that I could think of. I even said I would go to bed at six if that would make him happy. I meant it too. Anything that would make him be happy with me.

  I was still rattling off promises when I realized that he had stopped. He was holding me to his chest. My good hand had been let go of. I was able to hide my face, and my shame.

  He was whispering to me that he loved me and that he would take better care of me than I did, even if it hurt my pride.

  I was so sleepy that I yawned. I was afraid that that would open a new can of worms but he lovingly picked me up and carried me to his bed. He tucked me in and kissed me.

  “You just don't understand. I have to meet my deadline,” I whispered as I closed my eyes.

  He yanked me up again and carried me right back to the sofa. In seconds I was over his knees. My hand shot back and covered my bottom as best it could.

  I heard an odd clinking noise and then swishing I couldn't place. He was moving around a lot. My dress was being lifted in haste and my underwear came down so fast even though I was trying to hold it place. His foot was on the lower ledge of the coffee table. I knew what that meant.

  “No, please no.” I squealed in pain. My hand tried to cover my lower bottom but he grabb
ed it out of the way before the next blow landed. He was hitting me with something that definitely wasn't his hand. I yelped in pain. Whatever it was it hit so hard that it pushed me forward when it hit and when he removed it my bottom slid back into place to receive the next blow.

  I was repeating eight hours over and over again, as I sobbed.

  He stopped and rubbed with his hand again. “Are you saying that to make me stop?”

  I was shaking so badly that my teeth were chattering. “Need eight hours of slept at nighttime. I can work during the day like everyone else. Just like everyone else. I'll be good from now on, forever.” I spoke in between gasps of air. He pulled me close again and this time I didn't cling to him. I guessed I was in shock. The difference in pain was so great that the other spanking had been a walk in the park.

  “Katherine, do you promise to be good now?” He turned my face so I was looking at him.

  I nodded wide-eyed and I meant it. Ryan swooped me into his arms like I was a sack of feathers. He laid me on my side in his bed and covered me up as I shook in fear of him. He laid down on top of the covers and held my hand.

  “Promise me, that I never have to do that again.”

  “Promise.” That word came out so shaky that I was afraid that he would be mad. So I repeated it better. “I promise.” Nothing was worth making him mad.

  Chapter 8 Escape

  I slept most of the day. Ryan laid down in bed with me.

  I started right in sobbing when I woke up and saw him again. My bottom felt like he had busted it open. I was ashamed to face him. I covered my face and cried. He moved in close and laid an arm around me, telling me that he loved me, and that he wanted the very best for me. He repeated that I deserved the very best care. I had a feeling that he was trying to tame me. Like I was a wild animal. He kept kissing my forehead.

  I felt so ashamed of myself. I whispered how sorry I was. He held me until I was all cried out. I ended up snuggling up against him. He told me again and again that he loved me. I was so confused.


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