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The Heat of Summer

Page 7

by Melissa Tereze


  “Yeah, her.” Summer cleared her throat. “Have you been together long?”

  “We’re not together.” Prue laughed. “I only met her last night.”

  “But you were at the hotel last night…”

  “And once I’d left your room, I decided I’d go out for a walk along the strip.” Prue ushered Summer out of the room she would be leasing, locking the door. “I needed a large, strong drink.”

  “Please, tell me what she said.” Summer surprised them both by taking Prue’s hand, gripping it tight. “I need to know what she said to hurt you.”

  “She didn’t hurt me.” Prue scoffed, her walls climbing higher by the second. “I’m a successful businesswoman—someone like her couldn’t hurt me.”

  “I know you like to be in control…strong, but I see through it, Prue,” Summer said. “You say she didn’t hurt you, but it’s written all over your face.”

  “You should go.” Prue shook her head. “You’ve made it clear that this is purely a business arrangement, so let’s leave it at that and move forward, okay?”

  “Made what clear?”

  “I didn’t invite you here twice for the sake of it, Summer. I didn’t ask you here so we could be friends.”

  “No, you invited me here with the plan of no strings.” Summer scoffed. “Is that really all I’m worth to you? Sex? I think you forget that you pursued me, Prue. You showed up at my room. You asked me to dinner.”

  Shit! Prue clenched her jaw. She knew those things she said only moments ago would come back to bite her in the ass. How could she tell Summer she only wanted sex? She wanted everything.

  “I lay by the pool for two weeks watching you. Enamoured by you. God, I wanted nothing more than to go to dinner with you. But then I realised that I’m me and you are you.” Summer released Prue’s hand. “I didn’t have the balls to walk up to you and flirt. The thought of you catching me even looking terrified me half to death…”

  Prue’s forehead creased, shocked by this conversation. “Why?”

  “Have you seen you?” Summer laughed sarcastically. “You stand on that balcony like some fucking goddess and everyone bows down to you. You don’t realise it, but they do.”


  “Yeah, wow,” Summer said. “So, what gave me the right to be the one asking you on a date? What the hell made me so special? Nothing.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  “Then you showed up at my room. I didn’t know where to begin the moment you opened your mouth to speak. I’d imagined it…the moment we met, but as it happened, I didn’t know what to do. So, I allowed my defence to kick in.”

  “It was impressive.” Prue smiled.

  “No, it was me trying to be something I’m not.” Summer sighed, dropping down onto the steps as her body became emotionally drained. “Then you had this teasing side about you. Confident. I was trying to process being here and sharing cocktails with you, then it all happened with the flat falling through.”

  “I was overbearing.”

  “No, that’s not true.” Summer shook her head, bringing her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on them. “I wanted to flirt back. I wanted to kiss you so fucking hard when I was here having dinner with you,” Summer whispered. “So hard.”

  “I wish you had.” Prue’s tone lowered as she sat beside Summer.

  “Then you changed at the end of the night. Apologising for things that didn’t require an apology.” Summer wrapped her hands around her ankles, hugging herself. “So, I was back to square one. I didn’t know what you wanted. You flirt…then apologise.”


  “No, no buts,” Summer cut in. “I came here tonight to apologise for Katy and the things she said, even if I don’t know what that was, and then I wanted to ask you if you’d go to dinner with me…but, you’re involved now. And I know I’m partially to blame for that, maybe more, but it wasn’t ever about not wanting to date you, Prue. I was processing.”

  Prue stared, unbelieving of what she was hearing.

  “This. You. I don’t know where to begin with it.” Summer brushed a tear from her cheek as it escaped her eye. “And I know that I’ve missed my chance, tonight has shown me that, but I’m okay with it. I’m okay because you’ve just been honest with me and told me you only want sex.” Summer lifted her head, finding Prue’s silver eyes. “I wish I could be that person for you, Prue. I wish I wasn’t brought up to be so traditional and respectful of myself and my partner. I wish I’d have felt you against me…but it’s not me, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t ever apologise for doing the right thing.” Prue’s hand settled on the side of Summer’s face. Her breath caught as Prue’s thumb trailed her damp cheek. “You’re so beautiful…”

  “I am sorry.” Summer offered a sad, pathetic smile. “That I can't just do that.”

  “Stop.” Prue’s eyes closed momentarily. “Please, stop apologising to me… I’m not worth it.” Summer’s eyes twinkled, breaking Prue’s heart. “Those things I said to you before, about not wanting more with you, it was a lie.” Prue sighed. “I thought I was doing what was best.”

  “Who are you, Prue?” Summer’s eyes focused, studied Prue’s face. “Show me the real you…”


  “The flirting and the teasing, it’s your go-to method. I want to see the real you. Conversation. Dinner. Whatever else you can give me…”

  “I’m afraid the real me is boring, Summer.” Prue’s hand fell away from Summer’s face. “This.” She glanced around her villa. “It’s all I know now.”

  “I don’t believe that for one second.” Summer shifted closer. “Don’t get me wrong, I love that flirtatious side of you…you’re probably the hottest woman I’ve ever met, but I need more than that.”

  “You deserve more than that.” Prue nodded. “But I’m not sure I can give that to you.”

  “If I told you I think you can?” Summer’s eyebrow rose.

  “I’d tell you to run a mile and that you’re out of your mind.”

  Summer shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard that.”

  “I came on way too strong for you, but if you’ll let me… I’d like to make it up to you.”

  “Sounds interesting.” Summer turned side on, taking Prue’s hands in her own. “How about we see how things go?”

  “I don’t follow…”

  “I’ll move my things in here. Get set up.”

  “And then what?”

  “Then we will see if you’re still remotely interested in me.” Summer sighed, wiping her hands down her thighs as she stood. “Besides, you have another woman in your life and I’m not into that.”

  “I’ll call her right now if that’s what it’ll take.” Prue shot to her feet, a desperation in her eyes. “She was a one-night stand like all the others, Summer.”

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but she’s coming here for dinner.”

  “Dinner is dinner.” Prue shrugged. “But if I have to cancel my dinner plans in order to cook for you instead, I can do that. You know I’ll do that.”

  “Please, don’t change your plans for me.” Summer stepped forward, her body only millimetres from Prue’s. “It’ll happen when it happens.” Gripping Prue’s kimono, Summer leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Prue’s cheek. “Goodnight. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Y-Yeah.” Prue’s breath hitched when Summer lingered. “Yeah, you will.”


  Prue slid her sunglasses from her eyes, walking through the doors to the hotel. Last night, she made progress with Summer. In a way, nothing had changed, but at the same time…she felt a dramatic difference. They’d held a normal conversation for the first time since they’d met, and that had to mean something. When she stepped out onto the terrace to find Summer there, Rochelle still present, Prue’s world shattered. Though Summer appeared to be perfectly calm on the surface, Prue saw the pain and disappointment in her eyes. She hadn’t don
e anything wrong, but Prue still felt guilty. Her reason for bringing Rochelle back…sex. Pure, no-strings sex.

  Prue couldn’t explain the reason for her attraction to Summer, nor did she want to, but she did intend to embrace it. Summer made her feel good. Wanted. Just from a single look, she made Prue want to seek out a relationship with the younger woman. In Prue’s eyes, that could only be a positive step in her life. Summer Hastings had changed her.

  She stopped at the reception desk, smiling when Vivian came from the office. “Good morning.”

  “Miss Michaels.” Vivian smiled. “I didn’t expect to see you here today.”

  “I’m not here.” Prue winked. “Pleasure today, Vivian. No business.”

  “Oh.” Vivian’s brow shot up in surprise.

  “Have a good day.” Prue stepped away from the desk, aware that she rarely greeted her staff with such a big smile. “See you in a few days.”

  “Of course, yes.”

  As she made her way out into the heat of the late morning sun, Prue’s eyes immediately landed on Summer’s terrace. Disappointed to find it empty, Prue took the steps to the lower level of the hotel, smiling as guests acknowledged her. About to head inside the pool bar, Prue stopped dead, colliding with another body.

  “Sorry.” Summer focused on her camera bag, unaware that Prue was begging to see her eyes.

  “That’s quite alright.”

  Summer’s head shot up. “Oh, hi.”

  “I was hoping I’d catch you.” Prue folded her arms across her chest. “But you look like you have plans.”

  “I was just going out for a few hours. Do a little exploring.”

  “Sounds like the perfect day.”

  “I’ve been packing all morning,” Summer said. “I thought I’d take a break.” She frowned, realising Prue was here to see her. “Wait! You wanted to see me?”

  Always do, Prue thought. Instead of replying, she simply nodded.

  “Is everything okay? The place with you is still available?”

  “Of course it is.”

  “Oh, right.” Summer shifted. “Then what did you want to see me about?”

  “I was hoping I could steal you away for a few hours.” Prue lowered her eyes, feeling more exposed than she ever had. She knew she was about to make a fool of herself; Summer clearly already had plans. “I know you said this would happen when it happens, but coffee surely wouldn’t hurt?”

  Summer grinned, loving this shy side to Prue. Okay, perhaps it couldn’t be considered shy, but Prue didn’t appear to be as in-control and demanding as usual. “I’d love to.”

  “You would?” Prue lifted her gaze. “You’re sure? I don’t want to interrupt your plans.”

  Summer shrugged. “Nothing concrete, but would you mind if I brought my equipment along anyway?”

  “Of course not.” Prue turned, instinctively reaching behind her for Summer’s hand. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  Summer reached for Prue’s hand, shocked by how good it felt. How perfect they fit. Okay, this is happening. As much as Summer wanted to squeal with delight, she refrained from doing so.

  “Goodbye, Vivian.”

  Too engrossed in how her day was now turning out, Summer could have fallen up the stairs without even realising she was climbing them. How did she get to the reception? The only thing Summer could recall…was how fast her head was spinning.

  “Goodbye, Miss Michaels.” Vivian smirked, her eyes landing on Summer. “Summer.”

  “Bye, Vivian.”

  They reached the quiet road outside, the beauty of the volcanic island directly ahead of them. Clouds sat low over the peaks of the black hills, a stark contrast to the beautiful blue sky Summer found when she looked up above her.

  “So.” Summer paused. “Where are we going?”

  “Wherever you want to go.” The alarm of a white, Mercedes convertible bleeped when Prue lifted a key in her hand, the lights flashing. “Hop in.”

  Summer’s entire world closed in around her, her brain struggling to comprehend what was happening. This gorgeous woman wanted to spend time with her. Uninteresting Summer Hastings. Did she expect this life when she boarded her flight almost a month ago? Not in a million years.

  “Okay.” Prue started the engine. “Where to?”

  “Anywhere.” Summer grinned. “You know this place better than I do.”

  Summer sat at the water’s edge, her sandals beside her, pink painted toes wiggling in the water. The sun scorched as it approached one in the afternoon, tiny beads of sweat forming on her brow. Prue had brought her to a secluded beach. There wasn’t a soul in sight, only the sound of waves crashing around them. If this was a date, it would be perfect, but Summer honestly had no idea what it was. Prue had kept her distance, much to Summer’s disappointment, but she couldn’t blame her. Prue had tried to know her, invited her to the villa on more than one occasion, yet nothing had flourished between them. Again, that lay solely on Summer. She accepted that, but could she change it? Could Prue be bothered to care any longer? She came to find you at the hotel, Summer thought. You know she cares.

  She glanced to her left to find Prue sitting back on her elbows, her shirt riding up her stomach. This had to be the quietest Prue had been around Summer, and it was evident she was thinking. About what, Summer had no idea, but she wouldn’t be at all surprised if Prue was weighing up her options. Me or Rochelle. Summer’s belly churned at the thought of the Australian beauty. She’d never been insecure regarding herself, who she was or how she looked, but Rochelle had something Prue wanted, that was clear from last night. If it was experience and beauty Prue required, she really was sitting with the wrong person today.

  As Summer lay in bed last night, thoughts of Prue clouded her desperate need to sleep. Her ability to prepare for her new life here, officially. Every time she closed her eyes, Prue appeared. Her soft voice that not many people had the opportunity to hear. Her silver eyes, no hint of dominance or control. Just Prue, mentally naked before Summer.

  “What do you think of the view?” Prue lay back, focusing on the blue sky above her.

  Summer stared, intrigued by the scar now visible and sitting across Prue’s lower abdomen.

  “You with me?” Prue eyed Summer, realising what was preoccupying her. “It’s just a scar.”

  “Oh.” Summer inwardly scolded herself. “Sorry, I wasn’t staring.”

  “You were.” Prue smiled weakly. “It doesn’t affect my life, you shouldn’t let it affect yours.” She sat up, essentially hiding her scar.

  “Hey.” Summer shifted in the sand, moving closer to Prue. “I just hadn’t noticed it before.”

  “Why would you?” Prue frowned.

  “Never mind.” Summer shook her head, laughing pathetically.

  “No. Go on…”

  “Well, you know I watched you for a while, Prue.” Summer blushed. “And it wasn’t in a stalkerish kind of way, but I thought I would have noticed it before now.”

  “Does it matter?” Prue brushed the sand from her hands, bringing her knees up to her chest. “I mean, does it bother you?”

  Summer was confused. “Bother me?”

  “That it’s on my body…” Prue focused on the ocean in front of her, uneasy that she was even thinking about something as insignificant as a scar causing issues. She was proud of her body, she always had been, so why did Summer’s opinion matter to her?

  “Are you asking me if this makes you less attractive to me?” Summer took Prue’s hand, squeezing it tight.

  Prue wanted to say no, but she couldn’t. “Y-Yes.”

  “I’m not sure anything in this world could make you less attractive, Prue.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.” Prue side-glanced at Summer. “Something has been holding you back since day one, so this is only going to put the final nail in the coffin.”

  “What is? A scar?” Summer wanted to laugh, telling Prue she was being ridiculous, but it was clearly an issue for her. “No…”r />
  “Mm.” Prue shrugged slightly, scoffing. “Whatever will be will be, right?”

  Summer heard the sarcasm in Prue’s voice, taking an instant disliking to it.

  “We should get back. I’m sure you have things to do.”

  “R-Right.” Summer’s forehead creased. “So, that’s it?”

  “That’s what?”

  “I discover something about you, and you shut down on me completely?” Summer’s anger rose. “It’s only a scar, Prue. And I know it has a meaning behind it, one that I hope to hear about someday, but I don’t know what that ‘what will be’ comment even means.”

  “It means, I don’t know how much longer I can continue this, Summer.” Prue climbed to her feet, wiping the sand from her linen slacks. “It means, I want you now. Not ‘whenever it happens.’ I’m here… I don’t know what’s holding you back.” Prue backed away, turning in the sand and slowly walking towards the steps weaving up the cliff edge. “I’ll see you back at the car.”

  “Wait! Prue!” Summer bolted towards her, leaving her camera bag on the sand. “Please, wait.” She gripped Prue’s wrist, turning her to face her. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “This. Today. I wasn’t sure if you were just being polite. Showing me around…”

  “Do I strike you as someone who is polite?” Prue laughed. “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that.”

  “To me, yes.” Summer toyed with Prue’s fingertips. “To me, you are polite. You are sweet. You are the woman I could quickly get lost in.” Summer gave Prue a moment to digest that information. “And getting lost in you so quickly could be devastating for me. I need you to understand that.”

  “I’m already lost in you, Summer. I’m completely out of my mind, I’m aware of that…but God, I’m so lost in you. Everything about you. You think I don’t see you, around the hotel…just being you, but I do. I look for you. I beg to cross your path every day. I feel like I’ve known you since forever and I feel like you could be mine.” Prue pulled her closer, brushing Summer’s hair from her face. “Please, just get lost in me, too…”

  They held one another’s gaze, both uncertain about a potential future together. Summer wanted to believe it was simple and unlikely to bring issues with it, but something constantly nagged away in the pit of her stomach. The thought of Prue being shunned by her family—those who matter to her—because of a relationship they didn’t believe she should continue, it would break Summer’s heart. If she fell for Prue, and she could…she really could, only to be dropped down the line, she wouldn’t survive it. It had taken her long enough to get over Bryony, regardless of the fact they’d parted on good terms. Now, she was happy for her ex-girlfriend, but when the time came to cut the rope and let her go, Summer had never felt pain like it.


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