The Heat of Summer

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The Heat of Summer Page 13

by Melissa Tereze

  “I-I don’t know.”

  Prue’s stomach dropped. Would Summer forever tease her, only to let her down at the last minute?

  “Oh.” Prue pulled back, trying to read Summer.

  “I don’t know if I want you here, or elsewhere…”

  “Yeah?” A wide smile beamed from Prue, her heart racing for other reasons. “God, you really have to stop doing that.”

  “Doing what?” Summer’s hand slid up Prue’s back, toying with the clasp of her bra.

  “Putting the fear of God in me whenever we’re alone…”

  “And I thought I was teasing.” Summer sighed, flicking the clasp of Prue’s bra, delighting in her view as it fell from strong, tanned shoulders. “Shit.”

  “See something you like?” Prue leaned down, capturing Summer’s lips. Her hand trailed up, her fingertips grazing Summer’s lower stomach. “Because I’m not sure I can wait any longer.” Prue threw her head back when Summer’s fingers rolled over her nipple, soft lips sucking the skin of her neck. This wasn’t how she envisaged her first time with Summer, but she couldn’t say she would change any of it. Sloshing around in the warm water was all kinds of hot in Prue’s mind.

  Summer sat forward, pulling Prue’s legs around her waist, and moved towards the other side of the hot tub. Prue obliged, taking this at Summer’s pace. After all, she couldn’t complain about how her night was ending. If this ended right now, Prue would sleep with the taste of Summer on her lips.

  “Wait.” Summer pulled back, staring directly at Prue.

  “W-What is it?” Prue held her breath.

  “I want to look at you for a moment longer…”

  “If you don’t touch me soon, I’m going to explode.” Prue’s words left her mouth, low and aroused. “This. You. Nobody has ever interested me like you do, Summer.”

  “Nobody?” Summer said, dreamily. “Really?”

  “Really.” Prue tightened her legs around Summer’s waist. “But you…” Prue smiled. “You caught my attention the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “Get up.” Summer forced herself out of Prue’s grip. “Now.”


  “Whose bedroom is closest?” Summer asked, cutting Prue off as she climbed from the tub. “Mine or yours?”

  “My bed is significantly bigger.” Prue followed, her bra shed on the floor close to the pool.

  Summer stopped, allowing Prue to guide her to wherever she wanted her. “Lead the way…”

  Prue fell back onto the bed, her eyes following every move Summer made. She was well aware of the fact that she had wrist and ankle cuffs attached to her bed; she only hoped Summer didn’t notice them. Not right now, anyway. This moment had been coming, Prue felt it weeks ago, so it really needed to go according to plan. Summer didn’t need to be made aware of Prue’s kinky side, not when this would be their first time together. Prue wasn’t ashamed of it, not in a million years, but it had become clear to her that they were different people. Summer appeared to be more reserved. Although, judging by the look in her eyes and how she was prowling towards Prue, she may have read the younger woman completely wrong.

  Summer stopped at the foot of the bed, leaning down and placing her hands either side of Prue’s body. This woman had the opportunity to change her life, not necessarily in a good way, but Summer couldn’t hold back any longer. She needed Prue. Beneath her. On top of her. All over. Her lips found the soft, damp skin of Prue’s chest…and it was in that moment that Summer decided she would face her future as it came her way. If this turned out to be a one-night stand kind of situation, she surely couldn’t complain. It wasn’t likely, as Prue’s touch told her everything she needed to know, but Summer would always worry that this was too good to be true.

  “Up here.” Prue gripped the back of her neck, pulling Summer up towards her. “I want you against me.” Shifting further up the bed, Summer climbed up, following Prue’s body as she backed away from her.

  “This wasn’t how I imagined it,” Summer admitted. “You, allowing me to do what I want.”

  “My control seems to disappear when I’m around you, Summer.” Prue pulled Summer down against her, her fingers splayed across Summer’s naked lower back. Flicking the clasp of her lace bra, Prue allowed the material to fall away from slightly bronzed shoulders, her eyes trailing down to hardened, pink nipples. “Sweet Jesus.” Prue took her bottom lip between her teeth, forcing Summer higher up her body.

  Summer lowered herself onto Prue, gasping when she took her nipple between her teeth. Rolling her tongue over the painfully hard peak, Prue moaned against her skin. “O-Oh.” Summer’s hips instinctively rolled against Prue’s, gyrating and begging for something more. “Y-Yes.”

  Prue’s hands found Summer’s thighs, heat radiating from her core. Smoothing her hands over the skin beneath them, Prue looked up and found Summer’s eyes. “You do want this, don’t you?”

  Summer’s eyes softened, her arousal on the backburner for a split second. “I want this.”

  Without another word, or another thought, Prue slid her hand between Summer’s thighs, an abundance of wetness coating her fingertips as she pushed Summer’s underwear to the side. It had been a long time since Prue had slept with a woman who meant something to her, barely remembering the night before once she woke beside a nameless face. This, though…this meant everything to Prue.

  “These have to go.” Prue tugged the pink lace material covering what she needed. “Right now.” Summer lifted, allowing Prue to slide her underwear down her legs, throwing them to the floor and removing her own before Summer straddled her hips once again.

  “Better?” Summer grinned, Prue’s eyes glowing as their centres met.

  “God, I want you.” Prue teased Summer’s clit, applying pressure with two fingers.

  The sound of sex filled the room, low moans falling from both mouths. Summer’s caused by Prue’s slender fingers, and Prue’s solely from feeling Summer for the first time. Summer slipped a hand between them, bracing herself on her left arm. She groaned with satisfaction. “Baby, you’re so wet.”

  “For you,” Prue murmured, almost losing it as her eyes closed and Summer slipped two fingers inside her, curling them, hitting that perfect spot. “Oh, God.”

  Prue’s free hand gripped Summer’s ass, pulling her impossibly close as, she too, pushed two fingers deep inside. Moans spilled out around the darkened room, music to Prue’s ears. She was no stranger to sex, whether that was alone or with another woman, but Summer made her feel something. Summer made her feel everything.

  “C-Close.” Prue’s voice barely audible, Summer rocked against her hand, increasing her thrusts deep inside Prue and pressing her thumb against her clit. “Shit!”

  Stroke by stroke they matched one another, cries of bliss growing louder with each move. Neither of them able to hold on any longer, Prue gripped Summer’s body and came. Hard. Summer shuddered, Prue's name ripping from her throat.

  As of right now, Summer knew exactly what she had to do: remain here in Tías with a woman who she knew cared deeply for her.

  “Oh.” Summer fell down on top of Prue, her chest rising and falling fast.

  Silence settled between them, but Prue wasn’t concerned. This was a lot to take in for them both, Summer more so. Instead of putting her on the spot, Prue wrapped her arms around Summer, holding her close. “Stay here with me tonight…”

  Summer’s eyes fluttered closed, her head resting against Prue’s chest. “There is no way I’m leaving here tonight.”

  Prue smiled, pressing a kiss to Summer’s head. “Sounds perfect.”


  Summer opened her eyes, aware that she was in unfamiliar surroundings. The first scent to reach her nose was fresh coffee, followed by a hint of Prue’s perfume on the pillow beside her—the pillow she had her face half-buried in. She smells so fucking good. The problem was, Prue wasn’t beside her. Please, don’t let this be a dream. Summer sat up, the sheet falling from her naked body,
and looked around. All was silent. Silent and not what she wanted at all. She pushed her hair from her face, grabbing a T-shirt that was thrown on the edge of the bed… A T-shirt she assumed Prue had left for her. Summer smiled, pulling it over her head and climbing from the confines of the comfortable bed. A pair of shorts caught her attention on a nearby chair, Summer choosing to cover her lower half with them. As she bent to slip them up her legs, her body ached. A good ache—one that could only be remedied by coffee.



  Huh? Summer frowned, following the scent of coffee beans. “Prue? You here?”

  Still nothing.

  Summer approached the kitchen counter and poured herself some coffee. Heading for the terrace, the huge patio doors open, she peered outside and found Prue at the side of the pool in a yoga pose. She quietly took a seat, admiring how supple Prue’s body was. Sipping her coffee, she watched on as Prue bent over backwards, her back arched up. Summer tilted her head, smiling and in awe of this woman. Her scar was visible, but it only showed Summer how strong Prue was. To go through what she went through, pull herself out of that slump, and end up with this life as a result…it was impressive. Very impressive. Those little pieces of information only pulled Summer deeper into this life she felt she was being teased with. Not the money or the status of Prue, but the peacefulness of it all. At least, that’s how she assumed Prue’s life to be.

  Prue brought herself out of her pose and sat in an upright position. Opening her eyes, she was met with the most incredible sight she’d witnessed in a long time. “Good morning.” Prue’s smile beamed. “You found the coffee?”

  “Yes. Sorry, I just helped myself.”

  “Be my guest.” Prue rolled her head on her shoulders. “I’ll just be a few minutes…”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m quite happy sitting here watching.”

  “Care to join me?”

  “Oh, no thank you.” Summer shook her head, bringing her cup to her lips. “Can I get you some breakfast?”

  “Breakfast is already done.”

  Summer’s forehead creased, her eyes searching for a clock. Seven am. As much as Summer loved watching Prue out here, she hadn’t spent many mornings awake so early. Of course, she loved a sunrise, but it wasn’t a daily thing in her life.

  “Do you do this every morning?” Summer asked. “Is it your routine?”

  “It is.” Prue climbed to her feet, her skin-tight yoga pants hugging every inch of her lower body. “Just gets my day going.”

  When Summer attempted to reply, her phone buzzed on the table. “Oh, do you mind if I get this?”

  “Not at all.” Prue waved off Summer’s questioning.


  “I told you to call me to pick you up!” Jade bellowed. “Where even are you?”

  “I’m still in Spain,” Summer said calmly. “And if you could stop screaming at me, that would be great.”

  “Still in Spain?” Jade scoffed. “How? You were dead set on coming home…”

  “I changed my mind.” Summer watched Prue approach her, leaning down and capturing her lips. “Mm.”

  “I’m taking a shower,” Prue motioned towards the door. “See you in a while.”

  “Who was that?” Jade shrieked. “Don’t tell me it was her!”

  “Lose the attitude. I’m not talking to you while you’re like this. I’m sorry I didn’t call but screaming at me isn’t going to help anyone.”

  “I’ve been worrying about you. You should have been home yesterday, but you’ve been avoiding my calls.”

  “I was busy.” Summer sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry isn’t good enough, Summer. You were heartbroken the last time I spoke to you. She was the reason why.”

  Summer had avoided Jade’s calls yesterday. Once Prue had shown up at the airport, asking her to stay, she didn’t have the mental capacity for both of them in her head. She should have called—she knew that—but everything happened at once and she couldn’t bring herself to deal with exactly what was happening now. Jade. Then last night happened and it all changed from there. From the moment Summer sat down at dinner with Prue, her entire world spun on its axis.

  “I don’t know what else you want me to say…”

  “An explanation would be good,” Jade said. “Are you with her now? Stupid question, I know.”

  “She’s taking a shower.”

  “Please, tell me you didn’t…” Jade huffed, clearly annoyed with her best friend. “I know I told you that coming home was a mistake, but that didn’t mean I wanted you to pursue her.”

  “She was waiting for me at the airport, Jade.” Summer’s heart fluttered at that thought alone. “That means something, doesn’t it?”

  “Okay, that’s kinda sweet.” Summer heard the sincerity in her best friend’s voice. “Really sweet.”

  “I know.” Pulling her legs up onto the seat in front of her, Summer sighed. “She was basically begging me to stay. We had dinner together last night, and then I stayed.”

  “In the annexe?”

  “N-No.” Summer didn’t know why she was blushing, but she could feel the heat creeping up her neck. “I stayed with Prue.”

  “Score for you then, I guess.”

  “It wasn’t like that.” Summer defended her actions, whether she had to or not. “It wasn’t some wild night in the sheets, Jade. It was just…it was perfect.”

  “I’m happy for you.”

  “Are you?” Summer asked. “You don’t sound it.”

  “It’s just hard to be supportive when I’m so far away. What happens when this goes wrong and you’re over there alone? How am I supposed to be your best friend then?”

  “The same way you always would have been,” Summer explained. “Whether I’ve met someone or not, something is always going to go wrong here. So, I’d need you to be on the end of the phone like you would be if something else was wrong.”

  “Fair enough.” Jade appeared to be satisfied with Summer’s explanation. Either way, she needed Jade to be on board with it. “I thought you should know… I bumped into Bryony yesterday.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “She, uh…she’s pregnant.”

  Oh, wow. “Oh.”

  “I know it doesn’t matter to you, but I thought I should tell you anyway.” Jade’s voice held an element of uncertainty. “I mean, you’re happy there, right? At least, for the time being.”

  Summer knew Jade was having a dig. In some way, her best friend had every right to do so. Summer glanced to the side of her, finding hers and Prue’s dresses still on the floor from last night. “Yeah, I’m more than happy.” Summer smiled. “Bryony is getting exactly what she wanted. I’m happy for her.”

  “Good. That’s what matters.”

  “Look, I should go.” Summer relaxed back in her seat, the sun rising in the sky as well as the temperature. “It’s going to be another gorgeous day and I don’t want to waste it.”

  “Say hi to Prue for me?”

  “I will,” Summer agreed. “And don’t forget, I want you back out here as soon as you can.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your vibe. Maybe I should wait a while. Give it a year…” Something in Jade’s voice changed. Perky.

  “Don’t be stupid. You know I want you to visit.”

  “Well, I actually got transferred to another office…” Jade’s explanation lingered. “And since it’s not ready yet, they’re giving me a fortnight off after we shut down next week.”



  “So, what are you saying?” Summer frowned.

  “Why do you think I told you not to leave Tías?” Jade laughed. “I have a flight booked to fly me out two weeks on Monday. I’ll only be there four days, but still…”

  “Piss. Off! You’re lying.” Summer didn’t know whether to laugh or scream. Telling Jade what she needed to hear had usually appeased her best friend, but Summer ha
dn’t expected her to come out and tell her she was flying back over. Right now, it wasn’t the time. As selfish as it sounded…it really wasn’t the time. Damn it!

  “Nope. Genuine. I thought I was going to have to cancel it with you having that meltdown, but all seems to be well with the world again. I’ll give you a call when I arrive.”

  “Where are you staying?” Summer tried to keep her voice level. If Jade sensed her hesitation, she would question it without a second thought.

  “Um, Prue’s hotel.”

  “Right, okay.” Summer dropped her feet to the floor. “Well, I moved out. I’ll check that it’s okay with Prue for you to be here. You may as well stay with me. No use paying out all that money.”

  “Summer, it’s fine. I booked the hotel expecting you to still be there. The fact that you’re not means that things are moving along with you two. I don’t want to be in the way. The hotel will be fine.”

  “You’re sure?” Summer felt terrible for not fighting harder about this. “I can ask…”

  “Please, don’t.”

  “Fine, okay. But I want your flight time. I’ll meet you at the airport.”

  “I’ll text the details over to you,” Jade said. “Now, I should get off the phone to you. See you in a couple of weeks.”

  “You will.” Summer smiled. “Bye.”

  Ending the call, Summer sat back in her seat, pondering the idea of Jade arriving in two weeks. As much as she loved her best friend, this was new and fresh with Prue. She wanted to spend this time with Prue. She didn’t want to be dragged along the strip by Jade.

  “You’ve been quiet.” Prue looked over the rim of her sunglasses, watching Summer’s gorgeous body as it lay on a lounger. “Is everything okay?”

  “Huh?” Summer heard Prue’s voice, no idea what she’d said.

  “I said is everything okay?”

  “Of course.” Summer frowned. “Why?”

  “You’ve been distant this morning.” Prue didn’t want to think about it, but the idea of Summer regretting last night was beginning to play on her mind. “You don’t have to hang around here if you have things to do.”


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