The Heat of Summer

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The Heat of Summer Page 14

by Melissa Tereze

  “No plans.” Summer smiled fully. “You don’t have to be at the hotel? The club?”

  “I don’t often spend time at the club. Once a month, if possible. And I’ve taken a few days off from the hotel. Viv knows where I am if she needs me…”

  “I like Vivian.”

  “She’s been at the hotel since I took over. Before then, actually.”


  “She’s damn good at her job. I’d have been a fool to let her go,” Prue said. “At times, I’d consider her a friend, too.”

  “At times?” Summer turned on her side, dropping her romance novel to the floor.

  “When it’s needed.” Prue nodded. “Like yesterday…”

  “Why? What happened?”

  Summer did wonder what had caused Prue to chase her yesterday, showing up at the airport. Could it be that Vivian was involved in her decision to do so? She was always ensuring everything was okay for Summer, and it led her to believe that Vivian had an inkling about her and Prue.

  “She told me what I needed to hear.” Prue smiled. “But it didn’t really matter in the end because I was already inside the terminal looking for you.”

  “She knows about us?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” Summer cleared her throat. “That people within your business know?”

  “I’m not ashamed of who I am or who I date, Summer. Especially not you.” Prue climbed from her lounger, stalking towards Summer. “You’ve no idea what last night means to me.” Prue always kept her private life quiet, but something about Summer made her want the world to know she was involved. Effectively taken…even though they hadn’t discussed it.

  “I’m still processing.” Summer ushered Prue closer, her hand settling on a barely covered hip as Prue stopped in front of her and peered down. “But I know exactly how you feel.”

  “You don’t regret it?”

  “You?” Summer laughed. “Regret spending the night with you…never.”

  “Oh, thank God.” Prue placed her hand over her chest, releasing a deep breath. “I just had a bad feeling.”

  “Why would you?”

  “You’ve been really quiet since breakfast. Since you got that call earlier,” Prue said. “But if you say everything is okay, I believe you.”

  “It was Jade. My friend who was here with me in the beginning…”


  “Sit with me?” Summer arched an eyebrow, repositioning herself. Prue followed, settling between Summer’s legs. “Jade is coming back here in a couple of weeks.”

  “That’s great.”

  “Yeah, kind of.” Summer breathed out. “I was enjoying the possibility of winding down.”

  “And you can’t do that with her here?”

  “Not really. Jade likes to party. Drink. Do anything other than relax.”

  “So, you tell her you’re not really feeling it.” Prue shrugged, turning on her side and pressing a kiss to Summer’s thigh. “We’ve already established that you don’t drink. Surely Jade knows that.”

  “She does. She’s forever telling me that I’m nothing like them.”

  “Like who?” Prue asked, intrigued to gain a little more knowledge of Summer’s past.

  “My parents.”

  “They liked to drink?”

  “Well, it killed them both, so yeah, they loved to drink.”

  “I’m sorry.” Prue placed a gentle hand on Summer’s thigh, smoothing it over her skin. “Is that why your grandparents raised you?”

  “They took me when I was four,” Summer said. “Dad died when I was really small. Mum when I was almost twelve.”

  “That can’t have been easy for you.”

  “My grandparents gave me an incredible life. I was their life.” Summer smiled, memories of her childhood flooding her mind. “I had everything I needed with them but seeing Mum every month or so was hard. She just got worse and worse every time we met with her.”

  Prue noted the sadness in Summer’s eyes. “Did she ever seek help?”

  “On more than one occasion.” The disappointment was clear as day, but Prue knew it wasn’t as simple as just stopping that lifestyle. “Every moment we spent together…it put me off alcohol for life. I mean, I enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail now and then, but I probably have a hangover twice a year if I’m lucky.”

  “You should be proud of yourself,” Prue said honestly. “It could have gone the other way and you wouldn’t be here…about to live your life in the sun.”

  “I know,” Summer agreed. “If my grandparents could see me now, they’d be beside themselves with happiness. I always told them I wanted to live in Spain.”

  “And you’re fulfilling that want.”

  “Because of them.” Summer nodded. “When my grandma died, the year after grandad, everything was left to me. Everything.”

  “They clearly loved you very much, honey.”

  “More than anything. At least, that’s what Grandad used to tell me every night before we all went to bed.”

  “I’m so happy I met you, Summer.” Prue leaned up, resting on her elbow and kissing Summer softly. “I know it’s taken a bit of back and forth to get to this point, but I’m so happy you’re in my life.”

  “Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

  “And when Jade arrives, we will go from there, okay?”

  “I don’t want to be constantly harassed to go out with her.” Summer shifted on her lounger, wrapping her arms around Prue’s shoulders. “I just want to spend my evenings with you, when you’re available, and sort my life out.”

  “So, why not invite her to stay with you in the annexe? We will make our own fun here.”

  “Not the kind of fun I was thinking of, babe.” Summer inwardly winced, that term of endearment falling from her lips unexpectedly. “Sorry.”

  “Oh, don’t be. More of that would be welcome in my life, babe.” Prue winked, climbing up to her knees. “How about we relax in the pool for a while before I make us some lunch?”

  “Am I going to get fat living here with you?”

  “Do I look like I put crap in my body?”

  “No. Not even a tiny bit.” Summer’s eyes lowered, landing on Prue’s impressive cleavage. “So gorgeous.” She sighed, lazily kissing Prue. “Hard to believe you’re mine.”

  “Yours?” Prue pulled back, her eyebrow arched. “Sounds interesting.”

  “Potentially. I mean, I want that…but you’re not mine. I wouldn’t expect you to be.”

  “Do you think I took you to bed last night for the sake of it?” Prue asked, climbing out of Summer’s lap and pulling her up to her feet. “Do you think how I feel about you is only temporary?”

  “I hope not,” Summer said, unable to filter the fact that she was here and very much in Prue’s arms.

  “Then I am yours.”


  Summer prepared the table while Prue finished plating dinner up. A simple chicken breast with a homemade white wine sauce was on the menu for tonight, fresh vegetables accompanying it which they’d gone out to collect together earlier in the day. Summer was beginning to relax around the villa, Prue making it easier for her by the minute, but Jade’s arrival still weighed on her mind. Jade had always been of the mentality that life should be lived to the fullest daily, but Summer knew it wasn’t that simple. While Jade would spend her last ten pounds on a bottle of wine and a takeaway, Summer would sift through the cupboards and make something from scratch, followed by an early night. It was her preference, but at times it caused them to clash. Summer would always do anything for Jade, the only real friend to ever stick around, but she did sometimes wonder if Jade played on that fact. Always guilt-tripping her into nights out, Summer didn’t have the energy for it a second time around in a matter of weeks.

  “Dinner’s ready, beautiful.” Prue caught Summer staring out at the pool. “If you are…”

  “Ready.” Summer breathed out, turning and making
her way towards the dining table. “Smells amazing.”

  “Nothing too fancy tonight. Just something enjoyable and light.”

  “Sounds perfect to me.”

  “Have a seat. I’ll get the vegetables.” Prue pulled out a white leather chair for Summer before she disappeared into the open-plan kitchen. Their week together had been fulfilling, probably the best week Prue had experienced in many years, but the idea of Summer vanishing into the annexe after dinner each night didn’t sit well with her. I’ve been ridiculously lucky so far. Prue thought. In all honesty, she wanted Summer in her bed with her tonight. Every night. Just like she had done for the last week. Although she knew that would likely be how their night ended—in bed together—Prue didn’t want to push this. If Summer chose to stay with her tonight, she would be ecstatic. If not, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Too much too soon could bring issues with it. Issues Prue wasn’t prepared to face any time in the near future.

  “Need anything else before I join you?” Prue set a huge bowl of vegetables and glazed sweet potatoes down on the table between them. “Anything at all?”

  “Just you.” Summer patted the seat beside her. “You’ve been in that kitchen for far too long tonight.”

  “Sorry.” Prue offered a slight smile. “Once I get into things, it’s hard to pull me away from the kitchen.”

  “Don’t apologise. You bring out some amazing food.” Summer forced her fork into the mound of vegetables, transferring them to her plate. “And thank you, again.”



  “My pleasure.” Prue smiled. “The greatest thing in life is good, home-cooked food…”

  “Really?” Summer deadpanned. “Then you and I have totally different interpretations of ‘the greatest’, babe.”

  “Oh? My food isn’t good enough for you?” Prue’s fork lingered over the vegetables.

  “Well, it is…incredible.” Summer swallowed the food in her mouth. “But for me, the greatest thing in life is waking up in Prue Michaels’ bed.”

  “Good save.” Prue’s hand slipped to Summer’s thigh. “And will that become a regular occurrence?”

  “It’s your bed, babe. That decision is completely on you.”

  “I think I should have another taste of waking up with you in my arms tomorrow.” Prue pointed her fork at Summer. “You know, see what I’m working with here. This morning could have been a fluke.”

  “And yesterday? The day before that?” Summer asked. “Actually, almost a week of waking up in your bed.”

  “Still could be a fluke,” Prue said, nonchalantly.

  Summer snorted. “Probably is.”

  “Hey, don’t do that,” she admonished Summer. “You’re so beautiful, Summer. Way too good for me.”

  Summer chewed her food slowly, pushing her carrots around the plate and contemplating what Prue was saying. This woman had twenty-one years on her. Successful. Gorgeous. How could she possibly see Summer as girlfriend material? How could Prue even think about spending months, potentially years, with her? None of this made sense.

  “Last relationship.” Summer cleared the lump from her throat. “How was it?”

  “Perfect,” Prue said. “Everything I wanted.”


  “But it was at a time when the hotel was just hitting the big time. I had so much on, so much to get through most nights when I came home. It didn’t work out.”


  “Because she fell in love with someone else while I was still in the office at three am.”

  “Oh.” Summer lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Prue shook her head. “Sarah wasn’t.”

  “Still, I’m sorry she did that to you.” Summer placed her fork down. “My girlfriend kinda left me too.”

  “Seriously?” Prue frowned. “Why would anyone leave you?”

  “Because I was holding her back.” Summer held up her hand. “Her words, not mine. Something about suffocating her.”

  “Nice.” Prue scoffed. “What is it with women who just change their minds down the line?”

  “We’d never discussed it, to be honest. We met a long time ago. Our relationship was perfect for what we wanted at the time. Then last year she came to me, said she wasn’t happy.”

  “And what exactly wasn’t she happy with?”

  “She was ready to settle down. Kids, you know?”

  Prue nodded, enjoying her food while Summer spoke.

  “I just didn’t think it was my time yet. I never wanted to hold her back, though. If we’d spoken about it more, discussed it properly and perhaps long before it became an issue, we could have worked something out.”

  “So, when she left…you still loved her?”

  “Of course, yeah.” Summer realised immediately how this all sounded. Prue’s face only confirmed it. “I mean, I’m not in love with her anymore, no way, but I didn’t expect the split.”

  “No, me neither.” Prue sighed, angry that she was even thinking about Sarah tonight.

  “When Jade called me last week, she told me that my ex is pregnant.”

  “Oh, wow.”

  “The exact response I had.” Summer smiled. “But I wish her well and hope she’s happy.”

  “Are you happy?” Prue’s hand slid across the table, finding Summer’s. “With your life?”

  “I wasn’t. Not at first.” Summer paused. “And the last few weeks have been hard for me, you know? With everything that was going on between us, but not going on at the same time…”

  Prue squeezed Summer’s hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m not looking for an apology. I’m just being honest with you.”

  “And I admire that about you.”

  “But then last week, when you showed up for me… I knew I had to be here. With you.”

  “Summer…” Prue turned in her seat, facing Summer fully. “I don’t know what the hell happened when you walked into my hotel. I’ve come across many beautiful women over the years, I’ve probably bedded half of them, but I felt one hell of a pull towards you. One that I have no way of explaining. One that I’m not sure I want to dissect. Just being here and spending this time with you has been incredible for me, but this is all on your terms.”


  “I’m not the confident person you think I am. Before I met you, before you checked into the hotel, I came home most nights and lay on that couch with a bottle of wine. When Sarah left me, it became my normal.” Prue shook her head, willing her emotions to take a backseat. “I know I can flirt like the best of them, it’s gotten me into trouble more than once, but this with you… Who I am with you…it’s real. The real me.”

  “Well, I love the real you.” Summer groaned, fully aware that she had possibly just told Prue she loved her in some way. “Not what I meant.”

  “I know. I know what you mean.” Prue squeezed Summer’s hand reassuringly. “You said you wanted to know the real me. Well, this is it. I’m nothing special, quite boring actually, but I have a good heart.”

  “I know you do.” Summer lifted Prue’s hand, pressing a kiss to her skin. “And this, who you are, it works for me.”

  “Yeah?” Prue’s smile widened. “You’re sure?”

  “More than sure.”

  “Then we should enjoy dinner before a dip in the pool.”

  The lively atmosphere on the strip gave Tías a party feel, the relaxation of sun, sea, and sand forgotten as darkness fell over the town. As the night wore on, the strip often became a little rowdy, but it was nothing Summer would worry about. Predominantly British and Irish families, they were simply enjoying their yearly holiday with their children and extended family. Just like Summer once had. Being down on the strip, her hand in Prue’s, it gave Summer the chance to finally breathe since Prue had shown up at the airport. Everything was beginning to calm down, Summer’s anxiety too, so a gentle stroll was hard to pass on when Prue had suggested it after a la
te-evening swim. Summer shifted closer to Prue when a group of men, clearly part of a stag weekend, jostled past her.

  “Where’s the club?” She glanced up at Prue.

  “In the old town,” Prue said. “Tucked away near the harbour.”

  “Oh, right.”

  “Why?” They stopped at the side of the pavement, crossing to get a closer spot at the beach wall.

  “Just…wondered how far away it was.”

  “You don’t want to go there.” Prue shook her head, turning and sitting down on the wall, Summer following. “Trust me.”

  “No, I don’t,” Summer agreed. “I’ve just never come across it, so…”

  “I don’t just allow anyone in there, Summer. My security know how I work that place.”

  “Did you ever think about going back to it?” Summer wasn’t sure she had any right to ask—Prue had left after one hell of an incident—but she felt as though she could be open with her. “When you took over here?”

  Prue shrugged. “I still pole dance occasionally.”

  Summer’s heart rate soared. She hadn’t expected that reaction to Prue’s admission, but something inside her begged to witness that sight. Prue, in very little, dancing for her. Only her eyes on the gorgeous, tall body she had slept beside for the majority of the week. God, I need to see that. In the same instance, a sudden horror tore through Summer, the thought of Prue still dancing at the club becoming a real possibility. Summer cleared her throat, aware that Prue was watching her intently. She looked her way and frowned. “What are you smirking at?”

  Prue leaned in close, her breath washing over Summer’s ear. “I know you’re thinking about it.”

  “T-Thinking about what?” Summer’s heart pounded, her pulse thrumming in her ears.

  “Me. Dancing.”

  “I-I wasn’t.” Summer’s eyes closed. “You know I’m not interested in that lifestyle.”

  “You don’t have to be interested in it for it to arouse you, Summer.”

  “I’m not aroused.”

  Prue placed her hand over Summer’s heart, smiling when it beat hard against the palm of her hand. “Sure you’re not.” She leaned in painfully close. “I’d dance for you any time…”


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