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My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play

Page 8

by R. Greco

  Shit, he was breathing hard. I could have sworn Jon was jerking off even then. Fuck, could he be hornier then I was right then? I doubted it. I could imagine all these things he was saying he wanted to do and I was leaking now through my panties and down my face. I ached for him to do every last thing he wanted and more, but to leave me in the end, discard me, use me and throw me away. Could I let this man treat me like this? How could I not let this man treat me like this?

  “I cannot get this idea out of my head … then I think about sharing you, about taking my possession and letting someone else use it for a while, than equally throw it to the side. The very fact I am saying ‘it’ now and not yo…yo… Damn, Kay, I am coming again!”

  I came too. This man had got me off before without me touching myself, by only his taunts. I wasn’t surprised I come could like this, but I wasn’t so sure I had ever heard Jon so worked up. Sure he had exploded into my mouth when I gave him head for the first time and I had heard him jerk off plenty over the phone when he made me spank my ass, but he was crazed now, unhinged in a way I usually got unhinged and recognizing that made me even hornier. So I came with him, still standing stock still and silent in the middle of my living room.

  “Talk to me now, please,” Jon gulped after about a minute of just breathing.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “Do you understand any of this?”

  “About as much as I have from the beginning with you and me. I think it all comes down to how much we trust one another, so anything really is possible.”

  “But this toy idea of yours, where the fuck are we going with this?”

  I had never heard Jon quite like this. It was almost as if he was the sub, as if he was questioning the motives and why’s of what we were doing here. As if he was the one who was the toy here.

  “Shit Jon, you’re the one talking about all this inert shit,” I giggled and again my pussy sluiced a dollop of juice. “I have no idea where that came from.”

  “But you get where I’m coming from right?”

  “I … I think so,” I said, finally sitting on my couch. “Really, my thought was that I wanted to make myself more open for you, more compliant, even more your possession,” I continued, “and toy kinda sounds fun, doesn’t it?”

  “It all sounds fun,” he snickered, “just some of this is more perverse then others, ya know?”


  “And it all arouses you? Even the stuff I was saying about discarding you or passing you over to someone else?”

  “There has never been anything you have said that doesn’t arouse me,” I began, finally lifting a hand to my aching right breast. “I want it all. And even the stuff you say that scares me, that I’m not even sure I could really do in real life, makes me ache to do them, to at least try them. In theory it’s all really hot. All of it makes me crazy, with you.”

  “Back at ya,” he said. “I mean, in reality, if I was touching you, using you as my toy, I’m not sure I’d be able to just throw you in a corner. I’d be too into touching, licking and spanking your body.”

  “Well, shit, I hope so.”

  The mutual laughter did us a world of good. Where we had been traipsing I loved stepping but I could sense Jon’s unease. Not unease considering making me his toy and all that went with it, but unease with how hot it made him.

  “It’s so hard with you so far away.”

  I had to really stop from crying then. Jon never mentioned the distance between us. I had never heard him even allude to the miles or heard that particular pang in his voice where it sounded like he regretted it. I guess in theory he felt the same way about it all being inconvenient like I did. But was it merely inconvenience he was intimating now?

  Let’s face it, three thousand miles is not an insurmountable amount of distance but it is enough to keep one’s private life private if one wishes it to be so. Cross country romances are fueled by the fact that on the infrequent chances lovers do see one another they can dispense with the mundane clap trap of life and get on with getting-on, really ‘seeing’ one another in those few instances they meet. Jon and I had negotiated an easy grace here for three weeks, both safely in our separate coasts in our own little cocoons, maybe contemplating the next time we’d see one another in theory but not yet addressing the reality of doing so.

  Was Jon addressing it now?

  The one immutable fact Jon and I had yet to discuss was whether we would ever see each other again. I knew I’d like to see him. Forget all the dominating, I really did think Jon was a fox and pretty peachy keen. I had no idea, though, that beyond the master/slave dynamic we had been having so much fun with that we could have anything else. Sure, Jon was smart, sweet, sexy all that good stuff, but we did have this kink between us. We spoke about plenty of other shit on the phone when he wasn’t making me spank myself or stand inert now for him. Who knew where this would all lead if we saw one another again. We had gotten along so well in NYC that weekend, but really hanging, like running out for groceries or me seeing Jon all grumpy some morning, or he, me when I had my period, these were the realities of life we might be better off avoiding. Any guy or girl my age knows about bad smells, foul moods and cramps, constipation, job frustrations and money worries. But did Jon and I want all that to intrude on the fantasy we had built here?

  “All you have to do is get your cute little butt on a plane, ya know?”

  I had to assume he’d come to me since I had come to Jon our first time. I wouldn’t press the point, but I knew him to be a fair guy.

  “Yeah, I guess that’s true, huh?”

  “That’s if you want to.”

  I wasn’t one of those girls, so I added, “It would be great if you wanted to visit.”

  “And my toy would be waiting for me if I did?”

  “Waiting, ready and willing,” I agreed, “but beyond all that, you do know it’d be fun showing you around. I owe you that for your hospitality to me.”

  “Honey, you don’t ‘owe’ me anything. But definitely, if you want to take me on a tour of northern Cali I’m game. It’s been too long since I’ve been.”

  “Well, then let’s put it together, really, Jon, I mean it.”

  “You don’t think I do?”

  “I don’t know,” I said trying not to smile over the possibility of him visiting, “but you being here would so not suck.”

  “Definitely, definitely.”

  “You guys have a nice night out?” he said after a deep breath and some fumbling around. I assumed Jon was cleaning up a bit, he had just come he said, right?

  “Yeah, though they all do get into my shit a little too much where you’re concerned.”

  “The vagina is a curious animal,” he snickered, “plus they worry about you, as all friends should.”

  “I know, I know,” I said, pulling off my pants and panties then paddling down the hallway to my bathroom. I sat on the toilet as Jon continued.

  “You ever think of doing anything like what we do in front of any of your friends?”

  “Mmmm, the thought of it does interest me … somewhat,” I said, finished, wiped, flushed. Standing to my sink to wash my hands I continued, “but overall I know it would probably freak every single one of them too much.”

  “That’s the thing with a third party, you have to really pick carefully.”

  “Is this something … I mean you’ve mentioned about giving me to someone else, is that something you want to do?”

  “In theory, like you said before, in theory it’s hot, but I don’t know. I mean I know you’ve got a thing for that girl Terri, right?”

  “Terri yeah, but see that would be tough, ‘cause with her, with most girls I am dom. Her seeing me being sub might not interest her at all, might in fact turn her off.”

  “Yeah, it’s tricky.”

  I dried my hands and walked to my room. This was a post coital discussion like no other Jon and I had yet had. It wasn’t so much that we were boun
cing from subject to subject – this guy and I did that a lot – but usually we talked kink or we talked mundane, we had never done this, married the two. I liked it. In fact, I really liked it. It felt natural and good and sweet and warm. And with us having just discussed him possibly visiting, this all felt like we were jumping another hurtle of intimacy.

  Getting to speak about these things as if they were our everyday life, but not our everyday life was truly fulfilling. As if we actually did have a witness we’d want to spy the kinky activities, but at the same time we realized if someone like Terri wasn’t into it, or if we had no other takers it wouldn’t impinge on what Jon and I did, as if it was understood by both of us where the kink stood. That my being his toy would figure into all this and when it happened for real that I lie quiet and still under him, no doubt leaking from orifices as I had just done minutes before. It would be smoking hot, life affirming and unnerving for both of us in a way sex had never been. Still, we had such a perspective that we could talk as calm and reasonable as we were right then.

  “So, you’re coming out?’

  Volleying back what was for me the most important part of this conversation, I stole a breath waiting for Jon’s reply.

  “I am. I just have to figure a good weekend or something.”

  “You got time with work?’

  “Yeah, that’s no problem. Dave owes me weeks, man,” Jon said and I flashed to a picture of a lanky guy with a shock of red hair as Jon had described his boss. “I just have to see how soon, ya know?”

  “Soon is good.”

  “You are a horny little girl, huh?” Jon snickered and my pussy shot wet again.

  “Yes, daddy,” I cooed. Were we settling in for another round? I was down for it.

  “Shit, Kay don’t start that, I came three times already today.”

  “Old man, can’t handle a little extra ball draining?”

  “Funny girl, remind me to slap your ass extra hard for that remark,” he said and Snap, he clapped once (or so I assumed).

  “When you come out, my meaty round derrière is all yours,” I managed to sigh, my hands spreading across my front.

  “Shit, I thought it was mine right now.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He did, as did I. Could I have given this man any more? I doubted yet feared maybe there would be more, if Jon really was on his way … or was at least making plans to get out here. Somehow I managed to keep my hands off my pussy and wiggled into bed.


  When it rain, it do pour.

  The last thing Jon said to me before hanging up was, “Oh by the way, another four days at least.”

  I had almost forgotten the orgasm denial and thrust back into it my pussy instantly started to thrum as I lay in bed and tried not to circle my ass and keep Jon on the phone longer. But it had been quite the night, I had jettisoned come down my panties when Jon had described wanting me inert. We had discussed the very real possibility of him visiting and now he had hung up with a request that, although I had just come I’d still be roiling, burning and aching through tomorrow and into the next week.

  Then Terri called.

  More precisely Terri texted as she always does with a: You up?

  I debated about texting her back. My friends know unlike Jon (and like most of them) I sleep with my cell charging and on all night on my high cherry wood bedside table. I could sleep through a text and had many a time, but it wasn’t so long after we had come from the restaurant and it was a Saturday night after all, just about twelve-thirty.

  Yes, I replied.

  A minute later my cell rang.

  Even then I was arguing with myself over the logic of answering first Terri’s text, let alone her call. Though feeling ever so tucked-in and warm I knew it would not take me long to get to turned-out and wicked. Being denied orgasm, even if it wasn’t particularly on my mind right at that second, built strength in me. Knowing Jon might actually visit, emboldened me to, as if my attractiveness was assured to me then in a way it had yet to be with the man.

  Let’s just say I was feeling pretty damn good about Kay.

  “I just wanted to apologize for tonight,” Terri opened with.

  “Well, it really was Lisa pushing,” I said, scooting a knee under myself as I rolled on my side.

  “I know, but I could have stepped in any number of times and told her to back-off.”

  “First of all, she would never have done so, no matter who told her to back-off,” I said making curl-cues with my right toe into my cool bedspread. “Secondly, you come to my defense like that she might very well have gotten suspicious, and lastly, you know I can fight my own battles.”

  “I know, but…”

  “…and I like getting her goat when I can.”

  We both chuckled.

  “I just don’t like to see anyone of us get into anyone else’s business, ya know?’

  “Well, the tuna was good.”

  Again Terri and I shared a chuckle.

  I could sense her wanting more, but I was going to make her earn it. If what I suspected was true with this text/phone call, this night could turn very interesting indeed. It might have been my heightened sense of a dom/sub scenario, playing deep in it myself as I was, but I was itching to see if what I sensed right then was correct.

  “Well, I just felt I had to apologize for…”

  “…you don’t have to apologize for Lisa, really Ter, I shut it down quick. You want to apologize for something you did, if you even did anything, that’s different.”

  “Well, I don’t think I did anything directly wrong, but…”

  I was right.

  “I’m not so sure. You can be a pretty naughty little scamp yourself when you want to be.”

  “Kay,” she practically squealed.

  Yes, I was right.

  “Even now, we both know why you really called.”

  “To apologize for…”

  “Bullshit,” I snickered, settling down deep into my bed. “You want me to play along with the game of you apologizing, call you out on something you did, scold you so you can justify wanting me to punish you.”

  I expected the silence so I continued. “I know you better than you know yourself, Terri. You want to come to me all contrite, offer up that sweet little ass of yours and let me do what I think should be done. You’re not a bad girl in what you do but in what you want, in what you think about and how you will fake calling me to apologize for something you had no hand in, hoping for the possibility I might take your bait and you can wheedle your way into coming over, baring your ass and pussy to me and letting me have my way with you.”

  “Let me come over, Kay,” was the only response the girl could manage after a full minute of silence.

  Subs know subs.

  “If you follow my instructions to the letter.”

  “Oh God.”



  “First, you got to give me half an hour. Second, I want you dressed in the skimpiest little outfit you own, no panties, very high heels, no bra. I want it so you’re almost scared to go out the way you’re dressed.”


  “Don’t dare refuse me or I will make it worse, much, much worse.”

  “Okay, okay, skimpiest little outfit I own, heels, nothing else, at your place at one.”

  “The side door will be open, you walk in, go to my living room and stand in the middle of the floor, eyes closed and wait.”

  “Yes, yes.”


  I hung up and texted Jon. I have a surprise for you.


  Would you be interested in more than one toy?

  It would depend on who she is … it is a she right?

  Yes. I’ll send you a picture.


  Give me about a half hour.

  How is this all happening?

  It’s just my karma?

  Could be … LOL.

  Terri was right on tim
e. I had showered and dried, redid the make-up (slightly) pulled the hair back and was dressing in only my robe (at least Terri would assume I was only in my robe when she first saw me) when I heard my side door open and close then the distinct sound of Terri clip-clopping into my little house, cross the wooden floor of my entrance hall and into my living room. I had made sure to turn on every light in the living room and dining room adjacent and took my time playing with my ponytail until I secured it and the tie around my high hips and padded my own four-inch stilettos out my room and across that same wooden floor to the fetching creature standing facing me, but with her eyes closed in the middle of my living room floor.

  I snapped the first picture. Terri quivered as she recognized the sound of my phone’s camera.

  “I promised Jon some pictures.”

  Terri couldn’t even come close to matching me in the ‘toy’ department. I had no fear of competition here or traipsing into Jon and my private life. Jon didn’t know this girl and would simply take the pictures as offered as something nasty he could maybe jerk off to or maybe (hopefully) scold me over later. He’d assume this was Terri of course and would be turned on by her bod (as I was). I was confident enough in both how attracted he was to me and how much my submission to him was special that I really had no fear in exercising this scenario.

  At the very least I knew we’d discuss this and the idea made me almost as hot as ogling Terri right then … almost.

  “Oh, sweet Christ,” Terri said visibly quivering. I had to give her credit. She was dressed as I had requested and hadn’t run from the room or even opened her eyes now knowing not only I would be ogling her tonight.

  “That’s an obscenely short skirt,” I said moving into the room and right up to the girl’s perfect little ass.

  Terri was wearing what amounted really to half a pleated navy blue and green striped skirt. The thing didn’t even cover her ass. I knew girls wore outfits like this nowadays, usually with tights, but being bare underneath she was almost fully exposed. She also had on what had to be three-inch platform heels and a belly baring T-shirt. Terri would never have dressed like this in public, though she looked daring for sure. She would have been easily arrested or worse.


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