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My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play

Page 14

by R. Greco

  I bore down, grabbed a handful of the top of Joel’s curly hair as he flatted his tongue against my clit and my lips began to ache in that way that only the aftershocks of an orgasm can make them ache if the pressure is maintained.

  “It’s got to be more than one honey,” Fred said behind me, undulating his big chocolate couch into the futon’s back and his boyfriend all but pushed his nose up my hole, began to circle his tongue across my clit and Fred held me and pulled all at the same time.

  “Oh, Jesus, fuck” I growled through the hyper sensitivity, planted as I was, my thick thighs spreading ever wider around the man at my feet, my back arched and aching for the one at my head who was literally leaning down over me so hard I could look up – which I did – and rub my nose on his tight warm belly.

  I felt the second orgasm coming and it scared me it felt so big. My clit was aching for Joel to both give me a second but keep going. My pussy was globbing wide open, my tits shaking in Fred’s grasp and there was an actual tear sliding down from my right eye. But the guys stayed stuck on and up me, I writhed, I began to mew, I clenched my ass, felt Joel grab my hips tighter.

  “No, nah, no fuck no...” I cried, sat straight up – the boys rolling with me – and splashed Joe’s face with what I knew was a real deep squirt of an orgasm. I could let loose some real juicy sprays if I got deep into multiples at it seemed these guys were determined to give me.

  “Mmmm, mmm, momma,” Joel said coming off me long enough to just wipe his face.

  He dove back down into my splashing middle and Fred finally took his hands from my tits, moved from around me and stood behind Joe to face me. He held his hard purpling perfect 8-inch cock in his hand and smiled down at me stroking while I writhed to his boyfriend’s mouthing intentions. The man over me knew I stared at his cock every chance I got during our rendezvous and having never as much as touched it, but him manipulating it now while my pussy got eaten further, both these guys obviously wanting me to orgasm more, I was transfixed by the hard tree-long of a thick chocolate dick not mere inches from my face. I was slightly disappointed Fred wasn’t fondling my big boobs then, but was just as tickled that he knew enough to come from around the couch and present himself to me like that.

  “Oh God, God, yes...” I wailed, sitting straight up now, I grabbed one big boob in each hand, squeezed hard, felt Joel begin to really fuck my open hole with his tongue and tried not to salivate to Fred’s fist manipulations of his heavy purpling cock head in and out of his thumb and first two fingers.

  “I’m gonna, I’m gonna,” I said to no one in particular and I did, I came again, this time managing to get a hand off my tit long enough to push my open palm to the back of Joel’s head as I splashed one again into his mouth.

  Joel lapped at me as I wriggled spraying and Fred began to fount his come all over my shaking tits.

  It was certainty one of my hotter nights with the boys.


  “I was of a mind to have you show it off, but what does that much matter now?” Jon tittered into the phone.

  “It really is holding-up,” I said, once again staring at my ass in the mirror balancing the cell into the crook of my shoulder.

  “I wish I was there to kiss it.”

  “Me too honey, me too.”

  “When does Terri get there?”

  “Ten minutes, give or take.”

  “And she has no idea?”

  “She’s got to have a hint, given what’s been happening when we’ve been alone, but no, nothing specific.”

  “Wish I could be there for that to.”

  “I know you do.”

  “Wish I could be there for anything ... with you.”

  I had to sit to that one.

  “I miss you, I really, really miss you.”

  “I ... I miss you too,” I replied.

  Was that a catch I heard in Jon’s voice? What the fuck?! How is it possible that a phone call could suddenly shift gears so fast that the air around you starts smelling different?

  “I found I could keep to the limit of just doming you, making you repeat the word punishment, hearing that little girl voice, imagining all those naughty things you got up to during the day perfectly fine, perfectly distanced when I wasn’t with you, you know what I mean?”

  “I’m not sure, I mean ... “

  “Let me try and get this out, ok?”

  I sat deeper. My heart was racing. This was literally the last thing I expected to hear when I had called Jon today to tell him of Terri’s impending visit and how I was going to not only show her but do other things to her ... very naughty things indeed. How had we suddenly gotten to this? Did I want to be here?

  Was that the smell of me sweating or some sweet flower blooming someplace in my backyard?

  “Talk to me sweetheart, go ahead,” I barely managed. Jon sighed and continued.

  “It’s been more or less out-of-sight out-of-mind, ya know? I mean not out of mind, but you know what I mean. I can pretty much dom you over the phone as much or better then in person because when I see you there is a hell of a lot more I want to do with you, and it’s not just sexual ... that makes sense right?”

  “Of course, and I feel the same way.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, it is still wildly erotic putting you through your paces in person, you even putting me through a few.”

  I instantly rolled a dollop of dew out my pussy as the image Jon’s spanked little ass came to my mind, my belt dropped next to it.

  “But last time I was there it felt like we were easing into something, ya know? More than just you being my toy, little girl...”

  ‘...a mess?’ I wanted to say thinking of how crazed I was just before he had visited and how I was literally out of my head when we walked that cold Berkley night.

  Wasn’t it too soon for us to be thinking this way? Wasn’t it too soon for Jon to be thinking this way!?

  “You are my jewel Kay, a bright shiny perfect jewel I literally feel warmth radiating from. I didn’t realize how much I felt that until I was there last time, but Christ now that I am back here all I can think about is how warm I felt when I was with you.”

  I began to cry then.

  Out of all the greatest things a man can do for a woman, a father can impress upon his daughter, an uncle can do for his niece, a husband can manage for his wife is to make the women in question realize they are valued. Love is one thing and it is certainly important but I had seen plenty of women who would remember their father’s love, girls who could relate great warm times with their uncles and plenty of wives who heard their husbands repeat well-worn litanies of romantic notions to them, but if a woman does not feel she is valued by the man or men in her life then her relationship with that man will always be missing something.

  I knew Jon liked me, I was pretty much counting on his slowly falling in love with me as I was him, but to hear this description of how he regarded me, how he valued me, how he thought of me as a jewel in fact, had me stupefied. Not that I in turn had not felt this way myself ever since Jon left, ever since I met him in fact.

  Captured, thrilled, aroused so much I didn’t realize Terri had come in via the side door I always kept open, had stepped inside, clopped across my wooden floor and came upon me as I sat on the couch.

  “Oh ... I ... oh,” I gulped, quickly wiping away my tear.

  “Terri’s there,” Jon said, not asking.

  “Yes, I...” I scrambled and I looked up as the pretty girl reached down to kiss my cheek.

  “Hi honey,” I said up to her.

  “Talk later?”

  “Yes, I...” I said into my cell as Terri walked past me into my kitchen, “Yes, we need to continue this.”

  “You ok, I mean I didn’t...” Jon stuttered.

  “I have never been happier,” I beamed into the phone, then cleared my throat to whisper add: “She’s really in for it.”

  Jon chuckled.

  “Call me when she leaves.”

  “I wi
ll,” I said and we disconnected.

  I was limp, radiating and sad all at the same time, but as I turned to regard the girl bent over my sink running the tap for the empty glass she held in her hand Terri’s fine round ass took my attention for the moment and I knew I had to touch her right then or I’d stay stuck on the couch unable to do much more then call Jon back and bade him continue his platitudes. Funny how I could hear a man more or less declare his caring for me, a man I had hoped would feel that way as I certainly felt the same for him and I could still be of two minds enough that I had sex on the brain with someone other than that guy right after he declared how much he cared for me. This was why I’d never held too much worry over my man cheating if I knew he had only done so to scratch a physical itch, to meet a passing fancy, has a need to see someone naked. Being momentarily bitten by the horny bug had always made sense to me, especially right then as I enjoying looking at Terri’s ass so much Jon’s admission was taking a backseat. I was going to jump this sweet slightly younger thang cause I could. What Jon had told me would keep and what Terri and I would get into would have no bearing on Jon and my budding romance one iota.

  I snuck up to the girl who obviously heard me as Terri filled her glass, turned off the faucet and stood fully. Snuggle into her back I put both hands on her ass.

  “I really have something planned for this,” I said spreading her cheeks in her jeans. The girl gulped, stopped sipping and placed the glass on my counter to the right.

  “Kay,” she mewed.

  As I had said to Jon Terri had no idea what I had had planned, I had simply invited her over and I knew she might have even though this was going to be a social call, which it was really. That I would step right up to her not five minutes in my house and simply take such a liberty might have unnerved her, might have not even been what she wanted at that precise moment but I wasn’t about to waste time, especially seeing how emboldened I felt right then.

  Besides the entire past week with Jack, Fred and Joel, Lisa even I had been fantasizing about showing my heart off in a very specific way, displayed pushed-up from the tight straps of my strap-on harness.

  “Kay,” Terri said pushing her pelvis into the cabinet below my sink as I worked my fingers between her ass cheeks, pushing against the springy material of her jeans. Arching back to me, the girl offered me as much of the very bottom of her pussy as she could but I was aiming higher and she knew it.

  “No, Kay; Kay please.”

  Despite her protests I pushed harder into the girl in front of me, wiggled the tips of my fingers in that hammock of her ass crack and felt Terri slacken as she let her back arch. I fanned my fingers as far as I could poke them up in between her little buns.

  I stood up of Terri suddenly just as she began to moan and spun her to me. Looking down at her coy smile, at her averted gaze, at the perfect little nipples poking through her shirt I reached to pick her pointy chin up with my fingers.

  “You had to assume I called you over for a reason,” I chuckled and meeting my eyes with hers Terri cleared her throat.

  “I ... well, Christ Kay I don’t know. I mean Jon was here and ... I mean we haven’t really seen one another alone since that one time and ... you know what I mean.”

  “You came over hoping though, right?”

  “Well, you know ... “

  The coy little girl act – one I attempted in my own way with Jon many a time – was both attractive and slightly off putting; the mixture would serve us well when I planted my seven and half inches up this girl’s pussy and ass within the next half hour. I lean in, kissed Terri on the mouth then pulled her out my kitchen, down my hallway and into my bedroom.

  “Tell me about you experiences with anal,” I said to my bedroom door as I turned to close it and heard the girl behind me gulp audibly.


  As I always do I woke about six thirty and knowing Terri could sleep-in or so she had assured me I went about my usual am ritual, debating whether I should text Jon. The time difference made it so he was certainly awake, but I didn’t know how much we could get back into his admission of the night before being at work and me hardly awake. I wanted to regale him of my sexcapade with the little brunette sleeping naked in my bed just then – Jon knew I had been planning to use the strap-on with Terri – but mostly he’d know why I was texting and I so wanted to hear more of his feelings for me, his thoughts of me being his jewel and what this could really all mean for us.

  Really, nothing does a girl better than having planted a thick dildo in the various orifices of a deserving good friend while coddling the warm feeling of budding love from three thousand miles away.

  Still I hesitated on texted Jon.

  It wasn’t common that somebody got to sleep over on a school night and having Terri there snoring away in my bed was certainly an odd occurrence but I certainly couldn’t kick the girl out after I managed what I had with her. I found once I had filled her pussy so ardently with the strap-on that she came twice, then flipped her over, lubed the cock even more then her copious pussy juices had and managed about five and a half inches up her while she wailed in wide-eyed repulsion assuring me she couldn’t take the thing, I was once again thinking about Jon (to be precise I thought about Jon after I came pushing into Terri). I wanted to call him after we were done but I knew Terri needed me, Jon would understand and knowing morning wasn’t far off I settled into the girl with the slightly rent puss-puss and suffering anus and we both promptly feel asleep.

  But showering my mind was on Jon. Putting on make-up my mind was on Jon, even managing a few minutes under the warm covers with Terri pushing her sweet round ass into me my mind was on Jon.

  I left for work, wrote Terri a quick note after bringing her her phone and whispered that coffee was made.

  At ten after ten my time Jon began a quick flurry of texts.


  A little tough going but she endured, didn’t take it all up her a as I suspected. I fired back.

  Practice makes perfect.


  Talk tonight? Slammed here, but wanted to check-in on the sleepover anal rape.

  Def talk tonight.

  Have a good day.

  You too.

  Not that I hadn’t been before, but with this new level to what my east coast guy and I were feeling, or at least the level he had hinted at, I was even more a’twitter, agog, a’gewy with Jon and my relationship. Managing not more than a half hour lunch, a quick check-in text from Terri I pretty much kept my eyes on my P.C. screen until five thirty when I finally called it quits, walked to my car and my phone rang.

  “I know it’s early but I really want to get to all this,” Jon said as I adjusted my Blue Tooth bud in my ear and started driving.

  “Just left work, perfect timing.”

  “So really, last night ... all good?”

  “Yeah, I mean for me what I wanted more than anything was to see that heart clutched against the straps of the harness, ya know? That I had a willing naughty little girl to take the cock almost made me turn away from the mirror.”

  Jon laughed as did I.

  “It hasn’t faded yet?”

  “Nah, still bright and shiny,” I said and thought – but thank God did not say – ‘bright and shiny like my actual heart is for you.’

  “I was really hoping that what I said to you wouldn’t come between all that. Last thing I wanted was for you not to have a good time with er.”

  “She had my body, well my dick actually...” we both chuckled again as I made the turn onto the 5, “ had everything else. I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said.”

  “In a good way, right?”

  “In a very good way,” I said and as I waited at the stop sign of the onramp I almost began to cry again, but this time from the memory of this very man saying to me how preposterous he found it that we had stop signs and lights on our on-ramps to regulate traffic onto our freeways when back east this idea would be laughed at.

So you’re not scared as shitless as me?”

  “Of course I am,” I said negotiating my Mazda into the rush of rush hour traffic, “but you know as well as I do that I have been pretty much falling in love with you anyway, right?”

  “I’d never be conceited to think that, but I sensed ... well, let’s just say I hoped that what was going on between us wasn’t just the kink. But I like the kink, I really like the kink.”

  “So do I, but I know what you mean sweetheart. In fact I have been trying to reconcile how hot this all has been, you doming me, all that stuff, with what I think I feel for you.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  Just then a crappy little Honda Civic cut me off and I lay on my horn and screamed: “Fuck-tard!’

  Jon began to laugh.

  “You want to call me when you get home?”

  “No no, just some fuck-tard decided he was coming into my lane and blinkers are against his religion. No, go on, go on.”

  “Well actually you were saying about reconciling the kink, me doming you with how you really felt.”

  “Yes definitely, it has been so so hot and you put such a spell on me when we first met. I guess I needed it really, so it was also right place right time, not that you’re not so wonderful or that I’m not falling in love with you ... you know what I mean, it sounds like you are feeling the same.”

  “Exactly, and I am so sorry I haven’t said so earlier, I really am.”

  “Well, who the hell knew what was happening here.”

  “I didn’t really until I came out there to see you. From running through your cool grocery store to driving your car, to how comfy it felt sleeping next to you, all of it, the reality of it smacked me in the head when I was there living that day-to-day with you and I didn’t know how much I missed it until I was home one fucking day.”

  Luckily I drove this half hour home almost every day so I was on auto-pilot now both watching the road ahead and remembering that spin through my ultra-cool grocery store – even I had to admit it was a cool store in its northern California politeness and ease – both cuddling up next to Jon and cuddled away when we both wanted to get into some serious sleeping and yes how much I missed him not being here now only a couple weeks from when he was as I did my best to distract myself with what was, even for me, an extra busy sex life of late. But strapping-on for Terri, or having Joel lick my pussy did not deter me from the fact that I wanted Jon in my life more than he had been so far and that he seemed to want me the same. That now that I knew I was his jewel as well as his little girl, his toy and even on occasion his mess meant I could be all things with this man and being all things with and to a man is what I so wanted to be.


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