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My Heart Belongs To...: A Novel of Age Play

Page 16

by R. Greco

  “Well, like I just said, Terri of course,” I said digging into my baked potato.

  “Of course,” he said pulling at another sliver of meat.

  It was odd the things you come to realize in someone the longer they are with you and how they stay in your head; Jon hardly ever used a knife, preferring the arduous task of cutting most things with the side of the fork he was using. It was like his thing for no salt.

  Was it good I was starting to notice these things?

  “Anybody else?”

  “This getting you hard?” I replied, took my hand off my knife and slid my spidering fingers under the table to poke his crotch. He had seen those pics of Terri I had texted him, had met the girl in person, I knew he found her as attractive and tight as I did.

  “Everything we say and do pretty much gets me hard Kay,” he chided and I felt around long enough to be assured he wasn’t lying.

  Pushing back from the table, Jon “squirted” his chair fully to me, dropped his fork as I took the cue to do the same. Smiling as wide as he I slithered (really, I believe I slithered!) off the edge of my chair, wiggled over to and sat on his lap. We began to make-out in earnest.

  I could feel how rock hard he was under my butt, all but smell his heat on me as we more or less kissed for air; ever since Jon had ‘moved’ here we had been making kissing into an art-form. Yes, before we had always made-out like bandits but the long times in-between not seeing one another when we finally did get together it was usually us ripping one another’s clothes off and getting to the deed at hand not so much erring on the side of niceties or even French- kissing. I’d have to get used to taking my time now with my new live-in romantic roomie.

  “It’s gonna stay this hot between us, right?” I said breaking from him suddenly, “I mean I would hate for this all to...”

  “…Jesus,” Jon said putting his hands to the back of my head working his fingers into my hair, “are you becoming a girl now? Asking me these questions when I obviously so want to pound you?”

  “Really doll, really?”

  “God I have no idea what’s gonna happen, but I am here because I want to find out.”

  “Even though you left half of your clothes behind?”

  Ewww…that sounded too much like something a girl would say!

  “Um, just a little easier first go round, doncha think?”

  “Ok,” I said giving in to the heat we were generating and kissing him hard.

  “We giving up on dinner?” Jon said popping from my mouth a minute later

  “No, I’m still hungry,” I said, then added with my chin down, big eyes up at his and that lilting little voice I hadn’t used so much between us lately: “Feed me, daddy?”

  Jon literally began to hump upwards but I held him down with my weight. Though I was wiggling deeper into his lap still the man managed to reach his arms around me, grabbed his roll off his plate and tore it in two. Pretty as you please he lifted a torn half to my mouth and let me lick the crumbs from his fingers as I took what was offered and chewed.

  “More baby?” he asked and I just nodded my head as I finished chewing and then swallowed the bread.

  “Yes, daddy, please,” I said and watched him once again work round me sitting hard in his lap, not picking up his fork even, going to a piece of asparagus and lifting the entire flaccid steamed stalk to my opening mouth.

  “Here, take a nibble,” he said holding the veggie out to me as I lean my head forward and snapped a quarter of it off with my teeth.

  “A little girl needs to eat her vegetables, ya know?”

  “Mrmm, dardyy,” I said though my crunching.

  “Now don’t talk with your mouth full,” he chided with a chuckle in his voice and I sat back and swallowed again.

  Why when where and how are we aroused and do, does, will, can the degree of that arousal shift, morph, grow and die is a constant state of unknowable flux. I had never before had a man feed me-hell, I had never before even thought to have a man feed me-and while Jon was even then taking a piece of roast in his fingers to pull it free from the bigger half I had cut him I wasn’t sure if I was as much flooding my panties because of the actual feel of his fingers tickling a morsel of food between my lips, sticking into my open mouth or the fact that he was feeding me. I just knew I was pretty much building quite the heat sitting on this man’s lap, calling him daddy and having him continue feeding me.

  “Here honey,” he said and lifted the meat to my mouth. I took it as I had the half a roll and asparagus stalk, with open lips and bouncing slightly like a dog getting a reward.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned to what was a perfectly-cooked pieced of pork loin if I do say so myself. As I chewed, Jon reached for the other half of the roll and managed it past me to his own mouth.

  “Anything else you want to eat?” he asked after we had both swallowed.

  Ok, so it was slightly cliché but I was so fucking hot at this point, who cared.

  “Anything you say daddy,” I answered in that sing-song voice and rolled to face him as full as I could.

  “You do say the nicest things,” he agreed and leaned back as I slithered again-ok, this time maybe I more like flumped-to my knees as Jon spread his legs.

  He had his cock and balls out and over his briefs, his pants pulled open, fly down, jerking off at me in seconds. I snuck a hand down between my legs as I tried to find the best position there between the table and him.

  “You’re going to catch-it, right sweetie?”

  “Yes daddy, I’m still hungry,” I snickered, my big brown eyes up at his, my mouth wide open, my chest rolled forward and head bent so he could just feel my breath on the purpling head of his cock.

  I came with my hand strumming the front of my jeans when I saw the first dewy shine on Jon’s head and lean in to lick it. He came a minute or so later as I hovered my open mouth over him, jerking-off up into me with a full thick fount of creamy come I almost had trouble swallowing.

  But what’s a little girl to do, I was very hungry.


  I should not have been surprised and was tickled pink that Jon would get along with Jack best of all out of all my friends. I loved that most of the guys and girls I knew or were very close to seemed to like Jon the second they met him, though to be sure not every single person I knew had met him yet. That my two best-est guys became pretty much inseparable that first night meeting, huddling close over a pitted Mother’s table discussing a rifling range of subjects I could not dare keep up with, that here were two men I loved, had been intimate with (one I was currently intimate with) and neither guy was in the least bit jealous (as I assumed they could never really be) made me feel all the more like I could maintain being me, which was what I craved most of all and Jon seemed to keep gifting me with.

  Beyond my man’s round-faced good looks, his wide-eyed exuberance, his fantastic ass and his most perfect dominance that came without him wanting to break me, was the fact that Jon really did want me for me. I had never been with a man as bright and confident and being so brought out the best in me. That I was, for the first time in my life, being this open and honest with a man, hell another human being, warmed me in ways beyond getting my bottom spanked or hugging this guy until I fell asleep at night. I had been in plenty of relationships before, good/bad and lukewarm and what I learned from every single one, from my first forays of flirtations in high-school, my on again/off again college career in bisexuality, right through my years with Paul and everything beyond and Jon right then, I knew the very best times for me, hell for anybody, had to be when you were coming clean not only with your lover or lovers but with yourself about that love or lovers.

  Seeing Jon and Jack together was just another good warming moment of knowing I was with the right guy.

  It had taken a bit to get this meet together and watching the pair literally jawing like they had been childhood friends I realized that yes, maybe Jon and I had been a bit stingy with our time. It wasn’t that I was keeping this g
uy-of-mine locked-up per say but for Jon’s first month here I had welcomed folks over more then he and I had ventured out. Yes, we had done this Mother’s crawl a couple of times and God knew who you’d run into at the store, but for the most part my house had been what it always was; the place for my friends to stop by pretty much on a moment’s notice to share a glass of wine and some gossip, now with the added attraction of Jon staying. Those first couple weeks Jon and I had literally been left alone, by the third ‘the girls’ started trickling over and now into our second month Jon and I seemed to be easing into a good balance of meeting my friends at their homes as much as out at restaurants or people stopping by.

  I had seen too many couples try and integrate friends, forcing veritable play-dates…hell, Paul and I had done as much as he attempted to get girlfriends of his guy friends to hit the mall with me or I had attempted to get a hubby of a girlfriend to play softball with he and his friends. These matchups hardly ever worked though because they weren’t as much organic as they were just the attempt at couples to find common ground. I had been hoping Jon would take to my buddies as much as, if they had them, my buddy’s significant others, but I wouldn’t be playing den mother, especially with a man like Jon who had basically given up his friends to move here.

  I was constantly reminded from that not so quiet din in my cranium that if Jon actually decided to stay here with me he’d be the one giving-up his life back where he lived. Albeit we had been discussing quite a bit how he wanted change of scenery, how he wasn’t so sure he even wanted to stay working his consultant’s job, how much he liked the climate where I lived and seeing most of his friends move the past few years and his dad die two years ago there was nothing much keeping him where he was. Having friends here, true friends not just ancillary acquaintances through me would certainly be a step in the right direction.

  We had enjoyed a couple of dinners with Lisa and Bill, me hosting but it was truly hard maintaining the facade between the busty big blonde and I currently and though Jon had not directly asked me about what was happening between us, I knew he sensed it as much as I realized Bill did…the only one who didn’t seemed to be Lisa!

  I had had occasion to introduce Jon to Jerry and Angie too, who we happened to run into at what was slowly becoming Jon’s favorite store in town, the Midtown Market. I knew we’d get to Fred and Joel soon enough but as they lived and played basically an hour away and saw one another at indiscriminate often odd times I’d have to plan that rendezvous.

  Terri had flittered her cute little self over at least a couple times a week as well as us going to hang with her as she worked at The Loop, a cluster of tables at the beer and wine joint she oversaw downtown, but none of us had yet directly addressed anything…though God knows we had all to be thinking the same thing when in each other’s presence. As Terri and I sat and gabbed on my high kitchen stools and Jon came in and out while Skyping his friends or we spent time keeping time with Terri as she nursed a light Thursday night crowd at the out of the way bar I guess we all wondered when we we’d address the 800lb latex dressed gorilla in the room, but nobody had yet thrown the opening salvo. And I had to give Terri credit, Jon had yet to remark directly to her about the naked pics I had sent him of her and most times the girl was just dying for any affirmation she could get.

  As I am sure it is for most of us sex ideas, call them fantasies or even masturbatory daydreams begin as a kernel, gestate a while and just as often get waylaid put on the back burner to become full blown aches hot-spiking through the core of our libidos over time. The rigors of daily routines are such that we all learn how to compartmentalize what we think about on an hour-by-hour basis, least of all how we treat and tread across budding sexual proclivities or pull-out-all-the-stops fetishes. Jon and I hadn’t even discussed the possibility of a threesome beyond that first time a month before our ‘feeding’ moment.

  But a good idea never really goes to waste. The more Jon and I made house, the better we seemed to skirt every possible happenstance of upheaval with either his or mine-sometimes at the same time-common sense I knew that the Terri question, the entire idea of more partners would rear its ugly head. Neither he nor I needed to get Terri playing with us, I knew that, but just because we hadn’t as of yet didn’t mean the happenstance wouldn’t a’happen or that Jon, Terri and I didn’t want it to. It was just a matter of timing, I knew.

  Terri stopping by this night via my text might be pushing the timing upon us…

  Jack liked Terri, and she him, Terri was free this night and her stopping down to our neighborhood bar-even at my urging-wasn’t such an out of the way possibility or hardship seeing as she lived so close. I wasn’t sure if Jon would see Terri’s presence as anything beyond me just calling down a fourth for this hang or he might indeed suspect my ulterior motives, motives I wasn’t even sure I had really.

  The girl bounded into the tavern a half hour after I texted her, all loose hair, oversized sweatshirt, low-riding jeans and low boots. Damn her, I thought looking Terri up and down just as the boys did, she had this ability to just flump right into the simplest of clothes and look real good. There are just those people that are incredibly comfortable in their own skin and for all her little girl protesting and sometimes blatant need when we had been together and the abject mewing that had issued forth from those pretty thin lips when I fucked this girl’s ass months before, she was quite the together lady.

  Shit, could Terri be maturing right before my eyes? God, say it wasn’t so.

  “Beer me,” she said as a way of greeting and in no time we were falling about ourselves at that back table, Jack, Terri and I kicking back a pitcher, Jon soda as I played the next hour and a half with two minds: As much enjoying the company, glowing from the building camaraderie between Jack and Jon and occasionally playing footsie with Terri who no doubt thought it slightly dangerous and therefore oh-so-naughty to do so in the presence of Jon I was keeping my end of the conversation as jovial as I was interesting.

  Jack was the one to call the proceedings to a close an hour and a half later. Unlike Jon, Terri and the slightly rigged black man occasionally worked a Saturday morning and he had to be up early. He left with kisses and hugs all around and the tight little trio that we were sat sipping and talking close.

  “So, I guess this is where is begins in earnest, huh?” Jon said as Mother’s front door closed in Jack’s high ass.

  In unison Terri and I placed our mugs back to our coasters.

  It’s amazing what a couple of pitchers of beer can accomplish; Jon had been imbibing his usual coke with a lime wedge all night.

  “I was kinda hoping,” I said.

  “I haven’t been hanging around you two because I like either of ya,” Terri quipped, threw back the rest of her beer and stood up.

  “I even wore my requisite thong for the occasion,” she said, turned her little butt to us, bent slightly and let her jeans roll down the shelf of her lower back to reveal what looked like the top of a candy red thong to more than just Jon and I.

  “Well, that’s just too darling to waste, isn’t it honey?” I said.

  “Let’s go,” Jon said and we followed him out of the bar.

  I jumped in Terri’s passenger seat to ride with her the five minutes to my house, following Jon driving my car. The second we girls settled in, Terri spread her legs and I scuttled close to begin massaging her crotch. I didn’t say a word as I strummed her and she drove moaning slightly.

  “Take your jeans off?” I asked just as we pulled into my driveway behind Jon.

  Wrangling with her seat belt, Terri then managed to scoot this way and that across the seat as I opened my door and got out. Jon was waiting to close my garage door but I gave him the eye to suggest the few extra seconds would be worth it, then Terri’s driver’s side door opened and out she popped in only her thong, socks and sweater.

  “Very nice,” he said watching Terri saunter past us down the front walk of my house.

  Figuring we’d make
this up as we went along I had no idea if the night would be both Jon and I using and abusing Terri for our enjoyment, if Jon would want to see me and Terri together-namely me fucking her ass again-or if this would be one of those times Jon domed us both. I knew he had wanted this to happen-it’s damn hard to ignore a girl in a red latex thong spinning before you-but really who knew where this all would lead tonight?

  “Go put one on too,” Jon asked sidling up to me, “something as tight.”

  Though I had been known to sport a thong or two Jon had watched me dress this night and knew I had gone with a high-cut leg panty not a thong.

  “Of course doll,” I said and shuffled off-to-Buffalo down the hallway leaving Jon and Terri at my couch.

  It took me no time at all to find my black leather thong, strip off my panties, shirt and bra and flick on a pair of heels. I ‘clop clopped’ back down the hallway and met Terri fully up on all fours on my couch, naked except for her thong (did I know Jon well, or didn’t I?) her ass facing my man as he sat between her taut bent buns and the arm of the couch on the side closet to me walking in on them. Smiling wide as I entered, I simply clopped to them as Terri stayed as still as she could basically on display facing my far wall and when I reached my man I stood before him, turned and presented my ass as well.

  “Mmm, now what else could an ass-man ask for?”

  “Shmat” I heard as I knew Jon had simply reached to his right and flicked his wrist to the ass at his side then “Smack” I heard and felt him hit down and out to connect to my right cheek.

  “Oh, oh,” Terri cawed as I simply held my breath.

  “I really don’t know where to begin with you two,” Jon said, that low roll to his throat signifying his brain was spinning over dominant scenarios right then crossing his mind.

  I knew this guy well; I could literally smell this particular mood when it was on him. There had been a handful of times lately when Jon and I had gotten into sex that was of a decidedly full-on dom/sub cast, him completely dominating me ‘old school’ and this I knew was one of those instances where my man was amping himself into full daddy/master mode. If I had been of the mind to I might have let this bother me, that another complaint female derriere’ would get Jon to this place as much as mine but I was more Machiavellian in my tastes, to wit, whatever got the guy and I here was fine with me…we were allowing another person into our games for Christ sakes’, there’d be no room for jealousies if and when Jon enjoyed touching Terri wherever he was bound to touch her, if he paid as much or more so (at least at first) attention to her, or if I caught her or his arousal over whatever Jon did to her.


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