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All I Ever Wanted

Page 8

by Emma Quinn

  “Thank you very much, Angelo,” he smiled in a friendly manner. “Obviously I cannot give you any details now, but I can tell you that you did very well. We will be in touch if we wish to have future communication with you, and I’m sure at some point someone will want to see you with your team.”

  That wasn’t enough, I needed something utterly definitive but of course I wasn’t going to get it today. I knew that when I came here, but still there was a part of me that hoped. I really liked this team, I liked the way they played and from what I’d seen of their training it wouldn’t be too different from what I was used to. I really wanted this, it would be awesome.

  I had to admit the location was another plus too, it wouldn’t be too far from college, which meant I could continue being close to Maddie, and also to my friends that remained here. Maybe even Faye too, not that I was trying to focus too much on her. Just because I liked her it didn’t mean I wanted to throw all my eggs into one basket and base my future around her. It was just a potential plus, that was all. Nothing too heavy or frightening. Just as idea in the back of my mind.

  “That’s great, thank you. I will… erm, I’ll look forward to hearing from you then.”

  I walked from the pitch with a fear in my heart. My brain raced, running over everything that had just happened and planning ways in which I could have done things better. There were so many ways I could have improved my performance, but that was always the way. If they came to see me and I played on top form then they would see me for who I really was. I wasn’t sure if it would be enough, but I’d feel more satisfied. I just wanted to be given the best shot I could be.

  I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and I called the first person I could think of. Once upon a time this would be Maddie, no doubt, but since I hadn’t actually told her that I was doing this and as far as I knew she hadn’t seen the YouTube video of me discussing it yet, there was only one person I could talk to. The person who in a very short period of time had become very important.

  “Hey, Angelo,” she sounded desperate, like she was out of breath. “How did it go? Oh my God, I’m so glad that you called I’ve been thinking about you all morning, going crazy over here.”

  My facial expression burst out into a smile, it was nice to think that someone cared enough about me to worry about my future as much as I did. Faye was so damn sweet it hurt.

  “I think it went okay, I mean it was very nerve wracking and I think I screwed up a couple of times, but overall I think it went alright. They seemed to like me anyway.”

  “Oh well of course they liked you. How could they not like you? You’re amazing.”

  I slid into the seat of my car with a giant grin on my face. Talking to Faye always gave me a much needed boost of confidence. I didn’t lack it like she did, but it still felt nice.

  “How did your first rehearsal go today? Are you the best Nurse of all time?”

  “How the hell did you remember that this is my rehearsal day in among all that you’re going through? This is what I mean about you being a legend, honestly. It went really well thank you.”

  I cradled the phone closer to my ear, loving the slightly musical sound of her voice, it felt really good in my ear. “Good, well I suppose we should do some filming today, but once we’ve gotten that out the way, did you want to go for dinner again? We have more to celebrate…”

  “Yes, that sounds amazing! I would love that. My God, do I need to get off campus for a bit.”

  I knew with utter certainty that I wouldn’t make the same mistake again. If I got Faye off campus and we had as good a time as we did the last time we hung out, I wouldn’t go back to the student bar where Kevin could fuck things up again. I wanted this to be about me and her.

  “I will pick you up at six PM then. Be ready for a night of debauchery and fun.”

  I hung up my phone and brought the car to life, filled with a sense that everything was finally going my way. It wasn’t that long ago that I wasn’t considering any of this, but I was blind then. I didn’t realize how much I needed to grow up and begin moving forwards. I much preferred the person that I had become ever since Faye had walked into my life. The more adult, capable version of me. The person who was actually ready to take on the world as it was. Without her, that never would’ve happened. I suppose Maddie would’ve kicked my ass eventually, but it would have been a harder message to digest. Something about Faye altered me without me even noticing it.

  One day I was going to have to admit to Dimitri that he was right for starting this project, maybe not for the reasons that he originally thought, but right anyway.

  My eyes swam a little bit under the influence of the booze, but there was one thing I could see very clearly. Or one person, more accurately. Faye. She looked absolutely incredible tonight, even better than usual, and it built up the need in my chest to an almost uncontrollable level.

  “This is a nice bar,” she mused thoughtfully as she glanced around. “Sometimes you get so stuck in the student scene you forget that there’s more, don’t you? This is much classier.”

  “Perfect for you, you look really classy tonight. Anyone would think that you’re on a date.”

  Was I flirting? I couldn’t totally tell. It felt like I was stuck somewhere in between desperately wanting to flirt and holding myself back. There were still so many reasons why I shouldn’t be, but they were getting duller and duller in the back of my brain with every passing second.

  “You’re very funny, you know that?” she asked me while flicking her hair over her shoulders. “I like that about you. You always know exactly how to make me laugh.”

  I was filled with pride, I didn’t think my sense of humor had ever been noticed by a girl before. Then again they rarely stuck around for long enough for that to happen. Usually they were out the door before we even got to know anything about one another. I puffed out my chest with pride.

  “Why thank you. Hopefully if today goes well I’ll be the best, funniest football player.”

  She touched my hand and gave me a reassuring look. I almost had to snatch my skin away from hers because she sent such a flurry of electricity racing through me, but luckily I managed to keep it there. I didn’t want to start acting weird, that wouldn’t help either of us.

  “You will,” she told me gently. “You’ll definitely find you’re place. Even if it isn’t in this team. You’re a good enough player that any team will want you.”

  “I want to believe your compliment, I really do, but there’s only one problem… you don’t know anything about football! I don’t even think your time filming me has changed that.”

  “I guess not.” Faye was completely unashamed about her lack of knowledge. “But I hear everyone else saying that you’re amazing, so that has to mean something, right?”

  I wasn’t sure why I’d brought it up really because I didn’t desperately want to talk about it. Even though I’d been drinking the anxiety was still there. I didn’t know what way the team would go when it came to me, I couldn’t tell at all. The wait could be the thing to kill me.

  “Yeah, who knows? I think the YouTube stuff you’ve done has helped though.”

  “My camera skills are known for being amazing,” she teased. “So that must be it. People are simply watching the videos for my talent alone. You are just the lucky one who gets to star in them.”

  I wasn’t mistaking it anymore, Faye had slid her entire body closer to mine and she was leaning across to grab my attention. Both of us were flirting, it was off the same scale. She wanted me, I wanted her. All the other distractions that had kept us apart so far didn’t even factor any longer.

  I cocked my head and leaned in, feeling myself sucked towards her by a powerful magnet, and Faye did the same. In that moment the world completely shrunk to just me and her. I felt acutely aware of every single one of her movements, I was as in tune with her as I was my own body, and that was a sensation I loved. My own heart pounded violently against my rib cage and I could have sw
orn that hers matched mine. We swam in chemistry, in need, in desire. I knew that if I kissed Faye it would be different, it wouldn’t just be a fling, but for some reason I really didn’t care. I wanted it.

  And then our lips crashed together and fireworks exploded. My entire body lit up like a damn Christmas tree, I felt like I could burst. As my lips connected with Faye’s soft ones, something shifted inside of me. I felt hypersensitive to her touch, like she’d inflamed me.

  As Faye parted her lips to deepen the kiss, I slipped my tongue into her warm, wet mouth and I knotted my fingers up in her hair. I no longer felt drunk from the booze, I was drunk on her, but still thirsty for more. We’d over stepped the mark and now I wanted to keep on going. I wanted to see her naked, to feel her pressed up against me, to push myself inside of her…

  Faye seemed to feel the same way, she pressed her body into mine and clung tightly to my hips as if she couldn’t bear to let me go. The moment that an involuntary moan escaped her throat I knew… there was only one way that this night could end, and I couldn’t wait for it to happen.

  “Come back to my room?” I asked breathily against her lips. “Please?”

  She paused for a moment, biting down on that beautiful bottom lip of hers. Of course she needed to think this through, it wasn’t the sort of decision she could take light heartedly. We both knew that this was huge and that there’d be ramifications for it. She just needed to decide, as I already head, whether or not it was worth the risk. We both had to lay things on the line to make this work, which probably wasn’t the best decision to be made after we’d been drinking, but it truly felt like it was now or never… and I really didn’t want it to be never.

  “Yes,” she eventually gasped, filling me with relief. “Let’s do it. Let’s go now.”




  e crashed through the doors into Angelo’s room, kissing passionately. His hands were all over my body, I could feel his fiddling with the hem line of my tee shirt and it felt amazing. I didn’t really know what I was doing, this certainly hadn’t been what I’d planned for tonight, but it felt so good. This had weirdly been a long time coming and I couldn’t wait to see what it felt like.

  “Oh thank God,” Angelo gushed between my lips as we got inside. “Simon isn’t here.”

  He walked me backwards to his bed and just at the moment that my calves hit the wooden frame he yanked the top up and tossed it to the ground. My skin was flushed and hot, I felt convinced that I had funny looking red patches all over me but Angelo didn’t seem to care. His eyes ran over me like I was the best looking girl that he’d ever seen. Even though I knew it probably wasn’t true, I got lost in the romance of the situation and I allowed myself to feel special. It was nice to feel beautiful.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he told me as his mouth connected with the hyper sensitive skin of my neck.

  I gripped onto his shoulders and tossed my head back. My hair fell down my back and my neck elongated to give him more skin to run those delicious lips all over me. “You aren’t so bad yourself,” I whispered back, whimpering as he made me feel phenomenal. “Oh my God, Angelo.”

  I hooked my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair as he slowly moved over my collar bone. His tongue kept darting out of his mouth to lick the perspiration off my skin. It was almost as if he wanted to taste me all over, and damn it I needed that too. I wanted him everywhere.

  Eventually I gave up trying to stand and I collapsed backwards on the bed and I gave him an intense stare. I dragged my tongue over my lip in what I hoped was a seductive way.

  “Take off your tee shirt,” I command. “Come on, I’m here in only my bra, it’s only fair.”

  Rising to the bait, Angelo took a step backwards and he smirked at me. Then he pulled his tee shirt off, pausing with it above his head to flex his abs at me. He was fit, football had done him well, which made him vey sexy. Okay, so he knew it, that much was obvious, but his moment of over confidence didn’t put me off. If anything, it sent an intense shiver racing up and down my spine.

  “Yeah, yeah, get it off,” I teased. “And the trousers too. You might as well go the whole hog.”

  “You like what you see?” He unbuckled his waistband slowly. “Okay then, fair enough.”

  I straightened my back as a bolt of lightning raced down to my core. There was a pulsing in my panties that grew in intensity with every passing second. I wanted him to grab me, to throw me down on the bed, and to ravish me, but at the same time I didn’t want things to go too quickly. This was the most fun that I’d ever had! It made me like Angelo even more than I already did…

  His thick thighs came into view, and I could see a very large bulge in his underwear. He looked absolutely massive which made my mouth water. I didn’t know if I could handle him, but I couldn’t wait to find out. I could imagine him inside me already, and I had to say it was an awesome feeling.

  “Now you,” he growled at me, while climbing on the bed over the top of me, making me lie backwards on his ice cool sheets as we went. “I want to see what you look like naked. But unfortunately for you I don’t have the patience to wait for you to strip for me, so I’m going to do it for you.”

  He hooked his arms around the back of me and tugged my bra apart. It pinged open and revealed my rock hard nipples. Angelo gasped as he spotted them and he got distracted. His mouth bent down to wrap his lips around them and he licked, sucked, and tugged ever so lightly. It was a weird mix of all kinds of sensations and I loved every single one of them. Even the strange pain like sensation.

  “Oh, Angelo.” I grabbed his head and held him there for a while. I wanted to savor every single second of this, just in case it didn’t happen again. “Oh my God, you have no idea how good this feels.”

  But my hips wouldn’t stop bucking off the bed and rolling into him, and I guess Angelo couldn’t take it any longer because he ripped his head away from me and he moved it down over my stomach. His lips kissed my side, my belly button, right at the top of my panties… and it felt good.

  “I need you naked.” He grabbed my trousers and pulled them down, dragging down my lacy underwear with it. As his eyes connected with the part of my body that was the most needy for him, he gushed and groaned as if I had put him in sheer agony. “Oh God, you look good naked.”

  He lifted my ass off the bed and dragged the clothing right off me, even taking the time to kick my shoes off and remove my socks. He did it gently, as if he wanted to take the time to see ever inch of me as well, which felt nice. I liked to be desired, it made me feel like a sexy goddess.

  Then he yanked his own underwear down, giving me a glimpse of the rock hard erection that was waiting for me, and he slid back up my body. His hands didn’t come with him, they stayed down there, massaging my insides in a way that felt phenomenal. I had a sense of warm satisfaction, but it wasn’t enough. I needed more, I needed everything. Pressing myself into him more still wasn’t enough.

  Without even thinking about what I was doing, I pressed lightly down on Angelo’s shoulders, showing him what I wanted without actually telling him. My heart hammered against my rib cage, I knew that he could hear it as he willingly travelled all the way back down my body.

  “Oh fuck…” He caught me by surprise as his tongue connected with me, flicking against my clit. It made me buzz, it made me race, it caused my head to spin. It wasn’t like anything I’d ever experienced before. I felt like my entire body was opening up, like a flower. It was a sexual awakening.

  Angelo’s hands gripped onto my hips to fix me in once place while he sent me to heaven and back. It was good, I kept wanting to escape because the sensations were overwhelming, but he kept me there, making me feel it all. And whoa, the feelings were off the scale. My entire body was on fire.

  “C… come back,” I finally panted out as I managed to find my voice. “Come here.”

  Angelo pulled his mouth away, leaving me cold and exposed, but I didn’t mi
nd that feeling because soon enough he would be inside me, if I got my own way which I had a feeling that I would. Angelo seemed to like doing what I asked of him, and I sure as hell loved being in control.

  “Did you not like that?” he asked with a playful smirk. “Did it not feel good?”

  “Too good,” I panted back. “I need more. I need you everywhere.”

  Angelo leaned across me to his pocket and he pulled a condom from it. I bit down on my bottom lip as lust raced through me. Watching him roll the latex down over him was somehow just as sexy as when he was touching me. There was something about him that was super hot. Maybe it was the confidence, or maybe it was the expertise… maybe it was just him, I wasn’t totally sure.

  He teased my entrance while he kissed me for a little while longer. His soft lips against mine which was the complete opposite to the hardness I felt down below which was wonderful.

  “Do you want this?” he asked me desperately. “Do you need this as much as I do?”

  I didn’t answer with words, instead I pushed myself against him and slid him inside. He thrust into me and left me absolutely breathless. It was as if that one movement had sucked all the air from my body and left me with nothing but sensations. His hands were everywhere, he plunged into me, we were surrounded by a deep and heady lust.

  “Oh, my God, Faye, you feel so good,” he grunted into my ear. “So amazing.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore, I wanted to keep this feeling going, so I flipped him onto his back and sat astride him so that I could control all of the movements. I pushed myself up into a sitting position and I angled myself perfectly so that every thrust hit my clit, and I rode him. Angelo gripped tightly onto my hips, and he writhed with sheer bliss beside me.

  A heat started in the pit of my toes and slowly crept up through my veins. It buzzed violently and switched my brain off completely. I couldn’t think, I could only feel. Then the orgasm hit me, it knocked me from my feet and shattered through my body. It was so intense, so agonizingly wonderful that at one point I thought that my heart might have shattered in my chest. I hadn’t had anything like it before, I wasn’t sure what to do with the feeling, I just wanted to cling to it forever and never let go.


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