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Pitcher's Baby

Page 16

by Saylor Bliss

  I’ve just swallowed down my first heaping gulp when the doorbell rings. Moments later, Ashlin walks in the kitchen looking like something the cat dragged in. “What on earth, Ash? Did you get in a fight with a dumpster?”

  “Ha-ha. Scoot, bitch. Give me some of that.” She takes my cup from my hands, raising it to her lips and inhaling its sweet, warm goodness. I hear her sigh from behind me while I pour myself another cup, thankful that Aaron made a full pot this morning. I pour in my creamer and sugar and turn back toward her, eyeing her suspiciously. Her hair is a ragged mess, draping down the middle of her back. She has swollen black circles under her bloodshot eyes. I watch as she finishes her coffee and then lays her head down on the counter.

  “So sleepy.” She groans into the curve of her arm. I chuckle at her. It's funny to me that the one night I sleep like an angel, she has the worst sleep of her life.

  Ok, that's it. I'm getting to the bottom of this right now. I have never in my life seen Ashlin like this. She's slouching off the bar stool right now, and she doesn't even realize it.

  “My God, Ashlin, are you asleep?”

  “Huh? What?” she asks, raising her head and righting herself on the stool once more. “Whaddya say?”

  “You totally just fell asleep at my bar.”

  “No I didn’t.”

  “Uh huh, and I got a picture to prove it.”

  “No! Charlee Tate Cooper, I swear you’d better delete any and all pictures of me drooling right now! I mean it!”

  I lean over, laughing at her sullen expression. She tries to look angry, but the smeared mascara and lipstick across her face takes away from the severity of it.

  “I'm kidding, dork. I don't even have my phone. Now tell me what the hell happened to you,” I say. She huffs for a moment, trying to pretend to be mad at me for tricking her, and then she jumps up and peers around the corner to make sure no one is listening in before she comes back, jumping up on the counter next to me.

  “So, last night I went to this party at Drake’s house. I was gonna invite you, but we both know it's not really your thing, and besides, you were busy with Lucas anyway, right?” she asks, and I nod my head, letting her know that she was right to not invite me, and then I wait for her to continue.

  “Anyway. You know it’s the first time I’ve gone out since dumping Andy, and I was a little nervous that I’d run into him, but not a bad nervous, more like I wanted to be on fleek just in case, ya know? So I got all dolled up and wore my new skirt—you know, the black one with rhinestones around the bottom? I looked ah-mazing!”

  God, this girl could talk on and on about nothing at all. I nod along, waiting for her to get to the part where she tells me she got ran over by a herd of wildebeest or trampled by a group of elephants—something to explain how she could go from ah-mazing to this.

  “It's a good thing too, because as soon as I arrived, guess who I saw? Fucking Andy, and get this—he wasn't alone. Cassie was there too. I mean, why the hell is she out at a party if she is pregnant? Stupid. He didn't see me though, thank God, so I crept into the kitchen and grabbed a red cup and filled it up. I know, I know. Don't start in on me about drinking. I had to have one. I mean, seriously, Char.”

  “I get it, Ash. I'm not saying it's right, but yeah, I get it.”

  “Ok. Well, while I was in the kitchen, this freaking guy walks in. Charlee, I thought I was going to die right then and there. It was like the air got sucked out of my lungs. I literally could not breathe. He was that beautiful. I know I was probably staring at him or something, but whatever . . . and I guess somewhere along the way, I did forget to actually breathe, because the next thing I know, his arms are around me and I'm inches from hitting the ground. He caught me right as I was about to hit the floor. Can you believe that?”

  “Holy hell, Ashlin! That’s crazy. What happened next?”

  “Oh yeah, so this stranger is scooping me up, but still holding me close, ya know, kinda protectively, and freaking Andy walks in. I swear, his eyes bulged out of his head like a cartoon character. He said something smartass about me not wasting any time. I don't even remember exactly what it was, but the stranger just reared back and punched him. Andy hit the floor, unconscious. Then the stranger turned back to me and asked if I was ready to leave. Of course, I said, and so we did.”

  “Dammit, woman. I can't leave you alone for one minute. I can't believe he hit Andy. That’s crazy. Were you scared?”

  “No, not at all. It felt so good to see him put in his place after the way he did me. I kinda wish I had been the one to do it.”

  “So that still doesn't explain why you look like hell. I mean, I guess you had an exciting night, but didn't you think to shower before going back out in public?”

  “Oh THAT . . . well you see, the thing is, I haven't exactly been home yet. I may or may not have gone home with a complete stranger last night and had the best night of wild sex in my life.”

  “NO! Ashlin Montgomery, tell me you didn't stay the night there with him.”

  “Well no. Yes. I don't know. Technically, I haven't actually slept . . . so?”

  “Oh. My. God. My best friend is a slut,” I say, burying my head under my hands.

  “Oh hush. Like you haven't been sleeping with Lucas this whole time.” I peek up from under my arm, watching her. Her eyes widen with shock. “You haven't?” she asks curiously.

  “Twice,” I say.

  “Details. I need details and a shower,” she says, dragging me off the counter and up the stairs. We pass my mom and brother in the living room on our way. They both look up guiltily, and for a moment, I wonder if they had been listening in, but Ashlin drags me up the stairs to the bathroom, and all thoughts of them escape my mind as I fill her in.

  Chapter Twenty- Eight


  The rest of Sunday flies by in a blur, and before I know it, Monday morning is here again. “Bye guys, headed to class.” I shut the front door before either of them replies and jump in Lucas’s car. He already has Everly strapped in and the car cooling off with the AC blowing on max. I almost don’t want to go to class again today, but then I think of all the amazing images I’ll be able to learn to capture with my new camera and lens, and all thoughts of skipping vanish. Lucas wraps his arms around me and kisses me by the front door of the class. No sooner does he drive away, than I'm cornered by Bimbo One and Bimbo Two, Anna and Britney.

  “I see you don't have a problem with someone else's seconds.”

  I try to ignore her and push past on my way to class, but Britney steps in the way, blocking my path. “Leaving so soon? But we just got here.”

  “I've got nothing to say to either one of you, and I damn sure don't want to hear anything you have to say.”

  “Aww, that's too bad. We had some really juicy news for you.”

  “Again, I couldn’t care less.”

  “Ok then . . . guess you can just find out the hard way.”

  “Find out what?” Ashlin asks. I didn't even hear her walk up behind me, but a part of me is thankful she's here, if for no other reason than I have a witness to these vicious attacks. Although I really wish she would quit instigating them. I don't care what either of them have to say. Everything coming out of their mouths is nothing but a lie.

  “Oh, nothing much. Just that we saw Lucas with Kirsten Friday night.”

  “Oh really? That's funny, because he was with me Friday night.” I can't believe I'm even playing into their hands. They’re just trying to start trouble. For some God-given reason, they have their sights set on Lucas and they refuse to give up.

  “All night? Really?”

  “Come on, let's go before the bell rings,” I tell Ashlin, dragging her toward our class. I can't bear to stand there and listen to either one of them anymore, especially knowing that Lucas was not with me all night Friday. He left around eleven, after we played outside, chasing each other around under the stars. My heart hurts to think that he would leave my side and run straight to Ki
rsten, but my brain tells me that it's possible. They have a history together. He has never hidden that from me. I want to crawl inside myself and hide from the world, but I refuse to let my monster win again. When I see him again, I'll ask him. I trust him enough to tell me the truth.

  “You don't believe those whores, do you?” Ashlin asks.

  For a second, I debate not telling her the truth, but then I remember she's my best friend. I can trust her with anything, so I tell her exactly what I'm thinking.

  “I don't know, Ash. I want to trust him. I want to believe that he would not do that to me, but they have a history together, so yeah, it's possible. I won't know for sure until I ask him.”

  “So you're going to ask him?”

  “Yep, sure am.”

  “Well, good luck with that,” she says as we walk into Mr. Lombard’s class and take our seats. I try to concentrate on what Mr. Lombard is saying, but my mind keeps drifting back to the altercation with Anna and Britney. I can't check it from my mind. It's invading my every thought until I can't think of anything else. I was going to try to wait until I saw him in person, but that's no longer possible. I pull my cellphone from my pocket and pull up his contact, discreetly texting him.

  Me: Did you see Kirsten this weekend?

  Lucas: Briefly. Friday night

  Lucas: Why?

  Me: Did you not think to mention it to me? Did you not think that I would care to know, especially after everything else that already happened because of something to do with her?

  Lucas: Meet me outside. Please.

  I debate ignoring him completely, but this is something that needs to be hashed out, and it's probably best if we don't do it over text, so I raise my hand and ask to be excused. He’s leaning his back against the hood of his car when I walk out. I wonder how he managed to get here so quickly, but I don’t ask. It’s not important. I stand next to him, waiting to hear what he has to say. I don't have to wait long.

  “I stopped by the diner on my way home to grab a snack. I know I had eaten dinner at your house, but I was really craving a cheeseburger from the diner. I shouldn’t have gone in the moment I recognized her car out front, but a part of me hoped that we had both moved on. I mean, technically speaking, she had moved on even before we separated, so I really didn't think there would be an issue. I got my food and paid for it and was just about out the door when she jumped from her seat and ran over to me. The only thing she said to me was, ‘Are you happy?’ I told her that I was, and she patted my arm and said ‘good’ and then walked away. That's it. I swear to you.”

  I believe him. I feel the truth of his words settle deep inside of me, and I realize that I was a fool to entertain the thought of his cheating on me at all. He shows me every day how much I mean to him in the way he holds me, kisses me, and takes care of me. I should have walked in the opposite direction the moment I saw Anna and Britney. For whatever reason, they have made it their mission to ruin mine and Lucas's relationship.

  I should have put more trust in him—in us—but the insecurities of my past crept up on me and wouldn't let me. I had been doing so much better. Every day, I feel the weight of despair lift off me a little more. Every day, my monster’s voice gets a little weaker as her hold on me diminishes. It pisses me off to think that all it took to bring her back was the lie of two skanks. I’m stronger than this.

  “I'm sorry, Lucas. In my heart, I knew what I heard was a lie. Never did I believe you would betray me, but sometimes, my mind has a mind of its own, and it's EVIL! I swear it is.”

  “Shh. It's ok, Charlee. I'm glad you came to me. I should have told you when I texted you goodnight that night, but I didn't want to drop that on you over text, and honestly, I forgot all about it the next day.”

  “It's okay. Really, Lucas. It is.”

  “Good. Now get over here and kiss me.”

  I don't make him ask twice. I kiss him with every pent-up emotion I have buried inside of me. I let my lips tell him everything I can't bring myself to speak aloud. He feels it. I know he does. After a minute, he pulls back, resting his forehead against mine. His breathing is as frantic as my own. His chest heaves up and down as he tries to get his pulse under control.

  “Charlee, there's something else I’ve been keeping from you. Something I’ve been dying to tell you, but I didn't know when. I can't wait another minute. I need you to know.”

  “Shh,” I say, capturing his lips with my own. “I already know, Lucas. I already know.” He increases the intensity of the kiss then, swallowing me whole inside and out. I feel my soul attach to his own, finding its one partner in this crazy, fucked up world. He holds me against himself, pressing my body along every inch of his, kissing every available inch of bare skin, driving me wild until the class ends. The only sound I can focus on is the sound of his heart against my ear, thump, thump, thumping, calling me home.

  Chapter Twenty- Nine


  The way he’s kissing me and touching me leaves me speechless. I can’t think, much less speak. Right now, I’m thankful for the dark tinting on his windows and the empty parking lot at the photography school.

  “Has anyone ever told you what an amazing kisser you are?” I whisper against his lips.

  “No. I can’t say they have.”

  “Well, now they have, because you are.” I lean in to give him a chaste kiss on his cheek, but he quickly advances, offering his mouth instead, urgently pushing his tongue through my parted lips. The electrical current in the air is palpable as I’m roughly hoisted onto his lap to straddle his narrow hips, and I realize he is most assuredly not cute anymore—feral, animalistic, magnetic maybe, but definitely not cute.

  Every part of me pulses, craving his touch. The moans from deep in his chest and the whimpers from my lips propel me further toward my ultimate, yet unexpected goal—to have him inside of me. My need for him is uncontrollable, undeniable, and I can’t remember a time when I’ve felt such a powerful desire to connect with him.

  Our hands are everywhere, and at once, all of my senses are on overload, the smell of his skin and the leather interior of the SUV, the sight of his wild eyes darkening with desire, the sound of his breathing accelerating, the pounding of his heart under my hand on his chest. The combination of it all is simply too much.

  I drop my head back to offer him my neck, which he eagerly accepts, licking and sucking his way up to the little spot behind my ear that makes me shiver, and down to the tender flesh above my collarbone, where his open mouth devours me. Removing his hand from the bare skin of my back, he reaches out to press the lock button on the door panel.

  When his attention is fully on me again, the desire in his eyes stokes the already scorching fire at my core, and every movement, every touch from there on is frantic, tearing at each other's clothes to get closer, to touch more, to taste more. When he pulls his cock from his jeans, I feel it stiff and smooth as silk against my belly. My jeans are haphazardly yanked off only one leg, along with my panties, and literally half-dressed, I dig my nails into his shoulders and throw all caution to the wind. I rise to mount him when he stops me suddenly, grasping my hips, suspending me above his cock and preventing me from fulfilling this insane desire to sink down and take him deep inside of me.

  “Hey,” I protest. Opening my eyes to see why the brakes have been put on, I find him staring at me, panting with want, trembling on the precipice of ecstasy.

  “What is it?” I say between gasps, seeing the indecision in his eyes, as if he were unsure about continuing. What the hell? Why would we stop? Fuck me already, I scream in my mind. He’s always reading my damn mind when I don’t want him to, but now, I really want him to. Just as quickly as he halted our passion, he rebounds, and I’m given what I crave.

  He releases his hold on my hips, and I slide down around his beautiful, solid cock, coating him with my desire. I love this fucking man and his lengthy cock. When he is deep inside of me, he tangles one hand in my hair, the other circling my back, and he
plasters himself against me as if he were trying to meld us into one entity, wringing the breath from my lungs. We bury our faces into each other’s neck. I feel him pulse inside of me as he stills, collecting the strength to hold on and make this last.

  When he’s able, he loosens his tenacious grip, and I gulp in a breath of much-needed air. Holding onto his shoulders, I slide off him until only his tip brushes the outer folds of my needy sex before he thrusts forward.

  “Ahh shit, Charlee,” he moans low and long before picking up the pace. I take all of him every time, to the precipice of pain, but it’s a delicious pain that I welcome over and over while we rock the hell out of this Cadillac.

  “Fuck, I want to bite this ass.” He has a cheek in each hand as he penetrates my soaked core over and over. I work my hips in circles and up and down, riding him hard and fast, and then slow and tortuous. His hands slide under my ass and spread my cheeks as he glides two fingers along my slit. With each thrust of my hips, he reaches under and back with his long fingers, dragging my slickness back and spreading it all the way down my crack, past the pucker of my ass, where he hovers and slides a finger around in circles but never penetrates. I shudder at the sensation. It feels good, better than I ever imagined it would.

  “Mmm, you like that, baby. I know you do.”

  “Ahh yes . . .yes.” That’s all I’m capable of saying. We’re in that place of ours, the zone where no one else exists. Anyone could open the car door, and I wouldn’t even be aware of them. This is bliss, the place between reality and fantasy. Dipping his head, he takes my nipple in his mouth at the same time he circles my clit, and he drives me off the cliff with the combination. I clutch his biceps, and with no warning, I come like never before.

  “Oh God, Lucas!” I scream, and on cue, his fulfillment joins mine, and we meld into one enormous ball of pulsing energy, like a star being born. We explode around each other in perfect unity.


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