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Page 18

by Brian Whiting

  He chose the last option available, it was another seemingly empty room. Alex walked slowly into that tunnel and peaked around the corner then slowly walked into the new space. It was completely bare and small. There was loose straw that partially covered the ground but otherwise lacking of details. Only the entrance to another cramped dark tunnel caught his attention.

  “This is hopeless.” he whispered.

  Just as Alex was about to turn away he heard the sounds of voices. Voices that got more pronounced the moment he stepped towards the darkened tunnel. Alex found it difficult to move quietly, quickly and hunched over at the hip due to the limited headroom as he proceeded down the dark tunnel. The tunnel kept a constant curve towards the direction he had just come from then at one point a T-intersection appeared. The way forward continued the slight curve in the same direction, the other tunnel led straight to another lit area in the distance.

  “Turn here.” Symboli said.

  “Why.” Alex mumbled barely loud enough for even himself to hear.

  “I suspect the tunnel straight ahead that continues to curve leads to the other empty room we first passed up. This tunnel is more promising.”

  Alex’s mind quickly reviewed the number of steps he had taken recently in each of the rooms and reached the same conclusion.

  Slowly he made his way down the dark tunnel as the voices returned and got louder. Suddenly those voices went from whispers he couldn’t make out to heavy arguing amongst many voices.

  “What have you done!” With the sound of chainmail sliding over itself.

  “What is it?” Another asked.

  “Is it valuable?” Yet another asked.

  “How is the king suppose to use this!”

  “I do not know, but I do know that he cares about it so much that I was put to guard it. It goes where ever he goes.” This voice Alex recognized immediately as belonging to Galvolesti.

  “Looks like we found our man.” Symboli said.

  Alex was still too deep in the tunnel to see anything other than the far side of a lit wall. He continued to approach the opening slowly.

  “The king will not know what do to with this.” The sound of metal slapping metal was heard and then the voice continued. “You will go back and find this strange man, at the earliest moment you will use this and kill him.”

  “I don’t think I can.” Galvolesti admitted.

  “You have sought the kings treasures, you’re nearly there, do not incur his wrath instead.”

  Alex peeked out into the room. The first thing he noticed was that he was high up in the room and a small staircase descended to the left side. One man dressed in plate armor stood in the center of the room. Several men stood behind him in lesser leather armor. He spotted Symboli on the floor. Seemingly in good condition. One of the men in the leather armor wielded a death singer primed to release upon Galvolesti.

  Another soldier in leather armor rushed into the room.

  “Sir news, the beast has left the city and is heading towards the mountain.”

  “And what of him, does this Alex still live?”

  “He and his followers are scattered in the city. We are trying to locate them.”

  “They must be looking for this thing.” Galvolesti said.

  “Could be.” The leader in plate armor admitted. Looking back at his men he nodded towards the container.

  “Who first?” Alex whispered as he sighted his weapon upon the group of men below.

  “None is the wisest course of action, but if you insist, go for the death singer first.”

  Alex took aim at the death singer. Carefully he slowly depressed the two fingered button. A small pop and nearly zero recoil followed by the sight of a tiny puff of a pink mist behind his target. The brightly colored arrow was loosed and struck another solider squarely in the elbow.

  A scream of pain reverberated off the walls in the room. The leader began shouting but his words were lost in the noise. Many of those in the room looked to the death singer that had just collapsed on the floor. Alex took quick aim and fired at the leader several times and then continued firing at everyone else in the room. For several moments there was confusion as everyone struggled to discover the source of the ensuing death, nearly too late for most to try to escape.

  In the end only three of the fourteen made it out of the room. Galvolesti was first to run and escape. Followed by two random soldiers, one of whom Alex was sure he hit in the leg. Several people were wounded but collapsed to the floor, screaming out in pain and pleading for mercy. Alex was having none of it as he emptied his weapon until the counter read zero.

  For a moment the room was silent, but then shouts of panic came from within the other tunnels those had escaped had gone to. Alex holstered the weapon even as the counter began to climb steadily once again.

  “Alex, this was not well thought out, how do you expect to retrieve me and get out of here?”

  “I don’t know… shut up.” Alex said as he rushed down the stairs to look over Symboli’s tank.

  Aside from the odd scrapes and smears of mud Alex had previously applied to the tank, it looked in good condition. The harness that had securted the tank, trasmitter and datapads to the juntard was still attached to it. The yells of frantic men continued to reverberate within the room as the voices carried in the tunnels.

  “In there!” One of the voices shouted over the others.

  “You can expect rapid company, I suggest you return to a defensible position.” Symboli said.

  Looking at the counter, which read sixteen and continued to climb, he pulled out the other weapon and ran towards the tunnel those that had escaped had entered. He quickly stuck his head into the tunnel and looked towards the commotion. The sound of a musical note rung deeply in his head as he felt and heard the passing arrow zip by.

  Not knowing how far down the tunnel they were, Alex put only his arm with the weapon into the tunnel and blindly fired his weapon in one second intervals for seven seconds. The loud bangs of a heavy caliber weapon reverberated even more harshly than the note of music still fresh on his mind.

  When the weapon was empty he switched weapons. The counter just having reached thirty three and he stuck his head into the tunnel once again with his weapon at the ready. In addition to the confusing sounds of shouts, cries of pain, stone and tools banging against each other in the tunnels he observed a cluster of men that had fallen over themselves. No one was looking into his direction as he began firing off more rounds into the cluster of men.

  Alex froze at the sight of a woman amongst them. She was in leather armor reaching down towards the ground for a fallen arrow as she picked it up and knocked it. She looked a lot like Alesti, in the confusion Alex couldn’t be sure it wasn’t her.

  The woman however didn’t hesitate and after knocking her arrow she released it almost instantly. The arrow clipped Alex at the wrist and sliced his arm to the elbow.

  The weapon fell out of Alex’s hand and he scrambled to pick it up with his good hand. Now completely exposed in the tunnel. The woman was already preparing another arrow when Alex fired several times with his left hand striking her in various areas of her body until she too died with the others.

  The tunnel continued to reverberate with the sounds of panic and hysteria. Alex’s right arm felt very warm as blood began to coat it and his hand.

  Alex tried to close the wound but it was bigger than his hand and blood streamed away on either side.

  “Alex, use one of the blades in the room and cut your pants leg free.” Symboli suggested.

  Alex was quick to obey, but in his rush to stop the bleeding and fear that more soldiers would arrive at any moment, he accidently cut his leg when he sliced the fabric away. Thankfully the cut was superficial.

  “Good now, tightly wrap your forearm with the pant leg twice and tie it off.”

  Alex retreated into the room and used the wall for support. He quickly did as suggested while keeping an eye out for more company. It was very
painful but he managed to close the wound, albeit not very well. The pant leg was quick to saturate with blood.

  “You cannot carry my container now with your wound. You must flee and figure out how to retrieve me later.” Symboli said.

  Someone with a long spear quietly entered the room, slowly looking around. But managed to miss Alex against the wall to the side merely feet away. Alex quickly raised his weapon and fired striking the man in the head. The body instantly collapsed onto the floor.

  Alex remained where he was waiting for the next person to enter the room.

  “Alex, you must leave.” Symboli urged.

  “No, I think I’ll stay.” Alex shuffled further away from the entrance into the corner of the room and slid down onto the floor. Keeping his right arm against his raised knees to help keep pressure on the wound.

  Another person entered the room. Alex shot him before he finished crossing the threshold, sword in hand. The dead body now partially blocked the doorway.

  There were still cries of pain in the hallway just outside the room, but then the commotion increased dramatically. There was heavy fighting taking place and soon the only sound Alex could hear was a lone man in the tunnel moaning in pain. But then even his moans became silent.

  For a whole minute the only thing Alex could hear was when he moved against the stone floor and walls.

  “Alex, are you in there?” someone asked in a completely familiar voice, Corbin he assumed.

  “Yeah.” He responded.

  Moments later Corbin appeared in the room.

  “Where are the others?” Alex asked.

  “I got lost, I heard your weapons in the tunnels. I came to help. That looks bad.” He pointed to Alex’s arm.

  “Well, I could say its just a scratch, but its quite painful so…” Alex struggled to stand up. “Can you carry that for me?” Alex pointed to Symboli.

  “Yes.” Corbin replied, then went straight for the tank, picked it up but with great effort.

  Just then Alesti rushed into the room and laid eyes on Alex and Corbin.

  “Oiessss.” She rushed quickly to examine his arm. “Are you ok?” She asked as she untied the pant leg and retied it, but more securely. Alex grunted in pain.

  “Alex, we found the king he’s protected by twenty of his men, I came back to find. Corbin we need his skill, I am happy to have found you as well.”

  “Sounds like you need help.” Alex said as he checked the status of his weapons. Then he tried closing his grip with his right hand. He managed to make a fist but his arm felt like it was tearing.

  “You’re injured, you should find a place to rest.”

  “I’ll be fine once I get to my medical bag it’s with…” Alex mind began to race as memories flooded his mind like re-watching a movie. It occurred to him that his medical bag was takin off his juntard long ago and placed in one of the few containers attached to Symboli’s tank and Symboli wouldn’t have been aware as the headset was with Alesti at the time.

  Alex motioned for Corbin to approach with Symboli and opened one of the side containers. There was the small medical bag. Alex handed Alesti the medical grade stapler.

  “I can’t see the wound very well it faces away from me. I need you to pinch the flesh together so that both sides are touching and then staple it together, point and squeeze real simple, oh and you need to pinch the flesh a little, so that it’s a little away from the bone itself.”

  “I...I don’t…” Alesti appeared hesitant.

  “It’s ok, just do it.” Alex stared at her as if urging her on.

  Still she hesitated. It stuck him as odd, her not immediately being obedient.

  Alex’s mind raced as he began to pick apart the situation. Deduction at its finest. Alesti vowed to support him with her life in every matter. She has not showed any hesitation up to this moment. Her face expresses concern. Her eyes are focused on the stapler. Shes never used it before. She must be concerned she may harm me. Perhaps she knows this helped with her injury somehow. Or this might be more personal than I realize.

  “Alesti, I trust you with this. I am not concerned if you make a mistake. It will be painful for me no matter how excellent you do this. But you must do it.”

  Alex eyed Corbin and knew he could try and ask him to do it if he must but he wanted to see if she would overcome whatever was preventing her from moving forward.

  “Courage is not doing something great. Courage is overcoming your own fear that prevents you from moving forward.” Alex said as he raised his arm a couple inches toward her, blood oozing from the tied pant leg.

  She slowly grabbed the medical stapler.

  “Ok the wound needs to be between these two small points when you squeeze the trigger, or you will miss.” Alex pointed with his index finger at the end of the medical stapler, where the staple would come from. Then he untied the fabric from his arm, thankful it had not congealed completely as it would have been even more painful to remove the fabric from his skin.

  She moved the stapler over the wound.

  “No… stop.” Alex said as gently as he could.

  She looked at him with pleading eyes. This was not like her, shes normally stronger than this. “If you squeeze right now the staple will hit the bone. You’ve got to pinch harder so that the flesh rises away from the bone.”

  She squeezed harder and the pain registered to the point his eyes watered uncontrollably but he kept his mouth shut as to not exacerbate her trepidation any further. Finally she squeezed the trigger and Alex exhaled sharply.

  “Good job, now do it again. The arm moves a lot so the spacing between staples will need to be tight. About half a finger distance away from the previous one.”

  Alesti did the second one much faster. By the time she got to the last four they were almost in rapid succession. Blood was oozing from the wound and the staples. But she did a good job considering.

  Alex grabbed one of the containers that carried the gel in it and applied a moderate amount over his wound. “It will prevent infection and help me heal faster.” He said to Alesti as she watched with intensity.

  “What does this one do?” She asked as she picked out another small container of gel.

  “That one is for burns and the one next to it is for rashes and itching.” Alex handed her the last gauze in the kit. “Wrap my arm with it.”

  She began to unroll the whole thing.

  “No… It’s easier if you only unroll a small part. Wrap that tiny part around my arm and then unroll the gauze around my arm as you go. That way you don’t have gauze flopping all over the place getting dirty. Not to tight you’ll cut off circulation, but not too lose either or it will just come apart.” Alex watched as she followed his instructions intently.

  The gauze spotted a little bit with blood but otherwise looked clean and well wrapped.

  “Excellent, you did a great job.” Alex said as he began packing away the medical kit.

  As soon as he finished he stood up and gave her a hug with his good arm. At first she hesitated but then she embraced him. “Thank you.” Alex whispered. Her bone crest was rubbing into his collar bone which caused a bit of discomfort and he tried to readjust her but she pulled away completely.

  He was even more shocked when she didn’t have anything to say. She just stood there as if she was waiting for her next command. Which put Alex off a bit.

  “Lead the way.” Alex said as he packed away the remaining medical kit and readied his weapon. He found that is caused him much more pain then before to close his fist and realized even if he did there wasn’t much strength in it. So he kept his arm close against his abdomen.

  Alesti looked at Corbin “Stay right behind him.” Then she turned and took the lead back through the tunnel filled with dead men. Corbin tripped over the bodies more than once as they made their way through the tunnels, which were now oddly quiet. Partly because he couldn’t see the bodies on the ground while holding the large tank.

  The distance wasn’t really that f
ar, but their slow pace made it take longer then it should have. A half hour later, Alex would have guessed, and he was startled when they stumbled on a small group of men standing in one of the tunnels.

  “Alesti, Alex is that you?” Deetur asked.

  “Fear not, it is I.” Alex replied in a deep voice and a smile as he eyed the other men with Deetur. “I always wanted to say that.”

  “About fifteen men are on the other side of this opening, two are death signers. The king is in the room beyond on the other side of the doors.” Deeter said pointing into the room.

  As slow as he could Alex inched the side of his head into the doorway so he could see for himself. The moment his eye spotted a death signer with their weapon ready to fire he moved back into the hallway.

  “Listen my name is Alex, we want to talk to the king.” Alex yelled into the room.

  “We have sworn not to let anyone enter, try and we will kill you.” One of the men in the room replied.

  Alex looked to Deeter on the other side of the doorway. He shrugged his shoulders and pointed back inside the room.

  “I do not want to kill everyone in the room, I will allow you to leave without harm. Just put your weapons down and walk out.”

  “Are you the kings clown? You are pretty funny.” Said the another man from the room.

  Alex forced a breath. He stood against the opposite wall and began to slide over centimeter by centimeter, pointing his weapon into the room. He sighted two men holding spears before the third man with a death singer came into view. Taking careful aim he fired twice and instantly killed him and one of the spearman. Alex retreated a few steps out of sight once again in the hall with everyone else. As everyone including Alex worked their ears. The weapon discharge was deafening in the confined space and the indicator now read five.

  “I will continue and kill everyone or does someone wish to live, think of your children.”

  Alex heard a muffled confrontation occur that turned into a shouting match.

  “We can not fight a god.”


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