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Vampire (Alpha Claim 8-Final Enforcement): New Adult Paranormal Romance (Vampire Alpha Claim)

Page 33

by Eros, Marata

  Jade didn't say anything, but she clung a little tighter to my hand. I squeezed. She was fragile, such an interesting mix of girlness and toughness. I vowed to be hyper-aware. She was the one who needed protecting.

  “There it is!” Jonesy whispered fiercely.

  The shack was utterly different from what I'd expected. It was actually a small house. A wide front porch ran the length of the façade. The posts were square and stout, and a bevel ran up all four sides, softening the stern lines. One corner of the roof was drooping with an interesting window located dead center in the gable peak, that looked like a dark unblinking eye. Not a happy architectural feature, that. The door posed as a gaping mouth, teeth unseen.

  John, Jonesy, Tiff, and Bry went forward. Jade and I lagged behind, and Sophie nervously brought up the rear. Her curly hair was shoved behind her ears, the rest a cloud behind her.

  “Hey, shouldn't we like, bring out the LED now?” Sophie asked, a bare tremor of fear coloring her voice.

  “Not yet,” Jonesy said, hesitating on her face for an extra second.

  Interesting. Jonesy put his foot on the top step and it shrieked in protest. We all jumped like rockets.

  Jonesy stumbled back. “Holy hell!”

  Bry laughed. “It's a creaky step, brave one.”

  “Okay, smart ass, you tromp up there.”

  Bry rolled his shoulders and loosened his neck. “Okay,” Bry replied, all man of the hour.

  “Wait,” Tiff said. “Why don't you let us AFTDs check it out, hot shit.”

  Bry crossed his arms, exhaling in a rush. “Fine.”

  I moved away from Jade then changed my mind. I didn't like her standing out there, exposed. I was still remembering the hideout and how Carson and Brett had popped up like a couple of pieces of toast. As Dad said, valor was sometimes masked as caution. She grasped the back of my jacket and walked up the steps behind me.

  On the porch, Tiff asked, “Can you sense anything?”


  We both looked at John.

  He gave us a sheepish look. “Oh! Yeah...”

  Suddenly, our senses came back online like a river covering stones. Tiff turned to me and nodded. Jade and I stepped forward, that feeling of naturalness with the dead a constant.

  A thought occurred to me. “Don't touch my skin, Jade. Just in case.”

  “Do you know what's gonna happen?” Tiff asked.

  “Just what I read in the papers John brought over,” I replied.

  “What did they say?”

  “That not all AFTDs could do ghosts.”

  “I can. I hit for that,” Tiff said. “They call me a two-point with a potential three. Remember when Jade found me with the bird outside school? Well, I kinda freaked out. I sensed what the bird, the dead bird, had been feeling, knew where it was. So the guy—”


  “Later. Anyway, he told me that I had a wrapped ability. That means the abilities overlap or some crap.”

  “What does that mean right now ? ”

  “It means that I'm not a full two-point or three point... that I have...”

  “Elements of both,” John said.

  “Okay while all of this is just fas-cin-a-ting,” Jonesy said, “can we see what the frick is in the shack?”

  Ignoring Jonesy, Tiff said, “ Anyway, as the five-point we all know you are, well... there's a lot of possibilities.”

  Bry started to ask a question, and Jonesy made an exasperated sound, “I know Jones-my-man, hold on to your jockstrap,” he looked at me. “I never got the full scoop out of my sis, but what are all your points? It's not like I memorized it. I'm going to Kent Lake.”

  John said, “I'll fill you in.”

  Jonesy slapped his thighs. “Well, hell ,” he muttered, walking back inside the fence and plunking his butt onto one of the tombstones. He put his elbow on his knee and cupped a hand on his chin.

  “Did you read all those papers?” I asked John.

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Huh, that's a lot of reading,” I said, impressed.

  “Yeah. What did you read?” John asked.

  “Just the AFTD parts.”

  John grunted.

  “Anyway, there are five points possible for each, documented ability. Or, for a few... levels .”

  Jonesy interrupted, “Okay already, just throw out the AFTD stuff so we can get to the spooks.”

  We ignored him.

  John ticked them off on his fingers. “Cadaver manipulation, spirit control, communion with the dead, victim location, and zombie control. Zombie control and cadaver manipulation are two points that sorta overlap,” he added. “Then there’s life spark.”

  “Life spark?” Jonesy asked.

  I suddenly realized I hadn’t seen Onyx in a few minutes. A burst of panic started crawling up my throat. Highway 167 was way too close.

  The Dog felt the Boy's fear. There had been very interesting smells surrounding this old structure. Bad smells too. Fear smells.

  Onyx bounded out from behind the shack. A wave of relief flooded me. Maybe Onyx should stay home next time.

  “Good boy, stay here.” I petted his head.

  “Life spark?” Jonesy asked.

  “Yes, it's that thing that happened with Onyx. It's where an AFTD can...” his hand clasped his chin for a second, “call,” he snapped his fingers, “that life spark back when death is close.”

  “So some people can find bodies?” Tiff asked.

  “Yeah, there are some AFTDs on the police force, and they find murder victims or traumatic death vics.” John understood, turning to me. “It's a given, Caleb, that if you're raising zombies, you can do the other stuff.”

  “They don't really know , though,” Jonesy began. “I mean, we've only been having the shots, what, ten years now? Uh-huh, there's gotta be more abilities, things they haven't thought about. What about mutations?”

  Jonesy could sometimes astound.

  “Jonesy's right,” Sophie said. “They can't know everything. I'm A-P and they don't have all the levels figured out.”

  “True,” John said. “Astral projection is about distance.”

  “I think they're figuring it out as they go and acting like they have a handle on it,” Bry said.

  Jade nodded. “What if there's someone who has a completely new ability or is a higher level or a six point? Jonesy's right. They don't have it figured out. It's up to us now. Most adults don't have abilities. The few who do are the first group from 2015, the one Parker's in.”

  Jonesy stood. “Okay, what I get from this is dead stuff can't get us with the freak duo here.” Jonesy nodded at Tiff and me. “And possibly, my man Caleb can find some violent corpses.” He grinned.

  John sighed. “That's not exactly accurate. Caleb is… some kind of anomaly.”

  “A what?” Jonesy asked.

  “Something that doesn't meet normal patterns,” Sophie said.

  Jonesy sighed.


  Tiff ended the conversation, wrapping her hand around the oval doorknob hanging askew from its cradle. It glowed like a dirty golden egg in the failed light.

  “Ya scared?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  Her shoulders fell a little. “Me too,” she whispered. “That's why we gotta do it.”

  She turned the knob. The door swung open silently as if inviting our motley crew inside. Onyx shot past us to do some dog reconnaissance. Jonesy, John, Bry, and Sophie followed us into the house.

  Bry said, “It's a caretaker's cottage.”

  John asked, “What's that?”

  “Back in the day, you know, a hundred years ago, they used to have these little houses for the dudes that would take care of these cemeteries.”

  “They lived here? Right here, next to all the dead bodies?” Sophie asked with an involuntary shiver.

  “It is a cemetery. That's where dead bodies go,” John stated.

  “Quiet neighbors,” Jonesy said.

  “Okay. Yuck! Go on,” Tiff said.

  “Anyway,” Bry said, “They would water the flowers people left at the graves, mow the lawn, paint the fence, you know, maintenance stuff.”

  “Right,” Sophie said slowly.

  “Watch out,” I said, looking around. “This place is a dump. There could be holes in the floor.”

  “Let’s stay in pairs or groups,” Bry said.

  I held out my hand to John. “Dude, I just can't see that great. Give me the LED.”

  John slapped the light into my palm. I turned it on, and a brilliant swath of light slashed a path through the room, illuminating the base of a staircase. The steps were narrow and tall, like a ladder.

  I swung the light away from them. “Stairs last. Let's check out the main floor.”

  We could've heard a pin drop it was so quiet.

  “Ah hell, nothing's going to happen here,” Jonesy said, sounding dejected. He grabbed the LED out of my hands. He planted it under his face and started making the idiot grins people do above LEDs. We all laughed.

  Then, a green luminescent shape rose from behind Jonesy and hovered above his head. Swooping down, it speared him through the chest.

  Jonesy shrieked like he was being stabbed. “It's cold! It's a ghostsicle! Get it out of me!”

  Tiff closed her fist around the ghost, and I balled my left hand around hers. We pulled, not with our hands but with our combined power.

  The ghost—a man, from what I could tell—hovered above Tiffany and me. We let go of the tail-like portion, and it snapped back into the ghost's form, making a sucking noise like water down a drain.

  Onyx had been barking the whole time. “Quiet boy.”

  The Dog did not like this cold, dead-smelling thing. The Dog knew the Boy was dominant and he did not have to Protect, but the Dog did not like it.

  Bry came up behind Tiff. “What is it?”

  Tiff's hands dove onto her hips. “A ghost, dumb ass.”

  Tiff, so delicate with her wording. Bry gave her a glare, sibling love.

  Onyx growled.

  The ghost glided toward me. I raised my hand and waved it through the ghost’s body. It felt like bathwater, semi-solid and warm, right and good.

  Tiff mirrored my action. “So warm, like fur.”

  “Like bath water,” I said.

  John's mouth was slightly agape. “It's the same, but different,” he said. “You're AFTD but different people—your perceptions are different.”

  “That damn thing is not warm! It's cold as hell!”

  “That's an oxymoron,” Sophie said smugly.

  Jonesy huffed, “I know what I felt!”

  “Everyone knows hell is hot, dope,” Bry said.

  “Whatever! That thing is cold as hell!”

  The ghost swung its head toward Jonesy. I felt its agitation.

  “I don't think it likes you,” I told Jonesy.

  Jonesy backed up. Jade leaned forward, reaching for the ghost.

  I caught her hand. “Maybe not.”

  “I can't hide behind you all the time, Caleb.”

  Before I could stop her, she whipped out her other hand and grabbed the ghost. It let out a shriek that reverberated through the house then zipped upward through the ceiling. Jade cradling her hand against her chest.

  “Not smart Jade!” Tiff yelled.

  I took her by the shoulders. “God, you could have been hurt! We don't know what we're dealing with here!”

  “I was.”

  “You were what?” I asked.

  Slowly taking her hand away from her chest, she showed us what looked like a burn, just shy of the blistering kind. It was the worst in the webbing that connected her thumb and index finger.

  “Was it hot?” Jonesy asked.

  Jade shook her head. “Colder than anything I've ever touched.”

  “Kinda like that time Carson put his wet tongue to that frozen utility pole.” Jonesy smiled.

  “And you pelted him with snowballs while he was trapped,” John said.

  “Yep, that was the time,” Jonesy said in a dreamy tone.

  “Okay, so we know that they're dangerous,” Bry said.

  “Not to them,” John said, pointing at Tiff and me.

  Tiff said, “That's good, right? I mean, that's the whole reason Jonesy thought we should come. We're the... um…”

  “Contingency plan,” I finished.

  “Yeah, that,” Tiff said.

  I bent down and kissed Jade's hand. “All better,” I said.

  Sophie studied it.“Pretty angry looking.”

  “Yeah, it's a war wound,” Jonesy said, cutting his eyes to the staircase.

  “Ah… no. Haven't we had enough excitement for tonight?” John asked.

  “Never!” Jonesy enthused, running over to the base of the staircase with Onyx at his heels.

  “Wait a sec,” Tiff said. “Where did that ghost go?”

  I pointed above my head, and we all looked up at the ceiling.

  Jade said, “I'm game but no touching.”

  I hugged her. “It doesn't seem like the ghost meant to hurt you.”

  “No,” Jonesy said. “It definitely didn't want to freeze my nuts off!”

  Bry and John laughed.

  I said, “What I meant was, I think Jade took him by surprise. He gave her the ice blast because she startled him.”

  “It's a guy ghost?” Sophie asked.

  “Yeah,” Tiff said.

  “Wow. Hate to see what he'd do to really freeze us,” Jonesy said.

  “He was warm to me and Caleb,” Tiff said.

  John said, “It's the AFTD thing. You guys are like the same element or something.”

  “It was scared when I touched it,” Jade said.

  “Evil?” John asked.

  “Not really but, it could be. He could be.”

  “I bet they got personalities!” Jonesy chortled.

  “They do,” Jade said.

  He stopped laughing. John’s and Bry's smiles slipped from their faces.

  Tiff stepped forward. “They do?”

  “ He did,” Jade said.

  Whoa. “What did he think or whatever?” I asked.

  “He didn't exactly think . I just got feelings about him being disturbed, and then there were some random images of his life here.”

  “Wait a sec, Jade,” Tiff said. “You're not AFTD?”

  Jade shook her head. “No, empath.”

  Tiff look confused. “So how does she know anything about what it—sorry, he —thought?”

  “I was holding her when she swiped the ghost,” I said. “We've noticed in the past that I can put the zombies back into the ground better if I am touching Jade.”

  “Back-in-box, back-in-box,” Jonesy sang.

  “Jonesy, come on,” Bry said. He turned to Jade. “What did you mean by ‘his life here’?”

  “Oh, he was the caretaker guy,” Jade said.

  “Okay,” I said. “Let's cruise the upstairs really fast, then maybe we can rip by the hideaway after.”

  “I don't know,” John said. “That's way across town.”

  “Who doesn't have a bike?” I asked.

  Jonesy raised his hand.

  “Be a peg-rider, dude,” Bry said.

  “For five miles?” Jonesy asked.

  “Who's driving?” John asked.

  We all stared at Bry.

  Bry raised his hand. “Oh come on! He can't last five miles on my pegs.”

  “Can you?” his sister asked.

  Bry's eyes narrowed to slits. “Yeah, I can do it.”

  John clapped his hands. “Settled then!”

  Jonesy air-pumped. “Let's investigate!”

  “Wait!” I tossed the LED to Jonesy.

  He caught it then took the steep steps two at a time. Onyx, Bry, and John ran up after him.

  Halfway up, John slipped. “Ouch! Damn!” He gripped his knee for a minute then went the rest of the way with an ungainly frog hop.

bsp; Jade, Tiff, Sophie and I climbed slower. At the top of the staircase stood the gang, we all stopped and stared, mouths hanging open.

  Wisps of luminescent figures twirled and sailed about, lighting the area with a phosphorescent glow. As they frantically glided back and forth, they seemed irritated. There were eye-windows touching the floorboards on either end of the eaves, but the ceiling was really high down the central section of the roof.

  Jonesy started inching back to the staircase. Our male ghost hovered in the middle, looking intimidating. He hadn’t been hostile to Tiff and me, but he'd hurt Jade and almost frozen Jonesy, so caution was a good idea.

  Tiff pointed at the frenetic ghosts. “They're kids.”

  They were swirling so furiously that it was hard to tell, but I thought she might be right.

  I didn't want to leave Jade alone. I looked at Bry, and he nodded. Guy-speak, a wonderful thing. He moved closer to Jade.

  I squeezed her arm and said, “Be right back.”

  John said, “I’m shielding.”

  Tiff followed me to where the large male ghost was hovering. As I got closer, my hair started to rise, floating with static electricity. The small ghosts flew around us, but they slowed their frantic spinning. The big ghost held out its arms, and Tiff and I each took an opaque hand.

  Images flowed into my mind, and I assumed Tiff was experiencing the same thing. I saw his death in broken images, like a kaleidoscope rapidly spinning backwards—colors and shapes, profound loneliness and caretaking, feelings of accomplishment, then... a lonely death in that house with no one to take care of him.

  “So sad,” Tiff said through clenched teeth.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  But the images weren't done. We saw the ghost's pain as children were killed and he could do nothing. He took care of their spirits, that much he could do. He was still the caretaker for the dead.

  He dropped our hands and floated back.

  His message was clear. We needed to speak for the dead children.

  “Wow,” Tiff said.


  We moved back, and the ghosts returned to swirling again. The evilness of his message began to sink in. Children had been murdered there . Kids. Like us. Tiff and I looked at each other.

  Jonesy asked, “What's the deal?”

  I turned to face my friends. “The deal is that he’s the caretaker of a bunch of dead kids.”


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