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Vampire (Alpha Claim 8-Final Enforcement): New Adult Paranormal Romance (Vampire Alpha Claim)

Page 75

by Eros, Marata

  “Turn,” he said quietly, and I do. He'd been looking at my bare ass, only a strip of lace bisecting my butt cheeks.

  I felt the heat climb higher, infusing my neck to the roots of my hair. I count inside my head, praying for it to end.

  “Walk,” he said.

  I do, knowing I'm naturally graceful and balanced. The deep lace of my stockings whispers as I move away from him. Grace is the one thing that has never been taken from me, and I'm grateful for it now.

  “Turn,” he said. I don't miss that his voice is somewhat hoarse.

  I pivoted in a smooth motion, and I can't help but notice I've affected him. Shame flares anew, riding high to mortified.


  I inhaled deeply and draw nearer. I stop about three feet from him, and we stare at each other. I'm so tense I could've screamed.

  “You'll do,” Ty said in a sarcastic drawl.

  I looked into his dark eyes and see desire there. I swallowed so hard my throat clicks. Silence fills the space uncomfortably. “So when can I start?” I hate how timid my voice sounds.

  Ty smirked as though he understands how desperate I am. I know Kiki didn't tell him my reasons. He assumed a lot. It must come with the job. “Tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” With shaky fingers, I'd put on my clothes, fighting tears so hard that my eyelids burned with the need to cry. My mind filled with all my defenses. I'm a respectable girl. I pay my bills. I don't party, have boyfriends, goof off... I'm a physical therapist, for God's sake! But when I get the last button done, the words die. Ty sees me as commerce, and I sighed, feeling defeated. I can't even make the proper ending salutation.

  I made my silent way to the door and almost escape before he'd asked “Have you ever had sex?”

  I turned slowly, my heart hammering. What kind of effed up question is that? I gathered my courage, knowing I could lose this chance to clean up my fiscal problems with the wrong words.

  “That's none of your business.” I'd hated myself, but I had to ask anyway, “Why? Why does that matter?”

  Ty walked around his desk and shifted papers, his interest in me clearly waning. He'd been silent so long I opened the door and began to walk through it.

  His words caught me before I closed it, “Because you walk like a whore.”

  I stiffened. The tears that threatened earlier? Yeah... those fall.

  I had softly closed the door and moved through the crowded, dark hallways of the strip club. My coat is secured around the outfit that'd cost me almost a week's pay.

  I hated what Ty said.

  I hated it because it felt true.

  Kiki shatters the foul memory of meeting Ty when she asks, “You ready?”

  I look back at the girl in the mirror that's me. Her eyes are so pale a gray they would look almost white if it weren't for the lightning strikes of bronze that streak the irises, a warm brown ringing the outside. Right now, they're wide and ghostly in my even paler face and Kiki stares back at me in the mirror. Her darker skin and complexion contrasts with mine in the reflection. She draws me in as I lean back against her.

  “You don't have to, Faren.” She gives me an out as I stare at her dark arms wound around my neck in an embrace of solace.

  But we both know why I have to.

  I nod. “Yeah I do.”

  She kisses my coiffed hair and backs up. I slip into the ruby red heels and try not to take that final glance in the mirror.

  A tall slim girl stares back at me. Her hair looks like caramel, eyes like ice. Her creamy skin looks like milk against the deep red of the outfit. A glittering mask that is part of the act. It surrounds my silver eyes in secrecy. I'm glad for the anonymity. The glittering v between my full breasts needs only an inch to reveal my nipples. The waistband is Velcro.

  Meant to be torn.

  Kiki does a little spin, hump-hips, and throws her head back, keeping a death grip on the doorjamb. “Every time you come down the pole, 'kay?”

  I nod as the music begins for my set.

  “Use your good hand, hon,” she reminds me.

  There's no way I could use the bad one. It'll be the wrist for balance and faking using both.

  I don't fall apart until it's over. Then I'm at the commode throwing up my meager lunch.

  I don't notice anyone watch as I race out of the club.

  ~ 3 ~

  The hundreds fan out like a deck of perfect cards, and I move as though I'm in a dream. I scoop them up from Ty’s desk, and he stays my hand by wrapping my wrist with his large hand. My eyes skitter up to his, and I blink.

  “What?” I feel filthy every time I'm near him. He seems to know it by some pervert instinct and capitalizes on it by treating me like dirt whenever our paths cross.

  I’d tried to tell Kiki, and she flung her hands up dismissively. “No touchie!” she said and sashayed off. It's easy for her to say because he doesn’t watch her .

  But he touches me now.

  It's easy for her to say because I don't see him watch her .

  He tightens his hold to just shy of bruising, and I fight my natural urge to pull away.

  Ty has a hold of my bad hand, and anything can happen. As it is, my heart tries to escape my chest. I can't stand for a man to touch me. Every time it has happened in the past, it ended one way.

  His eyes linger on mine then scan to where my coat is cinched at my waist. “There's more where that came from.” His eyes hold some kind of question I don't understand. I don't want to.

  I ignore the overt innuendo. “Let me go.” All I want to do is whimper like a scared little girl. Because I am. I’m so scared. I've been doing this job for a week. The money I hold is enough to pay for half of my mom's care for the month. The entire month. It sits in my bad hand. My pinky finger pokes straight out, unable to bend correctly, and sweat dampens the dirty money.

  “No,” he says

  He squeezes imperceptibly harder, and a low sound of pain escapes my throat.

  He smiles, and I realize he's a predator. Like my stepfather. The saliva in my mouth disappears as my breathing picks up.

  The door opens, and he drops my hand as if it burns. The money floats to the floor because my hand can't hold it.

  Ty says loud enough for whoever walks in to hear, “You're such a graceful dancer, but you can't hang onto your money.” He chuckles at his joke.

  I don't think it's funny. I scoop up the money with my good hand, and the bad one throbs where it's been held too hard. Too long. I know from experience it won't work well for a solid hour.

  “Hey, boss.” Ty sounds nervous, and that makes my heart lighter.

  “What's happening here?” a man asks, his voice a deep rumble. Melodic. It vibrates through my body though my bare knees are planted on the plush carpet. My bones thrum with it as though it’s a tune that sings without permission inside the recesses of my soul.

  I don't lift my face. I don't want anyone to witness my misery as I stuff the bills in my purse. I begin to rise as a large hand cups my elbow. Warmth leeches through my thin coat and flows through my body from his touch. I gaze at the beautiful leather shoes that shine in the soft light. My eyes rise to his wrist. Vintage cuff links wink back, a sapphire the only witness to my insecurity. My desperate need for indifference.

  However fleeting, however untouchable.

  I turn without offering thanks or a reply. His hand releases me, and I grow cold from its absence. I nearly run from the office, but I hear Ty comment about how strange I am, how all dancers are.

  The only reply I hear before that burning gaze leaves my back is, “Shut up, Ty.”

  The door clicks and I leave as quickly as I came.

  The heat from that stare follows me.


  Kiki's curls dance as she moves her head to the music in her ear buds. She looks like a duck, her head jutting and retracting to some awesomeness only she can hear. Her long nail scrolls down the screen of her cell.

  I plop down across from her and heave a sigh
of relief. I heft my bag across my legs and against the corner of the seat of my favorite diner. I don't branch out much . So sue me, I love the view. That's a bit of the reason why I live where I do, why I shell out nine hundred bucks a month on a studio dive. Well, that and Mom's terribly expensive care center is blocks away, like my job.

  Both jobs, actually.

  Kiki catches my eye and smiles big, her grin infectious. I smile back. She pops an earbud out, and I hear the singer, Sully Erna. Hottie. I feel heat fill out the cool paleness of my skin.

  Kiki lights up at my expression, never one to lose out on an easy excuse to tease me. “Sully Erna's coming to town. Saw him when he was touring with Godsmack. He's dee-lish, baby!”

  Kiki gives a little hip gyration on the seat as the waitress comes up, pen poised. She looks at Kiki with clear amusement and gives me a knowing smile. The that girl can't be contained look passes between us before we look back at Kiki.

  “What?” she asks, laughing. Her hand sails out dramatically, her tips bright red this month because Christmas is coming. God knows, she can't not celebrate something.

  I look at my own bitten fingernails and put my elegant hands with their stubby tips on my lap.

  Arlene takes our order and saunters away, no doubt chalking up our goofiness to our age. I'm not goofy, but it's part of her charm I siphon.

  “So tell me what's going down, girl,” she says without preamble. Now that she's here I don't know if I can say it all.

  My hands sweat, and I fight to keep them on my lap. Arlene comes over and slaps two waters on the table. Her eyes flick to mine briefly, see something that makes her pause, but she must think better about getting involved because she leaves us to our conversation.

  Kiki knows I owe money for my mom's care. I take a deep breath then another. I meet her eyes. “It's fifty K, Kiki.”

  Her eyes bug comically, and her hand flies to her chest. “Jeee-sus! Faren...” she exhales in a contrite burst.

  We stare at each other while Arlene delivers our coffees. She looks from Kiki to me, probably wondering what stole my friend's good cheer. One guess.

  She leaves and Kiki leans forward, her hair sweeping in a black veil that brushes dangerously close to the steaming coffee. I calmly add cream and sugar, making it something that's not coffee anymore. She searches my face for the Swiss cheese of emotions leaking out and I nod. “Yeah, it's that bad,” I say.

  She gives a low moan of outrage. “That bad? So fucking bad!” Kiki hisses. “No wonder you finally caved about shaking your tail.”

  My shoulders slump a little at her words. An image of Ty's hand on my wrist like a vise bubbles up. I let it pop inside my mind, hoping it'll evaporate and knowing it won't.

  “How long will it take me to work off that debt?”

  Kiki's face smoothed out, her thinking face set into motion and I can tell she's adding stuff up. “Well... to be honest, most good nights you can make up to five hundred...”

  We're doing the math, and I'm hearing years . My soul can't take it. The pole and the men... it's already eating at me. Then there's Ty. I want months. Hell, weeks.

  A moment around him is a lifetime.

  Kiki reads my face and sighs. She lowers her eyes and stirs her coffee. “I wasn't going to tell you, but there’s another option. It's kinda risky. It's not like the Black Rose.”

  “What could be worse than dancing at the Black Rose?”

  Kiki sighs. “Listen, BR is the classiest of these types of establishments. The men have to behave themselves, not touch the girls and you don't have to show your kitty.”

  I'm so grateful . I give her an exaggerated eye roll. “What about Ty? He's like some kind of pimp!”

  Kiki rolls her big eyes, her false eyelashes nearly reaching her brows. “Ty is Ty. He's great at sniffing out innocent girls, and he thinks you're skittish. He wants to scare you a little. No big thing.” Her eyes meet mine. “Listen, he's all bark. Don't let him spook you.”

  Right. I feel I'm a good judge of bark versus bite, but I say nothing.

  The food comes, and I look at the chef's salad with fresh salmon and wonder if I can eat it. My stomach's in knots. I feel the beginning of a fresh headache come on. I rub my temple before taking a small bite.

  Kiki grabs a greasy fry and swirls it in some ketchup while taking a sip of Coke. No burger. She lives on about a thousand calories per day. I don't know how she stays alive, but she explains that she's not doing drugs to stay thin like the other girls. The whole scene makes me want to cry.

  Then I go visit Mom and go right back to the pole anyway.

  Kiki dips another fry and meets my eyes. It hangs there like a limp noodle, dripping ketchup that reminds me of blood.

  I swallow. “How long?”

  She stares at me for a heartbeat then beheads the fry. She talks through the food, “What are you willing to do?”

  Oh gawd ... Nothing more. Instead, I say, “A lot.”

  She nods, gives a sad little shake of her head, and tells me. There's a cavernous silence as the last word drops out of her mouth. I know she hates herself for telling me.

  I know she loves me more.

  ~ 4 ~

  Decision made, we move on to different topics. I feel a weightlessness. It might not be a perfect path but at least I picked one. I'm back to telling Kiki about Ty.

  “You met Him?” Kiki says in awe, utterly dismissing the true problem.

  “Huh?” I ask, clearly hearing the capital letter in the pronoun.

  “The owner! The hunky, delicious, panty-evaporating, very, very rich owner...”

  I shrug. “He walked in, helped pick me up off the floor, while I was stuffing my dirty money in my handbag...”

  “Did I mention rich ?” Her perfectly plucked brows rise. “Did you see him?” Kiki's eyes are wide for a different reason now.

  I shake my head, trying not to let on how much he unnerved me. And I never even saw his face.

  Kiki flings herself back in an indignant huff. Her angry eyes meet mine. “I've been dying to meet him! Meet him meet him, not just him seeing a set while his dude slips me a ginormous tip. I'd sample his wares any day!” She exhales and crosses her legs, looking out at the water. Steelhead Diner sits at the top of Pike Street. The wall of glass frames Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains like a surreal painting of white ice and swirling deep cerulean waters.

  “Why didn't you check him out? I gotta admit, I'm fanning my vagina right now.” Kiki says it with such sincere enthusiasm that I laugh.

  I look down at my hands and give the first response that springs to mind. “I don't like rich guys.”

  “Oh bullshittery! Yeah, I hate rich guys too! Hate .” She’s clearly mocking me, putting her index finger to her chin as her eyes rise skyward and her foot kicks endlessly. “Let's reason this shit out, Faren.” Kiki drills me with her gaze.

  I squirm, knowing her brand of wisdom is coming. I take a bite of my salad and mechanically chew.

  “Nice house, nice car, nice clothes, hot cologne”—she lifts her brows—“lots o’ gym time for the guns. Hell!” She smacks the table, and a couple of other patrons gaze our way. “Hell,” she repeats more softly, “I bet that he goes to those Kama Sutra classes so he can fine-tune the Moves.”

  Oh my God.

  “Yeah... that's what I'm talking about, baby. Give me some of that all-day love sauce. I'll come running back to double dip.”

  I can't help it; I start laughing and can't stop. Sometimes a little comic relief goes a long way.

  “You gonna live?” Kiki asks, confused by my hysteria.

  I nod.

  “For now.” My ribs are killing me.

  “Anyway, listen up.”

  I do, the remnants of my laughter ghosting my lips.

  “Next time he plays hero, try saying thank you.”

  “I don't think he knew he was saving me, Kiki.”

  “Huh,” she grunts, slurping her Coke down to melting ice and pushing it away. “A
ll I'm saying is, can you work it for once, Faren?”

  Work it. I don't know… that seems like it's all I've ever done.

  Kiki slides a card my way. It reads simply: Thorn . My thumb moves over the black glossy letters embedded deeply in the cream cardstock. Small numbers float beneath the name.

  I look up and she says, “Take it.”

  “Do you do it?”

  Kiki smiles then admits, “Not anymore.”

  I know her secret, and now she knows mine. All of it in its miserable glory. “That's how you got the penthouse?”

  “Yeah.” As she remembers something from a while ago, her gaze drifts far away. “The Black Rose is great money, but this money”—her eyes peg mine—“is outstanding money.” I pause when I see the shadow in her eyes.

  Neither one of us say what we're thinking. If I can keep this gig for maybe a year? Maybe less time if I can stomach four days per week instead of three? I could have my debt paid off and only have the monthly to consider. It's too lofty a possibility to hang my hope on.

  Yet... it shimmers there, just out of reach.

  I grab for it.



  Thorn is Ty.

  I’m so forlorn about that fact I can barely force myself into his tight office located inside a tall skyscraper blocks from the Black Rose . Kiki didn't tell me. Of course, I didn’t ask. All I heard was “ a grand a night ,” and I climbed on board the easy money train. I should rename it complicated with a capital C.

  He behaves differently. I guess the stakes are higher. Intimidating me while I work at the BR seems to be just fine. Now?

  He lays out the ground rules.

  “You will get an email each Monday that outlines the new meeting place...”

  “What? It's not at a club?”

  “Will you let me finish?” Thorn smolders at me and not in a sexy way. I've seen that look of heat before and it parallels intimidation.

  He glares at me until my eyes drop. I breathe in and out deeply. I loathe him and how he makes me feel. How he makes me feel about my decisions.

  “When the email comes in, you respond if you'll be there.”


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