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Fighting Wrath

Page 12

by Jennifer Miller


  “You look awfully proud of yourself.”

  “Fucking right I am. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are when you lose control? Your whole body tightens and you extend your feet and point your toes. Your skin breaks out into goose bumps at the sensation and your nipples harden into points. You squeal as you release, and you groan in contentment at the end. Watching you experience ecstasy is like viewing an amazing and magical orchestration and I’m the conductor. It makes me want to satisfy you again and again.”

  Pushing the momentary embarrassment away, I choose to welcome his interpretation. “Well let me return the favor,” I state wanting to switch places so I can go down on him. I start to move to the side so we can change positions, but he pushes me down demandingly, grabs my hands in his and holds them down next to either side of my head.

  “Not this time,” he states as he moves his hips, and runs the head of his cock through my wetness with a moan. “So hot, so wet for me.”

  Groaning at the sensation, I jerk my hips trying to invite him in. He lets go of one of my hands and reaches into a drawer and grabs a condom. I’ve never seen anyone put one on so fast and then he’s holding my hip as he thrusts inside me and let’s out a groan of contentment. “Fuck,” he whispers, his lips next to my ear.

  He eagerly licks and sucks my neck, while his hips repeatedly and rhythmically tighten and relax as he slides in and out. He maneuvers his head to lick and tease my breasts without breaking the cadence of his hips and I feel another orgasm as it builds and rises. He moves back and our skin separates as if in protest, the honey wanting to keep us stuck together.

  Rising to his knees, Tyson grabs the top of my thighs and plunges himself into me a few times making us both gasp. “Oh, god, yes,” I murmur. Other words and curses scream inside my head at the sensations, and a few leak out, but I’m not even aware of what I’m saying.

  “Mine,” Tyson says with another push into my body. He puts the tip of his finger on my clit and starts circling. “You’re mine.” His other hand grabs one of my breasts and he flicks at a nipple making it get even harder. “These, are mine.” He takes my hips and lifts me up, thrusting himself into me over and over. “This pussy is mine,” he states. When he reaches his hand down again to stimulate me, I fall apart. “That’s it. Give it to me,” he says, but I’m too lost to respond. His movements increase and with a roar he comes immediately after me, then collapses onto my body.

  We lay there trying to catch our breath and quietly laugh in delight. After a minute, Tyson pulls away from me a little to look down into my face. He tucks some wayward strands of my hair behind my ear, and kisses the tip of my nose sweetly. “Thanks for a fantastic breakfast.” I’m not sure, but I think I may blush at his words because he brushes his thumb over one of my cheeks and seems amused.

  “I was serious earlier. I’d like you to spend the day with me, come to my sparring session and meet the guys. Can you swing it?” He asks me this time.

  I really do have homework and errands to run, and I should probably go visit… “Yes, yes, I can swing it,” I tell him pushing the uncompleted thought from my mind. Today, I’m only going to think about me. It’s been too long since I’ve just done what I’ve wanted to do for a whole day.

  We take a shower together and can’t manage to keep our hands off of each other. I think it’s safe to say Tyson is insatiable. He makes me feel like the sexiest thing he’s ever seen and I love it. When he touches me, I feel like no one else exists but the two of us.

  On the ride to the gym, I begin to feel nervous at the prospect of meeting Tyson’s friends. “Tell me about your friends.” He looks at me in question, “I’m feeling a little nervous,” I confess as I notice my knee bouncing.

  “There’s nothing to be nervous about, I promise. The guys are all great. They will accept you right away and treat you like family. I’ve seen it for myself in the way they were with Rowan and how good they are to her. In fact, they’ve all known each other for a long time, but they’ve accepted me into their group like I’ve been a part just as long.”

  “And you said that Rowan’s boyfriend owns the gym?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know all the details, but it was left to him when his grandfather died. You’ll meet Jax because he’s training me, but you’ll likely also meet Ryder, Dylan, Cole, Levi and Zane too. That’s the core group. Jax and Zane have been friends since high school, but all the rest of them met in college I guess.”

  “That’s cool that they’ve stayed friends and all fight together too. Was that what brought them together – their interest in MMA?”

  “No, actually, they all had things they’d like, but only Jax was really into MMA initially. A couple wrestled, or were major weight lifters and had taken martial arts. So MMA was something they all gravitated to and continued to cement their friendships. And they are really great fighters too.” He looks at me in concern, “I know you said you don’t care for fighting, but remember this is a sport. We use controlled arm and leg moves. And there are rules. All of these guys do this for money and they get in the octagon willingly.”

  “The octagon?”

  He smiles at me, “That’s where a fight takes place. It’s called an octagon, or a cage. We fight inside of it.”

  “Ah, got it,” I smile and pat the hand that he has on my knee, while looking at his profile. I don’t want to stare too long, but he’s so handsome. I take in his penetrating green eyes that sometimes look brown. His full kissable lips that I know full well can do sinuous things to my body. I love his dark hair that’s carefully styled to look messy. Stopping myself before he catches my staring, I look down at his hand on my knee again. It’s hard to believe that the same hands that can make my body hum, can also hit someone and cause pain. I can’t picture it.

  As we pull up to Xtreme Fitness Center, my stomach flips in uneasiness. Nerves. Anxiety. Tyson grabs a bag out of the back, and then helps me out of the truck, holding my arm, then hand, firmly all the way inside. When we walk inside, a receptionist at the front desk, who’s working behind the counter and talking on the phone, greets us. She smiles and waves at Tyson, as he pulls me past her. The gym is hopping with activity. There are guys working out with free weights, running on treadmills, ellipticals, riding bikes, and hitting punching bags, while others are working out on some mats. The loud cracking sound of fists hitting leather reverberates around the gym. Fast paced music with a strong, persistent bass beat blares from the speakers and the whole atmosphere is full of testosterone.

  He walks me over to the side and cups my cheek. “I’m going to go throw my bag in my locker. I’ll be right back.”

  “Of course,” I wave him off. “I’m fine,” I reassure him and myself as he kisses my forehead before walking away and I feel myself nearly melting into the floor. There isn’t a girl alive that doesn’t love forehead kisses.

  Looking around the room while I wait for him to return, I catch more than a few curious glances. Seeing someone familiar looking back at me with a huge smile , I return it when Levi waves at me. He says something to the people he’s talking to, and begins walking over to me. When the group looks over to where he’s going, I catch a clearer view of the people he was standing with. It’s then that I see Nikki, from the club, standing among them. I’m sure my eyes register recognition and surprise at the same time hers narrow and she flips her hair. Ugh, I can’t stand her.

  “Hi there. Are you looking for Tyson?” Levi asks.

  Smiling, I take in his bright green eyes and blonde hair. He’s busting out of the t-shirt he’s wearing, the muscles looking like they’re barely restrained. “No, I know where he is. He should be right back.”

  “Alright then, doll. Allow me to show you around,” he holds out his arm to me, inviting me to hook my arm through. I’m barely able to think about it, much less do it, before Tyson is standing beside me. “Why am I not surprised that somehow you managed to work your way over here and are trying to steal my w
oman, while I stepped away for all of ninety seconds?”

  Levi grins and smacks Tyson on the arm. “Because you know I’ve got skills, dude.” Levi says with a goofy grin that makes me giggle. Tyson looks at me, eyes narrowed but I just shrug and smile innocently, because all I can think about are his words, “my woman”. They simultaneously thrill and terrify me.

  Levi laughs as he walks away and Tyson laughs too. Looking at me, he takes my hand. “Come on, we may as well get this over with.”

  He leads me to the steps of a large structure that has what looks like a six foot or so fence around the whole thing and a floor on the inside. Peering inside, I now see that this is the octagon he mentioned. I hesitate for a minute before following Tyson and notice that several men inside turn and look at us. I swallow hard and force myself to keep going, wishing I could turn invisible, their gazes feeling quite intimidating. As if on cue, they all break out into grins and make me feel shy for reasons I can’t even begin to understand. Maybe all of their man vibes are making me loopy.

  Tyson walks us right up into the center of the damn thing and he does some fist bumps and weird hand shakes with some of the guys. All of them stare openly at me, so I give a little timid wave and say, “Hi.”

  Tyson smiles at me, “Guys, I want you to meet Sydney. Sydney, these are the guys.”

  One of them steps forward and I hold out a hand for him to shake. He seems amused by the gesture, but shakes it in return. He’s huge, as big as Tyson, and covered in tattoos. Well, I quickly realize they all are, but he appears to have many more than the rest. His light blue eyes are mesmerizing and an earring winks at me from his left ear. His smile is big and wide, “Hi, I’m Ryder. It’s nice to meet you, gorgeous.”

  “Nice to meet you too,” I reply and my eyes pop open in surprise as he gives me a kiss on the cheek, still holding onto my hand. It takes severe effort to hold in my giggle; I feel like I’ve just reverted to a thirteen-year-old girl. There’s something about him; sex oozes from his pores and I feel immediately caught up in the effect. I have no doubt that any woman in his sights doesn’t stand a chance against this guy.

  I’m pulled out of my Ryder induced haze when he’s suddenly shoved out of the way and a new hot male specimen takes his place. He lifts my hand up and kisses it, and I bite my lip to try and smother a grin, but I don’t think it works. I completely avoid Tyson’s penetrating eyes and stay focused on the man before me. Bright red hair, blue eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across his nose, he’s shorter than the rest, but certainly not any less good looking. His smile is infectious. “Nice to meet you, Sydney. I’m Dylan.”

  “Hi Dylan,” I smile and he winks at me.

  “So tell me, doll. What are you doing with Tyson?”

  I open my mouth to reply, but Tyson maneuvers behind him and smacks him on the back of the head. The two of them get into a tussle and I’m left standing staring at another man. They just keep coming like an all you can eat man buffet. Rena would die.

  “Hi there. My name is, Zane. I know what you’re thinking…”

  “You do?” I ask staring at him in wonder and confusion. He’s also covered in tattoos, which is clearly the theme here, and he’s got both ears pierced as well as his eyebrow. I’m doing my best to keep my eyes on his face, because he’s not wearing a shirt. But it’s hard – oh god - so hard. To keep my eyes focused I mean, not his chest. Well, actually, that’s hard too. Dammit, stop looking at it!

  “I do. You’re thinking ‘why the hell didn’t I meet Zane before Tyson?’” He gives me a killer smile and hell, I’m only human, it makes me smile dumbly in return.

  “What the hell is going on over here?” asks Tyson, appearing out of nowhere and looking from Zane to me, and back again.

  “I was just telling her that I know she wishes she had met me first,” Zane shrugs with a smile and a look that screams troublemaker. He knows he’s completely riling up Tyson. Tyson takes a threatening step toward Zane, and Zane jumps on the balls of his feet, looking excited for whatever’s about to transpire. I take a step back just before Tyson dives at Zane and they roll around laughing and making jabs at each other.

  Laughing at their antics, I turn when I feel a presence beside me. A man with dark hair, and even darker eyes, stands next to me watching Tyson and Zane. He glances at me, smiles, then looks back at them again. While friendly looking enough, something about him makes me want to hug him. There’s a quiet sadness to him; his eyes a doorway to hidden secrets. He looks… lost, and I find myself not only turning to shake his hand, but placing my other on top of his to offer some kind of comfort maybe, I’m not sure. “Hello,” I say first, which gets a genuine smile from him.

  “Hello,” he says. “My name is, Cole. It’s very nice to meet you, Sydney.”

  “Thank you. You too.” I can’t help but wonder what his story is. There’s much more here than meets the eye.

  Someone walks up to him, Levi I see, and rubs his head like he’s a dog making him duck out of the way of the offending hand. Just as I turn back to Tyson and Zane, both of which are now standing and shadow boxing at each other, I hear a booming voice yell throughout the gym.

  “BOY! Get your fucking ass over here. I knew I’d find you here!”

  All the guys immediately turn toward the source of the yelling; Tyson making his way next to me. Cole is gone in a flash, making his way out of the octagon and toward an older man. Tyson leads me out of the cage and within no time I see Dylan, Zane, Levi, and Ryder too. They form a line behind Cole, Tyson shoving me behind him.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” A man screams at Cole, “You betray me by coming here after what he did to me? After my getting kicked out?”

  “Of course I still work out here. These are my friends,” Cole says quietly but firmly.

  “Then fuck you, you cock sucking backstabbing traitor. You can go to hell,” he waves his arms around and almost falls over with the effort. “Find yourself a new trainer.” He’s clearly drunk and frightening thoughts of him having driven here cross my mind and I realize I am shuddering.

  Behind the man, I see someone making their way toward him, having walked out of an office. A woman follows closely behind and when I get a good look at her, I know instantly who they are.

  “You need to leave,” Ryder tells the man.

  “You’re not welcome here,” Tyson says threateningly taking a step forward. “After what you said to my sister, you’re lucky I don’t kick your ass right fucking now,” Tyson growls as he takes a threatening step forward. Ryder puts an arm in front of Tyson stopping him in his tracks.

  “Go ahead, bring it boy,” drunk guy shouts at Tyson. “I can take you on too.”

  “Don’t even think about it,” the man that I’ve determined is Jax says. Rowan stands next to him, but Jax puts his body between the man and her. “You know you are not welcome here. You need to leave.”

  “Some son you are. Kicking your own father out of a gym that should have been mine!” the man bellows.

  “I’ve got him,” Cole says making his way to the man. “Let’s go, Jerry. We need to leave.”

  Jerry rips his arm out of Cole’s grasp, “I don’t need your fucking help. I don’t need anyone!”

  He turns and stumbles his way out of the door. Cole turns to Jax, “I’ll make sure he gets home safely.”

  “Okay,” Jax replies, a look of anger, awash with sadness, irritation, and perhaps embarrassment on his face. “Thanks.” Cole nods and heads out the door.

  Tyson turns to me and I give him a small smile. “What was that all about?” I can’t help but ask somewhat quietly of Tyson, curiosity getting the best of me.

  “That’s Jax’s dad, but also Cole’s trainer. It’s a long story, but after a nasty run-in with Rowan, Jax kicked Jerry out of the gym for good. The gym was given to Jax by his grandfather and his dad’s always been bitter. It’s a nasty situation.”

  Looking past Tyson to Jax and Rowan, I see them talking softly, a worried loo
k on Rowan’s face as she studies Jax, offering a calming hand on his face while the other holds his. “How does Cole deal with a trainer like that?”

  “That’s the million dollar question, babe,” Zane responds before he walks away with Dylan and Levi.

  Tyson puts his hand on my arm, but before he can say anything, Rowan and Jax appear next to us. Jax is smiling at me and his dimples are seriously ridiculous. There’s an air about him that if one didn’t know would declare that he’s the boss around here. He has a contradiction about him - looks that scream all-business but a friendly warmth. His arms are crossed over his chest, muscles practically busting out of his shirt, but the smile on his lips and twinkle in his eyes are kind and inviting.

  “Hi there, you must be Sydney,” Jax says and I nod my head.

  “Yes, hi. Thank you for not minding my hanging out and seeing the place. It’s really nice by the way. This is my first time at a gym like this.”

  Rowan laughs, “Oh honey, it’s okay, you can be honest. It smells like men – and not in a good way. They’re all idiots for hitting and punching each other, but not bad eye candy, right?”

  I laugh and nod knowing I like her already.

  Jax is giving her a look that teasingly screams, how dare you, while reaching out and touching her in a manner that speaks possessive. The love he has for her is clear in his eyes.

  Rowan turns to Tyson and once she gets a good look at him, she smacks him on the arm. “What the hell is wrong with your face?”

  Tyson’s smile immediately falls, and I look back and forth between the two. “Oh, um,” he reaches a hand up as if he’s going to touch his bruising, but stops and drops his hand. “It’s not a big deal.”


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