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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 4)

Page 45

by Selena Kitt

  His hand slides up over the curve of my hip, up my side, as he moves inside me. His pace is slow, passionate, with unhurried anticipation of the orgasm he knows he’s leading me toward. I let out another moan as I roll my head in his direction. He is leaning over me, smiling.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he whispers.

  “Good morning beautiful yourself,” I reply with a smile as big as his. His hand has reached the soft swell of my breast. His finger glides over my nipple, teasing it into a hard, tight, deliciously sore peak. I moan again. “I could get used to this, you know?”

  His breathy laugh sends a thrill through me. “So can I,” he whispers into my ear. “When I woke, it took me all of two seconds to realize that I was still buried inside you.” Reaching my lips with his, he says, “I couldn’t resist.”

  His lips are on mine, soft and tender. My breathing slows to huffs with each thrust of his hips. He lowers his hand from my breast past my stomach, and he finds my clit. I lift my right leg, hitching it around his thighs, opening myself to him.

  My head is swimming with the overwhelming sensation of his tongue on mine, his fingers circling my clit. My orgasm comes on quick. Every muscle in my body clinches, my sex kneading and milking his. He moans into my mouth.

  “Come for me, baby,” he orders softly.

  In response my pulse quickens, my pussy tightens further, and my orgasm bubbles from my core. Building and building as I moan louder and harder. I reach the cliff and I come. Hard.

  “Tristan!” I scream as my body quivers.

  My mind is gone, lost in the sensation of my climax, which is taking me to heights I never knew existed. I start to come down and realize that he hasn’t stopped. He is still sliding in and out of my freshly soaked pussy.

  He tugs lightly on my hip, urging me upward. “Ride me, baby. Please?”

  I hook my right leg higher over his hip for leverage. My muscles are weak from sleep and sex. I’m determined to pull myself up without losing the delicious full feeling.

  He helps to lift me up and lowers me back down on his erection. I feel his barbells slide along my pussy. It’s painful against my tender, swollen sex in a good way.

  I’m riding him backwards, facing his feet. I stretch back, placing my hands on his firm pecs, and start to slide up and down his rock hard shaft. I know I’m hitting the right spot when he groans. The sound is so carnal and wanton that I start to move faster. I moan, biting my lip as he starts to match my thrusts. His ups meeting my downs. Hard.

  The need to make him come spurs me on. I feel his erection get harder and shift slightly inside, straightening. My sex gets tighter.

  I feel the crushing weight of climax and my own motions slow, but he doesn’t stop.

  “Don’t stop,” he growls, and I pick my pace back up, holding onto my orgasm because I need to come with him.

  “Come, Tristan. Come inside me.”

  He starts to pound harder against my sex and I lose it as his balls hit my clit. My orgasm explodes, sending white hot fireworks off behind my eyelids. I can barely hold myself up. The fireworks ignite once more as soon as his cock twitches inside me and the first shot of hot cum fills my core.

  “Jesus fuck, Cami!” he howls as he comes hard inside me. His nipples harden under my touch. I start to trace my fingers around the buds and pinch his nipples and he jerks once, twice, and yet a third time inside me, and he groans again. “Ahh! Fuck.”

  Did I really just make him come twice? I smile widely at the idea. His hands release their grip on my hips and fall back to the bed. His whole body goes limp and softens underneath me.

  “Tristan?” I say, a bit worried that he’s passed out on me.

  “Hmmm?” he mumbles incoherently, and I smile.

  “Did I really give you two orgasms back-to-back?” I’m smiling so wide, I would be amazed if he actually managed to understand me.

  “Mm hm,” he mumbles again.

  “Are you even on the same planet as I am right now?”


  I giggle. Here I thought I was bad after sex. But my head is swelling at the idea that I did this to him. Talk about a trip.

  And he is still rock hard inside me. Ready and wanting more.

  I clench the muscles of my sex around his erection and he groans. I let out a soundless chuckle.

  “What do you think you’re doing there, little lady?”

  I am on cloud twenty-nine at this point, so I clench my muscles again. “I want you.”

  “You have me.” His voice is warm and sweet, and I think I understand that he really means that if I want to take him again I can, at any time, anywhere, and in any way I want him.

  I sit up straight on his hips, the head of his erection reaching deep into the very core of my body. The sensation is amazing, slightly painful, but oh so delicious. I lean forward and place my hands on his thighs. Arching my back, I start to slide slowly up and down his thick shaft.

  If he’s not done, then neither am I.


  Her ass is gloriously riding the length of my shaft, up and down, slow and deep. I can feel the walls of her entrance tightening and releasing as she glides with very little effort up and down. Her pussy is soaking wet and warm, the evidence of all our activities.

  Knowing that she is slick with us has me more turned on. I watch as our orgasms leak from her sex, pooling onto my groin and sliding onto my balls. I wish I had a camera to capture this.

  She’s moaning at her own movements, and I’m simply laying here, watching the action. She lets out a moan and starts to thrust harder. The sound is quieter, muffled, and I can tell she is moaning against her lip.

  “Tristan, I’m gonna come,” she whispers.

  She quickens her pace. Her right hand comes off my thigh and goes straight to her clit. I reach up with one hand, take her right nipple between my fingers, and I twist.

  Her orgasm explodes all over my cock, sending a rush of warm creamy cum all over my head and shaft and I lose it. My own orgasm tightens my shaft, the fresh warm of my cum mixing with hers.

  I drop back to the bed, sated – for now – exhausted, breathing hard and heavy as I feel my heart slow back to normal. I’m ready to go back to sleep.

  I don’t want to leave her body; I want to stay here forever, but I know that I need to take care of what woke me in the first place. I have to pee like a motherfucker and all this bouncing on my bladder isn’t helping.

  As if she read my mind we both say, “I have to pee” at the same time.

  She giggles. “So that’s what woke you up, huh?” I can hear the smile in her voice.

  I laugh. “Yeah, it was. But I found something warm and wet and thought that would be more fun.”

  She sighs, content. “I thought that my building orgasm was my bladder screaming at me, until I realized I was on the verge of coming and that you were sliding in and out of me. I decided that was more important than my bladder.”

  She shivers. I’m still hard inside of her, but hopefully she will understand that it’s not an invitation for more.

  She slowly lifts her hips off of my cock. The rush of cool air sends shivers through my own body as I watch her stumble toward the bathroom. She flips on the light and turns to look at me.

  In that moment, with the light shining behind her, she looks like an angel. I let out a gasp as she smiles at me. She is absolutely gorgeous and she is all mine…if she will have me.

  After Cami exits the bathroom, it’s my turn. I give her a quick kiss as I pass her.

  Heading into the bathroom, I take stock of my body. I feel like I’ve been run over by a freight train, but in a very good way. My eyes are bright blue, portraying the high that I’m running on.

  When I leave the bathroom, she approaches me. “Feel better?” she asks.

  “Much.” I kiss her lightly again.

  “I’m gonna go freshen up a bit.” She strides past me and I watch her naked form retreat into the bathroom. I sigh inwardly. Wh
at have I done to deserve this beautiful girl?

  When she emerges a couple of minutes later, I am sitting on the edge of the bed. She saunters toward me and comes to stand between my legs. Between the height of the bed and my own six-foot-four frame, we are at the perfect height for a nice, warm, deep kiss.

  I reach up, cup the back of her neck, and bring her toward me. She smells minty.

  I chuckle. “Did you use my toothbrush?”

  She smiles against the lips she has yet to kiss. “Close. Your mouthwash.” I laugh. “I didn’t want to kiss you with bad morning breath.”

  “In that case, I am going to go freshen up a bit.”

  But Cami isn’t having that. No, her hands sink into my hair, gripping my head and pulling me to her, crushing my lips against hers in a deep, powerful, and sensual kiss.

  The kiss ends far too soon.

  “It doesn’t bother me,” she says. “But I could use a shower and some clean clothes. I also need to get my iPad and my other phone. No doubt Trinity is blowing it up already.”

  I sigh. Today’s the day of the big Layla story. It’s strange that I don’t really care.

  “Grab my phone, would you, baby?” I ask Cami. She walks over and grabs my phone.

  But instead of handing it to me, she places my phone between her supple round tits and squeezes them together, wanting me to dig my phone out from between them. I smile, pull her close, and lower my head between her breasts. I lick the crack they’ve created and her nipples harden immediately. I lick the left one, then back to the crack again, and then the right.

  “Okay, fine. You can have your phone,” she says with a breathy laugh.

  I laugh and dial a number. “Ty?”

  “Hey, Tristan. What can I do for you?”

  “Can you run down to Ms. Enders’s suite and bring up her chargers, her other phone, some clothes, and her iPad, please?”

  “I already did, sir. I also informed the hotel that you were checking out today and that Ms. Enders could have your suite. I had the contents of her room brought up and placed in the living room. The hotel knows that you’re staying here but the room is changing hands. Ms. Enders still has her suite downstairs if she doesn’t want to really stay here. I figured in the interest of being inconspicuous, this would be best.”

  “Nice work. Thank you, Tyson.” I pause. “One more thing. Where are you?”

  “I moved my stuff to the third bedroom. Do you need something?”

  “No, just stay there. I’ll come get you shortly.”

  “Yes, sir” he says, and he disconnects the line.

  “What was that all about?” Cami asks.

  “Well…” I pause. “Tyson was kind enough to collect your things from your room. He also arranged to check me out of my suite.” Her jaw drops. “I’m not leaving, so don’t worry.” She pulls her jaw back up but still has a look of concern on her face. “This way it appears that I have checked out. In the event that my location is leaked, the hotel has plausible deniability that I’m no longer staying here. They have transferred the suite to your name. So effective immediately, this is your room. You can finally stay here. And I can stay in the second bedroom or take your suite downstairs.”

  “Why not just stay here, in this room, with me?” She asks the question I was hoping for, but I didn’t want to make assumptions and I wanted her to make the choice.

  “If that’s what you want, Cami, I would love to share this suite with you.”

  She smiles approvingly at me, and all traces of concern are gone from her face.

  “That is exactly what I want. When Beau and Mick get here tomorrow, they can have my suite downstairs or stay in the second bedroom.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. There are actually three other bedrooms in this suite besides this one, room enough for all, if they’re willing to share.”

  “I guess that will depend on how well everyone gets along. Where’s Tyson now?”

  “He’s in the third bedroom until I go and get him. You’re free to go get what you need from the living room.”

  She grins. “Good. I need some clothes and to get in touch with Trinity.”

  “What about that shower you wanted?”

  “That, too. Will you be joining me?”

  I grin a wicked grin. “Of course!”


  Hoping that Tyson really does stay in his room, I grab my chargers, my new Mac, the iPad, and my BlackBerry and head back into our room. Tristan is there to shut the door behind me.

  As I set everything down on the desk, I catch a glimpse of Tristan from the corner of my eye. He’s watching me intently, and it dawns on me that I’m still completely naked.

  I turn toward him and smile. “Enjoying the view, Tristan?”

  He blushes. “What do you think?” he grumbles.

  I look down at his lap, and the answer is obvious. He is hard as a rock yet again. I grin.

  As I finish plugging in my electronics I make an obvious effort to put on a show for him, bending a little too far forward so that my ass is in the air, my legs spread to reveal the lips of my sex. When I’m done I walk over to him, grab ahold of his shaft, and lead him into the bathroom by his cock.

  “Oh you think so, little lady?”

  I really enjoy that he calls me that. I continue to lead him into the bathroom, and he shuts the door behind us.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  About an hour later Cami and I finally emerge from the bathroom, squeaky clean and weak-kneed. We help each other dress with minimal distraction, and then Cami heads over to the desk to check her email while I open the door to the living room to see about ordering some food.

  To my surprise, Tyson is sitting in a chair watching the bedroom door. His face is a stony mask.

  “What’s wrong, Ty?” I ask.

  “Trinity has been blowing up my phone, trying to reach you and Cami.”

  No sooner has he finished his sentence than Cami shouts my name from the bedroom. Her voice is laced with horror, and for a moment fear surges through my body.

  “Cami, what’s wrong?” I ask. She’s sitting at the desk, one hand covering her mouth and the other frantically trying to dial her phone. “Calm down, Cami. Breathe, Sweets. It’s all right.” Her panic is contagious.

  I walk around the desk and stand behind her. She’s looking at an image on her computer. In the sidebar the email program icon is bouncing up and down with new emails.

  “I texted Trinity and told her that you guys would be in touch shortly. No doubt she is blowing up Cami’s phone and email,” Tyson says from the bedroom door.

  I look back at the computer and it only takes half a second to realize what she’s looking at. It’s a house, or what used to be a house. The charred remains of a house. Something about the picture strikes me as odd, familiar even.

  “Are there more pictures, Cami?” I ask.

  She clicks to the next one. A press shot, crystal clear but at some distance, and from that angle I immediately recognize the building. It’s Layla’s house. The house we had shared for the last two years of our relationship.

  “Jesus fuck!” I shout, and Cami jumps. “How the fuck did that happen?” I’m struggling to catch my breath. I whisper, “Layla?”

  Cami’s hand comes down slowly from her mouth. “I don’t know anything else yet. This is the first email I clicked on.” She clicks out of the picture and moves back to her email inbox.

  Just then her Skype lights up. It’s Trinity. She pushes the button to answer the call. Within seconds Trinity’s face pops up on the screen.

  “Please, dear God, tell me that Layla is all right?” Cami says.

  “From what we know, yes. She’s fine. We were told that she had been staying somewhere else since the premiere.” Trinity speaks very matter of fact.

  “What the fuck happened?” I practically shout at the laptop.

  “There are mixed reports right now, but the majority of them point to a disgruntle
d fan that went off half-cocked once the story was posted. I sent you a video. The girl in the video calls Layla a slut and several other unflattering names and claims to have set the fire in retribution for how she treated ‘Dakota.’ Clearly not a stable person.”

  Someone, some deranged fan, burned down Layla’s house because of what she did to me. If it weren’t for the fact that this girl is obviously in serious need of professional help, I might have thanked her for sticking up for me.

  “Supposedly the arson was recorded, and the police are investigating it,” Trinity continues. “The fire is out, obviously. You can see from the pictures. The police seem to be pretty confident that no one was inside at the time.”

  “Thank God for that,” I bark. “Where was her security team when this went down?”

  “That,” Trinity began, “is why we are pretty sure Layla was not on the property.” She stops talking and looks away from her monitor at what I’m assuming is a cell phone or a tablet of some type. She’s reading something. Several different emotions cross her face, and she gasps at a couple of different points.

  “What, Trinity?” Cami’s the first to attempt to break the tension.

  “It’s a tentative press release from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. Apparently there is some speculation that Tristan was in the house at the time of the fire, and there are reports surfacing of his disappearance. They intend to address in their press release that they do not know where he is and that his last contact with Layla was a week ago. They are also saying that while Tristan had full access to the home, they’re unsure of whether or not he was in the house at the time of the fire.”

  Her phone rings in the background. She holds up one finger at us and answers it.

  “Yes, Vinnie? Yeah, I have them both on Skype right now. Yes. All right, hang on.” She lowers the phone from her ear and presses a button, and Vinnie’s voice comes over the Mac.

  “Hi, guys!” Vincent sounds almost chipper.

  “Hi,” Cami and I say in unison.

  “Listen, here is what I know so far. The police are concerned for Tristan’s well-being. Until they hear from Tristan directly, they are going to proceed as if he is a missing person.”


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