What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 4)
Page 119
He slid his phone out of his pocket and hit her number.
By the second ring, he resigned himself to leaving a voice message insisting she call him back. By the third, he decided to hang up.
“Are you lost?” She answered on the fourth ring.
“Yes.” He decided to go the honest route.
“Oh, well let me help you. If you program the hotel’s address into that fancy screen in your car dashboard it will magically guide you back.”
“Thank you for the lesson on how to use a car’s navigation system.” He scraped his teeth together. “That’s not why I called.”
She didn’t say a word.
“Did you put your flowers into water?”
“Not yet.”
Well, at least she didn’t throw them away. “Make sure you inspect them before you submerge them.”
“Is that all?”
He moved the phone away from his ear and glanced at it. Most women would be rifling through the petals as he spoke. “About tomorrow night.” He needed to clear up what would be happening.
“I’m not interested in going out with some married businessman and his wife, but tell Carl and Karen thank you anyway.”
The only thing worse than rudeness was false politeness. “It was a very strange situation.” He shook his head at offering an explanation.
The phone went silent, and he assumed they got disconnected or she hung up. He clenched his fist.
“How was it strange?”
He breathed. “It was slightly odd to stand in front of a business associate with a raging erection.” Great, now he sounded like some pervert, but it was better than telling her the real reason, and it definitely played a part.
“What’s in the flowers?” Her tone was flat, not the female excitement he wanted.
“Why don’t you search while I’m on the phone?” He strummed his fingers on his leg.
“There’s a little note in here.”
“Open it.”
She made a noise into the phone. “When did you put this here?”
“Before I came to pick you up tonight.” He didn’t understand why the timing was important.
“Why would you ask me out for tomorrow night before we went out tonight?” Her voice softened.
“I knew what I wanted and I like to plan ahead.” He’d struck something in her. “So what’s your answer?” He hit his knee at his words, but he couldn’t wait any longer.
“I hope your hands are not on your phone while your driving.” She averted the question.
He licked his lips, wishing he could taste a remnant of her lipstick. Now he knew it didn’t really smudge. Her voice teased him, but it also let him know he was regaining some of what they lost. “Why is that?” Maybe she wanted his hands elsewhere. If that were the case, he would go satisfy them both in an instant.
“It’s against the law in California.”
“Where would you want my hands to be?”
“Where are they now?” She graced him with one low laugh.
“One’s on my phone.” His other hand was near his crotch.
“Where’s the other, Michael?”
He cupped his balls. “Not on my phone.”
“Are you going to wait to masturbate until you get back to the hotel, or are you going to do it right in the car?”
He squeezed his bulge. “Excuse me?”
“I just was curious as to when you were going to relieve yourself.” She gave him another one of those chuckles.
Damn it if he wasn’t getting even more turned on. “I’m not a fan of having to do it myself.”
She made a tsking sound into the phone. “Maybe you’re not doing it correctly then.”
Now it was his turn to pause. The constant back and forth of the evening made him ache as he swelled to his full length.
“What would you suggest?” He called her bluff.
“How bad is it?”
He smiled and decided to push her further. Maybe he could achieve some relief with her after all. “I think you know.”
“I know its been going on for hours.”
He moved his neck from side to side, hearing the pops inside his skull. It had been going on since he met her. “I am very aware of that fact.”
“Then I would suggest you make yourself come soon.”
“Then I would suggest you tell me exactly how to do that.” He wouldn’t go back to an overpriced hotel and jack off onto their supposed million-thread count sheets. He prepared himself to hear her hang up, but couldn’t stop himself.
“Well then tell me where your other hand is.”
Holy shit. He took a deep breath. “On my cock.” He ran his hand across his length.
“I don’t believe you. I think you’re rubbing the outside of your pants like a boy. Don’t lie to me again.” She made a noise of discontent. “Where is your hand?”
“Tell me what I should do.” He already began to unfasten his belt buckle.
“Unzip your pants and take it out.”
He did as she asked and arched his back, fishing his cock out from his pant leg. It sprang up into his palm. Hot and ready.
“Where is your hand?” She asked again.
“Around my cock.” He gripped himself a bit harder. “Keep going.”
Her silence between his demands told him she contemplated whether she should continue, but he knew she wouldn’t go on unless she wanted to.
“Slow strokes up and down. Let the rim of the head act as your stopping point.”
He closed his eyes and began.
She gave him an extended moment of silence. “How is it?”
“Not enough.” He kept his motion steady, wanting to get in her mind, do what she wanted him to do. He would use this opportunity to learn not only what she liked and found sexy, but he would teach her his preferences.
“Speed up, but only a little.”
He did as she asked. “What about you?”
“What about me?” She purred into the phone.
“Touch yourself.” He glanced around the car thankful he was parked on a dark, residential street with no lights. “Touch yourself the way I would have touched you if you let me.”
He was met with another delay.
“How would you have touched me?” she finally whispered.
His cock twitched beneath his fingers, and he closed his eyes, trying to picture her and imagine their situation. “I would have started out just touching you lightly.”
They both laughed in unison.
“You need to slow down so I can catch up.” She let out a little moan.
“Are you wet?” Even if he didn’t get to touch her, he knew she had been at some point during the night.
“Then I would have no troubles letting my fingers delve a little deeper.” He thrust up into his hand.
“Then I would fondle the head of your cock.” She breathed. “Do you like that?”
“Yes.” He licked his lips and trailed his fingers around the head. “Now, just let one finger dip inside you.”
She let out a noise. “Two fingers.”
He returned his hand to his shaft. She wanted more, and he wouldn’t allow it. “Not quite yet, just one.”
They remained quiet for a moment, lost in both mutual and individual pleasure. The rumble of a car coming down the street made him open his eyes. He stopped, but kept a firm hold on himself. The light bounced around his vehicle, illuminating the little bit of fluid that accumulated on the head of his cock. He would need release soon.
“Add another finger.” He took his time inhaling and exhaling, calming himself down. He wanted to take care of her first.
His cock tensed, reacting to her sounds and words. “Rub your clit.” He wanted to be there, do it for her. Take that engorged nub between his fingers or lips. It was the true center of a woman, control it and control
her. “Soft, circular motion.”
“Then you speed up.”
She was giving, she didn’t forget about him, but he would be fine. “I’m with you.”
“Mike.” Her breath hitched.
“That’s right. Keep going.” He couldn’t help but resume his own actions. “Tell me how close you are.”
“I’m going to come.”
“Yes.” He pummeled himself against his hand. “Let me hear you.”
She answered with a series of short, shallow gasps.
“That’s right. You’re there. Right there.” His breathing joined hers, and he squirmed in his seat, needing to hold out a little longer.
“Now.” She let out the one word and screamed as the ecstasy took over.
“Ride it out.” He pictured her lifting her hips to her hand, pressing down on her clit as her body contracted around her own fingers. As if he were making love to her, now he took his turn. He whipped his hand up and down his length in pursuit of his own end.
“Mike, now you.” Her voice struggled, but she was still with him.
She would make an amazing lover. He had to have her. “Talk to me.” He pressed his feet against the floorboards of the car, pushing himself into seat, his body making that grand assent. “Riley.”
“Come, Mike, you’re dying for it.”
He looked down, he moved fast enough for his hand to become a blur. He was there, his cock swelled, balls tightened. “I have to.”
“Now, Mike.” Her tone low but demanding.
“Yes!” His cock throbbed beneath his hand, working its way up his shaft and culminating in finally letting go into pounding paradise. “Oh, shit.” He watched as his first stream shot up, only to be followed by a second and third. His cum arched and landed on the lower part of the steering wheel, his leg and the seat and floor.
“Oh, shit.” It was his turn to pant.
“Don’t stop, make sure you get it all out.” She crooned.
“That’s good.” He gave himself a final stroke from the base to the ridge of the head.
Once more silence overtook the call.
“Don’t you love the exhaustion after you come?” She breathed into the phone.
“I only wish I could have been with you to lick your fingers.” He caught his breath and softened in satisfaction.
“I think this was almost perfect.”
“Almost?” He lifted his hands, not really knowing what to do with his situation at the moment.
“Yes, almost.” She sighed.
He figured it was a moot point to tell her he would have been with her in a second.
“I think I better say goodnight.”
“Riley.” He couldn’t let her hang up yet.
“Yes, Michael.”
He swore his spent cock shuddered at the way she said his name. “We have few things to attend to.”
“I think attended to just about everything.”
He opened the glove box but didn’t even know what he was searching for anymore. “Tomorrow.”
“It’s already tomorrow.”
He peeked at the clock. “Tonight then.”
“What about it?”
“I need to see you.” He slammed the glove box shut and sat back.
“You have a meeting tomorrow.”
“You were invited, and I made plans with you first.” He squeezed his phone. “I need to see you.” He stopped short of pleading or saying something insane like he felt a connection to her. She would be sure to decline then, and he didn’t beg. “Riley.”
“Are you sure?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Why would you ask that?”
“I don’t like to be stood up.”
“I would never stand you up.” This woman was the most unique combination he ever experienced. Sexy, strong and insecure.
“Never say never.” She laughed, but not one of the laughs from before, this one sounded forced, the same way one would laugh off embarrassment.
“I will be there.” He was about ready to tell her he would cancel every meeting and sit with her until it was time to leave for their date. In fact, that option was extremely appealing. What hurt her?
“All right.” She answered as if just agreed to walk a plank.
“I will call you during the day to confirm.” He tried to give her some reassurance.
“Good night, Michael.”
He needed to figure out a way to get her out of this meeting and still be with her. The phone went silent and dimmed. “Good night, Riley.”
Chapter Six
Riley took a drag of one of the last clove cigarettes she stashed in her apartment and set it down in the ashtray she “borrowed” from a particularly amazing club in Las Vegas. She leaned over, bracing herself on her knees in an attempt to rid herself of the black hole in her stomach. A swirling vortex of nausea, cold sweats and chills. With any luck she was coming down with the flu, not having an anxiety attack.
The night before had taken a turn she didn’t anticipate until she found herself in the middle of talking them both through an orgasm. What started out as her attempt to gain any control, ended with Mike taking over. This was what she wanted, a man who knew himself enough to treat her like a girl. But he didn’t know her. She needed to stop dropping hints, and she needed to drop him.
True to his word, Mike confirmed, first in the late morning, and again in the afternoon. Then about an hour before he was supposed to arrive and pick her up for what she assumed was cocktails with Carl, he called to say he would be late. He wanted to do the meeting himself and not detract from his time with her.
“Bullshit.” She straightened up, twisted her hand behind her back and unzipped the low cut, but conservative green dress she felt appropriate for a business meeting.
The garment dropped to the floor, and she took another puff off her cigarette before stepping out of it and returning to her closet.
Somehow, no matter what she tried to do to stop it, she found herself exactly where she started the day Mike Taylor didn’t show up so many years ago. He called, said he would be late and she sat at her bedroom window for hours thinking every pair of headlights coming down the street might be him.
That night, she removed the nose ring, toned down the makeup, put on a dress that wasn’t black, and donned heels instead of boots. She wanted to be what he wanted.
The only kudos she gave him when she confronted him that next Monday was he didn’t laugh at her, at least not in front of her. Everyone else did, just not him.
She closed her eyes, replaying the moment as if she were there, standing in the middle of her life. She wished she could stop the seventeen year old from walking up to him in the cafeteria.
He glanced back at his friends, silently telling them he needed to deal with this nuisance, and led her away. As usual, he spoke first.
“I can’t do this.” She repeated the words he said to her and found a new outfit. He walked away without an apology, she never showed up for another tutoring session and they never spoke again.
This time she wouldn’t wait for headlights or a further explanation. He owed her nothing.
The knock announcing Mike’s arrival came right as she zipped up her boots.
He showed.
Her heart stopped mid beat, suspended in the center of her chest with no support. “Damn it.” She doused the cigarette under the bathroom faucet, and found herself heading toward the door, turning the knob.
An oversized brown bear was thrust in her face. “I’m sorry.” Mike peeked around the animal.
“Was that the only thing you could find in the hotel lobby gift store?” She didn’t touch the offering, though the girl in her wanted it.
“You found me out.” He leaned against the doorjamb. The cool night air hung around him and swirled over to her, carrying the now familiar scent of his cologne. “If you would like to take it to it’s new home, you and I can get going.”
She had two choices at the moment, go out as planned, or tell him
to get away. The girl in her wouldn’t allow him to leave. In fact, the heavy rock she carried around since his phone call seemed to roll away the second he showed. She had to see this through, but it had to be different.
“I hired a driver for tonight. I have reservations for dinner and reservations for something more intimate.”
Again, he planned everything. She plucked the animal out of his hands using two fingers, and placed it on a side table.
He stood up straight and took her by the waist, taking her all in.
She bit the inside of her mouth and waited for his assessment of her outfit.
He sniffed the air.
“What is it?” She hardened her tone.
“Something smells familiar. It’s good, I just can’t place it.” He lifted his eyebrows, pulled her toward him and kissed her. Soft at first, a quick hello, then he opened his mouth.
She pulled back before his tongue touched hers and she wouldn’t be able to stop.
“It’s definitely you. Isn’t it strange how smells can have memories?” He licked his lips.
Her heart fell. “What memory is it?” Did he need her to tell him how she smoked the same brand in high school?
“I just know I’ve smelled it.” He shook his head. “Are you ready?”
She swallowed, rewinding the tape once more, a quick look into those last few weeks in high school with no Mike Taylor. No, they never communicated again, not with words, but she would catch him looking at her, or she wanted to believe it. Before she ever decided not to attend graduation, she already had her own plans in place on how to take control and change her life.
She hit the mental eject button in her head.
“I’m ready, but I want to choose what we do.” She grabbed his tie and evaluated his suit. For once, he wasn’t dressed perfectly for the situation, not her situation.
“I have everything planned.” He put his hand over hers.
She stroked his tied, letting the satin fall over her fingers. “Well, I suppose the plans will have to change if the plans included being with me.” She wouldn’t deny herself this night with a man she wanted, but she wouldn’t replay the same story. Maybe what she needed was an end.
“What do you want to do?” He wrapped his arm around her.