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Blane (Stratham Shifters Book 5)

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by Sarah J. Stone

  Being different. Even when it was a struggle.

  Dallas glanced his way and frowned. Her eyes latched onto his, but there was something there. Some unasked question, but he wasn’t a mind reader—no that was Ilias.

  He could sense her uncertainty, but there were so many things that could be causing her confusion. It probably had nothing to do with him. But when she kept their eyes locked and marched over to him, he wondered if maybe it had to do with him after all. She planted her hands on her hips and glared down at him. She tried to look threatening, but Blane smirked. She wasn’t anything other than sexy. It didn’t matter she was sick. Her beauty radiated from her heart. It was more than skin deep.

  “What are you doing?”

  He shrugged.

  “Seriously, are you stalking me?”

  He chuckled. “No, even though that could be rather fun; my friend is having a baby.”

  Her eyes softened and she backed down. He hated using Soph, but he wasn’t lying. She really was having her baby. And he really did come to the hospital to be there. Meeting his mate was definitely not part of the plan.

  “Oh,” she replied. Her voice deflated and a red tinged her cheeks.

  “But I was waiting for you.”


  That was the tricky part. How honest could he really be? He shrugged. “I just wanted to see if you kept your hope.”

  Dallas flushed and a small smile lite her features. “Oh,” she shoved her messy curls from her face. “Well, he’s going to try.”

  That didn’t sound reassuring. “Try?”

  “I’m pretty far along in the sickness. But I have nothing to lose at this point, so why not give it a go?”

  She had no idea how much those words slapped him in the face. Only she didn’t know she had a lot to lose. He couldn’t very well tell her. But he found himself closing the distance but leaving a bit of space between them. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. “Have dinner with me?”

  She stuttered, and then she laughed. Nothing could have been worse until she spoke.

  “That’s flattering, but you’re way too young for me.” She smiled. “Besides why would you want to have dinner with a dying woman?”

  There were so many things he could say. “I’m not as young as you might think, and why the hell wouldn’t I want to have dinner with a beautiful woman?”

  She gasped. “Oh.” But it didn’t take her long to compose herself. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “But you’re new here right; haven’t met anyone? Why not make friends within the small community?” He grasped for anything, and it looked like he might have found a shred of hope for himself.

  “Okay, you’re right. I plan to be here for a while. If everything goes as planned. I probably shouldn’t be antisocial.”

  Good. “I have to stay here for a little while, but I’ll pick you up tonight?”

  From the look on her face, she was already having second thoughts. That didn’t bode well for him, but he wasn’t one to give up. Hell, he’d spent his whole life fighting. This would be no different. He’d make sure he inserted himself into her life as much as possible. Even if he had to play a friend for the time being. It would be worth it. As long as he got to be with her. That was all that mattered.


  Did she really just agree to have dinner with him?

  From the smile on his face, she gathered she’d lost her damn mind. But he was so cute, even though he was young. It couldn’t hurt to have one little dinner with a very attractive, yet unique man.

  Could it?

  “I know that face, you can’t cancel. It’s just one dinner.”

  Dallas swallowed.

  How did he know?

  But she found herself nodding. “Okay, one dinner.”

  It’s harmless.

  “See you at seven.”

  “Sure, I’m staying at the hotel.”

  “I’ll see you tonight—Dallas.”

  Again, she nodded and pried her eyes from his. She needed to get out of the hospital. She nodded one last time and scurried away since she hadn’t been asked out for a long time. It had been far too long since a man asked her to dinner. She could tell he wasn’t happy that the only reason she agreed was because of her desire to fit in, but it was a start. He smiled.

  He noticed of course given by his small chuckle.

  She ignored how the sound shot through her even as she sprinted away. There was no reason she should be aroused right now. Maybe her sister was right.

  Maybe she needed to meet a man. It had been far too long since she’d been loved. His burning gaze still lingered even once she hit the pavement. The sun was high in the sky beating down on her. Even though it was only spring it was uncharacteristically warm. She sighed when she got into her car.

  When she glanced up at the window she saw him watching again. And this time her face flushed knowing she would be seeing him again…knowing he thought she was beautiful. His stare was intense. She watched as he shoved his braids away from his face, and then a large man walked behind him. He spun towards the man and she even from the distance she saw him tense.

  And her heart raced as if she had any right to be concerned about him. She’d just met him for heaven’s sake. So why did her heart ache? It was almost as if she shouldn’t leave. Like he needed her as much as she could need him. That shouldn’t be possible. She only knew his name.


  He felt Aris’ tension even before he stood behind him. He sighed realizing he was tired of having no control—or no real control—over his ability to feel others. The more stressed they were, the worse it was for him. Of course, they were tense. Soph went into early labor. She was in a lot of pain. No one really knew what was going on but she said it felt like the baby was dying.

  He’d never seen his king move that fast. They all huddled into the SUV. When Blane held her hand as she screamed in agony—he screamed with her. It was the least he could do at that moment.

  Now he had to go back. He hated watching his mate leave, but right now he had things to do. Dinner later would change things.

  “She needs you. Says you know how to keep her calm.”

  “Of course, I do. But I also feel all her pain as if it’s mine,” he muttered but followed Aris anyways. He had to be there for her even it if hurt—and he knew for certain it was going to be more pain than he could handle.

  The hairs on his neck stood even before he went back in the room and he spun. It wasn’t the same as when he sensed his mate. It was angry—darker—dangerous. He narrowed his eyes, but he only saw the staff. His eyes focused on a tall and lean man with a sleek black Mohawk. It laid flat. Something about him rang his warning bells, but then he turned down the corner and Blane was pulled into the room.

  He didn’t have time to focus on the man and why he seemed familiar. Instead gut-wrenching pain powered through him and his knees buckled. Aris was there holding him before he slammed to the ground, but once his legs crumpled all his body weight went dead beneath him.

  “Deep breathes. You can do this. She needs you. Something’s wrong.” It was the fear in his king’s voice that helped steady him.

  He nodded taking control over his body. “Okay,” he swallowed. “I’m good.” He wasn’t but he knew something was going on. He eased his way closer to the woman on the bed. Her green eyes were filled with tears, but she didn’t let them fall. She clenched her jaw and fought through it. He smiled realizing, she was the perfect fit for Queen. She was a fighter, that was for damn sure.

  He didn’t like thinking about how they’d found her, but in moments like this he couldn’t help it. He was the one who made contact. He was the one that saw her locked in a dank basement with old and new bruises covering her body. Her black and shiny hair had been lack luster and knotted. Even now in more pain than she was ever in during her time in that basement she was radiant. She was strong and beautiful.
/>   “Come on baby girl, I’ve got you,” he said and grabbed her hand squeezing it gently in his.

  He took her pain. Bile rose in his throat and his eyes watered. “Bucket.”

  It was all he needed to say. It was in seconds he spun and emptied his stomach. Aris handed him a bottle of water and he cleaned his mouth before nodding. “I’m good.”

  As soon as his stomach settled he turned back to Sophie. She smiled.

  “Thank you, sweetie. You’re always so calming.”

  They’d bonded when she first came. Even though Aris was her mate, he was her confidant. He couldn’t count how many times she’d come to him room at night just to talk. She’d opened up and told him about her life, about the things Ron had done to her. At first Aris had been pissed, but once him and Sophie argued about it, he learned that nothing was going on. She just trusted Blane. He gave off that desire to help, and it was hard for her to talk about what happened with her mate. She was terrified he would think of her differently.

  In response, he rubbed his thumb over her hand pushing out more of his beast’s energy.

  Chapter 4

  Blane screamed and a part of him recognized the doctors were staring at him like he was a basket case, but holy hell.

  Sophie latched on to his fingers crushing the bone as she screamed in agony. “It hurts so bad,” she said and panted. “I can’t do it. I can’t do it,” she repeated over and over.

  He knew he needed to snap her out of it. She’s forced Aris to leave when things got bad, but refused to let him go. He didn’t get it. He could feel death. It was so close to the surface, but he couldn’t figure out who exactly held the dark shadow.

  Yes, you can, You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known.”

  She squeezed his hand again, but this time it was to comfort him. There was no need for words. He knew why she sent Aris away. If their baby didn’t make it, he would lose control. It didn’t matter how strange it was. They were the talk of the hospital. She had been in labor for nearly twenty hours now. It was a record to Stratham. The strain showed not only on her but everyone else.

  Including him.

  Aris and the others were forced to leave. No one knew what they were, but the humans all figured out there was something very different about the large men, and dainty looking woman. They just didn’t know what.

  It was in those moments Blane knew the people of Stratham would be talking about them. He wondered how that was going to affect their lives. He didn’t have time to dwell because a tremendous pain shot through Sophie’s spine, and his back arched. Again, she screamed and this time he bit his tongue letting out only a small whimper.

  “The baby is coming!”

  “Oh shit,” he said. “You need Aris.”


  “Why not Soph?”

  “If there is something wrong,” she lifted her face and licked her lips. “He’ll lose it, and we can’t afford that.” She kept her voice low, but he was able to hear the mere whisper for the last part of what she’d said. His queen wasn’t wrong. Aris would lose it if something was wrong with his child. But he felt wrong being in there.

  “Maybe, I should--?”

  “No, I need you in here. He understands. I promise. We talked about this beforehand. He knows you’re the only one I feel comfortable enough with for something like this.”

  It was humbling to know how highly she thought of him. To be honest, he didn’t realize. Most people didn’t think much of him, outside of him being the silent ‘broody’ type. He wasn’t really as broody as people made him out to be, but dealing with the constant stream of emotions everywhere he went sure put a damper on his happiness. Even though he could control them, it meant had to be willing to accept their original emotions be it anger, rage, pain, despair. He shook his head trying to smile. This wasn’t the time to worry about himself. No, it was always about others. It was his calling. He knew that. He also knew Fate wouldn’t give him anything he couldn’t handle. No matter how much he suffered, the days would eventually get better. The more he practiced and embraced his abilities.


  She glanced at the clock and frowned. It was just after seven, but she realized she was waiting for Blane, and she let out a disgusted sigh. She wouldn’t be that woman—not again. No man would make her wait around. He said seven. Therefore, he should have shown up at seven.

  Not seven-oh-one or later.

  She’d been down this road before. The last man in her life was the one she planned to marry. She’d been head over heels.

  But he wasn’t.

  Once she’d gotten sick, he bolted. Dallas later found out that he had a young piece on the side.

  Her eyes filled with tears and she growled wiping her eyes before another tear spilled for that jerk.

  “Not worth it.”

  No man was worth the trouble. She wasn’t desperate. In fact, she was quite the opposite.

  Sighing she kicked off her shoes and looked down at the little black dress. She had no idea where he planned to take her, but the dress was perfect for any kind of date.

  She couldn’t bring herself to give up. He’d been in the hospital with a friend having a baby. Certainly, he wasn’t still there?

  But what if he was? She’d heard of women taking close to a day to deliver. A spark of hope fluttered even when she wished to squash it. This was how she ended up getting hurt. She attached easily and when she loved—she loved hard and thoroughly. No question she was a very dedicated woman. She craved being taken care of—yet taking care of her partner too.


  An hour later, Blane still hadn’t showed. She shook her head.

  “Good thing you didn’t get too excited,” she muttered to herself and sighed. Problem was—she was looking forward to going out. That was why she kept herself closed off. He didn’t show. And getting stood up sucked regularly, but when she was dying…

  It was the worst feeling possible.

  Dallas lifted her dress over her head and balled it up between thin hands before tossing it on the floor. It fell on the carpet crumbed in a heap. She knew better. She didn’t have many pretty things. She stalked to the dress and picked it up. It wasn’t the dresses fault she got stood up. She should have figured this would happen. The likelihood of meeting someone at this point in her life was amusing.

  “It would have been nice,” she said to the empty, darkening room. Rather than pout, she climbed into bed and closed her eyes shutting out the day.

  Things were looking up. Dr. Carlyle was going to try healing her. There were no guarantees she would even be alive in the next six months better yet the next month, or even week. That was why she’d allowed herself to be taken by Blane. He was attractive and seemed quite determined.

  Why wouldn’t he leave her mind?

  She huffed and flipped to her side and lifted her fist punching the too fluffy pillow. It was a nice release of anger.

  Sleep did not come. Not the way it should have knowing that she—finally—wasn’t alone in her journey to be saved.


  Blane was in awe. The baby was so tiny. He wailed when he finally made his way into the world. Soph held him and Blane took the moment to step out of the room. He didn’t have to go far to find his king; who paced the hall. As soon as he made eye contact with Aris, his eyes lite and he stalked across the room with a huge smile.

  Blane felt the change inside and fell to the ground. When Sophie screamed he covered his ears wishing it would take it all away. This time when he heaved nothing stopped him from emptying his stomach. His eyes watered at bile filled his throat and he gagged tipping his head down. It no longer mattered.

  Aris frowned at the sound of his mate in pain. She should have been fine. Blane knew what was happening. But he couldn’t speak. He couldn’t tell him—


  He would have laughed if he could. But in that moment a wave of dizziness washed over him.
br />   Blane was relieved and let the darkness take him. He’d done his part. Now it was Sophie and Aris’ time to do their job.

  Chapter 5

  He woke up in a bed and when he looked to the side he realized he was in Sophie’s room next to her. She was radiant with flushed cheeks and bright eyes. In her arms lay the twins. He smiled realizing he’d lost a lot of time.

  “They are beautiful,” he said. His voice croaked and he cleared his throat. “How did Aris do?”

  Sophie didn’t have a chance to respond.

  “I did perfectly fine.” He smiled at Blane. “You look like hell.”

  He chuckled and groaned. His throat was raw. It hit him then. He’d thrown up and passed out. “Thanks for that.”

  Aris shrugged. “Aren’t my babies perfect?”

  Sophie glared. “Our babies.”

  “They are beautiful.” He looked to his queen. “You’re okay now though?”

  She grimaced. “Sore, but otherwise I’m fine.”

  He nodded and closed his eyes. It was then he realized something very important.


  Shit. He’d stood her up. His eyes shot open and he yanked the IV out of his arm. He was fine.

  “What are you doing?”

  He didn’t even glance at Soph. He needed to explain, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t be that receptive to his apology.

  “Blane, you can’t do that.”

  He was pissed. Again, he’d let something important slide by because of his responsibility to the tribe. “I can—and I am.”

  Aris growled. “Do not speak to her that way.”


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