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Blane (Stratham Shifters Book 5)

Page 7

by Sarah J. Stone

  “My boy,” she replied. “I come with news.”

  Of course she did. “What now?”

  She manifested in her normal white light, only this time she seemed more—real. “I’m sorry our visits only occur when I come bearing bad news.”

  He shrugged. “At least I get to see you.”

  She nodded. “The Council has sent brothers for you.”

  He knew this. “Yeah, and they are gone.”

  “Not all of them.”

  He froze. “What do you mean?”

  “One survived. He’s doing their bidding now. Watch out for him. He plans to destroy you and the others is the only thing they ever discuss. It’s become my brother’s obsession. He won’t rest until you are all gone.”

  The hurt in her voice was palpable.

  “But we don’t even bother them.”

  “You’re powerful. That’s all it takes. So be weary of new ones, but not too much. There will be more coming to you soon. Others that want to help the cause. You must be ready for battle. Create your army and pray Stratham doesn’t get destroyed when it’s all said and done.”

  “So, be careful of new dragons who come to town, but accept them if they are here to help, and weary too since the Council won’t leave us the hell alone?”



  She stepped towards him and when she held out her arms tears filled his eyes. “I can’t.”


  He sighed and reached for her outstretched hand. He gripped real flesh and gasped. His eyes went wide and he looked at their hands. “How?”

  “I’ve been granted this gift, this once. I want to hug both my boys, but you’ll have to let me hug you for Evander too.”


  “No, it will only hurt him more, he watched me die, son.”

  Aris didn’t know that. He knew he was able to be around her as a child, but nothing more.

  Instead of arguing he pulled his mother into a hug—the very first and probably last one—he’d ever get a chance to have. She came willingly and wrapped thin arms around his middle. Her heart did not beat and she smelled of the Earth.

  He held back tears as he realized he might never get the chance to see her again. Maybe her warning to him was also her goodbye. He didn’t bother asking. Time would tell. There was no reason to find out now. He should be happy. The twins and Soph were home and healthy. They were what he had to live for. His life. He would do everything in his power to make sure his children grew up with less hate toward their kind. No one knew yet what their beasts would be like.

  Time would tell, but Sophie believed they would carry the magic of both. He on the other hand thought, they’d be pure. Two halves made a whole, right? Maybe they wouldn’t have to suffer they was he and the others had to. Though now he realized if he hadn’t lived the life he did, he might never have met his mate.

  They hugged for a short time before she pulled back. “I must go. Please give your brother my love. Tell the others to be careful of the one named Jaz. He wants vengeance.”

  “Which one is he?” Aris didn’t remember. He was too worried about Evander at that point in time as he saved his mate Callie. Still he worried about them. They opted to live in her house in town until theirs was built. They didn’t want to ‘put anyone out’. He figured they just wanted to enjoy being alone.

  “The one with the soul of the devil. He’s got black hair.”

  He remembered now. He thought he was dead. Apparently, he snuck away before anyone noticed.

  “Great, just what they need to hear. Hell, I don’t want to be the one to tell Callie that the men who hurt her aren’t all dead. Evander is going to go crazy.”

  “He’s not bright.”

  “But he’s pissed, that might work in his favor.”

  She shrugged. “Don’t let it. Be vigilant.”

  “We are.”

  She nodded. “It’s time to go. Be careful my lovely boy.”

  He didn’t bother saying anything. She disappeared as soon as the word ‘boy’ slipped from her lips. He hated this. It was such a tease. And now to make matters worse, things were about to hit the fan. He had no idea where this Jaz was or what he had in mind for them, but Aris knew he didn’t want to find out. Bright or not, he was grieving. That didn’t bode well for them.

  Chapter 12


  It was the perfect morning to work on the house. He was building for Callie and Evander since they didn’t live on the land. With everything going on, he wasn’t happy about it, but Callie refused to live in the house especially now that the twins were home. She didn’t want to take from them.

  He kissed the babies and Soph before going outside. It was warm, but not hot. Zarin was already working. He heard the sounds of tools. It was then he remembered they were supposed to have an extra hand. He wondered if Shiloh would show. He assumed Dillon would ensure it, but he couldn’t be sure. The Alpha could have been putting on a nice little show.

  Aris didn’t know what wolves were like. He’d heard such bad things about them, but then again, he couldn’t judge. Bev hated dragons but he looked at how things were now. They weren’t friends but they also weren’t enemies, and she seemed to hate them less now that Willow and her bonded. She even went with Blane to the council. Looked as though they shouldn’t judge a Supe but its reputation. So, he would give Dillon and his pack, including Shiloh, a real chance.

  As if the young pup knew he was thinking about him he was escorted by a woman with long blond hair and brown eyes. She was built strong and sturdy, and she had the air of power about her. If he hadn’t met Dillon the night before he might have thought she was the Alpha.

  “Hi, I’m Libby.”

  “Nice to meet you, Libby, I’m Aris.”

  “I’m here to help to if that’s all right. My cousin said trouble is brewing.”

  It was nice of her, but he didn’t like to needlessly endanger women, no matter their species.

  “I think Shiloh is enough but thank you.”

  Her shoulders fell, but her body tensed. She was coiled ready to fight. “Please, I need to let out my aggression and building is fun.”

  He was shocked. “You’ve done this before?”

  “Well yeah, I grew up with Dillon. He was always building something. Don’t discount me because I’m a girl. I’m every bit as strong as the men, if not stronger, than the ones in my pack. They’re a bunch of pansies.”

  Surprisingly Aris laughed out loud. He didn’t expect for her to be so spunky, but he liked it. He held up his hands. “Okay, you can help, but listen to Zarin. I’ll take you to meet him now.”

  “He the top dog?” she laughed. “Or dragon rather?”

  “For building yes. I’m the top dragon though we don’t run our tribe like a pack I’m sure.”

  She nodded. “Once it’s bigger you’ll have to. Or else you’ll have shifters like Shiloh here that likes to cause trouble. You’ll need a second or you’ll be stretched too thin.”

  She seemed to know about hierarchy. “I’ll keep that in mind. There isn’t much of us yet.”

  “But the magic calls to them, don’t you know that?”

  He didn’t. “Magic?”

  She sighed as he walked next to her now.

  “Look, I’ve studied Supes. I’ve been around some dragons, though most of them hate wolves, but from what I’ve learned they need run the same way as a pack. But usually not as strict like a pack that can have up to a thousand wolves. Dragons don’t like to be together as much and living in smaller (as you said), tribes. But you are the leader. Your mate is Queen. You’ll have a second, hunters, trackers, and an Omega to complete your tribe.”

  “Interesting, is the hierarchy same for females and males?” She really knew her stuff and he had no idea. Maybe these wolves would help him learn to be a real leader.

  “We aren’t old school so our hierarchy is based o
n strength and pecking order. But some packs have it separate for males and females. Or worse no female can be that high up. I’m lucky I’m an Alpha, but not the Alpha.”

  “I see, I’d like to learn more later if you don’t mind. I’m told more dragons are coming here.”

  “Because of your call…”

  “Because of my call. Regardless, I need to make sure I know how to lead. The tribe is small because I’ve brought them in, expect for the mates.”

  “Sure, anytime you want to talk politics I’m your girl. We need to get along. Shouldn’t matter that we aren’t the same specifies. That’s how I see it.”

  “Fair enough.”

  They walked the path the whole time Shiloh was silent listening to their conversation. Aris gave him a nod and smiled. “Zarin will be tough on you, but it’s okay because he’s a leader and wants everything perfect.”

  “That’s fine. I came to work.” His voice was low and submissive.



  He smelled them before he saw them.


  There were at least two. But he couldn’t be sure who came.

  When Aris came with a young man and a woman he raised a brow. “More help?”

  “Yes, this is Shiloh and Libby. They are part of the—”

  “Sunoma Pack.” Libby supplied. “We are here to work.”

  “Good, the more the merrier. We need these houses built before winter.” He held out a gloved hand. “I’m Zarin.”

  Libby took his hand and shook it. Zarin could tell she was positing and it was great to meet another strong female. To him, a woman should be just as capable as a man in most things. If she wanted to get her hands dirty and help with the house he wasn’t going to turn away the help.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she said giving his hand a tight squeeze.

  He felt her magic and realized it was strong. She could be an Alpha. “You too. Now I expect everything I say to be followed. I don’t need you all getting hurt. There’s no reason we all can’t work together to keep Stratham safe, and building a house together is for bonding and all that shit.”

  She laughed. “We want to get along. And I agree. Just because we aren’t the same doesn’t mean we are different either. I was just explaining to your king how the structure of shifter groups worked.”

  “And he let you?”

  Aris glared. “Ha-ha, ass. Yes, she’s very knowledgeable. We can learn a lot from her. Since more dragons are coming. They will be staying I would think. We’ll need another commons house for them to stay.”

  “Well if we get the whole pack involved that could help. We have room to board a few dragons too. I don’t think Dillon would mind.”

  Zarin liked her already. The more help the more that could get done. “You do that. I can pay them.”

  “They’d like that even more. Most of us are struggling to find jobs or we have to go to Kinketta where we lived before.”

  “Why don’t you find out how many are willing to help.”

  “I will after I help for the day. Tomorrow I’ll guarantee at least ten more wolves to help.”

  Shiloh laughed. “You think there won’t be more? They all like being outside and building. Plus, this town is pretty boring. No offense.”

  “Let’s get to work.”

  Aris left the two wolves with him while he decided how to handle them both. Libby seemed capable, but there was no reason to chance it.

  “Max, come here.”

  His brother growled. “Yes, sir.”

  “Oh stop. This is Libby and Shiloh. I want you to get them started today. And tomorrow we’ll have more wolves.”

  “Shit yeah. I’m ready to get Callie and Vander here. Them being in town makes me nervous.”

  Libby took Max’s outstretched hand and smiled. “It’s nice to be able to help for a change. Our pack needs things to keep busy or there are like a bunch of puppies at the pound needing attention.”

  “Well we’ve got a shit ton of work to do. Bring ‘em over.”

  “Zarin said tomorrow.”

  Max glared at him. “Why wait if there are willing hands.”

  “Because I said so that’s why.”

  Max didn’t argue knowing better. That was one thing he loved about his sarcastic brother. When it came down to it, he wasn’t that dominant and he didn’t fight listening to him when Aris wasn’t around. Zarin knew he should be Aris’ second when he realized he was the most dominate out of the males. Now that Libby had pointed shit out maybe that would happen. They needed him to take charge on all the minor stuff especially now that the twins were born. He was up for the position. Ilias was too young and inexperienced. Blane too sensitive, and Max was submissive. He was the most dominant of the males. He hoped Evander didn’t get the role. No offense. It was his calling. He felt it.

  Chapter 13

  Blane didn’t even have to ask. The witches knew he was anxious to be done with their meeting. To be done waiting and not having his mate safe in his arms. He couldn’t hold back his anxiety. The longer he waited the more likely she wouldn’t wake up. That was his biggest fear. How would he go on without Dallas?

  “We will do this for you.” The small witch said. “Because you have agreed to keep an eye on our little trouble maker, but I can make no promises. Even yet our power may not work. She may be too far gone into Summerland.”

  Blane frowned. “But you’re the strongest of the strong, right?”

  The woman nodded. “We are, but where she is, even Fate may not let us breach.”

  He didn’t like the uncertainty but what did he really have to lose at this point?


  Dallas hadn’t woken up for him or Bev. Both had tried, and both had failed. He knew Bev was frustrated her powers didn’t work, but he hadn’t really expected them to. In fact, he wasn’t sure this would work either. If anything could save her, it had to be the most powerful witches in the world, right?

  He couldn’t give up hope that his mate was in her body somewhere. She wasn’t just a shell of nothingness. “Please try.”

  Again, the witch nodded. She stood up and walked towards the small couch where he’d laid Dallas. Everyone was silent. No one even let out a breath as she studied his mate.

  Blane wanted to go to Dallas, but something told him, it might interfere with what the High witch was doing. He didn’t want to do anything to mess up the magic that the witch would surely perform.

  The woman barely stood five feet tall. She was stick thin with long white hair that curled at the ends. Her skin was still smooth as if she hadn’t aged a day over 18, and hell maybe she hadn’t. Bev didn’t look her age either. Witches aged slow from what he’d seen. The more powerful the younger they looked.

  Needless to say, all of the witches, besides their graying or white hair, didn’t look old at all, but he knew just by how they felt, just how old and powerful they were. The magic was suffocating and he wasn’t even sure they realized it.

  She began to chant as she laid a small and dainty hand on his mate’s forehead. The lights flickered and the chamber room warmed considerably. He shivered as magic like nothing he ever felt before floated around the room. It tasted warm and much like the earth. Mint and citrus. It wrapped around him like a blanket and he started to sweat. The hairs on his neck stood, but mostly out of fear of the unknown. He had no idea really what witches were capable of. He’d only ever met Bev, and even though she was powerful, her magic was nothing compared to what he was feeling now.

  Everyone watched in silence as she did her spell. Bev gasped when she heard the words but the others were unaffected.

  “She can’t—”

  “Shh,” the small witch said without stopping her other motions.

  By now she had moved and laid her hand over Dallas’ heart and then down to her midsection to her knees. It was a slow-moving process, but Blane could already see the color coming back to Dalla
s’ now translucent skin. This was going to work! It had to work.


  She felt something strange, like strings pulling at her, but she didn’t want to leave this place. It was so beautiful and perfect. In this place, the cancer was gone. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so good. She couldn’t remember much of anything, but for some reason that didn’t matter anymore. All she wanted was to roam the grassy field barefoot. Something she hadn’t done since she was a child. It was peaceful but her heart throbbed in pain at the pull.

  “No,” she said but it kept pulling her. It fought her desire to stay. “Leave me alone.”

  “Dallas, it’s a lie,” a female voice said.

  “No, this is my safe space.” She whined. “I don’t want to leave my new home.”

  “But this isn’t your home. Blane is waiting for you, honey. He misses you and wants you to come home, where you belong.”


  “Yes dear, your mate.”


  The female sighed. “Yes, you’re a dragon remember? You’re supposed to bond with Blane. He misses you and fears losing you. Come home.”

  A tear slipped from her eye and slid down her cheek. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.” The voice went soft again.

  “This isn’t home?”

  “Not even close. You’re dying, and if you don’t fight it, you will die, and things won’t look so pretty then.”

  “But it’s perfect.”

  “It isn’t real.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m a friend.”

  “That tells me nothing. Why should I trust you?”


  Then. “Fair enough. I’m a witch with considerable power. I could force you back, but I’m giving you the chance to make the choice to come back on your own, and painlessly.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a friend.”

  “It’s for your own good.”

  “I see, and if I don’t come back you’ll force me because this place is what—an illusion?”


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