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Jaded: Luke

Page 6

by Hildie McQueen

  And that he’d tasted, damn if he wasn’t going to pursue her. Leah Morgan would be under him soon.

  Raking her hair to the side, Leah attempted nonchalance while Luke kept his back to her. What was he thinking? Of course it had been on impulse. He was probably considering how to tell her he didn’t find her remotely attractive, but had been driven to kiss her out of sympathy for her being so emotional.

  Stupid drivel men usually said after an awkward happening never made any one but them feel better. She finally got her breathing under control enough to trust her voice. “That was stupid. Let’s ignore it ever happened.” Her chuckle came out dry. “Should we head back?”

  When he turned, a storm brewed in his hazel eyes. “It wasn’t stupid. We both wanted it, want each other. I’m fine with that.”

  Leah swallowed at his statement. Unable to stop from it, she took him in. The man was magnificent. A beautiful body, thick corded neck, wide shoulders and handsome beyond reason. Yes, she wanted him. Anyone with a brain wanted a man who looked like Luke Hamilton.

  But it was more than that. He called to her, called to a part of her she’d sworn to keep locked up forever.


  Luke didn’t give Toby Leah’s message. It would be stupid not to hear what the lawyer had to say. Women were fickle, and after what had transpired between them, she could change her mind again. Especially since she didn’t want to admit to wanting him. The hunger in her gaze was unmistakable. It wasn’t the first time she’d imagined him naked. When he’d been on the couch the day she’d come over to look after his wounds, he’d seen it then. She imagined him lying on the couch totally bare, exposed to her.

  Fair enough. He knew his body attracted women and most were curious as to what he looked like without clothes on. Whenever possible, he’d obliged them.

  “He’s here.” Toby went to the door and opened it. Some things never changed. At spotting someone nearing, they always opened the door and a person stood outside waiting for the visitor to arrive.

  “Hey Ernest,” Toby called out in greeting.

  The lawyer, Eric’s brother, arrived with his dog in tow. The tan Labrador ran in circles, tail wagging, ensuring everyone gave him the proper attention.

  Their cousin stopped in his tracks at spotting Luke, and his expression shuttered. “I didn’t know you were here.”

  “I can leave the room if it makes you feel better,” Luke snapped. There was no love lost between them. They’d never gotten along and much less after the he’d slept with Ernest’s girlfriend.

  It had been wrong, although at the time, drunk and home on leave, he’d not thought it so bad. Over twenty years later, the guy still hated Luke.

  Ernest ignored him, went to the table and opened a folder. “There isn’t much of a case here. I called Mr. Morgan and said payment was unnecessary. He also said that if you insisted to donate the money to a veteran’s organization. Once the paperwork is done up, he’ll sign it.”

  “What about the shrew?” Toby asked, looking down at the papers.

  “Don’t,” Luke said before he could stop. “I mean let’s not go back to high school.”

  “Yeah, let’s not.” Ernest gave Luke a pointed look.

  “No worries there. I am not attracted to Henry,” Luke replied with a sneer. “He’s safe around me.”

  Ernest had been in a relationship with a nice guy named Henry for almost ten years. Luke liked Henry way more than he did Ernest.

  “I wouldn’t put it past you.”

  “What the fuck man?” Luke got all up close and personal to his cousin. “Let it go already. Damn.”

  “Why because you don’t like to be reminded what a fucking ass you are?”

  “I don’t need a reminder. And I don’t need your stupid attitude every time I see you.”

  Ernest did not back away, but pushed against him, chest to chest. “Fuck you Luke.”

  Taylor who’d just walked in from working out, judging by his sweaty appearance, rushed to them. “All right everyone back to their corners.” He turned to Ernest. “What the fuck are you doing? Don’t provoke him.”

  “Whatever. I’m out of here.” Ernest turned to Tobias. “Stop by with the signed papers. Leave your asshole brother behind.”

  Luke rushed his cousin, his fist slamming into the wise ass’s mouth. Ernest recovered quickly and swung, landing a gut punch. Both exchanged a couple more before Toby and Taylor dragged them apart. Luke shook his right leg to dislodge the dog that’d attached himself gums deep into his calf.

  “Get the damn dog off before I kick it.” He let out a breath when Taylor pulled the dog back.

  “Dumb to fight a guy when his dog’s around,” Taylor mumbled, dragging the growling dog to the doorway, while Ernest gave him one last glare.

  “You heard Taylor, don’t provoke me mother fucker.” Luke flipped him off with both hands. Thankfully Tobias shoved Ernest back and slammed the door before turning to him.

  “Very mature there brother.”

  Growling to release pressure, Luke swung away and headed to the kitchen. He went to the refrigerator and grabbed two beers and headed to the back porch. Thank goodness for jeans, or else the damn dog would have gotten a chunk out of his leg. There would however be a hummer of a bruise there now.

  Within a minute or so, both beers were downed. He considered a third but decided against it, not wanting to go back inside and hear shit from his brother or cousin.

  The back door opened and Tobias held out his phone. “Mom wants to talk to you.”

  There was challenge in his gaze and Luke returned it with a droll one. “You called her?”


  “Ass...,” he stopped hoping his mother didn’t overhear.

  His mother talked to him for half an hour, encouraging him to get counseling and saying how he’d end up in jail if the anger issues continued. Same song, different melody. Coming from anyone else, he would have hung up, but Luke couldn’t stand the thought of making his mother upset, so he promised to look into it.

  The sun was setting as he got up and stretched. His entire body felt alive; the familiar sensations, the upcoming lack of control bubbled just beneath the surface.

  Damn if he didn’t just want to get in his truck and drive until it fell off some edge. Thelma and Louise had something there.

  “Police are here,” Taylor called out from inside. “Tobias,” he hollered out. “Did you get into it with Tori again?”

  Luke didn’t give enough of a shit to get up and see what a cop was there about. If anything, it was his cousin Eric coming to shoot the shit and not official business. Eric was Ernest’s older brother, who like their father, continued the tradition of serving as law enforcement.

  Personally Luke didn’t get it. Glorified day care is what being a cop was all about.

  “Hey.” Eric’s voice was without inflection, more on a flat note. “Need to talk to you.”

  What the fuck now? He racked his brain thinking of what the guy could possibly be wanting. Maybe there was some sort of arrest warrant out on him in Texas he didn’t know about. Hell maybe the crackhead he’d beat the shit out of had died.

  Luke considered what life in prison would be like and let out a breath. Wasn’t too sure he could survive without open land.

  His cousin lowered his large frame into a chair and propped his elbows on his knees. “What the fuck are you thinking attacking a lawyer?”

  “Punk ass came to you?”

  Eric’s lips twitched. “My brother looks like shit and has cases to work. It doesn’t look good for a lawyer to represent an abused wife with a busted lip and swollen eye.”

  “So, what do you want me to do? Go powder his nose?”

  His cousin let out a breath and looked into the distance. “I need to retire. Spend more time with my horses.”

  Since it seemed he talked more to himself, Luke didn’t say anything. Instead he followed Eric’s line of sight. In the distance, the cows gathered un
der a small tree, several had lowered to the ground, no longer needing to graze.

  Eric had seemed similarly as dejected and ready to give up as him. Although lately he’d not felt the urge or drive to do much, once upon a time he’d had a brilliant career. He’d moved up quickly through the ranks in the Army. But life had a way of fucking up any plans, especially a future that included another person.

  “I talked him out of pressing charges. But you need to apologize.”

  His attention came back to the situation. “It’s best I don’t go near him right now. The last thing I’m going to do is apologize to the asshole.”

  “He didn’t ask that you do, and I’m not talking about today. I’m talking about the past. What you did was fucked up.”

  “And he needs to get the fuck over it.” Luke stood. “Look Eric, you’re a straight up guy. But your brother is a weasel. He only cares about himself and that pretend lifestyle he tries to build. The fucker should move to Los Angeles, he’s better suited for one of those reality shows than life here in Montana.”

  “I’m not here to get into all that...”

  “You just brought it up,” Luke interrupted.

  Eric let out a breath and stood up, his radio crackling with some shit that only a cop could understand. “I gotta go. Just think about it.”

  Thinking was one thing he wanted to avoid at the moment. Rounding the house, he stalked to his truck.

  There was a cliff not too far away and he was about to drive right over it.


  The room was too empty, not of furnishings or décor. No, that wasn’t what made it empty, it was the lack of sound. In the past, there had always been the sounds of conversation, or soft classical music her mother preferred in the background. The barking of dogs and footsteps of people moving about the house had filled every corner.

  Now as Leah stared out through the kitchen window, silence pressed down on her like a waterlogged blanket.

  One of her suitcases was on the floor in the middle of the room. Stuff strewn all around it as she’d hunted earlier for her portable speaker, needing to fill the house with sound. She’d found it, but the battery was dead, needed charging. Of course.

  What was she going to do for six months? Her father wouldn’t allow her to return for what seemed like an eternity. Of course, he couldn’t stop her from working on her own, but what good would that do?

  Had she turned into the person no one wanted to work with? How long had people talked behind her back? The most important question was, why hadn’t she known? Why hadn’t she noticed the changes?

  The familiar blue truck headed toward the house, dust in its wake from speeding over the uneven terrain.

  Leah wondered what he wanted now, to argue again? She didn’t have the energy to care enough to quarrel right now. What she wanted was noise, conversation, anything.

  The truck disappeared around to the front and she didn’t move. If Luke Hamilton wanted to find her, he’d have to come to her. She wasn’t about to make it easy for the asshole.

  Even though it was expected, when knocks sounded, she jumped. “Kiss my ass Luke Hamilton,” she called out. “Go away.”

  The door opened. Damn it why hadn’t she locked it?

  His boots sounded on the hardwood floor, the sound almost music to her ears. Finally sounds other than her hollow voice. Nonetheless, she couldn’t stop from scowling.

  When she whirled around to throw him out, she collided with his broad chest.

  Startled, she looked up to him. “What are you doing?”

  “I want you.”

  When his mouth crashed with hers, Leah knew where things would lead. His low growl filled every corner of the space and she grasped his shirt, fisting the fabric to ensure he didn’t move away.

  The man could kiss. Hunger and desperation melting every resolve, sending waves of heat through every limb until Leah could only cling to him. Her arms around his neck, she raked her fingers through his short hair and parted her lips to allow his tongue entrance.

  Not just the feel of the hard, muscular body against hers, but also his roving hands sent tremors of need. As much as she wanted all clothing discarded, the anticipation of what was to come excited Leah. They would take their time, she’d ensure of it. The man had come to her, so she’d take full advantage.

  She pushed him back and ran her palms down the wide expanse of his chest. He was built, muscular from hours spent working out. A good way to keep the demons at bay she guessed.

  His chest lifted and fell with each breath, but he didn’t move away, allowing her to do what she wanted. Doing her best to avoid the direct gaze, she instead concentrated on his body. With deliberate slowness, she slid her hands under his t-shirt, the heated skin against her palms more sensual than anything she remembered.

  What was it about him? He’d called to her whether in a good way or bad way, she wasn’t sure. Both were, just as strong. Since teens, she’d always known when he was near, sensed him.

  When she reached his nipples, she circled them with the tips of her fingers. The small buds peaked and he let out a low grunt.

  Once again his mouth searched out hers, and she continued to play with his nipples enjoying the reaction of the hardening buds. It didn’t last long, he yanked her against him and lifted her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she held on to him as his hips jutted forward pushing his hardness in between them.

  Their mouths continued exploring, suckling and nipping, until want and desire raged so hot Leah didn’t think she could withstand it.

  Without hesitation, he carried her to the bedroom. Obviously, he’d caught sight of where it was the day he’d been injured as he now walked directly to the only room with a made up bed.

  Luke lowered her to stand and stepped away. “Take your clothes off.”

  This was not lovemaking they were going to embark on. No reason for her to get any illusions. This was about sex, about getting off. That suited her just fine. And why the hell not, especially with someone who looked like him.

  She kicked her shoes off, never taking her eyes off him, not wanting to miss the sight of him undressing. Leah removed her blouse and then her bra. Next, she bent to pull her jeans down her legs.

  The direct gaze of his following her every move was almost as hot as his kisses. When he pushed his jeans and underwear down at the same time, her eyes widened. Damn if he wasn’t perfect.

  His thick erection jutted from his body, demanding attention. She stared at his sex and her lips curved in anticipation.

  Funny how other than the sentence he’d uttered, they’d not said anything else. Why bother? She preferred no promises, no stupid declarations of how pretty she was, or any other nonsense men felt the need to spew when anticipating a fuck.

  Luke didn’t try to make her feel better about what was happening. Both were perfectly aware of what it was.

  When he moved closer, she stood next to the edge of the bed. For now she’d let him lead. Whatever he wanted to do was fine. Later it would be her turn.

  He took her by the hips and guided her down onto the bed and onto her back. With her legs hanging off the side, he pushed them apart. When his mouth covered her sex, she bucked up in surprise.

  Luke’s tongue slid between her folds, sending instant awareness when he suckled and nipped ever so lightly at her clit.

  “Shit!” Leah hissed out the word and grabbed the bedding with her hands in an attempt to stay grounded. He was relentless, his mouth moving over her sex going from sucking to flicking his tongue until she began to tremble.

  His gaze lifted to her but before she could watch what he did, he pushed two fingers into her and she dissolved into quakes of release.

  A cry sounded as she floated for a few seconds only to slam back down when he bit down on her inner thigh effectively starting another wave of sensations.

  Luke trailed his tongue down the inside of her upper leg while he continued to slide his fingers in and out of her. She lifted her hips
to meet his thrusts as cool air hit her exposed sex.

  She almost cried when his mouth once again took her in and immediately she was lost to the abyss as a second climax hit.

  Sliding his arms under her legs, he moved her to the center of the bed and rolled her to her stomach. Leah wanted to touch him, but he pushed her shoulders down with one hand and lifted her ass by sliding his right arm under her hips.

  “I’ve got a condom,” he informed her. His words were followed by the sound of foil being torn. She wiggled unsure of what to expect. He was so big and although she’d been with someone almost as large, it had been uncomfortable at times.

  The tip of his cock nudged at her entrance and she pushed back wanting him inside. Even after two climaxes, the need returned. She needed to be lost in the only place no thought was needed.

  Instead of entering her, he slid the tip up and down, from her sex to up between her butt cheeks. He then slid himself between her folds finding the perfect spot, sending tingles into her core.

  “Ah. I want you,” Leah sputtered. “Come on.”

  He remained silent and pressed wet kisses to her ass while his hands pulled her apart.

  He was making sure she could take him.

  Once again his fingers moved into her and she almost wept with relief. Although not enough, some of the building pressure left. She felt his hot breath on her lower back as he licked down her center, sending her right back to “fuck me now” town.


  His grunt was followed by the tip once again teasing her entrance and he nudged just enough to let her know he tested.

  Finally he plunged into her, with measured slowness, enough to allow her body to adjust, but also constantly forward until fully seated.

  She let out a long breath and tried to relax, but the tension didn’t allow it. She was stretched wide.

  Luke pulled back just enough and pushed back in, each motion shoving her face into the bedding as he wasn’t gentle. The man was about to take her fully, there was no mistaking it.


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